Immediate Family
half brother
About Margaret de Montgomery
Said to be the daughter of either Gospatrick II or Gospatrick III.
Undocumented in both potential parent profiles' text.
Her title was: www.wikitree.com
Lady Margaret Dunbar Born about 1102 in Dunbar Castle, East Lothian, Scotland ANCESTORS Daughter of Gospatric (Dunbar) of Dunbar [uncertain] and [mother unknown] Sister of Adam Adam, Gospatrick (Dunbar) of Dunbar, Edward Dunbar, Uthred (DeDundas) de Dundas, Juliana Dunbar, Margaret Ingen (Gospatrick) Mac Dufugan and Edgar (Dunbar) of Dunbar Wife of Philip (Montgomerie) Montgomery — married 1118 in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotlandmap DESCENDANTS Mother of Hugh (Montgomerie) de Montgomery and Robert Montgomery Died after 1125 in Scotlandmap Profile manager: Paul Lee Profile last modified 27 Apr 2020 Created 13 Sep 2011 .
The Birth Date is a rough estimate. See the text for details. Biography
Margaret Dunbar is a member of Clan Dunbar. Lady Margaret was the wife of Phillip de Montgomerie. She was born about 1102. Lady Margaret Gospatrick passed away in 1120.[citation needed]
Sources Thomas Harrison Montgomery, A genealogical history of the family of Montgomery: including the Montgomery pedigree (Philadelphia: H. B. Ashmead, 1863), p. 41, digital images, https://archive.org/stream/genealogicalhist00mont#page/41/mode/1up/, The Internet Archive (https://archive.org : accessed 30 September 2018). Margaret de Montgomery (no sources)
Lady Margaret Of Dunbar
Margaret de Montgomery's Timeline
1115 |
Dunbar Castle, East Lothian, Scotland
1125 |
Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
1127 |
Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland
1140 |
Of, Forfar, Angusshire, Scotland
1154 |
Forfar, Angusshire, Scotland
1156 |
Powrie, Forfarshire, Scotland
???? |
Forfar, Angusshire, Scotland
???? |
Forfar, Angus, Scotland