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Marc (Moishe) Zakharovich Chagall (Chagall (Shagal, Zakharovich Shagalov)) (1887 - 1985)

Russian: Марк Захарович Шагал (Сагаль), Hebrew: משה מוישה מארק שאגאל (סגל), French: Marc Chagall (Sagal)
Also Known As: "Моисей Хацкелевич", "Moise", "Moishe"
Birthplace: Lau, Viciebsk, Vitsebsk District, Vitebsk Region, Belarus
Death: March 28, 1985 (97)
Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France (Old Age)
Place of Burial: Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Khazkel Mordechai (Zachar) (Zachar) Shagal and Feige-Ite Mendelevna Ita Shagal (Sagal)
Husband of Aphroditi Shagal; Bella Chagall and Valentina (Vava) Lazarevna Chagall
Ex-partner of Virginia Edith McNeil
Father of Private; Ida Meyer; Private and Private
Brother of Anna (Chana) Zakharovna Gribova; David Shagal; Zinaida Zakharovna Zesla Makarovich; Elizaveta (Liza) Zakharovna Shub; Rakhil Shagal (Sagal) and 7 others

Occupation: Artist, painter, Художник, Painter
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall (English pronunciation: /ʃəˈɡɑːl/, shə-GAHL; Yiddish: מאַרק שאַגאַל; Russian: Марк Заха́рович Шага́л; 7 July 1887 – 28 March 1985), was a Belarusian (that time Russian Empire) French artist, associated with several key art movements and was one of the most successful artists of the 20th century. He created unique works in virtually every artistic medium, including painting, book illustrations, stained glass, stage sets, ceramic, tapestries and fine art prints. Chagall's haunting, exuberant, and poetic images have wide appeal, with art critic Robert Hughes referring to him as "the quintessential Jewish artist of the twentieth century."

As a pioneer of modernism and one of the greatest figurative artists of the 20th century, Chagall achieved fame and fortune, and over the course of a long career created some of the best-known paintings of our time. According to art historian Michael J. Lewis, Chagall was considered to be "the last survivor of the first generation of European modernists." For decades he "had also been respected as the world's preeminent Jewish artist." Using the medium of stained glass, he produced windows for the cathedrals of Reims and Metz, windows for the United Nations, and the Jerusalem Windows in Israel. He also did large-scale paintings, including the ceiling for the Paris Opéra.

His most vital work was made on the eve of World War I, when he traveled between St. Petersburg, Paris, and Berlin. During this period he created his own mixture and style of modern art based on his visions of Eastern European Jewish folk culture. He spent his wartime years in Russia, becoming one of the country's most distinguished artists and a member of the modernist avante-garde, founding the Vitebsk Arts College before leaving again for Paris in 1922.

He was known to have two basic reputations, writes Lewis: as a pioneer of modernism, and as a major Jewish artist. He experienced modernism's golden age in Paris, where "he synthesized the art forms of Cubism, Symbolism, and Fauvism, and the influence of Fauvism gave rise to Surrealism." Yet throughout these phases of his style "he remained most emphatically a Jewish artist, whose work was one long dreamy reverie of life in his native village of Vitebsk."[2] "When Matisse dies", Pablo Picasso remarked in the 1950s, "Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what colour really is."

Marc Chagall, born Moishe Shagal, was born in Liozna, near the city of Vitebsk (Belarus, then part of the Russian Empire) in 1887. At the time of his birth, Vitebsk's population was around 66,000, with half the population being Jewish.[2] A picturesque city of churches and synagogues, it was called "Russian Toledo", after the former cultural center of the Spanish Empire. As the city was mostly built of wood, little of it survived three years of Nazi occupation and destruction during World War II.

Chagall was the eldest of nine children. The family name, Shagal, is a variant of the name Segal, which in a Jewish community was usually borne by a Levitic family. His father, Khatskl (Zakhar) Shagal, was employed by a herring merchant; and his mother, Feige-Ite, sold groceries from their home. His father worked hard, carrying heavy barrels but earning only 20 roubles a month. Chagall would later include fish motifs "out of respect for his father", writes Chagall biographer, Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Chagall wrote of these early years:

Day after day, winter and summer, at six o'clock in the morning, my father got up and went off to the synagogue. There he said his usual prayer for some dead man or other. On his return he made ready the samovar, drank some tea and went to work. Hellish work, the work of a galley-slave. Why try to hide it? How tell about it? No word will ever ease my father's lot... There was always plenty of butter and cheese on our table. Buttered bread, like an eternal symbol, was never out of my childish hands.

During the previous decades, the Jewish population of the town survived numerous government-organized attacks (pogroms), prejudice, segregation, and discrimination. As a result, they created their own schools, synagogues, hospitals, a cemetery, and other community institutions. One of their key sources of income was from the manufacture of clothing that was sold throughout Russia. They also made furniture and various agricultural tools. Art historian and curator Susan Tumarkin Goodman writes that for religious and economic reasons from the late 18th century to the First World War, Russia confined Jews to living within the Pale of Settlement, which included sections of modern Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and the Baltic States. This caused the natural creation of Jewish market-villages (shtetls) throughout today's Eastern Europe, with their own markets, culture, and religious observances.

Most of what is known about Chagall's early life has come from his autobiography, My Life. In it, he described the major influence that the culture of Hasidic Judaism had on his life as an artist. Vitebsk itself had been a center of that culture dating from the 1730s with its teachings derived from the Kabbalah. Goodman describes the links and sources of his art to his early home:

Chagall's art can be understood as the response to a situation that has long marked the history of Russian Jews. Though they were cultural innovators who made important contributions to the broader society, Jews were considered outsiders in a frequently hostile society... Chagall himself was born of a family steeped in religious life; his parents were observant Hasidic Jews who found spiritual satisfaction in a life defined by their faith and organized by prayer.

Art educationIn Russia at that time Jewish children were not allowed to attend regular Russian schools or universities due to policies of discrimination. Their movement within the city was also restricted. Chagall therefore received his primary education at the local Jewish religious school, where he studied Hebrew and the Bible. At the age of 13 his mother tried to enroll him in a Russian high school and he recalled, "But in that school, they don't take Jews. Without a moment's hesitation, my courageous mother walks up to a professor." She offered the headmaster 50 roubles to let him attend, which he accepted.

Portrait of Chagall by Yehuda (Yuri) Pen, his first art teacher in VitebskA turning point in his artistic life came when he first noticed a fellow student drawing. Baal-Teshuva writes that for the young Chagall, watching someone draw "was like a vision, a revelation in black and white." Chagall would later say how there was no art of any kind in his family's home and the concept was totally foreign to him. When Chagall asked the schoolmate how he learned to draw, his friend replied, "Go and find a book in the library, idiot, choose any picture you like, and just copy it." He soon began copying images from books and found the experience so rewarding he then decided he wanted to become an artist.

He eventually confided to his mother, "I want to be a painter", although she could not understand his sudden interest in art or why he would choose a vocation that "seemed so impractical", writes Goodman. The young Chagall explained, "There's a place in town; if I'm admitted and if I complete the course, I'll come out a regular artist. I'd be so happy!" It was 1906, and he had noticed the studio of Yehuda (Yuri) Pen, a realist artist who also ran a small drawing school in Vitebsk, which included future luminaries as El Lissitzky and Ossip Zadkine. Due to Chagall's youth and lack of income, Pen offered to teach him free of charge. However, after a few months at the school, Chagall realized that academic portrait painting did not suit his desires.

[edit] Artistic inspirationsGoodman notes that during this period in Russia, Jews had two basic alternatives for joining the art world: One was to "hide or deny one's Jewish roots", by moving away from any public expressions of Jewishness, in order to avoid the discrimination endemic in Russian society. The other alternative—the one that Chagall chose—was "to cherish and publicly express one's Jewish roots" by integrating them into his art. For Chagall, this was also his means of "self-assertion and an expression of principle."

Chagall biographer Franz Meyer, explains that with the connections between his art and early life "the hassidic spirit is still the basis and source of nourishment for his art." Lewis adds, "As cosmopolitan an artist as he would later become, his storehouse of visual imagery would never expand beyond the landscape of his childhood, with its snowy streets, wooden houses, and ubiquitous fiddlers... [with] scenes of childhood so indelibly in one's mind and to invest them with an emotional charge so intense that it could only be discharged obliquely through an obsessive repetition of the same cryptic symbols and ideograms... "

Years later, at the age of 57 while living in America, Chagall confirmed this when he published an open letter entitled, "To My City Vitebsk":

Why? Why did I leave you many years ago? ... You thought, the boy seeks something, seeks such a special subtlety, that color descending like stars from the sky and landing, bright and transparent, like snow on our roofs. Where did he get it? How would it come to a boy like him? I don't know why he couldn't find it with us, in the city—in his homeland. Maybe the boy is "crazy", but "crazy" for the sake of art. ...You thought: "I can see, I am etched in the boy's heart, but he is still 'flying,' he is still striving to take off, he has 'wind' in his head." ... I did not live with you, but I didn't have one single painting that didn't breathe with your spirit and reflection.

Art career

Russia (1906–1910)

In 1906, he moved to St. Petersburg which was then the capital of Russia and the center of the country's artistic life with its famous art schools. Since Jews were not permitted into the city without an internal passport, he managed to get a temporary passport from a friend. He enrolled in a prestigious art school and studied there for two years. By 1907 he had begun painting naturalistic self-portraits and landscapes.

During 1908 to 1910, Chagall studied under Léon Bakst at the Zvantseva School of Drawing and Painting. While in St. Petersburg he discovered experimental theater and the work of such artists as Paul Gauguin. Bakst, also Jewish, was a designer of decorative art and was famous as a draftsman designer of stage sets and costumes for the 'Ballets Russes,' and helped Chagall by acting as a role model for Jewish success. Bakst moved to Paris a year later. Art historian Raymond Cogniat writes that after living and studying art on his own for four years, "Chagall entered into the mainstream of contemporary art. ...His apprenticeship over, Russia had played a memorable initial role in his life.

Chagall stayed in St. Petersburg until 1910, often visiting Vitebsk where he met and fell in love with Bella Rosenfeld. In My Life Chagall described his first meeting her: "Her silence is mine, her eyes mine. It is as if she knows everything about my childhood, my present, my future, as if she can see right through me."

[edit] France (1910–1914)In 1910 Chagall moved to Paris to develop his own artistic style. Art historian and curator James Sweeney notes that when Chagall first arrived in Paris, Cubism was the dominant art form and French art was still dominated by the "materialistic outlook of the 19th century." But Chagall arrived from Russia with "a ripe color gift, a fresh, unashamed response to sentiment, a feeling for simple poetry and a sense of humor", he adds. These notions were foreign to Paris at that time, and as a result his first recognition came not from other painters but from poets such as Blaise Cendrars and Guillaume Apollinaire. Art historian Jean Leymarie observes that Chagall began thinking of art as "emerging from the internal being outward, from the seen object to the psychic outpouring", which was the reverse of the Cubist way of creating.

He therefore developed friendships with Guillaume Apollinaire and other avant-garde luminaries such as Robert Delaunay and Fernand Léger. Baal-Teshuva writes that "Chagall's dream of Paris, the city of light and above all, of freedom, had come true." His first days were a hardship for the 23-year-old Chagall, who found himself alone in the big city and unable to speak French. Some days he "felt like fleeing back to Russia, as he daydreamed while he painted, about the riches of Russian folklore, his Hasidic experiences, his family, and especially Bella.

