Historical records matching Louis I de Savoie, baron de Vaud
Immediate Family
About Louis I de Savoie, baron de Vaud
Bernard Andenmatten: "Savoie, Louis I^^er^^ de (Vaud)", in: Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse (DHS), version du 04.04.2013. Online: https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/fr/articles/017865/2013-04-04/, consulté le 28.07.2022.
LOUIS de Savoie ([1254]-[10 Jan 1302/27 Apr 1303], maybe 8 Jan 1303). A second testament of "Beatrix relicta…Dom. Reymundi Berengarii comitis provinciæ", dated 22 Feb 1264, adds bequests to "Thomam Amedeum et Ludovicum filios quondam Dom. Thome fratris mei…Alienore filie predicti comitis Thome…"[521]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[522], Comte Louis was born in Oct 1250 but, for the same reasons as cited in relation to the birth of his older brother Thomas (see above), this date looks unlikely. Baron de Vaud, Seigneur de Moudon, de Romont, de Rue, de Contrey, de Saillon, de Nyon et d'Aubon in 1286, accorded him by his brother.
LOUIS [I] de Savoie, son of THOMAS [II] Conte [Marchese] del Piemonte & his second wife Beatrice Fieschi ([1254]-[10 Jan 1302/27 Apr 1303], maybe 8 Jan 1303). A second testament of "Beatrix relicta…Dom. Reymundi Berengarii comitis provinciæ", dated 22 Feb 1264, adds bequests to "Thomam Amedeum et Ludovicum filios quondam Dom. Thome fratris mei…Alienore filie predicti comitis Thome…"[364]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[365], Comte Louis was born in Oct 1250 but, for the same reasons as cited in relation to the birth of his older brother Thomas (see the document SAVOY), this date looks unlikely. Baron de Vaud, Seigneur de Moudon, de Romont, de Rue, de Contrey, de Saillon, de Nyon et d'Aubon in 1286, accorded him by his brother Amédée V Comte de Savoie to assure his acceptance of the latter's accession as Count[366].
- "Lois de Savoie Sire de Waut" agreed peace with the town of Fribourg by charter dated 1292[367].
- "Ludovicus de Sabaudia dominus Vaudi" sold the village of "Forel iuxta Savignietum" to the bishop of Lausanne[368].
- The testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" made at Naples 10 Jan 1301 chooses his burial "nella Chiesa di S Pietro dell'Ara di Napoli", appoints "Ludovico di Lui figlio primogenito" or in default "Pietro alto suo figlio Giuniore, e di Lui fratello uterino", and makes bequests "a Bianca, e Cattarina sue figlie…di Lui Consorte Isabella", referring to the possibility of a posthumous child born from his wife[369].
He died before 27 Apr 1303, the date of the contract of marriage between "Pietro di Grançon Nipote d'Ottone Signore di Grançon" and "Bianca figlia del fu Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud"[370]. The necrology of Lausanne records the death 8 Jan of "d. Ludouicus de Sabaudia" and his donation of revenue from "Cletis…[et] Niudini"[371].
m firstly ADELINE de Lorraine, daughter of MATHIEU II Duke of Lorraine & his wife Catherine de Limbourg (1251 or before-before 1278). Her parentage and marriage are shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[372]. She is not named by Poull[373]. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified.
m secondly (1278) as her second husband, JEANNE de Montfort, widow of GUY [VI] Comte de Forez [Albon], daughter of PHILIPPE II de Montfort-l'Amaury Seigneur de Castres et de la Ferté-Alais & his wife Jeanne de Lévis ([1255/60]-1300). The court of Lyon confirmed the guardianship of "Gioanni figlio pupillo di Guidone Conte di Forest" naming "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Madre del detto Gioanni" and her second marriage with "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud fratello del Conte Amedeo" by charter dated 23 Jun 1283[374]. The testament of "dominæ Joannæ de Monteforti quondam comitissæ Forensis, uxorisque quondam…domini Ludovici de Sabaudia domini Vaudi" dated Nov 1293 chooses her burial "in cimiterio Fratrum Minorum Montisbrisonis" and makes bequests to "a Gioanni di lei figlio Conte di Forest…ad Isabella di Lei figlia moglie di Berardo di Merevel…a Lora, Margarita, Gioannetta, Beatrice, Eleonora, Cattarina e Bianca pur sue figlie…a Pietro di Lei figlio…altri suoi Benidto Lodovico suo figlio"[375]. She is not named in the agreement dated 15 May 1295 which records the partition of property between her brother and sisters[376], which suggests that she may have died before that date.
m thirdly (contract 1 May 1301) as her third husband, ISABELLE d'Aulnay, widow firstly of BALDONE Signore di Seminara, and secondly of ROBERT de Sauriac, Grand Seneschal of the Kingdom of Sicily, daughter of --- d'Aulnay & his wife --- (-30 Oct 1341). "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" granted "Isabella d'Aulnai sua Consorte" the castle of Iverdun in the diocese of Lausanne by charter dated 1 May 1301[377]. The contract of marriage between "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" and "Isabella d'Aulnay" is dated 1 May 1301[378]. The testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 10 Jan 1301 makes bequests "…di Lui Consorte Isabella", referring to the possibility of a posthumous child born from his wife[379].
