Margela Mirele Halperin

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Margela Mirele Halperin (Schor) (1575 - d.)

Birthplace: L'vov, Poland
Death: Brody, Brodivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rabbi Naftali Zvi Hirsch Schor, ABD Brisk, Lublin and Rivka Shor (Schachna)
Wife of Rabbi Eliezer Lipman Ashkenazi-Halperin, A.B.D. Tiktin
Mother of Daughter Ashkenazi-Halperin and Moshe Yehuda Heilperin
Sister of Egele Olga Babad; Reisel Meisels; Rabbi Shmuel Schor, of Poznan; Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Shor, author of "Tevuat Shor"; Avraham Chaim Schor and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
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About Margela Mirele Halperin

Note: There is a potneital confusion between Margola Heilperin (Schor) and Margela Mirele Halperin. Because both are married to different Eliezer Halperins. The former is married to Rabbi Eliezer Lippman Heilprin, A.B.D. of Tarnogrod and the latter to Rabbi Eliezer Lipman Ashkenazi-Halperin, A.B.D. Tiktin. I do not know if Margola Heilperin (Schor) is named Margola, and I have no idea why Frankel is added to the name. See: Jacobi: Volume 4, p 94, 14.2, p. 318, 15.1m, Volume 2. p. 4, 12.6, and Unbroken Chain: Volume 3, Chapter 6, p. 52 (G 5 and G 6.6) (25 OCT 2022)

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Margela Mirele Halperin's Timeline

L'vov, Poland
Brody, Brodivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine