Madeleine Hélie

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Madeleine Hélie

French: Madeleine Hélie du Tillet ou du Tillet de Nogent (Hélie ou Élie (du Tillet?)), Baroness de Pobomcoup
Also Known As: "Magdellene Ellie", "Madeleine Helie", "Madeleine Helie du Tillet", "Magdeleine Helie"
Birthplace: Cherbourg-Octeville, Cherbourg, Manche, Normandy, France
Death: September 30, 1692
Pobomcoup, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
Place of Burial: Annapolis Royal, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada
Immediate Family:

Wife of Philippe Mius d'Entremont, first Baron of Pobomcoup
Mother of Marguerite Mius d'Entremont; Jacques Mius de Pobomkon; Abraham P.M. Muis d'Éntremont; Philippe [D'Azy] [d'Entremont] Mius and Madeleine Mius d'Entremont

Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Madeleine Hélie

Parents unknown. Evidence needed to support Jacques Helie du Tillet & Françoise De Faucon as her parents.

The family of Philippe MIUS and Madeleine ÉLIE

[86987] MIUS, Philippe (..), sieur d'Entremont, Royal protonotary (1686) (protonotaire du roi (1686)), born about 1609 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) Normandie (province) (France, known area), died fin 1700 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie)

  • married about 1649, from Normandie (province) (France, known area)

ÉLIE, Madeleine (..), born about 1626 (rec. 1671) Normandie (province) (France, known area), died between census 1671 and census 1678 Port-Royal (Acadie)

  • 1) Marguerite, born about 1650 (rec. 1686) Normandie (province) (France, known area), died after census 1714 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie), married about 1665 Pierre MELANÇON dit LAVERDURE
  • 2) Jacques, born about 1654 (rec. 1671) or 1659 (rec. 1686), married about 1678 Anne LATOUR
  • 3) Abraham, born about 1658 (rec. 1671) or 1662 (rec. 1686), married about 1676 Marguerite de SAINT-ÉTIENNE de LATOUR
  • 4) Philippe, born about 1660 (rec. 1671) or 1662 (rec. 1686), married about 1678 .., married about 1687 Marie ..
  • 5) Madeleine, born about 1669 (rec. 1671) or 1670 (rec. 1686)

DNA Research

The Mothers of Acadia Maternal DNA project conducts research to verify their origins. Stephen White reports that Madeleine Helie had a J* haplogroup. Lucie Leblanc Constantino reports results here. Other test results are reported here. Madeleine has haplogroup J indicating European origins.

Research Notes

Unproven parents and origins

There is no documented proof of the parents of Madeleine Hélie and of the location of her birth. Some family trees lists the marriage of Madeleine Hélie and Philippe Mius' in 1648 either in Calvados, France or in Port-Royal, Acadie. No evidence has been produced to support this. No place is given by Stephen White for the birth or the marriage.

It's been suggested that Madeleine is the daughter of Helie II de Tillet, Baron de Nogent and Francoise de Faucon, but that hasn't been proven. (Madeleine's maiden name might possibly be Elie). Seeing no reason to attach very doubtful parents, they were removed. Tillet-54 Faucon-1 In the future, should proof be found, they can be re-attached. Also removed this unsourced statement since it refers to unsourced parentage. "She was also known as Magdeleine Élie du Tillet or Tillet de Nogent."

•Name: Madeleine HELIE •Surname: Helie •Given Name: Madeleine •_AKA: du TILLET, ELIE, d'ELIE •Sex: F •Birth: ABT 1626 in , , Normandy, France •Death: BEF 1679 in , , , Acadia •Reference Number: 1163, 2131 •_UID: 843D493C3EEED411AFD90050DA8458AF942A •Event: 2527, 3343 Custom ID+ •Note: !BIRTH-MARRIAGE-CENSUS-DEATH: Stephen A. White, DICTIONNAIRE GENEALOGIQUE DES FAMILLES ACADIE NNES; 1636-1714; Moncton, New Brunswick, Centre d'Etudes Acadiennes, 1999, 2 vols.; p. 840; o wn copy.

!NAME: Arsenault, H&G, p. 1262 (Grand Pré, son's entry) gives spelling E'LIE.

!NAME: Another HE'LIE, a Jean born in 1706, is listed in Arsenault, H&G, p. 2091 (Ile Royal) . Any relation?

!CENSUS: 1671, Port Royal, Acadia [but listed on last page as living on the "bittation [habit acion?] de Poboncom." Madeleine ELLIE, age 45 years.

