Immediate Family
About Lothar II, von Walbeck
LOTHAR [I] von Walbeck, son of --- (-killed in battle near Lenzen an der Elbe 5 Sep 929). Thietmar records the death of two of his great grandfathers "both named Liuthar" at the battle of Lenzen 5 Sep[1748].
m --- . The name of Lothar's wife is not known.
Graf Lothar [I] & his wife had one child:
1. LOTHAR [II] von Walbeck (-986). Thietmar names his grandfather "Liuthar", recording that he participated in the plot to assassinate Emperor Otto I for which he exiled to Bavaria "to be held in captivity by Count Berthold" where he remained for a year[1749]. Graf von Walbeck. m MATHILDE von Arneburg, daughter of BRUNO Graf von Arneburg [Querfurt] & his wife Frederuna --- (-3 Dec 992). The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Thietmar records the death of his paternal grandmother Mathilde on 3 Dec in the same year in which her son Siegfried died[1750]. Graf Lothar [II] & his wife had four children:
a) LOTHAR [III] von Walbeck (-25 Jan 1003, bur Köln Cathedral). Thietmar names his paternal uncle Liuthar, recording that he attempted to deprive his mother of all her possessions after the death of his brother Siegfried[1751]. Graf im Derlingau und im Nordthüringgau 982. He succeeded in 982 as LOTHAR I Markgraf der Nordmark. The Annalista Saxo records that he was installed as Markgraf after "Teoderici ducis et marchionis" was deprived of the dignity following the destruction by the Slavs of the churches "Branneburch et Havelbergan" and their relapse into paganism[1752]. Thietmar records the death on 25 Jan, in the first year of the reign of King Heinrich II (1003), of "Markgraf Liuthar" and his burial at Köln[1753].
m as her first husband, GODILA, daughter of WERNER [Graf von Rothenburg] & his wife --- (-1015). Thietmar names a "nobly born woman from the West…Godila" as wife of Lothar, naming her father Werner and specifying that her cousin was Wicfrid Bishop of Verdun[1754]. Thietmar records that Godila remained unmarried for four years after her husband died then married secondly "her relative Hermann"[1755]. She married secondly (1007) Hermann [II] Graf von Werl. Godila's second husband has been identified as Hermann [II] Graf von Werl[1756]. If this is correct she must have been his second wife as Thietmar records that "she was denied any hope of future offspring" as she was excommunicated for the marriage, her husband being "her relative"[1757]. Graf Lothar [III] & his wife had [four] children:i) WERNER von Walbeck (-murdered Allerstedt 11 Nov 1014, bur Walbeck Monastery). Thietmar records the birth of Werner as first son of Lothar and his wife, born when his mother was "in her thirteenth year"[1758]. The Annalista Saxo names "marchio Werinharius" as son of Lothar[1759]. He succeeded in 1003 as WERNER Markgraf der Nordmark, until 1009. After accusations brought against him at Merseburg by Graf Dedo [Wettin], Werner was deprived of his titles[1760]. Thietmar records Werner abduction of Reinhild "mistress of Beichlingen" in Nov 1014, his capture and planned trial, his death "on the feast of St Martin having patiently endured whatever misfortunes had hitherto come his way", and his burial[1761]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "11 Nov" of "Wirinher com"[1762]. m (Jan 1003) LIUTGARD von Meissen, daughter of EKKEHARD I Markgraf von Meissen & his wife Schwanehild [Billung] (-13 Nov [1012], bur Walbeck Monastery). Thietmar names Liutgard as first born child of Ekkehard and his wife Swanhild[1763]. "Liutgardem" is also named in the Annalista Saxo, which records her parentage[1764]. Thietmar describes Liutgard as "on the one side…my niece and on the other my cousin's wife" when recording her death[1765], although she was rather remotely related to Thietmar to be described as his niece. Thietmar records the betrothal of Werner & Liutgard daughter of Ekkehard after Werner abducted her from the fortress of Quedlinburg, and in a later passage their eventual marriage in Jan of the first year of the reign of King Heinrich II (1003)[1766]. Thietmar records her death on 13 Nov, in a passage dated to 1012, and her burial at Walbeck monastery[1767].
