Historical records matching Lesceline de Tourville, Countess of Eu
Immediate Family
About Lesceline de Tourville, Countess of Eu
brief biography and family
founder of the abbey of Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives (circa 1046-1047) and donated land to the Holy Trinity of Rouen in 1049 .
content to clean up
Alice Lezieline or Lesceline d’Harcourt († 1058). Lecelina.
Parents: Turchetil, Seigneur de Tourville & his wife
Spouse: Guillaume, Comte d'Hiemois
1. Robert
2. Guillaume
3. Hugues
4. daughter, mother of Guillaume d'Alderi
GUILLAUME de Normandie, son of RICHARD I "Sans Peur" Comte de Normandie & his second wife Gunnora --- (978-1057). The sources are contradictory regarding the parentage of Guillaume Comte d'Hiémois. According to Dudo of Saint-Quentin[1272], he was an illegitimate son of Richard I by a mistress other than Gunnora. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Godefroi et Guillaume" as the two sons of Duke Richard by his concubines[1273]. Robert of Torigny names "unus Godefridus alter…Willermus" as sons of "Ricardi primi ducis Normanniæ" by concubines, recording that Guillaume was first "comes…Aucensis" and after the death of his brother became "comes Brionnensis"[1274]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[1275], he was the younger son of Geoffroy de Brionne, Richard I's illegitimate son, although the source on which this is based is not known. An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Robertus archiepiscopus…ecclesie Rotomagensis et Vuillelmus et Malgerus fratres Richardi comitis…"[1276]. Comte d'Hiémois et Comte d'Eu. Guillaume de Jumièges records the rebellion of "un certain frère du duc, né du meme père…Guillaume" against Duke Richard, after receiving the county of Hiesme, his capture and imprisonment for five years at Rouen, his escape and investment as Comte d'Eu by his brother[1277].
m LECELINE, daughter of TURCHETIL Seigneur de Tourville & his wife --- (-26 Jan [1057/58]). Guillaume de Jumièges records the marriage of "un certain frère du duc, né du meme père…Guillaume" and Lescelina after his escape from imprisonment[1278]. She is named as the wife of Guillaume Comte d'Eu by Orderic Vitalis[1279]. "Lezelina comitissa" donated land bordering the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated [1049], which also names her three sons (in order) Hugues, Guillaume and Robert[1280]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[1281].
Comte Guillaume & his wife had [four] children:
1. ROBERT d'Eu (-8 Sep [1089/93], bur Le Tréport). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1282]. He succeeded his father as Comte d'Eu.
- see below.
2. GUILLAUME "Busac" d'Eu (-[1076]). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1283]. "Hugonis, Willelmi et Rotberti filiorum eius" are named in the charter of "Lezelina comitissa" dated [1049][1284]. Comte de Soissons, by right of his wife.
3. HUGUES d'Eu (-17 Jul 1077). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1285]. "Hugonis, Willelmi et Rotberti filiorum eius" are named in the charter of "Lezelina comitissa" dated [1049][1286]. He is named as brother of Robert Comte d'Eu by Orderic Vitalis[1287]. Bishop of Lisieux. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[1288].
4. [daughter . m ---.]
a) GUILLAUME "de Alderi" (-hanged 1096). Florence of Worcester records that "Willelmi de Owe…dapiferum illius Willelmum de Alderi filium amitæ illius" was hanged in [1096] for his part in the conspiracy against William II King of England[1289]. "Willelmum de Alderi" has not yet been identified but, if "amita" is translated in its strict sense of paternal aunt, he was presumably the son of a daughter of Guillaume de Normandie Comte d'Eu.
Summary of Lesceline, Comtesse d'Eu:
- Father: Turchetil/Turquetil, Seigneur de Tourville
- Mother: Unknown. (FMG doesn't propose. Helene's Genes proposes Avelina, first wife of Turchetil/Tourude, while Castelli proposes Adelina de Montfort, but neither provide sources. French Wikipedia proposes Anceline de Montfort-sur-Risle on its Liste des seigneurs d'Harcourt)
Siblings (sourced in FMG):
- 1. Hasculf d'Harcourt
- 2. Hugues
- 3. Geoffroy
Siblings (unsourced in Helene's Genes):
- 1. Walter Harcourt (b.abt.972)
- 2. Josceline de Harcourt (b.abt.978 m. Roger de Montgomery)
- Guillaume, Comte d'Hiémois et Comte d'Eu (978-1057). Hildouin II Count of Montdidier appears to be unsupported.
- 1. Robert d'Eu (1005/1010 - 8 September 1089/1093, bur. Le Treport), 2nd Comte d'Eu
- 2. Guillaume "Busac" d'Eu (d. 1076), Comte de Soissons (Castelli apparently claims he also carried the title of Comte d'Hiesmes)
- 3. Hugues d'Eu (d. 17 July 1077), Bishop of Lisieux (Castelli names him Hugh Taleboth)
- 4. Mother of Guillaume "de Alderi". (Helene's Genes proposes "Constance d'Eu, who married Gilbert de Crispin, while Castelli proposes Lithuaise de Troyes, both without sources)
Castelli also proposes Pons Fitz William as a fifth child, but without sources.
Basic Information:
Birth: Unknown (Helene's Genes proposes 973, while Castelli proposes 991 presuming within Normandy, but both without sources. Given her father's title, Tourville is not an unreasonable guess, though still only a guess.)
Baptism: Unknown
Marriage: Unknown (Helen's Genes proposes 1020, FMG says after the escape of her husband from five years imprisonment at Rouen)
Death: 26 Jan 1057/1058. Location unspecified.
Burial: Unknown.
Occupation: Comtesse d'Eu (probably 1020 to 1049, the latter date when she was expelled from Eu for unspecified reasons)
Alternate Names: Lesceline, Lesseline, Liezeline
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Normandy Nobility (covering her birth family):
- Seigneur de Tourville.
- According to Robert de Torigny[2693], he was the brother of Thorold and father of Ansketil d´Harcourt. The Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names ”Turketillus…frater…Turulphi, cuius filius Hasculfus d´Harcourt” married “aliam sororem…comitissæ Gunnoræ” by whom he was father of “duos…filios…Walterum de Giffard primogenitum…”[2694].
m ---, daughter of TORF & his wife ---.
Turchetil & his wife had [four] children:
a) [HASCULF d´Harcourt .
- The Genealogia Fundatoris of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names ”Turketillus…frater…Turulphi, cuius filius Hasculfus d´Harcourt” married “aliam sororem…comitissæ Gunnoræ” by whom he was father of “duos…filios…Walterum de Giffard primogenitum…”[2695]. This is contradicted by Guillaume de Jumièges who names "Gueuve et Aveline" as two sisters of Gunnor, the latter married to Osbern de Bolbec and "Gautier-Giffard 1er et Godefroi" as the sons of Osbern de Bolbec & his wife[2696].]
- An undated charter, dated to the [1035/50], records the donation of "predium Heltonis quod possedit Gozelinus vicecomes" to the abbey of Sainte-Trinité at Rouen, with the support of "Willelmus comes Normanniæ, et Willelmus, filius Willelmi comitis, qui et hæres Heltonis, et Robertus comes frater eius…Niellus…et Turstinus vicecomites", subscribed by "…filii Turchitilli Hugo et Goffridus necnon Walerannus comes", signed by "Gozelini vicecomitis, Heltonis, Willelmi heredis Heltonis, Walberti fratris Heltonis, Waleranni comitis, Alberici comitis, Heltæ filii Heltonis…"[2697].
