public profile
LIUDOLF, son of BRUNO & his wife --- (-11 Mar 866, bur Brunshausen). Brun was named as father of Liudolf in the early 13th century Gandersheimer Reimchronik[126], but no earlier source has so far been found which confirms the relationship. The Chronicon Hildesheimense records that Liudolf founded the abbey of Gandersheim in 852, first at Brunshausen[127]. Widukind records that "Liudulfus" transferred relics of Pope Innocent to Rome[128]. The Annales Alamannicorum record "Ludolfus dux Saxoniæ avus Heinrici" among those who swore allegiance in 864[129]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 866 of "Liudolfus comes a septentrione"[130].
m ODA, daughter of BILLUNG princeps & his wife Aeda (-17 May 913). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#_Toc414804494
1. BRUNO (-killed in battle in Saxony 2 Feb 880). The Annalista Saxo records "Brunonis ducis" as brother of "Otto filius Liudolfi ducis"[135]. "Hludowicus…rex" granted immunities to Kloster Gandersheim, naming "Brun et Otto nostri fideles comites…[et] Liutolf genitor eorum…[et]…Gerbirg soror eorundem comitum" by charter dated 26 Jan 877[136]. The Annales Fuldenses name "Brun ducem et fratrem reginæ, Wicmannum, Bardonem, alterum Bardonem et tertium Bardonem, Thiotherium, Gerrichum, Liutolfum, Folcwartum, Avan, Thiotricum, Liutharium" as those killed in battle in 880 in Saxony against "Nordmannis"[137]. The Gesta Francorum lists "Brun ducem et fratrem reginæ" as one of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880[138]. Thietmar records that "Duke Bruno…great uncle" of Bruno Archbishop of Köln, was drowned in a flooded river on 2 Feb while on an expedition against the Danes[139]. The Erchanberti Breviarum records that "Ludovicus rex Franciæ" had one son "Hug…de concubina" who [in 880] fought the Vikings "cum Theoderico et Marcwardo…episcopis et Bardone fratre Liutkardæ reginæ"[140], "Bardone" presumably being an error for "Brunone", although this version appears to conflate two battles (one at the river Scheldt and one in Saxony) which are reported separately in the Annales Fuldenses. The Gesta Francorum lists "Bardonum…alterum Bardonum [et] tertium Bardonum" as three of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880[141]. The other two counts named "Bardo" or "Bruno" have not been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
2. OTTO "der Erlauchte" (-30 Nov 912[142], bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche). The Annalista Saxo records "Otto" as "filius Liudolfi ducis"[143]. Graf im Südthüringau. Graf im Eichsfeld 888. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
- see below.
3. THANKMAR . Europäische Stammtafeln[144] names Thankmar as a son of Liudolf & his wife but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. [Abbot of Corvey 877/79]. “Ludolphus comes” donated property “in Daelhem et in Adonhusen” to Corvey monastery “pro filio suo Tancmaro”[145]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
4. LIUTGARD (-17 or 30 Nov 885, bur Aschaffenburg). Widukind names "Liudgardam sororem Brunonis ac magni ducis Oddonis" as wife of "orientales Francos imperantium Hluthowicus"[146]. "Hludowicus…rex" made a donation of property in "villa…Winenheim" to Kloster Lorsch in the name of "comiti…Werinhario" by charter dated 4 Jan 877, naming "coniuge nostra Liutgarda"[147]. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 885 of "Liutgart regina"[148]. The death and burial place of "Liudgardis regina" are recorded in the Annalista Saxo[149]. m (before 29 Nov 874) LUDWIG, son of LUDWIG II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks & his wife Emma [Welf] ([835]-Frankfurt-am-Main 20 Jan 882, bur Kloster Lorsch). He succeeded his father in 876 as LUDWIG III "der Jüngere" King of the East Franks, Saxony and ½ Lotharingia. King of Bavaria 879. King of Lotharingia 880. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
5. ENDA . Europäische Stammtafeln[150] names Enda as a daughter of Liudolf & his wife, and her marriage, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. m ---. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
6. HATHUMOD (840-29 Sep 874, bur Brunnshausen). The Chronicon Hildesheimense records that "Hathamodam eius ducis [Liudolfi] filiam" was was installed as first abbess of Gandersheim in 852, and that she died 18 years later[151]. Her life and death are recounted in the Vita et Obitus Hathamodæ[152]. Her death is recorded in the Annalista Saxo[153]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
7. GERBERGA (-5 Sep [896/97]). The Chronicon Hildesheimense records that "Gerbergam sororem [Hathamod%C3%A6]" succeeded her sister as second abbess of Gandersheim[154]. "Gerburgis" is named sister of "Hathumod"[155], whom she succeeded as Abbess of Gandersheim in 874[156]. "Hludowicus…rex" granted immunities to Kloster Gandersheim, naming "Brun et Otto nostril fideles comites…[et] Liutolf genitor eorum…[et]…Gerbirg soror eorundem comitum" by charter dated 26 Jan 877[157]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
8. CHRISTINA (-1 Apr [919/20], bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche). Thankmar records that "Sororem autem eius [=Gerburgis [et] Hathumod] Cristinam" entered Gandersheim, specifying that they were all daughters of "Oda"[158]. Abbess of Gandersheim 897-897. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
9. daughter (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[159] refers to an unnamed daughter of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
10. son (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[160] refers to two or three unnamed sons of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
11. son (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[161] refers to two or three unnamed sons of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
12. [son (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[162] refers to two or three unnamed sons of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified.] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#_Toc240955192]
786 |
Wittenberg, Thüringen, Sachsen-Wittenberg, Germany
843 |
Age 57
Sachsen, Saxony, Germany
Age 57
???? |
Engern/Angaria (Present Niedersachsen), Sachsen/Saxe, Ostfrankenreich (Present Germany)