ii) LOTHAR [IV] von Walbeck (-killed in battle 1033). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He succeeded as LOTHAR II Markgraf der Nordmark, Graf von Walbeck. m ---. The name of Lothar's wife is not known. Graf Lothar [IV] & his wife had one child:(a) SIEGFRIED von Walbeck (-after 1087). Graf von Derlingau und im Nordthüringgau. 1068/1087. "Herimannus…rex" donated property "duabus villis…in pago Norththuringau in comitatu Sigefridi comitis" to the church of Halberstadt by charter dated 13 Apr 1083[1768]. m ---. The name of Siegfried's wife is not known. Graf Siegfried & his wife had [one] child:
(1) [ODA von Walbeck (-1152). The Annalista Saxo names Oda as daughter of "prenominati Sigefridi de Waldbiki" (who, from the context of the passage, appears to be Siegfried [I] "der Ältere", see below, which must be incorrect), and names her husband Goswin[1769]. A further indication that Oda's father must be a different Siegfried is that the chronicler Thietmar, son of Siegfried "der Ältere", does not name Oda as his sister, although he names all his other siblings. Oda founded Kloster Heinsberg in [1145]. It does not appear chronologically possible for Oda to have been the wife of Goswin [I] Heer van Heinsberg. It is more likely that she was the wife of his son Gerhard. m GOSWIN [II] Herr von Heinsberg Heer van Valkenburg, son of GOSWIN [I] Herr von Heinsberg & his wife --- (-1 Apr 1128).]
iii) BERTHOLD von Walbeck (-1018 or after). Thietmar names "Berthold, Liuthar's son", when recording that he invaded Burg Monreberg and killed Balderic in 1017, but in a later passage that he surrendered to the emperor voluntarily[1770]. [m IRMGARD von Aspel, daughter of GODIZO Graf von Aspel und Heimbach & his wife --- de Verdun [Wigeriche]. The primary source which confirms Irmgard's origin has not yet been identified. However, the Vita Meinwerci records a donation (undated, but with other donations dated [1022]%29 of "comes…Godizo" with the consent of "coniugis suæ Addilæ ac sororis suæ heredis iustissimæ", witnessed by "Liudolfi, Udonis, Hiddonis, Acca comitum"[1771], which suggests that any children of Godizo predeceased their father. The same source records that Godizo's sister was his heiress, meaning that Berthold could not have had any surviving children by his marriage to Irmgard.]
iv) [DIETRICH . Thietmar names "my cousin Dietrich", recording that he was a canon at Magdeburg in [1008/09][1772].]b) EILIKA [Eiliswintha or Eila] von Walbeck (-19 Aug 1015, bur Schweinfurt Kloster). The Annalista Saxo records that "Eila" daughter of "Lotharius comes senior de Walbike" married "Bertoldus comes", their son being named Heinrich[1773]. She built the Münster at Schweinfurt. During her son's rebellion in 1003, she secured favourable treatment during the siege of her castle by threatening to take refuge inside the church and let herself be burned alive there[1774]. The death of "Eila filia Lotarii de Waldbike, mater Heinrici marchionis" is recorded in the Annalista Saxo on "XIV Kal Sep", which specifies that she was buried in Kloster Schweinfurt which she had founded[1775]. Thietmar records the death of "Countess Eila" on 19 Aug and her burial in the monastery which she had constructed[1776]. m ([970]%29 BERTHOLD Markgraf, Graf des Ostlichen Franken [Schweinfurt], son of --- (-15 Jan 980).
c) SIEGFRIED [I] "der Ältere" von Walbeck (-Walbeck 15 Mar 992). Thietmar names his father Siegfried, recording that "then a young man and unmarried" he supported Markgraf Hodo against Miezsko of Poland at the battle of Zehden[1777]. Graf von Walbeck. "Otto…imperator augustus" gave judgment in a dispute between Werner Abbot of Fulda and Gozbert Abbot of Hersfeld, concerning ship travel along the Hörsel, by charter dated 30 Dec 979, which names "comites nostros Sigebertum, Sigefridum et Brunonem"[1778], Siegfried presumably being Graf Siegfried [I]. Thietmar records his father's death on 15 Mar, in the same year that his mother died, at the fortress of Walbeck[1779]. m (end 972) KUNIGUNDE von Stade, daughter of HEINRICH "der Kahle" Graf von Stade & his first wife Judith von der Wetterau [Konradiner] ([956]-Burg Germersleben 13 Jul 997, bur Germersleben). Thietmar records that his father Siegfried "was mourned by his wife Cunegunde", stating that her brother-in-law Liuthar attempted to deprive her of all her possessions after the death of her husband, although all was restored to her with the emperor's help[1780]. Her marriage can be dated approximately from Thietmar describing her husband as unmarried at the time of the battle of Zehden[1781], which is dated to 24 Jun 972. The Annalista Saxo records the death in "Germersleve" on "III Id Iul 998" of "Cunigund comitissa uxor Sigefridi de Waldbike", specifies that she was sister of "Heinrici, Sigefridi et Udonis" and names her five sons (in order) "Thietmarum, Sigefridum, Brunonem, Heinricum, Fridericum"[1782]. In another passage, the Annalista Saxo records "Iudhithe comitisse filie Heinrici Calvi de Stadhen" as wife of "Sigefridi comitis de Waldbike"[1783]. Thietmar records the death of his mother at Burg Germersleben on 13 Jul[1784]. Graf Siegfried [I] & his wife had five children:i) HEINRICH von Walbeck (973-killed in battle 1002 or after Sep 1004). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Thietmarum, Sigefridum, Brunonem, Heinricum, Fridericum" as the five sons of "Cunigund comitissa uxor Sigefridi de Waldbike", specifying that Heinrich inherited his father's county suggesting that he was the oldest despite the order in which the brothers are named (which gives the three clerical brothers before the two lay ones)[1785]. Thietmar records that "Count Heinrich my brother" was involved in the battle in the "lands of the Milzeni", which from the apparently chronology of the text took place after the installation of Jaromir as Duke of the Bohemians (Sep 1004), and returned the body of "Hemuzo" (whose vassal he was) to the deceased's homeland[1786].