- An undated charter, dated to the [1035/50], records the donation of "predium Heltonis quod possedit Gozelinus vicecomes" to the abbey of Sainte-Trinité at Rouen, with the support of "Willelmus comes Normanniæ, et Willelmus, filius Willelmi comitis, qui et hæres Heltonis, et Robertus comes frater eius…Niellus…et Turstinus vicecomites", subscribed by "…filii Turchitilli Hugo et Goffridus necnon Walerannus comes", signed by "Gozelini vicecomitis, Heltonis, Willelmi heredis Heltonis, Walberti fratris Heltonis, Waleranni comitis, Alberici comitis, Heltæ filii Heltonis…"[2698].
d) LESCELINE (-26 Jan [1057/58]).
- Guillaume de Jumièges records the marriage of "un certain frère du duc, né du meme père…Guillaume" and Lesceline after his escape from imprisonment[2699]. She is named as the wife of Guillaume Comte d'Eu by Orderic Vitalis[2700].
- "Lezelina comitissa" donated land bordering the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated [1049], which also names her three sons (in order) Hugues, Guillaume and Robert[2701]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[2702].
m GUILLAUME Comte d'Eu, son of RICHARD I "Sans Peur" Comte de Normandie & his second wife Gunnora --- (978-1057).
- [2693] Robert de Torigny, Book VIII, c. 37.
- [2694] Dugdale Monasticon V, Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire III, p. 269.
- [2695] Dugdale Monasticon V, Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire III, p. 269.
- [2696] WJ VIII.37, p. 301.
- [2697] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, II, p. 425.
- [2698] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, II, p. 425.
- [2699] WJ V.3, pp. 112-3.
- [2700] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. II, Book III, p. 11.
- [2701] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, 69, p. 457.
- [2702] Robert de Torigny, Vol. II, p. 200.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Norman Nobility (covering her marriage family):
GUILLAUME de Normandie, son of RICHARD I "Sans Peur" Comte de Normandie & his second wife Gunnora --- (978-1057).
- The sources are contradictory regarding the parentage of Guillaume Comte d'Hiémois. According to Dudo of Saint-Quentin[1613], he was an illegitimate son of Richard I by a mistress other than Gunnora. Guillaume de Jumièges names "Godefroi et Guillaume" as the two sons of Duke Richard by his concubines[1614]. Robert of Torigny names "unus Godefridus alter…Willermus" as sons of "Ricardi primi ducis Normanniæ" by concubines, recording that Guillaume was first "comes…Aucensis" and after the death of his brother became "comes Brionnensis"[1615]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[1616], he was the younger son of Geoffroy de Brionne, Richard I's illegitimate son, although the source on which this is based is not known.
- An agreement between the abbots of Jumièges and Bougeuil concerning an exchange of land in Poitou, by charter dated [13 Apr/4 Apr] 1012, is subscribed by "Richardus…filius Ricardi principi magni…Robertus archiepiscopus…ecclesie Rotomagensis et Vuillelmus et Malgerus fratres Richardi comitis…"[1617].
- Comte d'Hiémois et Comte d'Eu.
- Guillaume de Jumièges records the rebellion of "un certain frère du duc, né du meme père…Guillaume" against Duke Richard, after receiving the county of Hiesme, his capture and imprisonment for five years at Rouen, his escape and investment as Comte d'Eu by his brother[1618].
m LESCELINE, daughter of TURCHETIL Seigneur de Tourville & his wife --- (-26 Jan [1057/58]).
- Guillaume de Jumièges records the marriage of "un certain frère du duc, né du meme père…Guillaume" and Lesceline after his escape from imprisonment[1619]. She is named as the wife of Guillaume Comte d'Eu by Orderic Vitalis[1620].
- An undated charter, dated to [1049], records that "Lezelina comitissa…cum filiis suis" was expelled "de castro Ou" and donated land on the banks of the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "filiis suis Hugone, Willelmo, Rotberto"[1621]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[1622].
Comte Guillaume & his wife had [four] children:
1. ROBERT d'Eu ([1005/10]-8 Sep [1089/93], bur Le Tréport).
- Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1623].
- He succeeded his father as Comte d'Eu.
