Immediate Family
About Liutold, Comte de Montbéliard
Liutold, graf von Mömpelgard (comte de Montbéliard)
Liutold was the son of Konrad von Schwaben. His wife was Willibirg.
Some of the names of the members of the family shown below suggest a connection with the earlier Grafen im Sundgau shown in Part A. Assessing the family relationship, if any, would be speculative.
-http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ALSACE.htm#LiutoldMWillibirg (2022)
1. LIUTOLD (-before 1044). Graf im Sundgau. He held the castle of Montbéliard. Hlawitschka suggests that he was Liutold, son of Konrad I Duke of Swabia [Konradiner] & his wife Richlint [Regenlindis][211], but this assumes that the son of Duke Konrad of this name existed in the first place (the doubts concerning this are discussed in the document SWABIA DUKES).
m WILLIBIRG, daughter of [UNRUOCH & his wife ---]. Her marriage is confirmed by the charter dated 1044 under which her son "Hunfredus…non infirmus ortus natalibus…Argentinensis ecclesia canonia" appointed the church of Strasbourg as his heir, excluding "patris mei Lutoldo meeque matris Willebirge fratris quoque mei chare memorie Wottonis" who had attempted to disinherit him[212]. Ortlieb's Chronicon of Zwiefalten names "Willibirgæ de Mumpilgart seu de Wulvelingen" as wife of "comitis Liuthoni"[213]. Jackman[214] speculates that Willibirg was the daughter of Adalbert II associate King of Italy & his wife Gerberge de Chalon, his reasoning being the onomastic connection between the Ivrean name 'Berengar', imported into the family of Liutold, and the use of 'Willa' among the ancestors of Adalbert King of Italy. However, another origin is suggested by the necrology of Zwiefalten which records the death "XIV Kal Dec" of "Unruoch proavus Liutoldi comitis"[215]. If this great grandfather were the father of Willibirg, it may also explain how the name Berenger entered the family, assuming that Unruoch was related to the Unruochingi Counts of Friulia.
Liutold & his wife Williberga had seven [NO - four] children:
- a) /!\ HADAMOT . She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg in Europäische Stammtafeln[216] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified.
- b) /!\ GERBERGA (-1061). She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg in Europäische Stammtafeln[217] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. Abbess of Geisenfeld.
- c) /!\ LIUTGARD . She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg, with her husband, in Europäische Stammtafeln[218] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. m WERINGAND, son of --- (-1037/[1052]).
- d) OTTO (-[1025/44]). "Hunfredus…non infirmus ortus natalibus…Argentinensis ecclesia canonia" appointed the church of Strasbourg as his heir, excluding "patris mei Lutoldo meeque matris Willebirge fratris quoque mei chare memorie Wottonis" who had attempted to disinherit him, by charter dated 1044[219].
- e) HUNFRIED (-22 Aug 1051). Ortlieb's Chronicon of Zwiefalten names "Hunfridi Ravennantiam archiepiscopi" as brother of "Adelheidem, filiam comitis Liuthoni ac Willibirgæ…"[227]. Canon at Strasbourg 1044.
- f) BERENGAR (-killed Rome 1027, bur Rome, St Peter's). Wipo names "iuvenis…Berengarius filius Liutoldi comitis de Alamannia" when recording that he was killed in the riots which followed the coronation of Emperor Konrad II in 1027 in Rome and was buried in the tomb of Emperor Otto II[231].
- g) ADELHEID (-29 Aug [1065], bur Strasbourg Cathedral[232]). Ortlieb's Chronicon of Zwiefalten records that Rudolf married "filiam comitis Liuthoni ac Willibirgæ de Mumpilgart seu de Wulvelingin Adelheidam...sororem Hunfridi Ravennantiam archiepiscopi", adding that the couple had seven sons and three daughters[233]. A charter dated to [1053] records that "sue sororis Adelheide, eiusque filiorum" confirmed the donations to Strasbourg by "Hunfrit Argentinensis ecclesie…canonicus, postea…Ravennas archiepiscopi" after first challenging them[234]. m RUDOLF Graf von Achalm, son of - (-24 Sep -, bur Dettingen, transferred to Zwiefalten).
Updated April 2022
Do not confuse Liutold & Willibirg with Weriand & Willibirg:
1. WERIAND [Wecellin?], son of --- (-1051). Conte in Istria and Friulia. A charter dated 3 Nov 1001 records a judgment relating to a grant by Emperor Otto III to "Uverihen comes" in a session at which "Fulco comes, Egelre comes, Lanfrancus comes, comites Vicentino atque Patavino Uualferam et Ceisulf comitibus…" were present[249].
m WILLIBIRG von Ebersberg, daughter of UDALRICH Graf von Ebersberg [Sieghardinger] & his wife Richardis von Viehbach [Eppensteiner] (-25 Nov after 1056).