ii) FRIEDRICH von Walbeck (974-after 1012). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Thietmarum, Sigefridum, Brunonem, Heinricum, Fridericum" as the five sons of "Cunigund comitissa uxor Sigefridi de Waldbike", specifying that Friedrich administered Magdeburg as prefect[1787]. Graf von Walbeck, Burggraf von Magdeburg. m as her first husband, THIETBURGA, daughter of ---. The Annalista Saxo names "Thietberga comitissa" wife of "Friderici Magedaburgensis comitis", specifying that she married secondly "quidam nobilis de proceribus Hessorum, genuitque ille Meinfridum, qui predicto fratri suo Conrado, quia filium non habuit, in comitatu successit"[1788]. She married secondly ---. Friedrich & his wife had [two] children:(a) KONRAD von Walbeck . The Annalista Saxo names "Conradum Magedaburgensem comitem" and gives his parentage[1789]. Graf von Walbeck, Burggraf von Magdeburg. m ADELHEID, daughter of ---, from Bavaria. The Annalista Saxo names Adelheid wife of Konrad, specifying that she was "de Bawaria"[1790]. Graf Konrad & his wife had one child:
(1) MATHILDE von Walbeck . The Annalista Saxo names her and gives her parentage, as well as her marriage to "Teodericus comes de Ploceke"[1791]. m DIETRICH Graf von Plötzkau, son of BERNHARD I von Kakelingen Graf im Harzgau & his wife Irmingard -- (-3 Aug -, bur Kakelingen).
(b) [BRIGIDA . Thietmar names his niece Brigida "who exercised pastoral care over the monastery of St Lawrence"[1792]. There is no proof of her parentage, but Friedrich is the only brother of Thietmar who is recorded as having married and had children. Another possibility is that she was a descendant of Lothar [III], Thietmar's paternal uncle, assuming that the relationship was more remote than implied by the strict meaning of the term niece.]
iii) THIETMAR von Walbeck (25 Jul 975-1 Dec1018). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Thietmarum, Sigefridum, Brunonem, Heinricum, Fridericum" as the five sons of "Cunigund comitissa uxor Sigefridi de Waldbike", specifying that Thietmar, Siegfried and Bruno were bishops and in a later passage that Thietmar was Bishop of Merseburg[1793]. The historian and chronicler. Thietmar recalls in his own Chronicon that he was first brought up by his maternal aunt Emnilde at Quedlinburg, transferred to Abbot Rikdag second abbot of St Johann at Magdeburg, and 1 Nov 990 "accepted into the community of St Maurice", in a later passage writing that he was the third son of his parents[1794]. Provost of Walbeck 1002. Bishop of Merseburg 1009.
iv) SIEGFRIED von Walbeck (-27 Nov 1032[1795]). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Thietmarum, Sigefridum, Brunonem, Heinricum, Fridericum" as the five sons of "Cunigund comitissa uxor Sigefridi de Waldbike", specifying that Thietmar, Siegfried and Bruno were bishops, and in a later passage that Siegfried was Bishop of Münster[1796]. Abbot of Berge, near Magdeburg 1009. Bishop of Münster 1022.
v) BRUNO von Walbeck (-21 Aug 1049). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Thietmarum, Sigefridum, Brunonem, Heinricum, Fridericum" as the five sons of "Cunigund comitissa uxor Sigefridi de Waldbike", specifying that Thietmar, Siegfried and Bruno were bishops, and in a later passage that Bruno was Bishop of Verden[1797]. Abbot of Nienburg. Abbot at Magdeburg 1025. Bishop of Verden 1034.