In Paris he enrolled at La Palette, an art academy where the painters André Dunoyer de Segonzac and Henri Le Fauconnier taught, and also found work at another academy. He would spend his free hours visiting galleries and salons, especially the Louvre, where he would study the works of Rembrandt, the Le Nain brothers, Chardin, van Gogh, Renoir, Pissarro, Matisse, Gauguin, Courbet, Millet, Manet, Monet, Delacroix, and others. It was in Paris that he learned the technique of gouache, which he used to paint Russian scenes. He also visited Montmartre and the Latin Quarter, "and was happy just breathing Parisian air." Baal-Teshuva describes this new phase in Chagall's artistic development:

Chagall was exhilarated, intoxicated, as he strolled through the streets and along the banks of the Seine. Everything about the French capital excited him: the shops, the smell of fresh bread in the morning, the markets with their fresh fruit and vegetables, the wide boulevards, the cafe′s and restaurants, and above all the Eiffel Tower.

Another completely new world that opened up for him was the kaleidoscope of colours and forms in the works of French artists. Chagall enthusiastically reviewed their many different tendencies, having to rethink his position as an artist and decide what creative avenue he wanted to pursue.

During his time in Paris Chagall was constantly reminded of his home in Russia, as Paris was also home to many Russian painters, writers, poets, composers, dancers, and other émigre′s. However, "night after night he painted until dawn", only then going to bed for a few hours, and resisted the many temptations of the big city at night. "My homeland exists only in my soul", he once said. He continued painting Jewish motifs and subjects from his memories of Vitebsk, although he included Parisian scenes—the Eiffel Tower in particular, along with portraits. Many of his works were updated versions of paintings he had made in Russia, transposed into Fauvist or Cubist keys.

Chagall developed a whole repertoire of quirky motifs: the ghostly figure floating in the sky, ... the gigantic fiddler dancing on miniature dollhouses, the livestock and transparent wombs and, within them, tiny offspring sleeping upside down. The majority of his scenes of life in Vitebsk were painted while living in Paris, and "in a sense they were dreams", notes Lewis. Their "undertone of yearning and loss", with a detached and abstract appearance, caused Apollinaire to be "struck by this quality", calling them "surnaturel!" His "animal/human hybrids and airborne phantoms" would later become a formative influence on Surrealism. Chagall, however, did not want his work to be associated with any school or movement and considered his own personal language of symbols to be meaningful to himself. But Sweeney notes that others often still associate his work with "illogical and fantastic painting", especially when he uses "curious representational juxtapositions."

Sweeney writes that "This is Chagall's contribution to contemporary art: the reawakening of a poetry of representation, avoiding factual illustration on the one hand, and non-figurative abstractions on the other." André Breton said that "with him alone, the metaphor made its triumphant return to modern painting."

[edit] Russia (1914–1922)Because he missed his fiancée, Bella, who was still in Vitebsk, "He thought about her day and night", writes Baal-Teshuva, and was afraid of losing her. He therefore decided to accept an invitation from a noted art dealer in Berlin to exhibit his work, his intention being to continue on to Russia, marry Bella, and then return with her to Paris. Chagall took 40 canvases and 160 gouaches, watercolors and drawings to be exhibited. The exhibit, held at Herwarth Walden's Sturm gallery was a huge success, "The German critics positively sang his praises."

People's Art School where the Vitebsk Museum of Modern Art was situatedAfter the exhibit, he continued on to Vitebsk, where he planned to stay only long enough to marry Bella. However, after a few weeks, the First World War broke out, closing the Russian border for an indefinite period. A year later he married Bella Rosenfeld and had their first child, Ida. Before the marriage, Chagall had difficulty convincing Bella's parents that he would be a suitable husband for their daughter. They were worried about her marrying a painter from a poor family and wondered how he would support her. Becoming a successful artist now became a goal and inspiration. Hence, despite the ongoing war, Chagall's spirits remained high, mostly due to his marriage. According to Lewis, "[T]he euphoric paintings of this time, which show the young couple floating balloon-like over Vitebsk—its wooden buildings faceted in the Delaunay manner—are the most lighthearted of his career."[2] His wedding pictures were also a subject he would return to in later years as he thought about this period of his life.

The October Revolution of 1917 was a dangerous time for Chagall although it also offered opportunity. By then he was one of the Soviet Union's most distinguished artists and a member of the modernist avant-garde, which enjoyed special privileges and prestige as the "aesthetic arm of the revolution." He was offered a notable position as a commissar of visual arts for the country, but preferred something with a lower profile, and instead took a position as commissar of arts for Vitebsk. This resulted in his founding the Vitebsk Arts College which, adds Lewis, became the "most distinguished school of art in the Soviet Union."

It obtained for its faculty some of the most important artists in the country, such as El Lissitzky and Kazimir Malevich. He also added his first teacher, Yehuda Pen. Chagall tried to create an atmosphere of a collective or independently minded artists, each with their own unique style. However, this would soon prove to be difficult as a few of the key faculty members preferred a Suprematist art of squares and circles, and looked down on Chagall's attempt at creating "bourgeois individualism" in their teachings. Chagall then resigned as commissar and moved to Moscow.

Bella with White Collar, 1917In 1915 Chagall began exhibiting his work in Moscow, first exhibiting his works at a well-known salon and in 1916 exhibiting pictures in St. Petersburg. He again showed his art at a Moscow exhibition of avant-garde artists. This constant exposure caused his name to spread and a number of wealthy collectors began buying his art. He also began illustrating a number of Yiddish books with ink drawings. Chagall had turned 30 and had begun to make a name for himself.

In Moscow he was offered a position as stage designer for the newly formed State Jewish Chamber Theater. It was set to open in early 1921 with a number of plays by Sholem Aleichem. For its opening he created a number of large background murals using techniques he learned from Bakst, his early teacher. One of the key murals was 9 feet (2.7 m) tall by 24 feet (7.3 m) long and included images of various lively subjects such as dancers, fiddlers, acrobats, and farm animals. One critic at the time called it "Hebrew jazz in paint." Chagall created it as a "storehouse of symbols and devices", notes Lewis. The murals "constituted a landmark" in the history of the theatre, and were forerunners of his later large-scale works, including murals for the New York Metropolitan Opera and the Paris Opera.

Life quickly became a hardship for Russians as famine spread after the war ended in 1918. The Chagalls found it necessary to move to a smaller, less expensive, town near Moscow, although he now had to commute to Moscow daily using crowded trains. In Moscow he found a job teaching art to war orphans. After spending the years between 1921 and 1922 living in primitive conditions, he decided to move back to France so that his art could grow in an atmosphere of greater freedom. Numerous other artists, writers, and musicians were also planning to move to the West. He applied for an exit visa and while waiting for its uncertain approval, wrote his autobiography, My Life.

France (1923–1941)

In 1923 Chagall left Moscow to return to France. On his way he stopped in Berlin to recover the many pictures he had left there on exhibit ten years earlier, before the war began, but was unable to find or recover any of them. Nonetheless, after returning to Paris he again "rediscovered the free expansion and fulfilment which were so essential to him", writes Lewis. With all his early works now lost, he began trying to paint from his memories of his earliest years in Vitebsk with sketches and oil paintings.

He formed a business relationship with French art dealer Ambroise Vollard. This inspired him to begin creating etchings for a series of illustrated books, including Gogol's Dead Souls, the Bible, and the Fables of La Fontaine. These illustrations would eventually come to represent his finest printmaking efforts. By 1926 he had his first exhibition in the United States at the Reinhardt gallery of New York which included about 100 works, although he did not travel to the opening. He instead stayed in France, "painting ceaselessly", notes Baal-Teshuva. It was not until 1927 that Chagall made his name in the French art world, when art critic and historian Maurice Raynal awarded him a place in his book Modern French Painters. However, Raynal was still at a loss to accurately describe Chagall to his readers:

Chagall interrogates life in the light of a refined, anxious, childlike sensibility, a slightly romantic temperament ... a blend of sadness and gaiety characteristic of a grave view of life. His imagination, his temperament, no doubt forbid a Latin severity of composition.

During this period he traveled throughout France and fell in love with Côte d'Azur, where he enjoyed the landscapes, colorful vegetation, the blue Mediterranean, and the mild weather. He made repeated trips to the countryside, always taking his sketchbook. His wife Bella had a special role in his life. Wullschlager notes that "she was the living connection to Russia that allowed him to evolve as an artist in exile, in contrast to most Russian artistic emigrés, whose work withered once they left their homeland." He also visited nearby countries and later wrote about the impressions some of those travels left on him:

I should like to recall how advantageous my travels outside of France have been for me in an artistic sense—in Holland or in Spain, Italy, Egypt, Palestine, or simply in the south of France. There, in the south, for the first time in my life, I saw that rich greenness—the like of which I had never seen in my own country. In Holland I thought I discovered that familiar and throbbing light, like the light between the late afternoon and dusk. In Italy I found that peace of the museums which the sunlight brought to life. In Spain I was happy to find the inspiration of a mystical, if sometimes cruel, past, to find the song of its sky and of its people. And in the East [Palestine] I found unexpectedly the Bible and a part of my very being.

The Bible illustrations

"The Prophet Jeremiah" (1968)After returning to Paris from one of his trips, Vollard commissioned him to illustrate the Old Testament version of the Bible. Although he could have completed the project in France, he used the assignment as an excuse to travel to Palestine to experience for himself the Holy Land. He arrived there in February 1931 and ended up staying for two months. Chagall felt at home in Palestine where many spoke Yiddish and Russian. According to Baal-Teshuva, "he was impressed by the pioneering spirit of the people in the kibbutzim and deeply moved by the Wailing Wall and the other holy places."

Chagall later told a friend that Palestine gave him "the most vivid impression he had ever received." Wullschlager notes, however, that whereas Delacroix and Matisse had found inspiration in the exoticism of North Africa, he as a Jew in Palestine had different perspective. "What he was really searching for there was not external stimulus but an inner authorization from the land of his ancestors, to plunge into his work on the Bible illustrations." Chagall stated that "In the East I found the Bible and part of my own being."

As a result, he immersed himself in "the history of the Jews, their trials, prophecies, and disasters", notes Wullschlager. She adds that taking on the assignment was an "extraordinary risk" for Chagall, as he had finally made his name in the art world as a leading contemporary painter, but would now pull away from modernist themes and delve into "an ancient past." Between 1931 and 1934 he worked "obsessively" on "The Bible", even going to Amsterdam in order to carefully study the biblical paintings by Rembrandt and El Greco, to see the extremes in religious painting. He walked the streets of the city's Jewish quarter to again feel the earlier atmosphere. He told Franz Meyer:

I did not see the Bible, I dreamed it. Ever since early childhood, I have been captivated by the Bible. It has always seemed to me and still seems today the greatest source of poetry of all time.

Chagall saw the Old Testament as a "human story, ... not with the creation of the cosmos but with the creation of man, and his figures of angels are rhymed or combined with human ones", writes Wullschlager. She points out that in one of his early Bible images, "Abraham and the Three Angels", the angels sit and chat over a glass of wine "as if they have just dropped by for dinner."

He returned to France and by the following year had completed 32 out of the total of 105 plates. By 1939, at the outbreak of World War II, he had finished 66. However, Vollard died that same year. When the series was completed in 1956, it was published by Edition Tériade. Baal-Teshuva writes that "the illustrations were stunning and met with great acclaim. "Once again Chagall had shown himself to be one of the 20th century's most important graphic artists." Leymarie has described these drawings by Chagall as "monumental" and,

...full of divine inspiration, which retrace the legendary destiny and the epic history of Israel to Genesis to the Prophets, through the Patriarchs and the Heroes. Each picture becomes one with the event, informing the text with a solemn intimacy unknown since Rembrandt.