Baron Louis & his first wife had one child:
1. LAURE de Savoie (before 1278-1334). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m (after 1324) as his third wife, JEAN [I] Comte de Forez, son of GUY [VI] Comte de Forez [Albon] & his wife Jeanne de Montfort ([1275/76]-3 Jul 1334).
Baron Louis & his second wife had eleven children:
2. ISABELLE de Savoie (-[Apr 1289/May 1290]). The contract of marriage between "Beraldo Signore di Mercoeur" and "Isabella di Savoia figlia del fu Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud di Gioanna di Monfort sua seconda Moglie" is dated 31 Mar 1289[380]. It is assumed that Isabelle was one of her parents’ older children, who died before the birth of her younger sister of the same name. Betrothed (31 Mar 1289) to BERAUD [VIII] Seigneur de Mercœur, son of BERAUD [VII] Seigneur de Mercœur & his wife Blanche de Salins (-5 Apr 1321).
3. MARGUERITE de Savoie (-7 Aug [1313 or 1323], bur Wadgassen). The contract of marriage between "Gio. di Chalon figlio di Stefano Conte d'Auxerre" and "Margarita figlia primogenita di Ludovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" is dated Apr 1293[381]. The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Margarita, Gioannetta, Beatrice, Eleonora, Cattarina e Bianca pur sue figlie…"[382]. The contract of marriage between "Margarita di Savoia Sorella di Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud Vedova di Gio. di annoiri" and "Simone figlio del Conte Gio. di Salbruc" is dated 21 Jun 1309[383]. The 29 Mar 1340 testament of Louis [II] de Savoie Baron de Vaud names his nephew Jean de Saarbrucken and his two sisters[384]. An inscription at Wadgasse, since disappeared, recorded the burial of “daisme Marguerite de Savoie femme Simon de Commercey-Sarburg” who died 6 Aug 1323[385]. Hugo records a monument at Wadgasse recording “Margaretæ à Sabaudia uxoris Simonis de Commerceio, 1313”[386]. m firstly (contract Apr 1293, 1 Apr 1293) JEAN de Salins Seigneur de Vignory et de Saint-Dizier, son of ETIENNE de Chalon Seigneur de Rouvres [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9] & his wife Jeanne de Vignory, dame de Vignory (-before 1307). m secondly (contract Vienne 22 May 1309, 21 Jun 1309) SIMON von Saarbrücken, son of JOHANN [I] Graf von Saarbrücken [Commercy] & his first wife Mathilde d'Aspremont (-1325).
4. JEANNE de Savoie (-after 29 Oct 1360). The contract of marriage between "Guglielmo Signore di Gex" and "Gioanetta figlia di Ludovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" is dated 5 Feb 1293[387]. The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Margarita, Gioannetta, Beatrice, Eleonora, Cattarina e Bianca pur sue figlie…"[388]. The 29 Mar 1340 testament of Louis [II] de Savoie Comte de Vaud names his sister Jeanne de Savoie dame de Gex[389]. m (contract 5 Feb 1293) GUILLAUME de Joinville Seigneur de Gex, son of SIMON de Joinville Seigneur de Gex & his wife Léonète de Gex (-after 1310).
