Matching family tree profiles for Lt. Col. Johann Peter Hedrick
Immediate Family
About Lt. Col. Johann Peter Hedrick
A Patriot of the American Revolution for PENNSYLVANIA with the rank of LIEUTENANT COLONEL. DAR Ancestor #: A054166
Peter came to America from Ulmet, Pfalz, Germany on the ship "Robert and Alice" (Oliver?) arriving at the port of Philadelphia on Sept. 11, 1738 and located in the East Hanover Township (near the Swatara Gap in the Blue Mountains) where he became a community leader and patriot. The ship came from Rotterdam via Dover England to PA. The ship's Master was Walter Goodman. The passengers numbered 106 men and 53 women. Source - Straseburger's Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Vol. I, page 212. Another source has the name of the ship, "Robert and Oliver."
In Lancaster County, PA he built a block house for his family, which was to be used by friends and neighbors as protection from the rampaging Indians. The building had been constructed with "Musketry" slots where the guns could be fired without exposure. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, Peter demonstrated his loyalty by organizing, training and outfitting a company of men to be attached to Colonel Green's Battalion (Flying Camp) of Lancaster County. Peter was commissioned as Lt. Colonel and received 60 stands of arms (180) as shown on a Service Record dated Sep. 9 1776.
Goedtmann and Margaretha Heydrich were born in Germany, near the middle Rhine river at the beginning of the 17th century. At least four generations of Heydrichs lived here until Johann Peter Heydrich followed the call to America in 1738.
He came from Ulmet, Pfalz, Germany, on the ship 'Robert and Alice (Oliver?)', arriving at the port of Philadelphia 11 Sept., 1738, and located in the East Hanover Township (near the Swatara Gap in the Blue Mountains), Lancaster County, PA, where he became a community leader and patriot. Reference - Passenger List 55A names Palatine passengers - Peter, Gerit, Adam, Jan Jurich, and Christopher Hedrick. The ship came from Rotterdam via Dover England to Philadelphia, PA according to List 55A sworn to on 11 Sep., 1738, by the ship's Master Walter Goodman. The passengers numbered 106 men and 53 women. Source - Straseburger's Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Vol. I, page 212. Another source has the name of the ship, 'Robert and Oliver'.
Johannes Bur1985 Heydtricht; to Lebanon & Lancaster Co. In Lancaster County, PA he built a block house for his family, which was to be used by friends and neighbors as protection from the rampaging Indians. The building had been constructed with "Musketry" slots where the guns could be fired without exposure. At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, Peter, demonstrated his loyalty by organizing, training, and outfitting a company of men to be attached to Colonel Green's Battalion (Flying Camp) of Lancaster County, PA. Peter was commissioned as Lt. Colonel and received 60 stands of arms (180) as shown on a Service Record dated 9 Sep., 1776. In 1788, Peter, deeded land to two of his sons, John and Phillip by his second wife. On 28 Mar., 1789 Letters of Administration in the estate of Peter Hetrick were granted to Catherine Hetrick and Christopher Enterline. A notation in the letter states that the estate was not sufficient to warrant a Court Probte. It appears that he deeded the land in order to leave no estate.