Nazi campaigns against modern art

Not long after Chagall began his work on the Bible, Adolf Hitler came to power in Berlin. Anti-Semitic laws were being introduced and the first concentration camp at Dachau had opened. Wullschlager describes the early effects on the art world:

The Nazis had begun their campaign against modernist art as soon as they seized power. Expressionist, cubist, abstract, and surrealist art—anything intellectual, Jewish, foreign, socialist-inspired, or difficult to understand—was targeted, from Picasso and Matisse going back to Cézanne and van Gogh; in its place traditional German realism, accessible and open to patriotic interpretation, was extolled.

Beginning in 1937 around twenty thousand works from German museums were confiscated as "degenerate" by a committee headed by Joseph Goebbels."[3]:375 Although the German press had once "swooned over him", the new German leadership now made a mockery of Chagall's art, describing them as "green, purple, and red Jews shooting out of the earth, fiddling on violins, flying through the air ... representing [an] assault on Western civilization."."

After Germany invaded and occupied France, the Chagalls naively remained in Vichy France, unaware that French Jews, with the help of the Vichy government, were being collected and sent to German concentration camps, from which nearly all would never return. The Vichy collaborationist government, led by Marshal Philippe Pétain, immediately upon assuming power set up a commission to "redefine French citizenship" with the aim of stripping "undesirables", including naturalized citizens, of their French nationality. Chagall had been so involved in his art, that it was not until October 1940, after the Vichy government, at the behest of the Nazi occupying forces, began passing anti-Semitic laws, that he began to understand the significance what was happening around him. Hearing that Jews were being removed from public and academic positions, the Chagalls finally "woke up to the danger they faced." But Wullschlager notes that "by then they were trapped." Their only refuge could be America, but "they could not afford the passage to New York" or the large bond that each immigrant had to provide upon entry to ensure that they would not become a financial burden to the country.

[edit] Escaping occupied FranceAccording to Wullschlager, "[T]he speed with which France collapsed astonished everyone: the French army, with British support, capitulated even more quickly than Poland had done" a year earlier, even though Poland had been attacked by both Germany and Russia. "Shock waves crossed the Atlantic... as Paris had until then been equated with civilization throughout the non-Nazi world." Yet the attachment of the Chagalls to France "blinded them to the urgency of the situation." Nor were they alone in their slow reaction to the coming Holocaust, to be aided by France's collaboration, as many other well-known Russian and Jewish artists eventually sought to escape: these included Chaim Soutine, Max Ernst, Max Beckmann, Ludwig Fulda, author Victor Serge and prize-winning author Vladimir Nabokov, who although not Jewish himself, took a "passionate interest" in Jews and Israel. Russian author Victor Serge described many of the people temporarily living in Marseilles who were waiting to emigrate to America:

Here is a beggar's alley gathering the remnants of revolutions, democracies and crushed intellects... In our ranks are enough doctors, psychologists, engineers, educationalists, poets, painters, writers, musicians, economists and public men to vitalize a whole great country.

After prodding by their daughter Ida, who "perceived the need to act fast,"[3]:388 and with help from Alfred Barr of the New York Museum of Modern Art, Chagall was saved by having his name added to the list of prominent artists, whose lives were at risk, that the United States should try to extricate. He left France in May 1941, "when it was almost too late", adds Lewis. Picasso and Matisse were also among artists invited to come to America but they decided to remain in France. Chagall and Bella arrived in New York on June 23, 1941, which was the next day after Germany invaded Russia.

America (1941–1948)

Photo portrait of Chagall in 1941 by Carl Van VechtenEven before arriving in America in 1941, Chagall was awarded the Carnegie Prize in 1939. After being in America he discovered that he had already achieved "international stature", writes Cogniat. He felt ill-suited in this new role in a foreign country, however, one whose language he could not yet speak. He became a public figure mostly against his will, feeling lost in the strange surroundings.

What compounded his discomfort in America was his knowing that he left France under Nazi occupation and that the fate of millions of other Jews was at risk. After a while he began to settle down in New York which was full of writers, painters, and composers who, like himself, had fled from Europe during the Nazi invasions. He spent time visiting galleries and museums, and befriended other painters including Piet Mondrian and André Breton.

Baal-Teshuva writes that Chagall "loved" going to the sections of New York where Jews lived, especially the Lower East Side. There he felt at home, enjoying the Jewish foods and being able to read the Yiddish press, which became his main source of information since he did not yet speak English.

Contemporary artists did not yet understand or even like Chagall's art. According to Baal-Teshuva, "they had little in common with a folkloristic storyteller of Russo-Jewish extraction with a propensity for mysticism." The Paris School, which was referred to as 'Parisian Surrealism,' meant little to them. Those attitudes would begin to change, however, when Pierre Matisse, the son of recognized French artist Henri Matisse, became his representative and held Chagall exhibitions in New York and Chicago in 1941. One of the earliest exhibitions included 21 of his masterpieces from 1910 to 1941. Art critic Henry McBride wrote about this exhibit for the New York Sun:

Chagall is about as gypsy as they come... these pictures do more for his reputation than anything we have previously seen... His colors sparkle with poetry... his work is authentically Russian as a Volga boatman's song...


Rafael Kulman Kulman Web Site <p>אילן יוחסין</p><p>אתר משפחתי: Kulman Web Site</p>אילן יוחסין: 45786621-1 Smart Matching 45786621-1 MH:S500004


3 נוסף באמצעות ™Instant Discovery


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 4 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNE NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD- RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who r® cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in' Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p><p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 9 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo dc Vinci Prize in </p> Paris, and..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 11 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: "...and international artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUSH ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 14 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d^ Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 15 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 16 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Hebrew Standard of Australasia (Sydney, NSW)
הוצאה לאור: 3 בפבר' 1938 - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
טקסט: "...Phone .M2401 OlL/INtY Postal Address: Day and Night Box 2712C, G.P.O. GOLD -MEDAL BESTOW.ED ON MA,RC SHAGAL. Paris — The jury of the International Exhibition has bestowed a gold medal on the famous Jewish..."
אודות מקור זהDescription: 1 online resource : illustrations Notes: Title from title screen. Digitised as part of the "Digitised newspapers and more" which allows access to historic Australian periodicals. Also available in print and on microfilm. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (November 1, 1895)-vol. 60 no. 15 (October 9, 1953) Place: Australia New South Wales Sydney</p>


WikiTree MyHeritage <a href='' target='wikitree'></a> Collection 10109 MH:S500013

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Moshe Zakharovich Chagall לבית Shagalמין: זכרלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Liozna, near Vitebsk, Russian Empire (present-day Belarus)פטירה: 28 במרץ 1985 - Saint-Paul, Franceתמונות: </p>


לקט מקורות שהוצאו לאור MyHeritage Collection 90100 MH:S500019

GEDCOM Source 4 1949 <p>Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך: 1949
טקסט: "...Cimaroso Robert Schui L6o Delibes Gustav Mahl 1 C/D Richard Strai cT i i u g s H O Leonide Massi Marc Chagal George Balanchine Catherine Littlefield Bronislava Nijinska .1 i a Agnes De Mil Michel Fokine..."
אודות מקור זה:
כותרת: Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך פרסום: 1949
מו"ל: George Amberg
מחבר: George Amberg
תוויות: universallibrary
תורמ/ת: Universal Digital Library</p>


אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni MyHeritage אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni נמצא ב-<A href="" target="_blank"> האתר Geni הוא בבעלות MyHeritage ומתופעל על ידה. Collection 40000 MH:S500006

GEDCOM Source 4 Moishe Zakharovich Chagall (לבית Shagalov)מין: זכרכינוי: Marc, Моисей Хацкелевичמגורים: Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Lau, Viciebsk, Vitsebsk District, Vitebsk Region, Belarusמקצוע: Artist, painter, Художникנישואין: בן/בת זוג: Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky) - 1952פטירה: 28 באפר' 1985 - Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceאב: Chezkel Zachar Mordechai Мордухович (Давидович) Chagall (לבית Shagal)אם: Feige-Ite Менделевна Chagall (לבית Chernin)נשים: Bella Samoylovna Chagall (לבית Rozenfeld), Virginia McNeil (לבית Haggard), Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky)ילדים: Ida Meyer (לבית Chagall), <פרטי> McNeilאחים ואחיות: Chana Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), David Chagall, Lisa Захаровна Chagall (לבית Chagall (Shagal)), Manja Захаровна Chagall Shagal, Mariashka Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), Roza Chagall (Shagal), Rachel Chagall Shagal, Zina Zisla Заровна מרקוביץ' (לבית Chagall (Shagal)) Record 40000:105816815:


Rafael Kulman Kulman Web Site <p>אילן יוחסין</p><p>אתר משפחתי: Kulman Web Site</p>אילן יוחסין: 45786621-1 Smart Matching 45786621-1 MH:S500004


3 נוסף באמצעות ™Instant Discovery


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 4 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNE NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD- RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who r® cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in' Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p><p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 9 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo dc Vinci Prize in </p> Paris, and..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 11 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: "...and international artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUSH ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 14 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d^ Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 15 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 16 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Hebrew Standard of Australasia (Sydney, NSW)
הוצאה לאור: 3 בפבר' 1938 - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
טקסט: "...Phone .M2401 OlL/INtY Postal Address: Day and Night Box 2712C, G.P.O. GOLD -MEDAL BESTOW.ED ON MA,RC SHAGAL. Paris — The jury of the International Exhibition has bestowed a gold medal on the famous Jewish..."
אודות מקור זהDescription: 1 online resource : illustrations Notes: Title from title screen. Digitised as part of the "Digitised newspapers and more" which allows access to historic Australian periodicals. Also available in print and on microfilm. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (November 1, 1895)-vol. 60 no. 15 (October 9, 1953) Place: Australia New South Wales Sydney</p>


WikiTree MyHeritage <a href='' target='wikitree'></a> Collection 10109 MH:S500013

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Moshe Zakharovich Chagall לבית Shagalמין: זכרלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Liozna, near Vitebsk, Russian Empire (present-day Belarus)פטירה: 28 במרץ 1985 - Saint-Paul, Franceתמונות: </p>


לקט מקורות שהוצאו לאור MyHeritage Collection 90100 MH:S500019

GEDCOM Source 4 1949 <p>Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך: 1949
טקסט: "...Cimaroso Robert Schui L6o Delibes Gustav Mahl 1 C/D Richard Strai cT i i u g s H O Leonide Massi Marc Chagal George Balanchine Catherine Littlefield Bronislava Nijinska .1 i a Agnes De Mil Michel Fokine..."
אודות מקור זה:
כותרת: Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך פרסום: 1949
מו"ל: George Amberg
מחבר: George Amberg
תוויות: universallibrary
תורמ/ת: Universal Digital Library</p>


אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni MyHeritage אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni נמצא ב-<A href="" target="_blank"> האתר Geni הוא בבעלות MyHeritage ומתופעל על ידה. Collection 40000 MH:S500006

GEDCOM Source 4 Moishe Zakharovich Chagall (לבית Shagalov)מין: זכרכינוי: Marc, Моисей Хацкелевичמגורים: Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Lau, Viciebsk, Vitsebsk District, Vitebsk Region, Belarusמקצוע: Artist, painter, Художникנישואין: בן/בת זוג: Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky) - 1952פטירה: 28 באפר' 1985 - Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceאב: Chezkel Zachar Mordechai Мордухович (Давидович) Chagall (לבית Shagal)אם: Feige-Ite Менделевна Chagall (לבית Chernin)נשים: Bella Samoylovna Chagall (לבית Rozenfeld), Virginia McNeil (לבית Haggard), Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky)ילדים: Ida Meyer (לבית Chagall), <פרטי> McNeilאחים ואחיות: Chana Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), David Chagall, Lisa Захаровна Chagall (לבית Chagall (Shagal)), Manja Захаровна Chagall Shagal, Mariashka Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), Roza Chagall (Shagal), Rachel Chagall Shagal, Zina Zisla Заровна מרקוביץ' (לבית Chagall (Shagal)) Record 40000:105816815:

Marc Chagall was a Russian-French artist of Belarusian Jewish origin. An early modernist, he was associated with several major artistic styles and created works in a wide range of artistic formats, including painting, drawings, book illustrations, stained glass, stage sets, ceramic tapestries and fine art prints.