5. LOUIS [II] de Savoie ([1290]-Feb 1349). The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Pietro di Lei figlio…altri suoi Benidto Lodovico suo figlio"[390]. The testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 10 Jan 1301 appoints "Ludovico di Lui figlio primogenitor"[391]. Her father's testamentary codicil dated 10 Jan 1301, made in Naples, names his sons Louis and Pierre, his daughters Blanche and Catherine, and the possibility of a child by his wife[392]. He succeeded his father in 1302 as Baron de Vaud. Elected Senator of Rome 1 Aug 1310, he served until Jul 1312, during which time he defended Rome against the supporters of Robert King of Naples [Anjou-Capet][393]. He renounced all claims to the county of Savoie in 1314 in return for an annual pension of 300 livres and the grant of certain fiefdoms[394]. Comte Amédée V named him Lieutenant General in Canavese, Piemonte in 1322. He was appointed a member of the Supreme Council of the States of Savoy 1330. Aymon Comte de Savoie named him as one of the guardians of his minor son Comte Amédée VI under his will 11 Jun 1343[395]. The testament of "Lodovico secundo di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 29 Mar 1340 chooses his burial "nell'Abazia, o sia nella Chiesa dell'Abazia d'Altacomba", names "Ludovico Signore di Vaud suo Padre", makes bequests "ad Isabella di Challon sua Consorte…Cattarina sua figlia…al conte Guidone di Fore zed a Raimundo suo fratello…ed a Gio. di Salabruschi, ed alle due Sorelle di Lui nipoti alter…a Ludovico di Nevfchâtel, ed alle due Sorelle…a Gioanna di Savoia Signora di Gex sua Sorella, nel caso, che sii in vita, altrimenti a suoi figliuoli…a Beatrice di Savoia Dama di Clermont, o a suoi figliuoli…a suoi Nipoti Ottone di Grançon, e Guglielmo suo fratello, ed alle Loro Sorelle" and appoints "stesso Conte Aymone, Isabella di Challon sua Consorte, li Vescovi di Losana, Geneva, Belley" as his executors[396]. A testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 18 Jan 1349 confirms bequests made to "Isabella di Challon sua Consorte" and refers to the dowry of "Cattarina sua figlia, Moglie del Principe Rodolfo Conte d'Eu e di Guines"[397]. m (9 Jul 1309) ISABELLE de Chalon Dame de Joigny, de Broyes et de Chavannes, daughter of JEAN [I] de Chalon Seigneur d'Arlay [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9] & his first wife Marguerite de Bourgogne [Capet] (-[13 Jun 1352/19 Jun 1359]). "Gioanni di Challon Signore d'Arlay" and "--- di Savoia Signore di Vaud" agreed to transfer property as part of the dowry of "Isabella di Chalon sua Sorella Moglie di detto Signore di Vaud" dated Feb 1309[398], although "sorella" is presumably an error for "figlia". The contract of marriage between "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" and "Isabella figlia di Gio. di Chalon Signore d'Arlai" is dated 9 Jul 1309[399]. A charter dated 9 Jul 1309 confirms the marriage between “Jehans de Chalon sires d’Allay…Ysabel sa fille” and “messires Loys de Savoie sires de Waut”, and also names “l’arcevesque de Besençon, frère doudit Jehan” and “la contesse de La Marche tante de ladite Ysabel”[400]. "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" lifted the obligation of "Guglielmo di Montagny suo Nipote" relating to the dowry for "Isabella di Chalon sua Consorte" by charter dated Dec 1332[401]. The testament of "Lodovico secundo di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 29 Mar 1340 makes bequests "ad Isabella di Challon sua Consorte…"[402]. A charter dated 10 Mar 1352, under which "Guillermus comes Namurcensis dominus Vuaudi" issued an arbitral decision relating to a dispute between the chapter of Lausanne and "dominum Iohannem condominium Albone militem", records the intervention of "illustres dominas dominam Ysabellam de Cabilone et dominam Katerinam de Sabaudia eius filiam, conjugem nostrum dominas Waudi" in a certain aspect of the dispute[403]. "Ysabella de Scabellione domina Novicastri relicta…domini Ludovici de Sabaudia domini Vaudi" granted rights in her lands to "consanguineorum nostrorum Guilliermi de Grandissono et Ioannis dominorum Albone" by charter dated 13 Jun 1352[404]. Baron Louis [II] & his wife had two children:
a) CATHERINE de Savoie (-18 Jan 1388, bur Namur, couvent des Franciscains). Her first marriage is confirmed by an agreement dated 22 Jan 1339 between "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" and "Cattarina di Savoia sua figlia Moglie d'Azone Visconti Signore di Milano" relating to the payment of her dowry[405]. The testament of "Lodovico secundo di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 29 Mar 1340 makes bequests "…Cattarina sua figlia…"[406]. The Chronique des comtes d’Eu, written in 1390, records that "Raoul", son of "Raoul", married "madame Catherine de Savoye"[407]. The contract of marriage between "Rodolfo d'Eu Conte di Guines" and "Cattarina figlia di Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" is dated Dec 1340[408]. The testament of "Cattarina di Savoia Contessa di Guines" dated 6 May 1343 appoints as her heirs, if she has no children, "Isabella di Challon sua Madre e premorando questa, Ludovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud suo Padre", chooses her burial "nel Convento de' P. P. Minori di Mion, ove resta sepolto Gio. di Savoia suo fratello", and names "Conte Rodolfo suo marito"[409]. A testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 18 Jan 1349 confirms bequests made to "Isabella di Challon sua Consorte" and refers to the dowry of "Cattarina sua figlia, Moglie del Principe Rodolfo Conte d'Eu e di Guines"[410]. Her third marriage is confirmed by an agreement between "Beatrisina di Savoia Vedova di Gaufredo Signore di Clermont" and "Guglielmo Signore di Namur e Cattarina di Savoia sua Consorte figlia di Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 10 Mar 1356 which concerns the former's renunciation of property connected with her dowry[411]. The date of her third marriage is indicated by a charter dated 10 Mar 1352 under which "Guillermus comes Namurcensis dominus Vuaudi" issued an arbitral decision relating to a dispute between the chapter of Lausanne and "dominum Iohannem condominium Albone militem"[412]. She sold Vaud to Amédée VI Comte de Savoie at Morges 19 Jun 1359 for 160,000 florins[413]. m firstly (Milan 1 or 10 Oct 1330) AZZONE Visconti Lord of Milan, son of GALEAZZO I Visconti Lord of Milan & his wife Beatrice d'Este (Ferrara 7 Dec 1302-Milan 16 Aug 1339, bur Milan). No issue. m secondly (contract Dec 1340, before 19 Dec 1340[414]%29 RAOUL [II] de Brienne Comte d'Eu et de Guines, son of RAOUL I de Brienne Comte d'Eu & his wife Jeanne de Mello, dame de Lormes et de Chateau-Chinon (-beheaded Paris 19 Nov 1350). Connétable de France. No issue. m thirdly (before 10 Mar 1352) GUILLAUME I "le Riche" Comte de Namur, son of JEAN I Comte de Namur [Flanders-Dampierre] & his second wife Marie d'Artois [Capet] (1324-1 Oct 1391, bur Namur, couvent des Franciscains).
b) JEAN de Savoie (-killed in battle Laupen 21 Jun 1339). His parentage is confirmed by the contracts of marriage between "Gio. di Savoia figlio di Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" and "Margarita di Chalon figlia di Gio. Signore di Chalon e d'Auxerre" dated 14 Mar 1333 and 18 Dec 1337[415]. Seigneur de Visieu. The Narratio de Conflictus Laufensis names "dominus Iohannes filius domini Ludwici de Sabaudia domini Waudi" among those killed at Laupen in 1339[416]. The History of Henricus Dapifer de Diessenhoven records that "filius…comitem Ludewicum de Sabaudia…Rudolfo [comitem Rudolphum de Nidow], Gerhardo [comitem Gerhardum de Waleis]" were killed at the siege of "castrum…Loupen" in 1339 from the context[417]. m (contracts 14 Mar 1333 and 18 Dec 1337, 14 Mar 1329) as her first husband, MARGUERITE d'Auxerre dame de Courtenot, daughter of JEAN [II] Comte d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9] & his wife Alix de Bourgogne dame de Montfleur (-11 Oct 1378). Two contracts of marriage between "Gio. di Savoia figlio di Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" and "Margarita di Chalon figlia di Gio. Signore di Chalon e d'Auxerre" are dated 14 Mar 1333 and 18 Dec 1337[418]. “Alix de Montbéliard comtesse d’Auxerre” donated revenue to “sa fille Marguerite de Chalon femme de Jean de Savoie” by charter dated 1334[419]. A dispute between "Lodovico di Savoia di Vaud" and "Conte d'Auxeres suo Suocero" concerning the dowry of "Margarita di Savoia sua figlia" was settled by charter dated 8 May 1340[420]. She married secondly Henri de Vienne Seigneur d'Antigny. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not been identified.
Baron Louis [II] had one possible illegitimate child:
c) [BONNE de Savoie (-2 Mar or May 1342). Bonne [Guta] is named in Europäische Stammtafeln[421] as the legitimate daughter of Louis de Vaud and as wife of the two husbands shown here, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. She is not named in the 29 Mar 1340 testament of her father[422]. It is unlikely that the wife of Duke Bolko II could have been the legitimate daughter of Louis [II] Baron de Vaud: her son was born in [1322/27] when the legitimate children of Baron Louis must still have been under child-bearing age. m firstly MATTHIAS Graf von Trenczin, son of --- (-1318). m secondly ([1321/22]%29 BOLKO II Duke of Münsterberg, son of BOLKO I Duke of Jauer and Schweidnitz [Piast] & his wife Beatrix von Brandenburg [Askanier] ([1 Feb 1300/1301]-11 Jun 1341).]
