Leonora Christine von Schleswig-Holstein

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Leonora Christine Christina of von Schleswig-Holstein (Oldenburg) (1621 - 1698)

Danish: Leonora Christina Ulfeldt (Munk)
Birthplace: Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød, Nordsjælland, Danmark (Denmark)
Death: March 16, 1698 (76)
Maribo Kloster, Maribo, Maribo Amt, Lolland, Danmark (Denmark)
Place of Burial: Maribo, Danmark
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Christian IV king of Denmark and Norway and Kirstine Munk, Grevinde af Slesvig-Holsten, til Rosenvold
Wife of Corfitz Jacobsen Ulfeldt
Mother of Christian Corfitzsøn Ulfeldt; Jacob Corfitzsøn Ulfeldt; Anne Cathrine Cassette; Franz Corfitzsøn Ulfeldt; Louis Corfitzsøn Ulfeldt and 11 others
Sister of Dødfødt von Oldenburg; Navn ukendt von Oldenburg; Grevinde af Slesvig-Holsten Anne Cathrine Christiansdatter af Slesvig og Holsten; Grevinde af Slesvig-Holsten Sophie Elisabeth Christiansdatter von Pentz; Count Valdemar Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and 12 others
Half sister of Margareta Hammar f Christiansdatter; Görrel Christensdatter; Christian Ulrik Gyldenløve; Rigsgeneral Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve; Grevinde Elisabeth Sofie Gyldenløve and 10 others

Managed by: Private User
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About Leonora Christine von Schleswig-Holstein

Eleonora Christine Gräfin von Schleswig-Holstein

  • Daughter of Christian IV king of Denmark and Norway and Kirstine Munk, Grevinde af Slesvig-Holsten, til Rosenvold
  • Princess Leonora Christina was the daughter of Christian IV and Kirsten Munk. In 1636 she was married to Corfitz Ulfeldt.


  • Married: CORFIZ Ulfeldt, from Saltø on 9 Oct 1636 in Copenhagen Denmark. Son of Jakob Jacobsen Ulfeldt, til Kogsbølle og Selsø and Birgitte Lauridsdatter Brockenhuus


Leonora Christina was a favourite of Christian IV but, soon after his death in 1648, she and Corfitz Ulfeldt came into conflict with Frederik III and, not least, with Queen Sophie Amalie. The couple fled to Sweden in 1651 and took part in conspiracies against the Danish government. In 1659 they had to flee from Sweden to Denmark, and in 1660 they were held captive at Hammershus Castle, Bornholm. Frederik III had them released the year after but when Ulfeldt was charged with high treason in 1663, Leonora Christina was arrested in England and handed over to Denmark. Until the death of Sophie Amalie she was imprisoned in the Blue Tower at the Castle of Copenhagen. She spent the rest of her life in a foundation for noble ladies in Maribo, Lolland.

Leonora Christina was highly intelligent and a talented writer. Her autobiographical Memory of Woe (Jammers Minde), which was partly written during her imprisonment in the Blue Tower, is one of the great autobiographies of
Danish literature.

Source of article: Rosenborg Castle Amalienborg PalaceHM The Queens Reference Library

Added by Janet Milburn 7/10/19

Renowned in Denmark since the 19th century for her posthumously published autobiography, Jammersminde, written secretly during two decades of solitary confinement in a royal dungeon, her intimate version of the major events she witnessed in Europe's history, interwoven with ruminations on her woes as a political prisoner, still commands popular interest, scholarly respect, and has virtually become the stuff of legend as retold and enlivened in Danish literature and art.




Om Leonora Christine (Dansk)

Var datter af Christian lV. og Kirsten Munk. Hun blev forlovet med Corfitz Ulfeldt allerede i 9 års alderen og giftede sig med ham som 15-åring den 9. oktober 1636.

  • Erter Christian lV.´s død brød modsætningsforholdet til Frederik lll. og dronning Sophie Amalie ut i fuld blomst. Leonora og Corfitz Ulfeldt flygtede til Sverige i 1651, og opholdt sig i Stockholm 1652-54. De boede i perioden 1655-57 på slottet Barth i Pommern. Leonora Christina rejste i 1656 til Danmark for at søge forsoning med Frederik lll., men blev stoppet i Korsør og udvist. Hun fulgte med Corfitz Ulfeldt, da han sluttede sig til svenskerne og med dem rykkede ind i Danmark 1657. Hun måtte overtage Ulfeldts forsvar , da han blev ankladdet for forræderi i 1659. Han var for syg til selv at forsvare sig. Begge blev arresteret af Frederik lll. i København 1660 og fængslet i 17 måneder på Hammershus, hvorfra de på dramatisk vis forsøgte at flygte. Endelig løsladt i 1661 mod at give afkald på alle fordringer. (Ulfeldt var en af kongens store långivere) og størsteparten af sine ejendomme. Hun flyttede til Ellenborg på Fyn og fulgte med Corfitz på kurrelse til Nederlandene i 1662. Herfra rejste hun til London i 1663 for at inddrive et gammelt tilgodehavende hos kongen.
  • Frederik lll. forlangte hende udleveret som Ulfeldts medskyldige i højforræderi. Hun blev derfor arresteret og sendt til København, hvor hun blev fængslet i Blåtårn på Københavns Slot. Hun nægtede kendskab til Corfitz Ulfelds forræderiske handlinger, men bforblev fanget i Blåtårn . 21 år.
  • Da dronnig Sophie Amalie døde i 1685 blev Leonora Christina løsladt og efter kort tids ophold i Husum ved København flyttede hun til Maribo Kloster.
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Leonora Christine von Schleswig-Holstein's Timeline

July 8, 1621
Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød, Nordsjælland, Danmark (Denmark)
December 5, 1637
March 18, 1639
København, København, Denmark
October 1, 1643
Bruxeles, Belgien (Belgium)
October 1646
Haag, Tne netherlands, Tne netherlands