Marriage 1 Anna Otilia BLUM b: 1710 in Ruthweiler, Rhineland, Prussia Married: 18 MAR 1732 in Lichtenberg, Rhineland, Bavaria, Germany Sealing Spouse: (15 JAN 1963) 14 FEB 1963 in LANGE Children Has Children Johann Peter HEYDRICH b: 17 DEC 1732 in Oberalben, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany c: 24 DEC 1732 in Oberalben, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany Has No Children Anna Maria HEYDRICH b: 12 OCT 1734 in Oberalben, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany c: 13 OCT 1734 in Oberalben, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany Has Children Johannes 'Henry' HEDRICK b: 23 NOV 1736 in Oberalben, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany c: 23 NOV 1737 in Oberalben, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany Has No Children Adam HEYDRICH b: 12 OCT 1741 in Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania c: 18 OCT 1741 Has No Children Johann George HEYDRICH b: 12 OCT 1743 in , Lancaster, Pennsylvania c: 23 OCT 1743
Marriage 2 PHILIPINA HEDRICK b: <1714> in Married: ABT 1762 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania Children Has Children John Adam HEDRICK b: 4 JUL 1763 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania Has No Children Phillip HEDRICK b: 1765 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania Has No Children John Henry HEDRICK b: 11 SEP 1771 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania c: 29 SEP 1771 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania Has No Children Anna Barbara HEDRICK b: 2 MAR 1776 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania Has No Children Abraham HEDRICK b: 5 JAN 1778 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania c: 28 JAN 1778 in , Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Marriage 3 Catherine (HUMMEL, HUMMER) WEISER b: <1714>
"Johann Peter Hedrick was born in Ulmet Pfalz, Germany. His first wife was Anna Ottillia Blum who died in 1760. Together they had Christopher, Johann Peter Jr., Anna Maria, Johann Jacob, Johann Adam and Johann George.
Col. Peter is not buried here, but in a family cemetery near Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania.
Eventually I plan to build a memorial for those Hedrick ancestors at Swatara Gap in Lancaster County, PA.
He and his family departed Rotterdam, then to Dover and arrived in Philadelphia on September 11th, 1738 on the Robert and Alice."
My ancestor Johann Peter Hedrick (Heydrich) was born in Ulmet Pfalz, Germany. His first wife was Anna Ottillia Blum who died in 1760. Together they had Christopher, Johann Peter Jr., Anna Maria, Johann Jacob, Johann Adam and Johann George He and his family departed Rotterdam, then to Dover and arrived in Philadelphia on September 11th, 1738 on the Robert and Alice. Fought in French and Indian War. Was a Lt. Col in the Revolutionary War.
Sometime between 1737 and 1738 Peter and "Milla" and their four children traveled north on the Rhine River and in Rotterdam, Netherlands, boarded the ship "Robert and Alice". On September 11, 1738, the family landed in Philadelphia. Their last port in Europe was Dover, England. The ship carried 320 passengers and was commanded by Master Walter Goodman.** Shortly after their arrival, the family located in East Hanover Twp., (near the Swatara Gap in the Blue Mountains) in Lancaster Co., (later Lebanon Co.) in circa 1750. This was during the French and Indian War. His house was made of block and was used by friends and neighbors as a place of protection from the indians. The building was designed with "musket" slots which enabled the occupants to fire their weapons without exposure to the enemy. At the beginning of the American Revolution, Peter demonstrated his loyalty by organizing, training, and outfitting a company of men to be attached to Col. Timothy Green's 11th Battalion (Flying Camp) of Lancaster Co., PA. Peter was commissioned a Lt. Col and received 60 stands of arms (180 total) as listed on a service record dated September 9, 1776. In March 1789, Letters of Administration in the estate of Peter Hedrick were granted to Catherine Hetrick and Christopher Enterline. A notation in the letter states that the estate was not sufficient to warrant a court probate. It appears that he deeded the land in order to leave no estate. In the list of "Revolutionary War Soldiers in Lebanon Co., PA" a Lt Col Peter Hedrich is listed as buried in the family burial plot near Swatara Gap.
My ancestor Johann Peter Hedrick (Heydrich) was born in Ulmet Pfalz, Germany. His first wife was Anna Ottillia Blum who died in 1760. Together they had Christopher, Johann Peter Jr., Anna Maria, Johann Jacob, Johann Adam and Johann George.
Col. Peter is not buried here (Walmers), but in a family cemetery near Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania.
Eventually I plan to build a memorial for those Hedrick ancestors at Swatara Gap in Lancaster County, PA.
He and his family departed Rotterdam, then to Dover and arrived in Philadelphia on September 11th, 1738 on the Ship Robert and Alice.