6. PIERRE de Savoie (-killed in battle Rome 21 Mar 1312). The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Pietro di Lei figlio…altri suoi Benidto Lodovico suo figlio"[423]. The testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 10 Jan 1301 names "Pietro alto suo figlio Giuniore, e di Lui fratello uterino"[424]. He was killed recapturing Rome for his brother and Emperor Heinrich VII from supporters of Robert King of Naples [Anjou-Capet].
7. BEATRIX de Savoie (-after 10 Mar 1356). The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Margarita, Gioannetta, Beatrice, Eleonora, Cattarina e Bianca pur sue figlie…"[425]. The testament of “Gauffredus seigneur de Clermont”, dated Aug 1332, named “son épouse Béatrix de Savoie...tutrice de ses enfants”[426]. Béatrice de Savoie, dame de Clermont was named as a beneficiary under the 29 Mar 1340 testament of her brother Louis II Baron de Vaud[427], although according to Europäische Stammtafeln she died in 1338[428]. An agreement between "Beatrisina di Savoia Vedova di Gaufredo Signore di Clermont" and "Guglielmo Signore di Namur e Cattarina di Savoia sua Consorte figlia di Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 10 Mar 1356 concerns her renunciation of property connected with her dowry[429]. m (1301) GEOFFROY [I] Seigneur de Clermont [en Dauphiné], son of AINARD [I] Seigneur de Clermont & his wife Alix de Thoire (-15 Aug 1332).
8. ELEONORE de Savoie (-24 Mar 1334). The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Margarita, Gioannetta, Beatrice, Eleonora, Cattarina e Bianca pur sue figlie…"[430]. The contract of marriage between "Rodolfo Signore di Neufchâtel" and "Eleonora figlia di Ludovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" is dated 18 Oct 1294[431]. The martyrology of Neuchâtel records the death 24 Mar 1333 (presumably O.S.) of “domina Elienor de Sabaudia domina Novi Castri”[432]. m (contract 18 Oct 1294, 28 Oct 1294) RODOLPHE [V] Comte et Seigneur de Neufchâtel, son of AMEDEE Seigneur de Neufchâtel & his wife Jordane de La Sarraz dame de Belmont [Grandson] (-22 Mar 1343).
9. CATHERINE de Savoie (-1305). The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Margarita, Gioannetta, Beatrice, Eleonora, Cattarina e Bianca pur sue figlie…"[433]. The testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 10 Jan 1301 makes bequests "a Bianca, e Cattarina sue figlie…"[434].
10. BLANCHE de Savoie (-after Apr 1323). The testament of "Gioanna di Monfort Contessa di Forest Moglie di Ludovico de Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated Nov 1293 makes bequests to "…Margarita, Gioannetta, Beatrice, Eleonora, Cattarina e Bianca pur sue figlie…"[435]. The testamentary codicil of "Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 10 Jan 1301 makes bequests "a Bianca, e Cattarina sue figlie…"[436]. The contract of marriage between "Pietro di Grançon Nipote d'Ottone Signore di Grançon" and "Bianca figlia del fu Lodovico di Savoia Signore di Vaud" is dated 27 Apr 1303[437]. The 29 Mar 1340 testament of Louis [II] de Savoie Comte de Vaud names his nephew Otto de Grandson, Guillaume his brother and his sisters[438]. m (contract 27 Apr 1303) PIERRE de Grandson Seigneur de Belmont, son of JACQUES de Grandson Seigneur de Belmont & his wife --- (-2 Jul [1343]). He succeeded his uncle in 1328 as Seigneur de Grandson.
11. GUILLAUME de Savoie (after Nov 1293-). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He is not named in his mother's Nov 1293 testament so was presumably born after that date[439]. Seigneur de Biolley. m as her first husband, NICOLE d'Alamant, daughter of GERARD Seigneur d'Alamant & his wife ---. Her origin, as well as both her marriages, are proved by an agreement between "Umberto di Rossiglione" and "Luigi di Savoia Signore di Vaud" dated 4 Jul 1344 names "Nicola moglie del medesimo, e figlia di Girardo Signore d'Alamant, e Moglie in prime nozze di Guglielmo di Savoia fratello del sudetto Luigi"[440]. She married secondly (before 4 Jul 1344) Umberto di Rossiglione.
12. ISABELLE de Savoie (after Nov 1293-). She is not named in his mother's Nov 1293 testament so was presumably born after that date[441]. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. m HUMBERT [II] de Montluel, son of ---.
Louis I de Savoie, baron de Vaud's Timeline
1254 |
Canton Vaud, VD, Switzerland
1265 |
1275 |
1280 |
1289 |
1290 |
1293 |
November 1293
1302 |
January 10, 1302
Age 48