About Marc Chagall (עברית)

מארק שאגאל


לידה 6 ביולי 1887 ליוזנה, בלארוס פטירה 28 במרץ 1985 (בגיל 97) סן-פול-דה-ואנס, צרפת שם לידה Мовшa Хацкелевич Шагалов משה מוישה סגל, לימים שאגאל לאום יהדות ליטא מקום לימודים School Yehuda Pen in Vitebsk זרם באמנות אקספרסיוניזם הושפע על ידי ניקולאי רוריך, ליאון באקסט יצירות ידועות מאחורי הבית, מחווה לאפולינר, אני והכפר, חלונות שאגאל, טרקלין שאגאל פרסים והוקרה פרס קרנגי יקיר ירושלים צלב גדול של לגיון הכבוד (1974) פרס ארסמוס (1960) פרס וולף באמנויות (1981) דוקטור לשם כבוד מהאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים (1975) דוקטור לשם כבוד מהאוניברסיטה הקתולית של לוון דוקטור לשם כבוד מאוניברסיטת גלאזגו עריכת הנתון בוויקינתונים

מַארְק שַׁאגַאל (בצרפתית: Marc Chagall, ברוסית: Марк Шага́л;‏ 7 ביולי 1887 – 28 במרץ 1985) היה אמן סוריאליסטי צרפתי-בלארוסי-יהודי משפיע. התגורר ופעל במספר מדינות, הבולטות שבהן הן רוסיה וצרפת.

תוכן עניינים 1 חייו 2 יצירתו 3 תערוכות במדינת ישראל 4 ראו גם 5 לקריאה נוספת 5.1 מבחר מאמרים על יצירתו 6 קישורים חיצוניים 7 הערות שוליים

חייו נולד בשם משה "מוישה" סגל (שם משפחתו האשכנזי שונה בהמשך חייו) לחצקל ולפייגה-איטה[1], בעיירה ליוזנה הסמוכה לוויטבסק שבאימפריה הרוסית (כיום בבלארוס), הבכור מבין 9 ילדים במשפחה חסידית. כילד למד בחדר, וב-1906 נרשם לאקדמיה לאמנות בסנקט פטרבורג. היה מתלמידיו של הצייר יהודה פן. ב-1910, לאחר שרכש מוניטין כאמן, עבר להתגורר בפריז, ברובע האמנים מונפארנס. שם התיידד עם אמדאו מודיליאני, פרנן לז'ה ואחרים.

בשנת 1914 חזר לוויטבסק, ונשא לאשה את ארוסתו בלה רוזנפלד, אותה הכיר בשנת 1909. בשנת 1916 נולדה לזוג בת בשם אידה.

שאגאל היה מעורב במהפכה הרוסית של שנת 1917. משרד האמנות של השלטון המהפכני מינה אותו לקומיסר לענייני אמנות במחוז ויטבסק, והוא הקים שם בית ספר לאמנות. בשנת 1920 עבר למוסקבה, עבד בעיצוב התיאטרון היהודי, לימד בבית יתומים היהודי במלחובקה, אך בשנת 1922 עבר לליטא, ובשנת 1923 חזר לפריז, כשבדרך שהה שמונה חודשים בברלין, שם יצר סדרה של עשרים תחריטים בשם "חיי", העוסקת בזיכרונותיו מוויטבסק.

תערוכות אחדות של שאגאל הוצגו בברלין. עם עליית הנאצים לשלטון הם הוקיעו את יצירתו, ואף כללו אותה בתערוכה "אמנות מנוונת", שבאה להציג את כל מה שלדעת הנאצים מושחת, מנוון וסוטה באמנות המודרנית. האירועים בגרמניה הנאצית השפיעו על יצירתו של שאגאל, שהפכה לקודרת יותר, והציגה את סבלם של היהודים.

בשנת 1941 נמלט שאגאל מצרפת הכבושה על ידי הנאצים לארצות הברית, בעזרתם של האמריקנים וריאן פריי והיירם בינגהאם הרביעי. בשנת 1944 נפטרה אשתו בלה. שאגאל נישא לוירג'יניה האגארד ולזוג נולד בן. שאגאל התגרש כעבור שנים ספורות ובשנת 1952 נישא לולנטינה ברודסקי. בשנת 1949 חזר לצרפת והתיישב בכפר סן-פול-דה-ואנס בפרובאנס, שם חי עד מותו ושם נקבר. בשנת 1960 זכה בפרס ארסמור. את כספי הפרס הוא הקדיש להענקת "פרס שאגאל", שחולק אחת לשנה[2].

ב-8 באפריל 1971 הוענק אות לגיון הכבוד בדרגת עליונות שנייה למארק שאגאל בידי ראש ממשלת צרפת, ז'אק שבאן-דלמאס, וב-1981 זכה בפרס וולף לאמנות.

שאגאל ביקר בישראל פעמים אחדות. לראשונה ביקר בארץ עם אשתו בלה בשנת 1931. בפעם האחרונה שביקר, בשנת 1977 הוענק לו התואר "יקיר ירושלים".

הוא נפטר ב-28 במרץ 1985 בעיירה הציורית סן-פול-דה-ואנס אשר בפרובאנס.

יצירתו מארק שאגאל נחשב לצייר היהודי הגדול בכל הזמנים. סגנון הציור שלו הושפע רבות מהזרם הקוביסטי, וכן מתאפיינים ציוריו בעולם של פנטסיה וחלום. הוא הרבה לצייר ציורים מהווי עולם החסידות והעיירה היהודית במזרח אירופה, אך צייר גם בתחום התנ"ך. מרבית יצירותיו מוצגות כיום במוזיאונים בארצות הברית, רוסיה, שווייץ, גרמניה והולנד, ורק מיעוטן נמצא בישראל.

קברם המשותף של מארק שאגאל, אשתו ואחיה בכפר סן פול דה ונס. יצירתו המפורסמת של שאגאל בישראל היא חלונות שאגאל בבית הכנסת בבית החולים "הדסה" בירושלים, עליהם צייר את שנים-עשר השבטים. בנוסף עיצב שטיחי קיר המוצבים בטרקלין שאגאל במשכן הכנסת, ובהם אירועים מתולדות עם ישראל. יצירות גדולות ממדים נוספות שלו הם ציורים בבניין האופרה של פריז ובבניין האופרה של ניו יורק, ויטראז'ים בקתדרלה של מץ וחלונות כנסייה בציריך.

בנוסף לפעילותו כצייר עסק שאגאל באיור ספרים, פיסול בחרס ועיצוב תפאורה לתיאטרון.

תערוכות במדינת ישראל מחווה למארק שאגאל: יצירות מארק שאגאל באוספי מוזיאון ישראל, ירושלים, מוזיאון תל אביב, בנין הכנסת ובית הכנסת של בית-החולים האוניברסיטאי הדסה, ירושלים, אוצרי התערוכה - יונה פישר, עדנה מושנזון, מוזיאון ישראל, ירושלים, תשל"ח, 1977. ראו גם אני והכפר יצירה משנת 1911 לקריאה נוספת חיי, מאת מרק שגל, עברית - מנשה לוין, ציורים - מארק שאגאל, ספרית פועלים, תל אביב, תשל"ח, 1978. שירים, מאת מרק שגל, ספרית מעריב, תל אביב, תשל"ט 1979. סידני אלכסנדר, מארק שאגאל, ביוגרפיה, הוצאת לדורי, תרגום: שלומית קדם מארק שאגאל: 1887 - 1985 הצייר והמשורר, מאת: אינגו פ. ואלתר וריינר מצגר, ספרי טאשן TASCHEN מבחר מאמרים על יצירתו בנימין הרשב, "מארק שגל: ציור, תיאטרון, עולם - ארבעה פרקים עם פרק פתיחה", אלפיים 8, 1993 מארק שאגאל: "חתונה", 1908-1909, מאת מרים רינר, נדפס בתימורה, תשס"ו 2006. שאגל המוקדם: יצירותיו של גאון צעיר בשיא פריחתו, תערוכת ציורים במוזיאון היהודי במנהטן, מאת טטיאנה אור-לייט, נדפס בהדאר, 80, כ', תשס"ב 2002. החתונה אצל שאגאל, מאת מירה פרידמן, נדפס ברימונים

6-7, הוצאת מאגנס תשנ"ט 1979. שניים "מרחפים" – ועוד אחד: מארק שאגאל, מאת רות דורות, נדפס במחניים, 11, תשנ"ה 1995. מארק שגל: ציור, תיאטרון, עולם, מאת בנימין הרשב, נדפס באלפיים, 8, תשנ"ד 1993. שאגאל וארדון: הפרובלמטיקה של אמנות יהודית, מאת זיוה מיזלש, נדפס בהיהדות והאמנות, תשמ"ט 1989. פגישות עם מארק שאגאל, מאת נחמן תמיר, נדפס בידיעות אחרונות, אפריל 1985. שאגאל - משורר של צבעים ומלים, מאת דוד גלעדי, נדפס במעריב, אפריל 1977. שאגאל והפנטסיה של השטטל, מאת נדין כספי, נדפס בבתפוצות הגולה, י"ט, 1978. שאגאל; האמן כחמור, מאת גדעון עפרת, נדפס בגזית, ל"ב, תשל"ח 1978. קישורים חיצוניים מיזמי קרן ויקימדיה ויקיציטוט ציטוטים בוויקיציטוט: מארק שאגאל ויקישיתוף תמונות ומדיה בוויקישיתוף: מארק שאגאל מוזיאון מארק שאגאל בויטבסק ד.ג., הגובלנים של שאגאל במשכן הכנסת , דבר, 27 ביוני 1969 אלדד בק, ברלין, מארק שאגאל: מלאך בשמי ברלין , באתר ynet, 6 ביולי 2004 גדעון עפרת, שאגאל בארץ ישראל , באתר "המחסן של גדעון עפרת" מרק שאגאל במוזיאון ישראל, ירושלים online complete catalogue of the graphic work מארק שאגאל , באנציקלופדיית המקרא של "גשר" הצלתו של מארק שאגאל , סיפור בריחתו מצרפת של וישי יצירות של מארק שאגאל בתערוכה במדריד 2012 סרטונים תערוכת יצירות של מארק שאגאל , יומני כרמל יוני 1951 סרטונים תערוכת עיטורי ספרים של שאגאל
במוזיאון ישראל, יומני כרמל, מאי 1968 (התחלה 3:40) סרטונים טקס הסרת הלוט
מהגובלנים בכנסת, בנוכחות שאגאל ובמעמד זלמן שזר, קדיש לוז, גולדה מאיר, זלמן ארן, טדי קולק. ארכיון הסרטונים של AP, יוני 1969 מארק שאגאל
באתר Find a Grave (באנגלית) Shishanov, V.A. "Double Portrait with a glass of wine" - in search of the sources of the plot of Marc Chagall paintings / V.A. Shishanov / / Marc Chagall and St. Petersburg. The 125th anniversary of the birth of the artist / Scientific. Ed. and comp.: O.L. Leykind, D.Y. Severyukhin. - St. Petersburg: "Evropeiski House" in 2013. - P. 167-176. [1] Shishanov V.A. . Vitebsk Museum of Modern Art: a history of creation and a collection . 1918-1941. - Minsk: Medisont, 2007. - 144 p. הערות שוליים
פרס שאגאל לאורי ליפשיץ , דבר, 27 במאי 1966


Marc Chagall (English pronunciation: /ʃəˈɡɑːl/, shə-GAHL; Yiddish: מאַרק שאַגאַל; Russian: Марк Заха́рович Шага́л; 7 July 1887 – 28 March 1985), was a Belarusian (that time Russian Empire) French artist, associated with several key art movements and was one of the most successful artists of the 20th century. He created unique works in virtually every artistic medium, including painting, book illustrations, stained glass, stage sets, ceramic, tapestries and fine art prints. Chagall's haunting, exuberant, and poetic images have wide appeal, with art critic Robert Hughes referring to him as "the quintessential Jewish artist of the twentieth century."

