Louis XVI, king of France

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Louis-Auguste de Bourbon (1754 - 1793)

Also Known As: "King Louis XVI", "King Louis XVI of France", "d'Bourbon", "Navarre", "Louis 16th", "King of France", "Louis Capet"
Birthplace: Château de Versailles, Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
Death: January 21, 1793 (38)
Paris, France (Executed after the revolution (beheaded by means of guillotine))
Place of Burial: Saint-Denis, Paris, Ile-de-France, France
Immediate Family:

Son of Louis, dauphin de France and Maria Josepha von Sachsen, dauphine de France
Husband of Marie Antoinette, queen consort of France
Father of Marie Thérèse Charlotte, Reine consort de France et de Navarre; Louis Joseph, dauphin de France; Louis XVII Titular King of France and Sophie Hélène de France
Brother of Stillborn Son de France; Marie Zéphyrine de France; Louis Joseph Xavier de Bourbon, duc de Bourgogne; de France; Xavier de France, duc d'Aquitaine and 6 others
Half brother of Auguste d'Adonville and Marie Thérèse de France

Occupation: Roi de France (1774-1792), King of France and Navarre 1774-1791, King of the French 1791-1792, Kung i Frankrike 1774-92, Duc de Berry, , Roi de France, Ѩ қ, King of France
Label: Y DNA G2a (P15/PF3112)
Reign: r. 1774–92
Y-DnA Haplogroup: R1b-Z381
Managed by: Noah Tutak
Last Updated:

About Louis XVI, king of France



PredecessorLouis XV Successor: Monarchy abolished Next reigning monarch in France was Napoleon I starting 1804.

"The rule of France by men of the House of Bourbon began with King Henri IV in 1589 C.E. and continued until the beheading of his direct paternal descendant King Louis XVI in 1793. Several years ago, researchers analyzed a mummified head and a blood-soaked cloth that they believed might belong to the two kings, and concluded that the royal paternal line belonged to haplogroup G. In a more recent study, however, a different set of researchers tested three living men who are direct descendants of the Bourbon kings. Their efforts revealed that the male lineage of the House of Bourbon is actually a branch of haplogroup R-M405." (23&me, 2020)

Ludvig XVI (23. elokuuta 1754, Versailles – 21. tammikuuta 1793, Pariisi) oli Ranskan ja Navarran kuningas (1774–1789) ja ranskalaisten kuningas (1789–1792).

Ludvig Augustus oli Ranskan kruununperillisen, dauphin Ludvigin (1729–1765) poika. Hänen äitinsä, dauphinin toinen puoliso, oli Maria Josepha von Sachsen (1731–1767), jonka isä oli Saksin vaaliruhtinas Friedrich August II (1733–1763), Puolan kuninkaana nimellä Augustus III (1734–1763), sekä äiti Maria-Josepha von Habsburg. Näin Ludvig Augustus oli Ranskan kuninkaan Ludvig XV:n ja tämän puolison Marie Leszczyńskan pojanpoika. Syntyessään hän sai arvokseen Berryn herttuan tittelin, jota hän kantoi aina isänsä 20. joulukuuta 1765 tapahtuneeseen kuolemaan saakka. Tämän jälkeen hänestä tuli kruununperillinen, sillä hänen vanhempi veljensä Burgundin herttua Ludvig Josef oli kuollut jo aiemmin (1751–1761). Ludvig Augustuksesta tuli kuningas Ludvig XVI 10. toukokuuta 1774

Ludvig Augustus avioitui 16. toukokuuta 1770 Versaillesissa, Reimsin arkkipiispa-herttuan toimittamassa seremoniassa Itävallan arkkiherttuattaren Marie-Antoinetten (1755–1793) kanssa. Hänen vanhempansa olivat Pyhän saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan keisari Frans I ja keisarinna Maria Teresia, joka oli myös Unkarin, Böömin kuningatar sekä Itävallan hallitseva arkkiherttuatar.

Avioliitosta syntyivät lapset Marie-Thérèse Charlotte (1778–1851), eli kuninkaallinen Madame, joka avioitui sukulaisensa Angoulêmen herttuan (1775–1844) kanssa Louis-Joseph-Xavier-François (1781–1789), ensimmäinen dauphin Louis-Charles (1785–1795), toinen dauphin ja tuleva kuningas Ludvig XVII Sophie-Beatrix (1786–1787)

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Louis XVI (August 23, 1754, Versailles - 21 january, 1793, Paris) was French, and the king of Navarre (1774-1789) and the King of the French (1789-1792).

Louis Augustus was the son of the French heir to the throne, dauphin Louis (1729-1765). His mother, Dauphin's second wife, was Maria Josepha von Sachsen (1731-1767), whose father was a Saxon Elector Friedrich August II (1733-1763), the Polish king at Augustus III (1734-1763), as well as the mother of Maria-Josepha von Habsburg . Thus Louis Augustus was the King of France, Louis XV and his wife Marie Leszczynski grandson. At birth, he received the level of importance of the Duke of Berry's title, which he always wore his father until December 20, 1765's death. Subsequently, he became heir to the throne, because his older brother, Duke of Burgundy Ludwig Josef had died in the past (1751-1761). Louis Augustus became King Louis XVI on 10 May 1774

Louis Augustus married on 16 May 1770 in Versailles, submitted by the Archbishop of Reims, the Duke of the ceremony with the Austrian arkkiherttuattaren Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793). His parents were the Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Empress Maria Theresa, who was also Hungarian, Bohemian and Austrian reigning queen of archduchess.

Marriage born children of Marie-Thérèse Charlotte (1778-1851), a royal Madame, who married the Duke of Angoulême with relatives (1775-1844) Louis-Joseph-Xavier-François (1781-1789), the first dauphin Louis-Charles (1785-1795 ), the second dauphin and future King Louis XVII Sophie-Beatrix (1786-1787)

WikiTree   FREE   Birth:	Aug 23 1754 - Versailles, France Death:	Jan 21 1793 - Place de la Révolution, Paris, France Parents:	Louis Ferdinand de France, Maria Josepha Caroline Eleanore Franziska Bourbon Wife:	Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna de France Child:	Louis-Charles de France Siblings:	Charles Bourbon, King Louis Stanislas Xavier de France

__________ Louis XVII listed as "the uncrowned king of France"

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Louis XVI, king of France's Timeline

August 23, 1754
Château de Versailles, Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
August 23, 1754
Château de Versailles, Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
August 23, 1754
Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
France - aka Louis Augustus
April 3, 1770
Age 12
Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France

Née le 6/10/1757 et ondoyée le jour même en l'église St-Sulpice de Paris, les cérémonies du baptême ont été supplées en présence du Roi (Louis XV qui signe Louis) le 3/4/1770 en l'église N.D. de Versailles par Mgr Charles Antoine de la Roche Aymon, archevêque Duc de Rheims, Pair et Grand Aumonier de France.
p : Très Haut et Très Puissant et Excellent Prince Louis Auguste Dauphin de France (le futur Louis XVI qui signe Louis Auguste).
m : Très Haute et Très Puissante Madame Marie Adélaïde de France fille du Roi qui signe Marie Adélaïde.

October 20, 1778
Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France
October 22, 1781
Versailles, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France
March 27, 1785
Versailles, Seine-Et-Oise, France
July 9, 1786
Versailles, Yvelines, Ile-de-France, France