Graf Siegfried [I] had one illegitimate child by an unknown mistress:
vi) WILLIGIS . Thietmar names "Willigis who was my brother from my father", recording that he installed him as Provost of Walbeck after his own appointment as bishop in 1009[1798].
d) DIETMAR von Walbeck . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Abbot of Corvey 983-1001.
Lothar II. Graf von Walbeck (929-964)
Graf im Derlingau, Balsamgau und Nordthüringgau
um 900-21.1.964
Sohn des Grafen Lothar I. von Walbeck
Thiele Andreas: Tafel 219
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"Erzählende genealogische Stammtafeln zur europäischen Geschichte"
Band I, Teilband 1 Deutsche Kaiser-, Königs-, Herzogs- und Grafenhäuser I
LOTHAR II., Graf von Walbeck, im Derlingau, Balsamgau und Nordthüringengau
+ 986
Er taucht ehrmals als Rebell gegen OTTO I. DEN GROSSEN auf und ist zeitweise inhaftiert; 965 soll er sogar hingerichtet werden, wird aber von Kaiser OTTO letztlich begnadigt und seitdem dessen treue Hilfe; gründet als Sühnekloster die Abtei Walbeck und wird deren Vogt; hilft OTTO II. gegen Dänemark und OTTO III. 983 im Thronkrieg.
oo MATHILDE VON ARNEBURG, Tochter des Grafen Brun
+ XII. 990
Sein Stammsitz war die Burg Walbeck an der Aller im Nordthüringgau. Lothar II. nahm 941 an der Verschwörung des Königs-Sohnes Heinrich gegen seinen Bruder OTTO I. teil. Nur die Fürbitte seiner Freunde rettete ihm das Leben, so dass er mit einer Schutzhaft bei Graf Berthold von Schweinfurt davonkam. Der König konfiszierte und vergabte alle seine Güter. Schon nach einem Jahr erlangte Lothar zugleich mit der königlichen Gnade und einer Geldentschädigung sein Allod in Santersleben und Gutenswegen zurück, die beide im Nordthüringgau im Raum nördlich von Magdeburg lagen. Die Beziehungen zu Graf Berthold waren so freundschaftlich, dass sie durch dauernde Familienbande befestigt wurden. Nach seiner Entlassung gab ihm Lothar seine einzige Tochter Eilika zur Gattin. Zur Sühne für seine Untreue errichtete Lothar zu Ehren der Jungfrau Maria in Walbeck ein Kollegiatstift, dem er den zehnten Teil seines Erbes übertrug.
Köpke Rudolf/Dümmler Ernst: Seite 117
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"Kaiser Otto I."
OTTO wurde von diesem schändlichen Anschlage zeitig genug benachrichtigt, um ihn zu vereiteln zu können, denn es fand sich unter den Verschwörern ein Verräter. Er feierte Ostern (18. April) zu Quedlinburg mit der üblichen Pracht, um auch in der Gefahr der königlichen Würde nichts zu vergeben; sein treues Gefolge aber hütete ihn so wachsam bei Tage wie bei Nacht, dass Niemand Hand an ihn zu legen wagte. Nach dem Fest ließ der König mit dem Rate Hermanns von Schwaben und der fränkischen Grafen Udo und Konrads des Roten, die damals am höchsten in seinem Vertrauen standen, die Schuldigen zur Haft bringen. Als Erich die Bewaffneten des Königs kommen sah, warf er sich auf seinem Rosse ihnen entgegen und fiel von Speerstichen durchbohrt. So entging er durch einen ehrenvollen Tod der Hinrichtung, welche nach gefälltem Urteile an den Schuldigen vollzogen wurde. Verbannung und Einziehung traf die übrigen, unter ihnen den Grafen Liuthar, den nur die Fürbitte seiner Freunde vom Tode errettete. Er wurde der Obhut des Grafen Berthold vom Nordgau und Volkfelde (aus dem Hause der BABENBERGER) übergeben, seine reichen liegenden Gründe auf ein Jahr mit Beschlag belegt. Als ihm der König nach Jahresfrist verzieh, erhielt er sie zurück nebst einer Geldsumme und den Gütern Sondersleben und Gutenswegen zur Entschädigung für den erlittenen Verlust. Sein Hüter Berthold aber vermählte sich später mit seiner Tochter Eilaswinda oder Eila. Er selbst stiftete zur Sühnung seines Vergehens aus dem Zehnten seiner Güter nachmals das Kloster Walbeck.