As a pioneer of modernism and one of the greatest figurative artists of the 20th century, Chagall achieved fame and fortune, and over the course of a long career created some of the best-known paintings of our time. According to art historian Michael J. Lewis, Chagall was considered to be "the last survivor of the first generation of European modernists." For decades he "had also been respected as the world's preeminent Jewish artist." Using the medium of stained glass, he produced windows for the cathedrals of Reims and Metz, windows for the United Nations, and the Jerusalem Windows in Israel. He also did large-scale paintings, including the ceiling for the Paris Opéra.

His most vital work was made on the eve of World War I, when he traveled between St. Petersburg, Paris, and Berlin. During this period he created his own mixture and style of modern art based on his visions of Eastern European Jewish folk culture. He spent his wartime years in Russia, becoming one of the country's most distinguished artists and a member of the modernist avante-garde, founding the Vitebsk Arts College before leaving again for Paris in 1922.

He was known to have two basic reputations, writes Lewis: as a pioneer of modernism, and as a major Jewish artist. He experienced modernism's golden age in Paris, where "he synthesized the art forms of Cubism, Symbolism, and Fauvism, and the influence of Fauvism gave rise to Surrealism." Yet throughout these phases of his style "he remained most emphatically a Jewish artist, whose work was one long dreamy reverie of life in his native village of Vitebsk."[2] "When Matisse dies", Pablo Picasso remarked in the 1950s, "Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what colour really is."

Marc Chagall, born Moishe Shagal, was born in Liozna, near the city of Vitebsk (Belarus, then part of the Russian Empire) in 1887. At the time of his birth, Vitebsk's population was around 66,000, with half the population being Jewish.[2] A picturesque city of churches and synagogues, it was called "Russian Toledo", after the former cultural center of the Spanish Empire. As the city was mostly built of wood, little of it survived three years of Nazi occupation and destruction during World War II.

Chagall was the eldest of nine children. The family name, Shagal, is a variant of the name Segal, which in a Jewish community was usually borne by a Levitic family. His father, Khatskl (Zakhar) Shagal, was employed by a herring merchant; and his mother, Feige-Ite, sold groceries from their home. His father worked hard, carrying heavy barrels but earning only 20 roubles a month. Chagall would later include fish motifs "out of respect for his father", writes Chagall biographer, Jacob Baal-Teshuva. Chagall wrote of these early years:

Day after day, winter and summer, at six o'clock in the morning, my father got up and went off to the synagogue. There he said his usual prayer for some dead man or other. On his return he made ready the samovar, drank some tea and went to work. Hellish work, the work of a galley-slave. Why try to hide it? How tell about it? No word will ever ease my father's lot... There was always plenty of butter and cheese on our table. Buttered bread, like an eternal symbol, was never out of my childish hands.

During the previous decades, the Jewish population of the town survived numerous government-organized attacks (pogroms), prejudice, segregation, and discrimination. As a result, they created their own schools, synagogues, hospitals, a cemetery, and other community institutions. One of their key sources of income was from the manufacture of clothing that was sold throughout Russia. They also made furniture and various agricultural tools. Art historian and curator Susan Tumarkin Goodman writes that for religious and economic reasons from the late 18th century to the First World War, Russia confined Jews to living within the Pale of Settlement, which included sections of modern Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and the Baltic States. This caused the natural creation of Jewish market-villages (shtetls) throughout today's Eastern Europe, with their own markets, culture, and religious observances.

Most of what is known about Chagall's early life has come from his autobiography, My Life. In it, he described the major influence that the culture of Hasidic Judaism had on his life as an artist. Vitebsk itself had been a center of that culture dating from the 1730s with its teachings derived from the Kabbalah. Goodman describes the links and sources of his art to his early home:

Chagall's art can be understood as the response to a situation that has long marked the history of Russian Jews. Though they were cultural innovators who made important contributions to the broader society, Jews were considered outsiders in a frequently hostile society... Chagall himself was born of a family steeped in religious life; his parents were observant Hasidic Jews who found spiritual satisfaction in a life defined by their faith and organized by prayer.

Art educationIn Russia at that time Jewish children were not allowed to attend regular Russian schools or universities due to policies of discrimination. Their movement within the city was also restricted. Chagall therefore received his primary education at the local Jewish religious school, where he studied Hebrew and the Bible. At the age of 13 his mother tried to enroll him in a Russian high school and he recalled, "But in that school, they don't take Jews. Without a moment's hesitation, my courageous mother walks up to a professor." She offered the headmaster 50 roubles to let him attend, which he accepted.

Portrait of Chagall by Yehuda (Yuri) Pen, his first art teacher in VitebskA turning point in his artistic life came when he first noticed a fellow student drawing. Baal-Teshuva writes that for the young Chagall, watching someone draw "was like a vision, a revelation in black and white." Chagall would later say how there was no art of any kind in his family's home and the concept was totally foreign to him. When Chagall asked the schoolmate how he learned to draw, his friend replied, "Go and find a book in the library, idiot, choose any picture you like, and just copy it." He soon began copying images from books and found the experience so rewarding he then decided he wanted to become an artist.

He eventually confided to his mother, "I want to be a painter", although she could not understand his sudden interest in art or why he would choose a vocation that "seemed so impractical", writes Goodman. The young Chagall explained, "There's a place in town; if I'm admitted and if I complete the course, I'll come out a regular artist. I'd be so happy!" It was 1906, and he had noticed the studio of Yehuda (Yuri) Pen, a realist artist who also ran a small drawing school in Vitebsk, which included future luminaries as El Lissitzky and Ossip Zadkine. Due to Chagall's youth and lack of income, Pen offered to teach him free of charge. However, after a few months at the school, Chagall realized that academic portrait painting did not suit his desires.

[edit] Artistic inspirationsGoodman notes that during this period in Russia, Jews had two basic alternatives for joining the art world: One was to "hide or deny one's Jewish roots", by moving away from any public expressions of Jewishness, in order to avoid the discrimination endemic in Russian society. The other alternative—the one that Chagall chose—was "to cherish and publicly express one's Jewish roots" by integrating them into his art. For Chagall, this was also his means of "self-assertion and an expression of principle."

Chagall biographer Franz Meyer, explains that with the connections between his art and early life "the hassidic spirit is still the basis and source of nourishment for his art." Lewis adds, "As cosmopolitan an artist as he would later become, his storehouse of visual imagery would never expand beyond the landscape of his childhood, with its snowy streets, wooden houses, and ubiquitous fiddlers... [with] scenes of childhood so indelibly in one's mind and to invest them with an emotional charge so intense that it could only be discharged obliquely through an obsessive repetition of the same cryptic symbols and ideograms... "

Years later, at the age of 57 while living in America, Chagall confirmed this when he published an open letter entitled, "To My City Vitebsk":

Why? Why did I leave you many years ago? ... You thought, the boy seeks something, seeks such a special subtlety, that color descending like stars from the sky and landing, bright and transparent, like snow on our roofs. Where did he get it? How would it come to a boy like him? I don't know why he couldn't find it with us, in the city—in his homeland. Maybe the boy is "crazy", but "crazy" for the sake of art. ...You thought: "I can see, I am etched in the boy's heart, but he is still 'flying,' he is still striving to take off, he has 'wind' in his head." ... I did not live with you, but I didn't have one single painting that didn't breathe with your spirit and reflection.

Art career

Russia (1906–1910)

In 1906, he moved to St. Petersburg which was then the capital of Russia and the center of the country's artistic life with its famous art schools. Since Jews were not permitted into the city without an internal passport, he managed to get a temporary passport from a friend. He enrolled in a prestigious art school and studied there for two years. By 1907 he had begun painting naturalistic self-portraits and landscapes.

During 1908 to 1910, Chagall studied under Léon Bakst at the Zvantseva School of Drawing and Painting. While in St. Petersburg he discovered experimental theater and the work of such artists as Paul Gauguin. Bakst, also Jewish, was a designer of decorative art and was famous as a draftsman designer of stage sets and costumes for the 'Ballets Russes,' and helped Chagall by acting as a role model for Jewish success. Bakst moved to Paris a year later. Art historian Raymond Cogniat writes that after living and studying art on his own for four years, "Chagall entered into the mainstream of contemporary art. ...His apprenticeship over, Russia had played a memorable initial role in his life.

Chagall stayed in St. Petersburg until 1910, often visiting Vitebsk where he met and fell in love with Bella Rosenfeld. In My Life Chagall described his first meeting her: "Her silence is mine, her eyes mine. It is as if she knows everything about my childhood, my present, my future, as if she can see right through me."

[edit] France (1910–1914)In 1910 Chagall moved to Paris to develop his own artistic style. Art historian and curator James Sweeney notes that when Chagall first arrived in Paris, Cubism was the dominant art form and French art was still dominated by the "materialistic outlook of the 19th century." But Chagall arrived from Russia with "a ripe color gift, a fresh, unashamed response to sentiment, a feeling for simple poetry and a sense of humor", he adds. These notions were foreign to Paris at that time, and as a result his first recognition came not from other painters but from poets such as Blaise Cendrars and Guillaume Apollinaire. Art historian Jean Leymarie observes that Chagall began thinking of art as "emerging from the internal being outward, from the seen object to the psychic outpouring", which was the reverse of the Cubist way of creating.

He therefore developed friendships with Guillaume Apollinaire and other avant-garde luminaries such as Robert Delaunay and Fernand Léger. Baal-Teshuva writes that "Chagall's dream of Paris, the city of light and above all, of freedom, had come true." His first days were a hardship for the 23-year-old Chagall, who found himself alone in the big city and unable to speak French. Some days he "felt like fleeing back to Russia, as he daydreamed while he painted, about the riches of Russian folklore, his Hasidic experiences, his family, and especially Bella.

In Paris he enrolled at La Palette, an art academy where the painters André Dunoyer de Segonzac and Henri Le Fauconnier taught, and also found work at another academy. He would spend his free hours visiting galleries and salons, especially the Louvre, where he would study the works of Rembrandt, the Le Nain brothers, Chardin, van Gogh, Renoir, Pissarro, Matisse, Gauguin, Courbet, Millet, Manet, Monet, Delacroix, and others. It was in Paris that he learned the technique of gouache, which he used to paint Russian scenes. He also visited Montmartre and the Latin Quarter, "and was happy just breathing Parisian air." Baal-Teshuva describes this new phase in Chagall's artistic development:

Chagall was exhilarated, intoxicated, as he strolled through the streets and along the banks of the Seine. Everything about the French capital excited him: the shops, the smell of fresh bread in the morning, the markets with their fresh fruit and vegetables, the wide boulevards, the cafe′s and restaurants, and above all the Eiffel Tower.