CENSUS: 1678, Clarence J. d'Entremont, "Recensement de Port-Royal," in MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIET E GENEALOGIQUE CANADIENNE-FRANCAISE; vol. 22, no. 4; p. 228; sent by PERSI in Jun 1999. [Sh e is missing on this census in household of Philippe MYUS.]

Children1.Has Children Marie Marguerite MIUS d'Entremont b: ABT 1650 in Cherbourg, Normandy, , France 2.Has Children Jacques MIUS de Pobomcoup b: ABT 1654 in Pobomcoup, Cap de Sable, , Acadia 3.Has Children Abraham MIUS d'Entremont b: ABT 1658 in Pobomcoup, , Acadia 4.Has Children Philippe MIUS d'Azy b: ABT 1660 in Pobomcoup, , , Acadia 5.Has No Children Madeleine MIUS d'Entremont b: ABT 1669 in , , , Acadia

Sources: 1.Title: Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Acadiennes Author: Stephen A. White Publication: 2 vols., Moncton, New Brunswick: Centre d'Études Acadiennes, 1999 Page: p. 1201 Note: No place listed for marriage.


Sources: Jean yves Collin d'après "Mélan
Sources:Jean yves Collin d'après "Mélançon l'ascendence acadienne"Notes:


!BIRTH-MARRIAGE-CENSUS-DEATH: Stephen A. White, DICTIONNAIR E GENEALOGIQUE DES FAMILLES ACADIENNES; 1636-1714; Moncton , New Brunswick, Centre d'Etudes Acadiennes, 1999, 2 vols. ; p. 840; own copy. !NAME: Arsenault, H&G, p. 1262 (Grand Pre', son's entry) gi ves spelling E'LIE. !NAME: Another HE'LIE, a Jean born in 1706, is listed in Ar senault, H&G, p. 2091 (Ile Royal). Any relation? !CENSUS: 1671, Port Royal, Acadia [but listed on last pag e as living on the "bittation [habitacion?] de Poboncom." M adeleine ELLIE, age 45 years. CENSUS: 1678, Clarence J. d'Entremont, "Recensement de Port -Royal," in MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE GENEALOGIQUE CANADIENNE- FRANCAISE; vol. 22, no. 4; p. 228; sent by PERSI in Jun 199 9. [She is missing on this census in household of Philipp e MYUS.]


!BIRTH: Information obtained 8 Nov 1997 from the Internet at a website called "The Melanson/ Melancon/Malonson/Malanson Family Project" at URL: (website doesn't give birth date or place; estimated year is based on daughter's age; assumed to be in France); see also Beauregard, Genealogical Dictionary of Early Acadia, available on the Internet at: (gives birth year and is named as Philippe's wife). !CHRISTENING: Information not found. !MARRIAGE: Information obtained 8 Nov 1997 from the Internet at a website called "The Melanson/ Melancon/Malonson/Malanson Family Project" at URL: (website doesn't give place or date of marriage; estimated year is based on daughter's age); see also Beauregard, Genealogical Dictionary of Early Acadia, available on the Internet at: (gives birth year and is named as Philippe's wife). !DEATH: Information from Beauregard, Genealogical Dictionary of Early Acadia, available on the Internet at: (source says this person probably died before 1686; place assumed to be Port Royal, but could have been at Pobomcoup, Cape Sable, Nova Scotia). !BURIAL: Information not found. !BURIAL: Information not found.


!Source: Generations.. Past to Present, Phoebe Chauvin Morrison


Surname also given as Ellie

GEDCOM Note source of Madeleine's complete name.

From Find A Grave

It's believed that Madeleine is the daughter of Helie II de Tillet, Baron de Nogent and Francoise de Faucon, but that hasn't been proven. (Madeleine's maiden name might possibly be Elie).

Madeline married Philippe Mius d'Entrement in 1648, in Calvados. Madeleine came to Nova Scotia in 1641, with her husband and their daughter Marguerite. They settled in Poboncoup (now Pubnico), Nova Scotia. They left this area for a time, but had returned by 1671, when they were in the Acadian Census.

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Madeleine Hélie's Timeline

Cherbourg-Octeville, Cherbourg, Manche, Normandy, France
December 1650
Cherbourg En Cotentin, Manche, Normandy, France [uncertain]
Pobomcoup, Acadia, Nouvelle-France
Pobomkom, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Pogomkook (Pobomcoup), Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
Pobomkom, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
September 30, 1692
Age 66
Pobomcoup, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]