Schölkopf, Ruth:
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"Die sächsischen Grafen 919-1024"
Thietmar nannte als seinen Großvater väterlicherseits und damit als Sohn des gefallenen Lothar ebenfalls einen Grafen Lothar. Dieser Lothar wurde vom Sächsischen Annalisten (a. 977, a. 979) als senior de Waldbike näher bestimmt. Die Burg Walbeck (an der Aller) im Nordthüringgau, die nach Grosse vom gleichen Typ war wie die Königspfalzen Werla und Tilleda, war Stammsitz dieses Geschlechts, nach dem es häufig benannt wurde. Über diesen Grafen Lothar sind wir verhältnismäßig gut unterrichtet. Wir wissen, dass er 941 an der Verschwörung Heinrichs von Bayern gegen OTTO DEN GROSSEN teilnahm. Als der König zu Quedlinburg von dem Anschlag erfuhr, sollte auch Lothar mit den übrigen Aufständischen hingerichtet werden. Die Fürbitte seiner Freunde rettete ihm das Leben, so dass er mit einer Schutzhaft bei Graf Bertold in Bayern davonkam. Der König konfiszierte und vergabte alle seine Güter. Schon nach einem Jahr erlangte Lothar zugleich mit der königlichen Gnade und einer Geldentschädigung sein Allod in Santersleben (Klein-Santersleben bei Neuhaldensleben) und Gutenswegen (bei Groß-Santersleben) zurück, die beide im Nordthüringgau im Raume nördlich von Magdeburg lagen. Die Beziehungen zu Graf Berthold waren so freundschaftlich, dass sie durch dauernde Familienbande gefestigt wurden. Nach seiner Entlassung gab ihm Lothar seine einzige Tochter Eila (Heilikswinda) zur Gattin. Thietmar erwähnte Eila als seine Tante und Gattin Bertolds, dem sie die Söhne Heinrich und Bucco (Burchard) schenkte. Sie starb am 19. August 1015 und wurde in dem von ihr errichteten Kloster zu Schweinfurt bestattet. Zur Sühne für seine Untreue errichtete Lothar zu Ehren der Jungfrau Maria in Walbeck ein Kollegiatstift, dem er den zehnten Teil seines Erbes übertrug. Leider wurde der Besitz nicht näher aufgeführt. Er lag wohl in nächster Umgebung von Walbeck. Graf Lothar starb am 21. Januar 964.
Er war mit Mathilde vermählt, deren Herkunft uns noch später beschäftigen wird. Sie sorgte unter Mitwirkung ihrer beiden Söhne für die Stiftung ihres Gatten, den sie als Witwe um viele Jahre überlebte, bis sie am 3. Dezember 991 starb. Als beider Söhne nannte der Sächsische Annalist Siegfried und Lothar.
oo Mathilde von Arneburg, Tochter des Grafen Bruno
oo Berthold Graf von Schweinfurt
um 915-15.1.980
Lothar III.
Thietmar Abt von Corvey (983-1001)
Annalen von Magdeburg ad a. 968 - Annalista Saxo: Reichschronik Seite 30,32,45 - Köpke, Rudolf/ Dümmler Ernst: Kaiser Otto der Große, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt 1962 Seite 117 - Holtzmann Robert: Geschichte der sächsischen Kaiserzeit. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag München 1971 Seite 126 - Schölkopf, Ruth: Die sächsischen Grafen 919-1024, Göttingen 1957 Studien und Vorarbeiten zum Historischen Atlas Niedersachsens - Thiele, Andreas: Erzählende genealogische Stammtafeln zur europäischen Geschichte Band I, Teilband 1, R. G. Fischer Verlag Frankfurt/Main 1993 Tafel 219 - Thietmar von Merseburg: Chronik Wissenschaftliche Buchgemeinschaft Darmstadt 1992 Seite 56,290 -
LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck
LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck7,370 died in 986.
- Parents: Emperor \Holy Roman Empir Lothair I Of CAROLINGIA and Queen Of Italy Ermengarde D'ORLEANS.
- Spouse: Mathilde Von ARNEBURG. LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck and Mathilde Von ARNEBURG were married.
- Children were:
- Eilika Von WALBECK,
- LOTHAR Graf Von Walbeck,
- I SIEGFRIED Graf Von Walbeck.
also known as Lothaire II of Walbeck (now presumably either Walbeck, Börde or Walbeck, Mansfeld-Südharz)
Count of Walbeck
Count of Stade?
Lothar II, von Walbeck's Timeline
900 |
Walbeck, Sachsen, Deutschland (HRR)
947 |
949 |
September 5, 949
Walbeck, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
953 |
986 |
Age 86
Lenzen, Brandenburg, Germany
???? |
Walbeck, Helmstedt, Braunschweig, Germany
???? | |||
???? |