Immediate Family
About Margery
Not the daughter of Thomas Halyday of Corehead & Adeliza Wallace
Sir John de Graeme; Sir John de Graham of Dundaff and Abercorn, "Graham with the Bright Sword" Married: Marjory Halliday, b. Abt 1270, Scotland
Disputed parents and children
Evidence needed to support Euphemia Graham as a daughter of Sir John Graham of Dundaff & Abercorn & Margery. The Scots Peerage has no children for the man who died 1298 at Falkirk, and asserts that “The marriage of Sir John to the ' first dochter ' of Halyday, nephew of Wallace, is an obvious myth.”
The Scots peerage (1904) “Graham, Duke of Montrose” Page 204-205 < Archive.Org >
That a John de Graham of this period married a lady whose Christian name was Margery, and who was an heiress in Perthshire is ascertained ; ' and Viscount Strathallan has it that a John de Graham was the first of the name to acquire a footing in that shire, and obtained it by marriage.^ Marjorie de Graham swore fealty to Edward i. at Berwick 28 August 1296,^ and on 3 September had a precept to the Sheriff of Perthshire directing, conditionally, the restoration of her estate/ In the view here suggested, the son of John and Margery de Graham was
(1) Sir John Graham, the younger, the ' Schir Jhone the Grayme that worthe wes and wicht,' who, according to Blind Harry and a general tradition, was the comrade and companionin-arms of Sir William Wallace from the slaughter of Haselrigg till the fatal battle of Falkirk, where Sir John fell gloriously along with Sir John Stewart, 22 July 1298.^ The fact of his burial in Falkirk church is vouched for by a monument there, which is undoubtedly of great antiquity, although it has more than once been renewed,^ and which bears the well-known inscription : —
' Mente manuque potens, et Vallai fidus Achates Conditus hie Gramus, bello interfectus ab Anglis.'
Two swords said to have been wielded by this hero are preserved, one at Buchanan Castle, bearing the date 1406, and an inscription in the vernacular corresponding to that on the tomb, and the other (which was long an heirloom of the Grahams of Orchill) in the Town Hall of Auchterarder. The marriage of Sir John to the ' first dochter ' of Halyday, nephew of Wallace,^ is an obvious myth.
Margery's Timeline
1270 |
1296 |
August 28, 1296
Age 26