Another completely new world that opened up for him was the kaleidoscope of colours and forms in the works of French artists. Chagall enthusiastically reviewed their many different tendencies, having to rethink his position as an artist and decide what creative avenue he wanted to pursue.

During his time in Paris Chagall was constantly reminded of his home in Russia, as Paris was also home to many Russian painters, writers, poets, composers, dancers, and other émigre′s. However, "night after night he painted until dawn", only then going to bed for a few hours, and resisted the many temptations of the big city at night. "My homeland exists only in my soul", he once said. He continued painting Jewish motifs and subjects from his memories of Vitebsk, although he included Parisian scenes—the Eiffel Tower in particular, along with portraits. Many of his works were updated versions of paintings he had made in Russia, transposed into Fauvist or Cubist keys.

Chagall developed a whole repertoire of quirky motifs: the ghostly figure floating in the sky, ... the gigantic fiddler dancing on miniature dollhouses, the livestock and transparent wombs and, within them, tiny offspring sleeping upside down. The majority of his scenes of life in Vitebsk were painted while living in Paris, and "in a sense they were dreams", notes Lewis. Their "undertone of yearning and loss", with a detached and abstract appearance, caused Apollinaire to be "struck by this quality", calling them "surnaturel!" His "animal/human hybrids and airborne phantoms" would later become a formative influence on Surrealism. Chagall, however, did not want his work to be associated with any school or movement and considered his own personal language of symbols to be meaningful to himself. But Sweeney notes that others often still associate his work with "illogical and fantastic painting", especially when he uses "curious representational juxtapositions."

Sweeney writes that "This is Chagall's contribution to contemporary art: the reawakening of a poetry of representation, avoiding factual illustration on the one hand, and non-figurative abstractions on the other." André Breton said that "with him alone, the metaphor made its triumphant return to modern painting."

[edit] Russia (1914–1922)Because he missed his fiancée, Bella, who was still in Vitebsk, "He thought about her day and night", writes Baal-Teshuva, and was afraid of losing her. He therefore decided to accept an invitation from a noted art dealer in Berlin to exhibit his work, his intention being to continue on to Russia, marry Bella, and then return with her to Paris. Chagall took 40 canvases and 160 gouaches, watercolors and drawings to be exhibited. The exhibit, held at Herwarth Walden's Sturm gallery was a huge success, "The German critics positively sang his praises."

People's Art School where the Vitebsk Museum of Modern Art was situatedAfter the exhibit, he continued on to Vitebsk, where he planned to stay only long enough to marry Bella. However, after a few weeks, the First World War broke out, closing the Russian border for an indefinite period. A year later he married Bella Rosenfeld and had their first child, Ida. Before the marriage, Chagall had difficulty convincing Bella's parents that he would be a suitable husband for their daughter. They were worried about her marrying a painter from a poor family and wondered how he would support her. Becoming a successful artist now became a goal and inspiration. Hence, despite the ongoing war, Chagall's spirits remained high, mostly due to his marriage. According to Lewis, "[T]he euphoric paintings of this time, which show the young couple floating balloon-like over Vitebsk—its wooden buildings faceted in the Delaunay manner—are the most lighthearted of his career."[2] His wedding pictures were also a subject he would return to in later years as he thought about this period of his life.

The October Revolution of 1917 was a dangerous time for Chagall although it also offered opportunity. By then he was one of the Soviet Union's most distinguished artists and a member of the modernist avant-garde, which enjoyed special privileges and prestige as the "aesthetic arm of the revolution." He was offered a notable position as a commissar of visual arts for the country, but preferred something with a lower profile, and instead took a position as commissar of arts for Vitebsk. This resulted in his founding the Vitebsk Arts College which, adds Lewis, became the "most distinguished school of art in the Soviet Union."

It obtained for its faculty some of the most important artists in the country, such as El Lissitzky and Kazimir Malevich. He also added his first teacher, Yehuda Pen. Chagall tried to create an atmosphere of a collective or independently minded artists, each with their own unique style. However, this would soon prove to be difficult as a few of the key faculty members preferred a Suprematist art of squares and circles, and looked down on Chagall's attempt at creating "bourgeois individualism" in their teachings. Chagall then resigned as commissar and moved to Moscow.

Bella with White Collar, 1917In 1915 Chagall began exhibiting his work in Moscow, first exhibiting his works at a well-known salon and in 1916 exhibiting pictures in St. Petersburg. He again showed his art at a Moscow exhibition of avant-garde artists. This constant exposure caused his name to spread and a number of wealthy collectors began buying his art. He also began illustrating a number of Yiddish books with ink drawings. Chagall had turned 30 and had begun to make a name for himself.

In Moscow he was offered a position as stage designer for the newly formed State Jewish Chamber Theater. It was set to open in early 1921 with a number of plays by Sholem Aleichem. For its opening he created a number of large background murals using techniques he learned from Bakst, his early teacher. One of the key murals was 9 feet (2.7 m) tall by 24 feet (7.3 m) long and included images of various lively subjects such as dancers, fiddlers, acrobats, and farm animals. One critic at the time called it "Hebrew jazz in paint." Chagall created it as a "storehouse of symbols and devices", notes Lewis. The murals "constituted a landmark" in the history of the theatre, and were forerunners of his later large-scale works, including murals for the New York Metropolitan Opera and the Paris Opera.

Life quickly became a hardship for Russians as famine spread after the war ended in 1918. The Chagalls found it necessary to move to a smaller, less expensive, town near Moscow, although he now had to commute to Moscow daily using crowded trains. In Moscow he found a job teaching art to war orphans. After spending the years between 1921 and 1922 living in primitive conditions, he decided to move back to France so that his art could grow in an atmosphere of greater freedom. Numerous other artists, writers, and musicians were also planning to move to the West. He applied for an exit visa and while waiting for its uncertain approval, wrote his autobiography, My Life.

France (1923–1941)

In 1923 Chagall left Moscow to return to France. On his way he stopped in Berlin to recover the many pictures he had left there on exhibit ten years earlier, before the war began, but was unable to find or recover any of them. Nonetheless, after returning to Paris he again "rediscovered the free expansion and fulfilment which were so essential to him", writes Lewis. With all his early works now lost, he began trying to paint from his memories of his earliest years in Vitebsk with sketches and oil paintings.

He formed a business relationship with French art dealer Ambroise Vollard. This inspired him to begin creating etchings for a series of illustrated books, including Gogol's Dead Souls, the Bible, and the Fables of La Fontaine. These illustrations would eventually come to represent his finest printmaking efforts. By 1926 he had his first exhibition in the United States at the Reinhardt gallery of New York which included about 100 works, although he did not travel to the opening. He instead stayed in France, "painting ceaselessly", notes Baal-Teshuva. It was not until 1927 that Chagall made his name in the French art world, when art critic and historian Maurice Raynal awarded him a place in his book Modern French Painters. However, Raynal was still at a loss to accurately describe Chagall to his readers:

Chagall interrogates life in the light of a refined, anxious, childlike sensibility, a slightly romantic temperament ... a blend of sadness and gaiety characteristic of a grave view of life. His imagination, his temperament, no doubt forbid a Latin severity of composition.

During this period he traveled throughout France and fell in love with Côte d'Azur, where he enjoyed the landscapes, colorful vegetation, the blue Mediterranean, and the mild weather. He made repeated trips to the countryside, always taking his sketchbook. His wife Bella had a special role in his life. Wullschlager notes that "she was the living connection to Russia that allowed him to evolve as an artist in exile, in contrast to most Russian artistic emigrés, whose work withered once they left their homeland." He also visited nearby countries and later wrote about the impressions some of those travels left on him:

I should like to recall how advantageous my travels outside of France have been for me in an artistic sense—in Holland or in Spain, Italy, Egypt, Palestine, or simply in the south of France. There, in the south, for the first time in my life, I saw that rich greenness—the like of which I had never seen in my own country. In Holland I thought I discovered that familiar and throbbing light, like the light between the late afternoon and dusk. In Italy I found that peace of the museums which the sunlight brought to life. In Spain I was happy to find the inspiration of a mystical, if sometimes cruel, past, to find the song of its sky and of its people. And in the East [Palestine] I found unexpectedly the Bible and a part of my very being.

The Bible illustrations

"The Prophet Jeremiah" (1968)After returning to Paris from one of his trips, Vollard commissioned him to illustrate the Old Testament version of the Bible. Although he could have completed the project in France, he used the assignment as an excuse to travel to Palestine to experience for himself the Holy Land. He arrived there in February 1931 and ended up staying for two months. Chagall felt at home in Palestine where many spoke Yiddish and Russian. According to Baal-Teshuva, "he was impressed by the pioneering spirit of the people in the kibbutzim and deeply moved by the Wailing Wall and the other holy places."

Chagall later told a friend that Palestine gave him "the most vivid impression he had ever received." Wullschlager notes, however, that whereas Delacroix and Matisse had found inspiration in the exoticism of North Africa, he as a Jew in Palestine had different perspective. "What he was really searching for there was not external stimulus but an inner authorization from the land of his ancestors, to plunge into his work on the Bible illustrations." Chagall stated that "In the East I found the Bible and part of my own being."

As a result, he immersed himself in "the history of the Jews, their trials, prophecies, and disasters", notes Wullschlager. She adds that taking on the assignment was an "extraordinary risk" for Chagall, as he had finally made his name in the art world as a leading contemporary painter, but would now pull away from modernist themes and delve into "an ancient past." Between 1931 and 1934 he worked "obsessively" on "The Bible", even going to Amsterdam in order to carefully study the biblical paintings by Rembrandt and El Greco, to see the extremes in religious painting. He walked the streets of the city's Jewish quarter to again feel the earlier atmosphere. He told Franz Meyer:

I did not see the Bible, I dreamed it. Ever since early childhood, I have been captivated by the Bible. It has always seemed to me and still seems today the greatest source of poetry of all time.

Chagall saw the Old Testament as a "human story, ... not with the creation of the cosmos but with the creation of man, and his figures of angels are rhymed or combined with human ones", writes Wullschlager. She points out that in one of his early Bible images, "Abraham and the Three Angels", the angels sit and chat over a glass of wine "as if they have just dropped by for dinner."

He returned to France and by the following year had completed 32 out of the total of 105 plates. By 1939, at the outbreak of World War II, he had finished 66. However, Vollard died that same year. When the series was completed in 1956, it was published by Edition Tériade. Baal-Teshuva writes that "the illustrations were stunning and met with great acclaim. "Once again Chagall had shown himself to be one of the 20th century's most important graphic artists." Leymarie has described these drawings by Chagall as "monumental" and,

...full of divine inspiration, which retrace the legendary destiny and the epic history of Israel to Genesis to the Prophets, through the Patriarchs and the Heroes. Each picture becomes one with the event, informing the text with a solemn intimacy unknown since Rembrandt.

Nazi campaigns against modern art

Not long after Chagall began his work on the Bible, Adolf Hitler came to power in Berlin. Anti-Semitic laws were being introduced and the first concentration camp at Dachau had opened. Wullschlager describes the early effects on the art world:

The Nazis had begun their campaign against modernist art as soon as they seized power. Expressionist, cubist, abstract, and surrealist art—anything intellectual, Jewish, foreign, socialist-inspired, or difficult to understand—was targeted, from Picasso and Matisse going back to Cézanne and van Gogh; in its place traditional German realism, accessible and open to patriotic interpretation, was extolled.

