Immediate Family
About Margaret, heiress of Holkettle
Margaret, Heiress of Holkettle
- Sex: F
- Birth: ABT 1328 in Holkettle, Fifeshire, Scotland
- parents: unknown; seen as Sir Alexander de Bethune, of Westhall
- 1 Robert STEWART , Lord of Innermeath b: ABT 1320 in Innermeath, Perthshire, Scotland Children
- Catherine STEWART , Heiress of Holkettle b: ABT 1346 in Innermeath, Perthshire, Scotland
- John STEWART , Lord of Lorn & Innermeath, Sir b: ABT 1348 in Innermeath, Perthshire, Scotland
- Robert STEWART , Laird of Durrisdeer b: ABT 1350 in Durrisdeer, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
Alexander de Betune was killed in the great battle of Duplin, anno 1332.
His son, Robert de Betune m Janet Balfour, daughter of Michael de Balfour, of that Ilk, and sister to John Balfour.
Robert died 1346 without children. Roberts estate fell to John Bethun, his nephew, the son of Robert Bethun and Janet Balfour.
This John, first of the Bethuns of Balfour, acquired from Duncan, Earl of Fyffe (Probably Donnchadh IV, Earl of Fife), the lands of Holkettle. The same John married Catherine Stewart, daugther of Margaret Heiress of Holkettle and Robert Stewart Baron Lorn of Innermeath.
Catherine Stewart was born abt 1346 and Duncan, Earl of Fyffe died in 1353. But could it be that her mother Margaret died before Duncan, so that the title "Heiress of Holkettle" was from Duncan, Earl of Fyffe as her father ???
If that was the case, John acquired the lands of Holkettle from his father in-law. Cathrine also has the title "Heiress of Holkettle".
Source :
- http://www.archive.org/stream/miscellaneouspa02unkngoog/miscellaneo... (search for Holkettle)
- http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jweber&id...
Can anyone confirm or deny my theory? I do not know any of the original sources of the information I have found. It is of course very possible that my proposal is completely wrong.
- Reference: TNG Genealogy - SmartCopy: Apr 12 2017, 0:54:09 UTC
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Apr 12 2017, 1:42:58 UTC
Margaret, heiress of Holkettle's Timeline
1328 |
Holkettle, Fife, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1346 |
Innermeath, Perthshire, Scotland
1348 |
Ayreshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1350 |
Innermeath, Perthshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1355 |
Innermeath, Argyllshire, Scotland
1358 |
Innermeath, Argyll, Scotland
1417 |
Age 89
Innermeath, Argyllshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)