Sten had two sons and three daughters, all born in marriage to Margareta Karlsdotter (sparrow)
Sten Turesson (Bielke) sells, with his wife Margareta Karlsdotter (Sparre av Tofta) and her stepson Karl Knutsson (Bonde) as co-sigilants, to Kristiern Nilsson (Vaasa) land in Håbo and Sollentuna herds in Uppland, Snevringe herad in Västmanland, and Väster - and the Austrians are hardening in Södermanland, for a total of DKK 2318. SDHK No: 25494, Archbishop Jöns i Uppsala, Margareta Eriksdotter, widow of Kristiern Nilsson, Erik Nipertz, Erik Turesson and Kristiern Bengtsson , knight, attest that they and other Messrs. Kristiern's heirs collected stated sums for goods, which King Karl repurchased by Mr Kristiern, and as Kristiern Nilsson acquired on various occasions by Mr. Sten Turesson, Mrs. Margareta (King Charles's mother) and Karl Bonde, namely: 3 land land in Tofta on Alsnö and more for 400 English nobles (SDHK no. 20986 ); 3 farms in Rumby in Ed's parish and more for FIM 2,318 (SDHK no. 20589 ); 3 farms in Hummelsta and more for 50 English nobles (SDHK no. 21545 ); land in Sparrsätra church village and more for 220 English nobles (SDHK no. 21009); land in Lundersta in Fittja parish and more for 150 English nobles (SDHK no. 21410 ); farms in Limsta and more in Irsta parish for 200 Swedish marks (letter missing; SDHK no. 44741 ) and in Sylta in the same parish for 28 barrels of iron (SDHK no. 20604 ); a farm in Västerås for 2 1/2 read iron (letter missing; SDHK no 44742 ) - https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=photos_of_me&id=6000000001330899240&photo_id=6000000140281852825&position=0
Sten Turesson and his wife Margareta Karlsdotter join Jeppe Petersson Skytte and his wife Katarina Fickesdotter farms and land in Glo (Ö. Eds sn), in Slätvik in Tryserums parish and in Tingstad in Lofta parish against other land in Äskevarp, Bankeböta, Björnvarp, Västanbäck and more in Tryserums parish. 5 seals, 1 strip, 1 notch - https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=photos_of_me&id=6000000001836147260&photo_id=6000000140280720826&position=0
Sten Turesson gives Harald Olofsson a letter of receipt on the accounts he has presented for the administration of Örby. Margareta Karlsdotter, wife of Sten Turason seals. - https://www.geni.com/photo/view/6000000001330899240?album_type=photos_of_me&photo_id=6000000140223356944
Sten Turesson gives Harald Olofsson a letter of receipt on the accounts he has presented for the administration of Örby. Margareta Karlsdotter, wife of Sten Turason seals -https://www.geni.com/photo/view/6000000001330899240?
Övrig kommentar 170423: Jag har ändrat till hennes rätta efternamn (Sparre av Tofta) - Bonde hette maken och att hon enligt "borgerligt" mönster från början av 1900-talet skulle ha använt sig av makens efternamn är mer än befängt.
Enligt den *källan är hon gift 2 med Sten Turesson Bielke, hennes sista man mao. ___________________________
Karl Ulfsson Sparre had a daughter Margareta Karlsdotter. Whoever was her mother is no one who knows for sure. Karl Ulfsson was married five times.
Karl had frequent links with Israel Birgersson at the beginning of his career. One could guess that Helena Israelsdotter was his first wife or one of the first. Many researchers want to guess her as a mother to Margareta but it's uncertain.
Tofta sätesgaard lay on Adelsö in Lake Mälaren. (Source: Eg. Mats Lejdeby - The struggle for the village power)
1) Mats Lejdeby - The struggle for the village power
2) Dick Harrison - Karl Knutsson
Finns ingen uppgift som styrker att hon varit gift med Magnus Ragvaldsson i den källan.
1381 |
Tofta, Uppland, Sweden
1408 |
September 29, 1408
Åbo slott, Åbo, Finland
1410 |
1416 |
1419 |
Åkerö, Rådmansö, Uppland, Sweden
1421 |
1429 |
February 28, 1429
Age 48
Tryserum, Kalmar, Sweden
March 13, 1429
Age 48
Vadstena kloster, Vadstena, Östergötland County, Sweden