Beginning in 1937 around twenty thousand works from German museums were confiscated as "degenerate" by a committee headed by Joseph Goebbels."[3]:375 Although the German press had once "swooned over him", the new German leadership now made a mockery of Chagall's art, describing them as "green, purple, and red Jews shooting out of the earth, fiddling on violins, flying through the air ... representing [an] assault on Western civilization."."

After Germany invaded and occupied France, the Chagalls naively remained in Vichy France, unaware that French Jews, with the help of the Vichy government, were being collected and sent to German concentration camps, from which nearly all would never return. The Vichy collaborationist government, led by Marshal Philippe Pétain, immediately upon assuming power set up a commission to "redefine French citizenship" with the aim of stripping "undesirables", including naturalized citizens, of their French nationality. Chagall had been so involved in his art, that it was not until October 1940, after the Vichy government, at the behest of the Nazi occupying forces, began passing anti-Semitic laws, that he began to understand the significance what was happening around him. Hearing that Jews were being removed from public and academic positions, the Chagalls finally "woke up to the danger they faced." But Wullschlager notes that "by then they were trapped." Their only refuge could be America, but "they could not afford the passage to New York" or the large bond that each immigrant had to provide upon entry to ensure that they would not become a financial burden to the country.

[edit] Escaping occupied FranceAccording to Wullschlager, "[T]he speed with which France collapsed astonished everyone: the French army, with British support, capitulated even more quickly than Poland had done" a year earlier, even though Poland had been attacked by both Germany and Russia. "Shock waves crossed the Atlantic... as Paris had until then been equated with civilization throughout the non-Nazi world." Yet the attachment of the Chagalls to France "blinded them to the urgency of the situation." Nor were they alone in their slow reaction to the coming Holocaust, to be aided by France's collaboration, as many other well-known Russian and Jewish artists eventually sought to escape: these included Chaim Soutine, Max Ernst, Max Beckmann, Ludwig Fulda, author Victor Serge and prize-winning author Vladimir Nabokov, who although not Jewish himself, took a "passionate interest" in Jews and Israel. Russian author Victor Serge described many of the people temporarily living in Marseilles who were waiting to emigrate to America:

Here is a beggar's alley gathering the remnants of revolutions, democracies and crushed intellects... In our ranks are enough doctors, psychologists, engineers, educationalists, poets, painters, writers, musicians, economists and public men to vitalize a whole great country.

After prodding by their daughter Ida, who "perceived the need to act fast,"[3]:388 and with help from Alfred Barr of the New York Museum of Modern Art, Chagall was saved by having his name added to the list of prominent artists, whose lives were at risk, that the United States should try to extricate. He left France in May 1941, "when it was almost too late", adds Lewis. Picasso and Matisse were also among artists invited to come to America but they decided to remain in France. Chagall and Bella arrived in New York on June 23, 1941, which was the next day after Germany invaded Russia.

America (1941–1948)

Photo portrait of Chagall in 1941 by Carl Van VechtenEven before arriving in America in 1941, Chagall was awarded the Carnegie Prize in 1939. After being in America he discovered that he had already achieved "international stature", writes Cogniat. He felt ill-suited in this new role in a foreign country, however, one whose language he could not yet speak. He became a public figure mostly against his will, feeling lost in the strange surroundings.

What compounded his discomfort in America was his knowing that he left France under Nazi occupation and that the fate of millions of other Jews was at risk. After a while he began to settle down in New York which was full of writers, painters, and composers who, like himself, had fled from Europe during the Nazi invasions. He spent time visiting galleries and museums, and befriended other painters including Piet Mondrian and André Breton.

Baal-Teshuva writes that Chagall "loved" going to the sections of New York where Jews lived, especially the Lower East Side. There he felt at home, enjoying the Jewish foods and being able to read the Yiddish press, which became his main source of information since he did not yet speak English.

Contemporary artists did not yet understand or even like Chagall's art. According to Baal-Teshuva, "they had little in common with a folkloristic storyteller of Russo-Jewish extraction with a propensity for mysticism." The Paris School, which was referred to as 'Parisian Surrealism,' meant little to them. Those attitudes would begin to change, however, when Pierre Matisse, the son of recognized French artist Henri Matisse, became his representative and held Chagall exhibitions in New York and Chicago in 1941. One of the earliest exhibitions included 21 of his masterpieces from 1910 to 1941. Art critic Henry McBride wrote about this exhibit for the New York Sun:

Chagall is about as gypsy as they come... these pictures do more for his reputation than anything we have previously seen... His colors sparkle with poetry... his work is authentically Russian as a Volga boatman's song...


Rafael Kulman Kulman Web Site <p>אילן יוחסין</p><p>אתר משפחתי: Kulman Web Site</p>אילן יוחסין: 45786621-1 Smart Matching 45786621-1 MH:S500004


3 נוסף באמצעות ™Instant Discovery


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 4 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNE NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD- RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who r® cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in' Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p><p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 9 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo dc Vinci Prize in </p> Paris, and..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 11 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: "...and international artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUSH ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 14 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d^ Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 15 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 16 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Hebrew Standard of Australasia (Sydney, NSW)
הוצאה לאור: 3 בפבר' 1938 - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
טקסט: "...Phone .M2401 OlL/INtY Postal Address: Day and Night Box 2712C, G.P.O. GOLD -MEDAL BESTOW.ED ON MA,RC SHAGAL. Paris — The jury of the International Exhibition has bestowed a gold medal on the famous Jewish..."
אודות מקור זהDescription: 1 online resource : illustrations Notes: Title from title screen. Digitised as part of the "Digitised newspapers and more" which allows access to historic Australian periodicals. Also available in print and on microfilm. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (November 1, 1895)-vol. 60 no. 15 (October 9, 1953) Place: Australia New South Wales Sydney</p>


WikiTree MyHeritage <a href='' target='wikitree'></a> Collection 10109 MH:S500013

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Moshe Zakharovich Chagall לבית Shagalמין: זכרלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Liozna, near Vitebsk, Russian Empire (present-day Belarus)פטירה: 28 במרץ 1985 - Saint-Paul, Franceתמונות: </p>


לקט מקורות שהוצאו לאור MyHeritage Collection 90100 MH:S500019

GEDCOM Source 4 1949 <p>Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך: 1949
טקסט: "...Cimaroso Robert Schui L6o Delibes Gustav Mahl 1 C/D Richard Strai cT i i u g s H O Leonide Massi Marc Chagal George Balanchine Catherine Littlefield Bronislava Nijinska .1 i a Agnes De Mil Michel Fokine..."
אודות מקור זה:
כותרת: Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך פרסום: 1949
מו"ל: George Amberg
מחבר: George Amberg
תוויות: universallibrary
תורמ/ת: Universal Digital Library</p>


אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni MyHeritage אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni נמצא ב-<A href="" target="_blank"> האתר Geni הוא בבעלות MyHeritage ומתופעל על ידה. Collection 40000 MH:S500006

GEDCOM Source 4 Moishe Zakharovich Chagall (לבית Shagalov)מין: זכרכינוי: Marc, Моисей Хацкелевичמגורים: Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Lau, Viciebsk, Vitsebsk District, Vitebsk Region, Belarusמקצוע: Artist, painter, Художникנישואין: בן/בת זוג: Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky) - 1952פטירה: 28 באפר' 1985 - Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceאב: Chezkel Zachar Mordechai Мордухович (Давидович) Chagall (לבית Shagal)אם: Feige-Ite Менделевна Chagall (לבית Chernin)נשים: Bella Samoylovna Chagall (לבית Rozenfeld), Virginia McNeil (לבית Haggard), Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky)ילדים: Ida Meyer (לבית Chagall), <פרטי> McNeilאחים ואחיות: Chana Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), David Chagall, Lisa Захаровна Chagall (לבית Chagall (Shagal)), Manja Захаровна Chagall Shagal, Mariashka Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), Roza Chagall (Shagal), Rachel Chagall Shagal, Zina Zisla Заровна מרקוביץ' (לבית Chagall (Shagal)) Record 40000:105816815:


Rafael Kulman Kulman Web Site <p>אילן יוחסין</p><p>אתר משפחתי: Kulman Web Site</p>אילן יוחסין: 45786621-1 Smart Matching 45786621-1 MH:S500004


3 נוסף באמצעות ™Instant Discovery


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 4 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNE NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD- RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who r® cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in' Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p><p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 9 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo dc Vinci Prize in </p> Paris, and..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 11 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: "...and international artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUSH ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d» Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 14 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo d^ Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 15 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Canberra Times (ACT)
הוצאה לאור: 16 בדצמ' 1970 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
טקסט: " artists SIDNEY NOLAN - CLIFTON PUGH - ARTHUR BOYD - RIC ELLIOT - PABLO PICASSO - MARC CHAGAL - HUME LEUNG - RONALD CHATELOT, who re cently won the Leonardo di Vinci Prize in Paris, and 2..."
אודות מקור זהPublisher: Ainslie, A.C.T. : C.J. Shakespeare for the Federal Capital Press of Australia Ltd., 1926- Description: v. ; 56 cm. Notes: Title from caption. Imprint varies. Digitised as part of the Australian Newspapers service which allows access to historic Australian newspapers. Also available in print and on microfilm. Electronic reproduction. Canberra, A.C.T., : National Library of Australia, 2008-2009 (Australian newspapers). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)-Dec. 31, 1995. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 3, 1926)- Place: Australia Australian Capital Territory Canberra.</p>


עיתונים אוסטרלים MyHeritage עיתונים הינם מקור נהדר למידע גנאלוגי ומשפחתי. לידה, נישואין, הודעות פטירה ומודעות אבל, הינם פריטים נפוצים בשימוש הגנאלוגיה. אולם, בני משפחה היו עשויים להיות מוזכרים גם במאמרים המדווחים אודות חדשות או אירועים מקומיים (לדוגמא: אירועים חברתיים, קהילתיים, בית ספריים, עסקיים או אירועי ספורט).אינדקס זה והתצלומים סופקו באדיבות <A href="" target="_blank">Trove -הספריה הלאומית של אוסטרליה.</a> Collection 10450 MH:S500011

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Hebrew Standard of Australasia (Sydney, NSW)
הוצאה לאור: 3 בפבר' 1938 - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
טקסט: "...Phone .M2401 OlL/INtY Postal Address: Day and Night Box 2712C, G.P.O. GOLD -MEDAL BESTOW.ED ON MA,RC SHAGAL. Paris — The jury of the International Exhibition has bestowed a gold medal on the famous Jewish..."
אודות מקור זהDescription: 1 online resource : illustrations Notes: Title from title screen. Digitised as part of the "Digitised newspapers and more" which allows access to historic Australian periodicals. Also available in print and on microfilm. Life Dates: Vol. 1, no. 1 (November 1, 1895)-vol. 60 no. 15 (October 9, 1953) Place: Australia New South Wales Sydney</p>


WikiTree MyHeritage <a href='' target='wikitree'></a> Collection 10109 MH:S500013

GEDCOM Source 4 <p>Moshe Zakharovich Chagall לבית Shagalמין: זכרלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Liozna, near Vitebsk, Russian Empire (present-day Belarus)פטירה: 28 במרץ 1985 - Saint-Paul, Franceתמונות: </p>


