public profile
Married her step-brother.
1650 Jun 05; Jochem Kier; Dorothe (twin); Dirck de Noorman & wife Chrystyn, Pieter Andrieszen, Daniel Sergiant, Elisabeth Cregiers, Claertie Ebels
~• additional notes:
step brothers/sisters of hers emerge by examination of the Billard compilation (as follows)
Baptisms Father,[comma] Mother;[semicolon] Child;[semicolon] Witnesses
We see that Dorothe Jochems married her step brother Wouter.
1650 |
June 5, 1650
New Amsterdam, , Albany, New York, USA,
1665 |
August 16, 1665
Albany, Albany County, New York, United States
1667 |
1668 |
July 1668
New York, NY
1671 |
May 27, 1671
Bushwick, Kings, NY
1672 |
Albany, Albany County, New York, United States
1677 |
Age 11
1682 |
April 1682
Bushwick, Kings County, NY
1683 |
December 17, 1683
Sand Creek Rd & Fort Orange Press