2. GUILLAUME "Busac" d'Eu (-[1076]).
- Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1624]. An undated charter, dated to [1049], records that "Lezelina comitissa…cum filiis suis" was expelled "de castro Ou" and donated land on the banks of the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "filiis suis Hugone, Willelmo, Rotberto"[1625]. Comte de Soissons, by right of his wife.
3. HUGUES d'Eu (-17 Jul 1077).
- Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Robert, héritier de son comté, Guillaume comte de Soissons et Hugues, évêque de Lisieux" as the three sons of Guillaume and Lescelina[1626]. An undated charter, dated to [1049], records that "Lezelina comitissa…cum filiis suis" was expelled "de castro Ou" and donated land on the banks of the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen, with the consent of "filiis suis Hugone, Willelmo, Rotberto"[1627]. He is named as brother of Robert Comte d'Eu by Orderic Vitalis[1628].
- Bishop of Lisieux.
- Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[1629].
4. [daughter . m ---.]
- One child: Guillaume "de Alderi" (-hanged 1096).
- [1613] Dudo of Saint-Quentin, Chapter 58.
- [1614] WJ IV.18, p. 105.
- [1615] Chronique de Robert de Torigny I, 965, p. 25.
- [1616] ES III 693 and ES VII 15.
- [1617] Jumièges 7, p. 16.
- [1618] WJ V.3, pp. 112-3.
- [1619] WJ V.3, pp. 112-3.
- [1620] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. II, Book III, p. 11.
- [1621] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, LXIX, p. 457.
- [1622] Robert de Torigny, Vol. II, p. 200.
- [1623] WJ V.3, pp. 113-4.
- [1624] WJ V.3, pp. 113-4.
- [1625] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, LXIX, p. 457.
- [1626] WJ V.3, pp. 113-4.
- [1627] Rouen Sainte-Trinité, LXIX, p. 457.
- [1628] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. II, Book III, p. 141.
- [1629] Robert de Torigny, Vol. II, p. 200.
From Helen's Genes (no sources, covering her birth family):
Tourude (Thorold, Torulf, Turulf) de Harcourt (Depontaudermer), Sir de Pont-Audemer
- b.940 Pont-Audermer, Beaumont, Normandy, France; s/o Sir Tort (The Rich) de Harcourt and Ertemberge (Esinberge) de Brioquibec (Turstain)
- d.1040
- m.(1)abt.975 Eure, France; Avelina (Aveline, Wevia, Woerta) [de Montfort] de Crepon, Lady of Longueville
- b.abt.942 of Pont-Audemer, Eure, France d/o Herbastus de Crepon
- m.(2)979 Seinfreda (Duvelina) de Crepon
CHILDREN of Tourude and Avelina included:
- 1. Walter Harcourt b.abt.972
- 2. Josceline de Harcourt b.abt.978 m.abt.999 St. Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France; Roger de Montgomery
- 3. Lezieline de Harcourt b.aft.973 d.Jan. 26, 1079 m.Guillaume d'Eu [de Hieme]
CHILDREN of Touroude and Seinfreda included:
- 1. Humphrey de Harcourt b.abt.980 d.Sept. 28, 1044
- 2. Anchetil de Harcourt b.991
- 3. Herbard Beaumont b.abt.992
- 4. Gilbert Beaumont b.abt.994
- 5. Richard Beaumont b.abt.996
- 6. Turchetil Harcourt b.abt.988
- 7. Ithbert Beaumont b.abt.998
- 8. Joceline Beaumont b.abt.990/1000
From Helen's Genes (no sources, covering her marriage family):
Guillaume de Eu [de Hieme]
- b.abt.958 Eu, Seine-et-Maritime, France; s/o Richard de Eu and Concubine of Normandy
- d.bef.Jan. 4, 1039
- m.(1)abt.999 Normandie, France; Beatrice le Gros
- m.(2)abt.1020 Lesseline [Lezeline] Harcourt
- b.abt.973 of Turqueville, Normandie; d/o Turchetil Harcourt and Adeline de Montfort