Source: http://www.progenealogists.com/palproject/pa/1738r-a.htm
Family Members
Spouse Anna Otilia Blum Hedrick 1710–1760 (m. 1731)
Children Photo Johann Peter Hedrick 1732–1798
Photo Johann Jacob Hedrick 1736–1826
Photo Johann Adam Hedrick 1741–1815
Nicholas Hedrick 1778–1832
@R-1196578217@ Pennsylvania, Revolutionary War Battalions and Militia Index, 1775-1783 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2591::0
@R-1196578217@ Pennsylvania, Revolutionary War Battalions and Militia Index, 1775-1783 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2591::0
@R-1196578217@ U.S. Compiled Service Records, Post-Revolutionary War Volunteer Soldiers, 1784-1811 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,2237::0
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.; Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served from 1784 to 1811; Record Group: 94, Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1762 - 1984; Series Number: M905; Roll Number: 3 1,2237::15584
@R-1196578217@ Germany, Select Marriages, 1558-1929 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9870::0
@R-1196578217@ Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,61229::0
@R-1196578217@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=74642411&pid...
The German Palatines were early 18th-century emigrants from the Middle Rhine region of the Holy Roman Empire, including a minority from the Palatinate, by which the entire group was known. They immigrated to England as refugees and were both Protestant and Catholic farmers. Towards the end of the 17th century and into the 18th, the wealthy region was repeatedly invaded by French troops during the religious wars. They imposed continuous military requisitions, causing widespread devastation and famine. The winter of 1708 was notably cold, resulting in further hardships. The term "Poor Palatines" referred to some 13,000 Germans who emigrated to England between May and November 1709, seeking refuge. Their arrival in England, and the inability of the British Government to integrate them, caused a highly politicized debate over the merits of immigration. The English tried to settle them in England, Ireland and the North American colonies to strengthen their position abroad.
Col Johann Peter Hedrick
Memorial Photos Flowers Edit Share Learn about upgrading this memorial... Birth: Apr. 17, 1710, Germany Death: Mar., 1788 Lebanon County Pennsylvania, USA
My ancestor Johann Peter Hedrick (Heydrich) was born in Ulmet Pfalz, Germany. His first wife was Anna Ottillia Blum who died in 1760. Together they had Christopher, Johann Peter Jr., Anna Maria, Johann Jacob, Johann Adam and Johann George.
Col. Peter is not buried here, but in a family cemetery near Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania.
Eventually I plan to build a memorial for those Hedrick ancestors at Swatara Gap in Lancaster County, PA.
He and his family departed Rotterdam, then to Dover and arrived in Philadelphia on September 11th, 1738 on the Robert and Alice.
Source: http://www.progenealogists.com/palproject/pa/1738r-a.htm
Family links:
Anna Otilia Blum Hedrick (1710 - 1760)*
Johann Peter Hedrick (1732 - 1798)*
Johann Jacob Hedrick (1736 - 1826)*
Johannes Henry Hedrick (1736 - 1800)*
Johann Adam Hedrick (1741 - 1815)*
Nicholas Hedrick (1778 - 1832)*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Walmers Church Cemetery Annville Lebanon County Pennsylvania, USA
Family Data Collection - Births Edmund West, comp. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. 1,5769::0
Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9866::0
Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9866::0
Family Data Collection - Births Edmund West, comp. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. 1,5769::0
Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=18569117&pid...
Lt. Col. Johann Peter Hedrick's Timeline
1710 |
April 17, 1710
Oberalben, Parish Ulmet, Pfalz, Germany
April 17, 1710
Ulmet, Bayern, Germany
April 17, 1710
Ulmet, Pfalz, Bavaria
1722 |
1733 |
December 17, 1733
Lichtenberg, Upper Franconia, Bavaria or Oberalben / Ulmet, Kusel, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
1734 |
June 11, 1734
June 11, 1734
Oberalben, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
1736 |
November 23, 1736
Oberalben, Reinpfalz, Germany
November 23, 1736
Ulmet, Pfalz, Germany