לקט מקורות שהוצאו לאור MyHeritage Collection 90100 MH:S500019

GEDCOM Source 4 1949 <p>Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך: 1949
טקסט: "...Cimaroso Robert Schui L6o Delibes Gustav Mahl 1 C/D Richard Strai cT i i u g s H O Leonide Massi Marc Chagal George Balanchine Catherine Littlefield Bronislava Nijinska .1 i a Agnes De Mil Michel Fokine..."
אודות מקור זה:
כותרת: Ballet in America - the Emergence of an American Art, 1949
תאריך פרסום: 1949
מו"ל: George Amberg
מחבר: George Amberg
תוויות: universallibrary
תורמ/ת: Universal Digital Library</p>


אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni MyHeritage אילן היוחסין העולמי של Geni נמצא ב-<A href="" target="_blank"> האתר Geni הוא בבעלות MyHeritage ומתופעל על ידה. Collection 40000 MH:S500006

GEDCOM Source 4 Moishe Zakharovich Chagall (לבית Shagalov)מין: זכרכינוי: Marc, Моисей Хацкелевичמגורים: Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceלידה: 7 ביולי 1887 - Lau, Viciebsk, Vitsebsk District, Vitebsk Region, Belarusמקצוע: Artist, painter, Художникנישואין: בן/בת זוג: Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky) - 1952פטירה: 28 באפר' 1985 - Saint Paul de Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Franceאב: Chezkel Zachar Mordechai Мордухович (Давидович) Chagall (לבית Shagal)אם: Feige-Ite Менделевна Chagall (לבית Chernin)נשים: Bella Samoylovna Chagall (לבית Rozenfeld), Virginia McNeil (לבית Haggard), Valentina (Vava ) Лазаревна Chagall (לבית Brodsky)ילדים: Ida Meyer (לבית Chagall), <פרטי> McNeilאחים ואחיות: Chana Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), David Chagall, Lisa Захаровна Chagall (לבית Chagall (Shagal)), Manja Захаровна Chagall Shagal, Mariashka Захаровна Chagall (Shagal), Roza Chagall (Shagal), Rachel Chagall Shagal, Zina Zisla Заровна מרקוביץ' (לבית Chagall (Shagal)) Record 40000:105816815:

О Марке Шагале (русский)

Марк Захарович (Моисей Хацкелевич) Шагал (фр. Marc Chagall, идиш מאַרק שאַגאַל‎). Родился 7 июля 1887, Витебск, Витебская губерния, Российская империя (нынешняя Витебская область, Беларусь) - умер 28 марта 1985, Сен-Поль-де-Ванс, Прованс, Франция. Российский, белорусский и французский художник еврейского происхождения. Помимо графики и живописи занимался также сценографией, писал стихи на идише. Один из самых известных представителей художественного авангарда XX века. Мовша Хацкелевич (впоследствии Моисей Хацкелевич и Марк Захарович) Шагал родился 24 июня (6 июля) 1887 года в районе Песковатика на окраине Витебска, был старшим ребёнком в семье приказчика Хацкеля Мордуховича (Давидовича) Шагала (1863-1921) и его жены Фейги-Иты Менделевны Черниной (1871-1915). У него был один брат и пять сестёр. Родители поженились в 1886 году и приходились друг другу двоюродными братом и сестрой. Дед художника, Довид Еселевич Шагал (в документах также Довид-Мордух Иоселевич Сагал, 1824 - ?), происходил из местечка Бабиновичи Могилёвской губернии, а в 1883 году поселился с сыновьями в местечке Добромысли Оршанского уезда Могилёвской губернии, так что в «Списках владельцев недвижимого имущества города Витебска» отец художника Хацкель Мордухович Шагал записан как «добромыслянский мещанин»; мать художника происходила из Лиозно. Семье Шагалов с 1890 года принадлежал деревянный дом на Большой Покровской улице в 3-й части Витебска (значительно расширенный и перестроенный в 1902 году с восемью квартирами на сдачу). Значительную часть детства Марк Шагал провёл также в доме своего деда по материнской линии Менделя Чернина и его жены Башевы (1844 - ?), бабушки художника со стороны отца), которые к тому времени жили в местечке Лиозно в 40 км от Витебска. Получил традиционное еврейское образование на дому, изучив древнееврейский язык, Тору и Талмуд. С 1898 по 1905 год Шагал учился в 1-м Витебском четырёхклассном училище. В 1906 году учился изобразительному искусству в художественной школе витебского живописца Юделя Пэна, затем переехал в Петербург. В Петербурге в течение двух сезонов Шагал занимался в Рисовальной школе Общества поощрения художеств, которую возглавлял Н. К. Рерих (в школу его приняли без экзамена на третий курс). В 1909-1911 г. продолжает занятия у Л. С. Бакста в частной художественной школе Е. Н. Званцевой. Благодаря своему витебскому приятелю Виктору Меклеру и Тее Брахман, дочери витебского врача, также учившейся в Петербурге, Марк Шагал вошёл в круг молодой интеллигенции, увлечённой искусством и поэзией. Тея Брахман была образованной и современной девушкой, несколько раз она позировала Шагалу обнажённой. Осенью 1909 г. во время пребывания в Витебске Тея познакомила Марка Шагала со своей подругой Бертой (Беллой) Розенфельд, которая в то время училась в одном из лучших учебных заведений для девушек - школе Герье в Москве. Эта встреча оказалась решающей в судьбе художника. Любовная тема в творчестве Шагала неизменно связана с образом Беллы. С полотен всех периодов его творчества, включая позднейший (после смерти Беллы), на нас смотрят ее «выпуклые чёрные глаза». Её черты узнаваемы в лицах почти всех изображённых им женщин. В 1911 году Шагал на полученную стипендию поехал в Париж, где продолжил учиться и познакомился с жившими во французской столице художниками и поэтами-авангардистами. Здесь он впервые начал использовать личное имя Марк. Летом 1914 года художник приехал в Витебск, чтобы встретиться с родными и повидать Беллу. Но началась война и возвращение в Европу отложилось на неопределенный срок. 25 июля 1915 года состоялась свадьба Шагала с Беллой. В 1916 году у них родилась дочь Ида, впоследствии ставшая биографом и исследователем творчества своего отца. В сентябре 1915 года Шагал уехал в Петроград, поступил на службу в Военно-промышленный комитет. В 1916 году Шагал вступил в Еврейское общество поощрения художеств, в 1917 году с семьей возвратился в Витебск. После революции его назначили уполномоченным комиссаром по делам искусств Витебской губернии. 28 января 1919 года Шагалом было открыто Витебское художественное училище. В 1920 году Шагал уехал в Москву, поселился в «доме со львами» на углу Лихова переулка и Садовой. По рекомендации А. М. Эфроса устроился работать в Московский Еврейский камерный театр под руководством Алексея Грановского. Принимал участие в художественном оформлении театра: сначала рисовал настенные картины для аудиторий и вестибюля, а затем костюмы и декорации, в том числе «Любовь на сцене» с портретом «балетной пары». В 1921 году театр Грановского открылся спектаклем «Вечер Шолом Алейхема» в оформлении Шагала. В 1921 году Марк Шагал работал преподавателем в подмосковной еврейской трудовой школе-колонии «III Интернационал» для беспризорников в Малаховке. В 1922 году вместе с семьей уехал сначала в Литву (в Каунасе прошла его выставка), а затем в Германию. Осенью 1923 года по приглашению Амбруаза Воллара семья Шагала уехала в Париж. В 1937 году Шагал получил французское гражданство. В 1941 году руководство Музея современного искусства в Нью-Йорке пригласило Шагала переселиться из контролируемой нацистами Франции в США, и летом 1941 года семья Шагала приехала в Нью-Йорк. После окончания войны Шагалы решили вернуться во Францию. Однако 2 сентября 1944 года, Белла умерла от сепсиса в местной больнице. Спустя девять месяцев художник написал две картины в память о любимой жене: «Свадебные огни» и «Рядом с ней». Отношения с Вирджинией Макнилл-Хаггард, дочерью бывшего британского консула в США, начались, когда Шагалу было 58 лет, Вирджинии - 30 с небольшим. У них родился сын Дэвид (в честь одного из братьев Шагала) Макнилл. В 1947 году Шагал приехал с семьёй во Францию. Через три года Вирджиния, забрав сына, неожиданно убежала от него с любовником. 12 июля 1952 года Шагал женился на «Ваве» - Валентине Бродской, владелице лондонского салона моды и дочери известного фабриканта и сахарозаводчика Лазаря Бродского. Но музой всю жизнь оставалась только Белла, он до самой смерти отказывался говорить о ней, как об умершей. В 1960 году Марк Шагал стал лауреатом премии Эразма. С 1960-х годов Шагал в основном перешёл на монументальные виды искусства — мозаики, витражи, шпалеры, а также увлекся скульптурой и керамикой. В начале 1960-х годов по заказу правительства Израиля Шагал создал мозаики и шпалеры для здания парламента в Иерусалиме. После этого успеха он получил множество заказов на оформление католических, лютеранских храмов и синагог по всей Европе, Америке и в Израиле. В 1964 году Шагал расписал плафон парижской Гранд Опера по заказу президента Франции Шарля де Голля, в 1966 году создал для Метрополитен-опера в Нью-Йорке два панно, а в Чикаго украсил здание Национального банка мозаикой «Четыре времени года» (1972). В 1966 году Шагал переехал в построенный специально для него дом, служивший одновременно и мастерской, расположенный в провинции Ниццы - Сен-Поль-де-Вансе. В 1973 году по приглашению Министерства культуры Советского Союза Шагал посетил Ленинград и Москву. Ему организовали выставку в Третьяковской галерее. Художник подарил Третьяковке и Музею изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина свои работы. В 1977 году Марк Шагал был удостоен высшей награды Франции - Большого креста Почётного легиона, а в 1977-1978 году была устроена выставка работ художника в Лувре, приуроченная к 90-летию художника. Вопреки всем правилам, в Лувре были выставлены работы ещё живущего автора. Шагал скончался 28 марта 1985 года на 98-м году жизни в Сен-Поль-де-Вансе. Похоронен на местном кладбище. До конца жизни в его творчестве прослеживались «витебские» мотивы. Существует «Комитет Шагала», в состав которого входят четыре его наследника. Полного каталога работ художника нет.

Российский, белорусский и французский художник еврейского происхождения (вырос в религиозной хасидской семье, был старшим из девяти детей по данным Еврейской электронной энциклопедии). Помимо графики и живописи занимался также сценографией, писал стихи на идише. Один из самых известных представителей художественного авангарда XX века
Мовша Хацкелевич (впоследствии Моисей Хацкелевич и Марк Захарович) Шагал родился 24 июня (6 июля) 1887 года в районе Песковатика на окраине Витебска, был старшим ребёнком в семье приказчика Хацкеля Мордуховича (Давидовича) Шагала (1863—1921) и его жены Фейги-Иты Менделевны Черниной (1871—1915). У него был один брат и семь сестёр. Родители поженились в 1886 году и приходились друг другу двоюродными братом и сестрой.
В день рождения художника в городе случился крупный пожар. Поднявшийся сильный ветер перекинул огонь на соседние дома и поглотил окраину города в бушующее море пламени. Семье Шагала удалось спастись от бедствия: кровать с роженицей и младенцем перенесли в безопасное место.
На 7-й день жизни мальчика нарекли Моисеем (в Париже в 1911 году он начнет называть себя Марком)
Семье Шагалов с 1890 года принадлежал деревянный дом на Большой Покровской улице в 3-й части Витебска (значительно расширенный и перестроенный в 1902 году с восемью квартирами на сдачу)

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Marc Chagall's Timeline

July 7, 1887
Lau, Viciebsk, Vitsebsk District, Vitebsk Region, Belarus
May 18, 1916
Vitsyebsk, Vitsebsk District, Vitebsk Region, Belarus