CHILDREN included:
- 1. Constance de Eu b.abt.1000 Normandie, France m.abt.1015 Gilbert de Crispin
- 2. Robert, Count of Eu b.abt.1019
- 3. Guillaume Busac d'Eu b.abt.1021/1025
From Jorge Castelli's Tudor Place page on Harcourt (no sources):
Turchetil De HARCOURT
- Born: 951, Normandy, France
- Father: Torf "The Rich" De HARCOURT
- Mother: Ertemberge De BRIOQUIBEC
- Married: Adeline De MONTFORT (dau. of Thurston De Montfort)
- 1. Lesseline De HARCOURT
Lesseline De HARCOURT
- Born: 991, Normandy, France
- Died: 1027 / BET 1057/58
- Father: Turchetil De HARCOURT
- Mother: Adeline De MONTFORT
- Married: William HIESMES (1º Count of Eu)
- 2. Hugh TALEBOTH (Bishop of Lisieux)
- 3. William De HIESMES (Count of Soissons)
- 4. Robert D'EU (Count of Eu)
- 5. Lithuaise De TROYES
From an outdated link:
- Hildouin II Count of Montdidier 0960 -- 0992
- Lesseline de Montdidier abt 0975 --
- Hildouin III Count of Montdidier
- Lesseline
- Birth: abt 0992 - France, Picardie, Somme, Montdidier
- Death: 1062/1063
- Birth: abt 0995
Family (1) Documents Discussions Access (1) Changes Sources (5) DNA Display All
1+ Hildouin IV, Count of (1010 - 1063) France, Picardie, Somme, Montdidier Alix de Roucy
(Apparently by Ray Gurganus?)
- Book: Related Royal Families, Vol II; Marilu Burch Smallwood; Volume II Published by the Author, 1974;
- Website: Gary Lewis; Email: gary...
- Website: Jim Weber; Email: jim....
- Website: Jim Weber; Email: jim....
Daughter of Turchetil and Anceline:
LESCELINE (-26 Jan [1057/58]). Guillaume of Jumièges records the rebellion of “ducis uno ex patre fratrem progenitum...Willelmum”, who had received “Oximensem” from his brother, his capture and imprisonment “in Rothomagensis urbis turre”, before his escape five years later and subsequent reconciliation with his brother who granted him “Ocensem comitatum” and his marriage to “Lezscelinam...filiam...Turchetilli”[3500]. Orderic Vitalis records that “Willermus Aucensis comes instinctu religionæ conjugis suæ Lezscelinæ” founded “abbatiam sanctæ Mariæ super rivulum Divæ”[3501]. "Lezelina comitissa" donated land bordering the Seine to Sainte-Trinité de Rouen dated [1049], which also names her three sons (in order) Hugues, Guillaume and Robert[3502]. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Lecelina comitissa Aucensis relicta Willermi comitis" founded "mon. Sancti Petri super Divam virorum et mon. fem. ante urbem Lexoviensem" with "filiis suis Roberto comite Aucensi et Hugone episcopo Lexoviensi"[3503]. m GUILLAUME Comte d'Eu, illegitimate son of RICHARD I "Sans Peur" Comte de Normandie & his mistress --- (978-1057).
Leseline was the daughter of Torf II de Turqueville and Adeline de Montfort. She was born about 986 in Turqueville, Normandy, France She married Guillaume d'Eu, the illegitimate son of Richard I of Normandy, in 1008. They were the parents of Robert, Guillaume and Hugh
Lesceline de Tourville, Countess of Eu's Timeline
986 |
Turqueville, Manche, Normandy, France
1015 |
Eu, Seine Infereiure, Normandy, France
1018 |
Normandy or perhaps St.Pons, Charente-Maritime, Poitou-Charente, France
1021 |
Eu, Seine-Maritime, Normandie, France
1032 |
Eu, Normandy, France
1045 |
1057 |
January 26, 1057
Age 71
Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France
1058 |
Age 71
L'abbaye de Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives, Saint Pierre En Auge, Calvados, Normandy, France