Medlands quotes “Europäische Stammtafeln” and places Hadamot, Gerberga and Luitgard as daughters of Liutold, Comte de Montbéliard and his wife Williberga, Countess of Montbéliard in error. Primary sources about the Geisenfeld monastery show they are, in fact, children of Count Werigand of Istria-Friuli and his wife Williburga II, de Semta et Ebersberg, comitissa.
Liutold & his wife Williberga had seven children: [not these three] -
a) HADAMOT . She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg in Europäische Stammtafeln[216] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified.
b) GERBERGA (-1061). She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg in Europäische Stammtafeln[217] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. Abbess of Geisenfeld.
c) LIUTGARD . She is named as daughter of Liutold and Willibirg, with her husband, in Europäische Stammtafeln[218] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. m WERINGAND, son of --- (-1037/[1052]).
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIA.htm#Konraddied997BSWABIA, DUKES v3.0 Updated 24 July 2014
Duke Konrad & his wife had [nine] children:
3. [LIUTOLD (-after 999). The Genealogia Welforum names (in order) "Egebertum marchionem de Stadin, Leopaldum, Liutoldum, Chunonem et 4 filias" as children of "Chuno comes [et] filia Ottonis Magni imperatoris"[118]. The Historia Welforum names (in order) "Eggebertum, Leopaldum, Liutoldum, Counonem" as the four sons of "Couno comes" and "filia Ottonis magnis imperatoris…Richlint", specifying that Ekbert obtained "marchiam illam que est in finibus Saxonie versus Danos, Stadin"[119]. "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property by the spurious charter dated 13 Jan 965 to the church of Oehningen, built according to the document by "domnus Chono comes de Oningen" with the consent of "uxoris sui Richlinde, filiorumque eius Eggeberti, Luipoldi, Chononis, Lutoldi"[120]. Presumably these three documents are all based on the same source. The doubts concerning the information contained therein relating to the supposed son named Ekbert do not inspire confidence in the accuracy of anything relating to Luitpold, Liutold and Konrad.] same person as …? LIUTOLD (-before 1044). The co-identity of Liutold son of Duke Konrad and Liutold Comte de Montbéliard is reconstructed by Hlawitschka[121], but this assumes that the son of Duke Konrad of this name existed in the first place. Comte de Montbéliard. - GRAFEN im SUNDGAU.
m WILLIBIRG, daughter of [UNRUOCH & his wife ---].
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIA.htm#Konraddied997BSWABIA, DUKES v3.0 Updated 24 July 2014
Duke Konrad & his wife had [nine] children:
2. [LUITPOLD . "Otto…imperator augustus" granted property by the spurious charter dated 13 Jan 965 to the church of Oehningen, built according to the document by "domnus Chono comes de Oningen" with the consent of "uxoris sui Richlinde, filiorumque eius Eggeberti, Luipoldi, Chononis, Lutoldi"[115]. The Genealogia Welforum names (in order) "Egebertum marchionem de Stadin, Leopaldum, Liutoldum, Chunonem et 4 filias" as children of "Chuno comes [et] filia Ottonis Magni imperatoris"[116]. The Historia Welforum names (in order) "Eggebertum, Leopaldum, Liutoldum, Counonem" as the four sons of "Couno comes" and "filia Ottonis magnis imperatoris…Richlint"[117]. Presumably these three documents are all based on the same source. The doubts concerning the information contained therein relating to the supposed son named Ekbert do not inspire confidence in the accuracy of anything relating to Luitpold, Liutold and Konrad.]
- https://www.genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00331095&tree=LEO cites
- ~Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.). 1.1:9 has errors
- Josip Banic (ed.), Fontes Istrie medievalis, vol. 2: A 804 usque ad 1077, doc. 1045_HD, fontesistrie.eu/1045_HD (retrieved 31 March 2022) “Notices from the cartularies of the Ebersberg and Geisenfeld monasteries regarding the heirs of the house Sempt-Ebersberg: Williburga II, her daughter Hademoud II, and her grandson Ulrich I.” < link >
- See http://www.e-familytree.net/F252/F252035.htm for more information, speculative research of Rob Salzman (http://www.e-familytree.net/surnames.htm). (Dead link)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalbert_of_Italy does not list this Williberg as a daughter of Adalbert of Italy.
- https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adalberto_II_d%27Ivrea lists as only daughter, Gisella (962-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato [NO - she was the daughter of Adalbert of Milan]
- https://thesignsofthetimes.com.au/36/67175.htm (1st three children show wrong parents)
- https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/de-mb_hi.html Mömpelgard 1470-1793 (Germany) County of Mömpelgard, Grafschaft Mömpelgard, nowadays Montbeliard
- https://thesignsofthetimes.com.au/36/66960.htm
Liutold, Comte de Montbéliard's Timeline
961 |
Mömpelgard, Württemberg, Germany, now in France
999 |
Mompelgard, Germany
1001 |
Mompelgard, Germany
1005 |
Wolfingen, Bavaria
1007 |
Mompelgard, Germany
1020 |
Age 59
Mömpelgard, Württemberg, Germany, now in France