Matching family tree profiles for Margaret Bluejacket
Immediate Family
About Margaret Bluejacket
John Moore of Pennsylvania is not the same as this John Moore -- Margaret was born before this named mother, Leah. Don't know who this child is, but she is not the child of John Moore and Leah Groom Moore.
Margaret Moore, nine year old daughter of John Moore of Pennsylvania, was taken prisoner by the Shawnees and taken to the Ohio country--probably their village where Piqua, Ohio now stands. Here, ca 1758 , a grief-stricken captive (Mrs Kincaide from Virginia) was sentenced to be burned at the stake because of her continued crying. Peter Larsh, a trader and French descendant , offered his cache of furs for her release and the offer was accepted. In a canoe Larsh took her down the Miami River, down the Ohio, and up the Mississippi to Kaskaskia where they were married. A year later a son, Charles Larsh, was born.
Devoid of proof, the writer estimates 16 year old Margaret Moore may have given birth to Joseph Moore claiming Blue Jacket as his father. Sometime after this Margaret Moore returned to Virginia "enceinte" saying Blue Jacket was the father of her unborn child (Nancy). See "Early Recollections of Nancy Stewart" (pages 327=328) by Mrs. S.M. Moore in "History of Champaign & Logan Counties, Ohio by Joshua Antrim (1872), pub. at Bellefontaine, OH. Also see page 214, "History of Logan County" by W. H. Perrin & J.H. Battle, (1880). Also see "History of Western Ohio" and Howe’s "Historical Collections of Ohio"
The following is taken from the Genealogy of the Bluejackets compiled by Norma Luallen-1995: Margaret Moore was captured by Shawnee Indians at the beginning of the French & Indian Wars along with her sister, Margaret was 9 years old at the time. While a captive, she married Chief Bluejacket and has a son, Joseph, by him. She was released at the end of the war. She let her son with the Indians, intending to return. She was pregnant at the time of her release, and had her daughter, Nancy, in Virginia.
Margaret Bluejacket's Timeline
1745 |
Cow Pasture Lane, Augusta County, VA, 24401, United States
1763 |
Ohio, United States
1765 |
Hampshire County, West Virginia, United States
1830 |
Age 85
Ohio, United States
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