Historical records matching Lambert II, count of Lens
Immediate Family
About Lambert II, count of Lens
Lambert II, Count of Lens (died 1054), was a French nobleman. He was the son of Eustace I, Count of Bologne and of Maud de Leuven (daughter of Lambert I of Leuven). He married Adélaïde de Normandie, comtesse d'Aumale, daughter of Robert I 'le Magnifique', Duke of Normandy and a mistress. Lambert was killed at the Battle of Lille. He had a daughter, Judith of Lens.
Medlands states:
LAMBERT de Boulogne (-killed in battle Phalampin 1054). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Eustachium et Lantbertum" were sons of "comes Eustachius de Bolonia" and his wife Mathilde[204]. Comte de Lens 1047. After his death, the county of Lens reverted to his older brother Eustache [II][205].
m ([1053/54]%29 as her second husband, ADELAIS de Normandie, widow of ENGUERRAND [II] Comte de Montreuil Sire d’Aumâle, illegitimate daughter of ROBERT II "le Diable" Duke of Normandy & his mistress --- (-[1082/84]). Robert de Torigny names "Aeliz" as the daughter of Duke Robert II "de alia concubina" from Herleve[206]. The foundation charter of Saint-Martin d´Auchy names “Engueranni consulis qui filius fuit Berte supradicti Guerinfridi filie et Adelidis comitisse uxoris sue sororis…Willelmi Regis Anglorum”[207]. She retained the title Comtesse d'Aumâle after her first marriage. Her second marriage is deduced from the foundation charter of Saint-Martin d´Auchy which names “Engueranni consulis qui filius fuit Berte supradicti Guerinfridi filie et Adelidis comitisse uxoris sue sororis…Willelmi Regis Anglorum” and “Judita comitissa domine supradicte filia”[208]. Orderic Vitalis calls her "the king's sister" when referring to her marriage to Eudes Comte de Troyes[209]. She married thirdly ([1060]) Eudes III Comte de Troyes [Blois]. Lambert & his wife had one child:
i) JUDITH (1054-after 1086). The foundation charter of Saint-Martin d´Auchy narrates the church´s foundation by “Guerinfrido qui condidit castellum…Albamarla” and names “Engueranni consulis qui filius fuit Berte supradicti Guerinfridi filie et Adelidis comitisse uxoris sue sororis…Willelmi Regis Anglorum” and “Addelidis comitissa supradicti Engueranni et supradicte Adelidis filia…Judita comitissa domine supradicte filia”[210]. The Vita et Passio Waldevi Comitis records that “Waldevus” married “rex Willelmus…neptem suam Juettam filiam comitis Lamberti de Lens, sororem…Stephani comitis de Albemarlia”[211]. A manuscript records that “Juditha comitissa…uxor Waldevi comitis Huntingdon, et neptis Gulielmi Conquestoris” founded Elstow priory[212]. Her marriage is recorded by Orderic Vitalis who calls her the king's "consobrina"[213]. Orderic Vitalis says Waltheof's marriage with Judith was arranged by King William "to strengthen the bonds of friendship" with her future husband[214]. She deposed against her husband when he was accused of involvement in the conspiracy of the Earls of Norfolk and Hereford in 1075[215]. m (1070) WALTHEOF Earl of Huntingdon, son of SIWARD Earl of Northumbria & his wife Ælfled of Northumbria (-executed St Giles's Hill, Winchester 31 May 1076, bur Crowland Abbey).
The Early Seton Family:
As their own distinctive crescents show, Seier de Seton (I) and his brother Walter sprang from a second son of the house of Boulogne. Known in their Flemish homeland as Seier and Walter de Lens, they were sons of Count Eustace I ’s second son, Count Lambert de Lens, whose daughter by a second marriage (to the sister of William the Conqueror) was the Countess Judith, mother of Scotland’s Queen Maud.
Count Lambert died when the boys were too young to administer to the important estate of Lens, and thus they followed the Flemish military contingent into England with their half-sister's husband, Duke William of Normandy, in his quest for the English crown and settled there in the north following William's success. Count Lambert himself was the second son of his father, Eustace I of Boulogne, and brother of Eustace II, and they were lineally descended in both Eustace I’s mother and father from King Charles I, Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor and the first
- http://www2.thesetonfamily.com:8080/history/The_Early_Setons.htm
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_II,_Count_of_Lens
- https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_II_de_Lens
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORTHERN%20FRANCE.htm#Lambertdied1054
- http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/continent/bb/bzvar01.php#boulo (membership required to view without interruption)
- http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p343.htm#i8099
- http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm
Lambert II, Count of Lens (died 1054), was a French nobleman. He was the son of Eustace I, Count of Bologne and of Maud de Leuven (daughter of Lambert I of Leuven). He married Adélaïde de Normandie, comtesse d'Aumale, daughter of Robert I 'le Magnifique', Duke of Normandy and a mistress. Lambert was killed at the Battle of Lille. He had a daughter, Judith of Lens.
Medlands states:
LAMBERT de Boulogne (-killed in battle Phalampin 1054). The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Eustachium et Lantbertum" were sons of "comes Eustachius de Bolonia" and his wife Mathilde[204]. Comte de Lens 1047. After his death, the county of Lens reverted to his older brother Eustache [II][205].
m ([1053/54]%29 as her second husband, ADELAIS de Normandie, widow of ENGUERRAND [II] Comte de Montreuil Sire d’Aumâle, illegitimate daughter of ROBERT II "le Diable" Duke of Normandy & his mistress --- (-[1082/84]). Robert de Torigny names "Aeliz" as the daughter of Duke Robert II "de alia concubina" from Herleve[206]. The foundation charter of Saint-Martin d´Auchy names “Engueranni consulis qui filius fuit Berte supradicti Guerinfridi filie et Adelidis comitisse uxoris sue sororis…Willelmi Regis Anglorum”[207]. She retained the title Comtesse d'Aumâle after her first marriage. Her second marriage is deduced from the foundation charter of Saint-Martin d´Auchy which names “Engueranni consulis qui filius fuit Berte supradicti Guerinfridi filie et Adelidis comitisse uxoris sue sororis…Willelmi Regis Anglorum” and “Judita comitissa domine supradicte filia”[208]. Orderic Vitalis calls her "the king's sister" when referring to her marriage to Eudes Comte de Troyes[209]. She married thirdly ([1060]) Eudes III Comte de Troyes [Blois]. Lambert & his wife had one child:
i) JUDITH (1054-after 1086). The foundation charter of Saint-Martin d´Auchy narrates the church´s foundation by “Guerinfrido qui condidit castellum…Albamarla” and names “Engueranni consulis qui filius fuit Berte supradicti Guerinfridi filie et Adelidis comitisse uxoris sue sororis…Willelmi Regis Anglorum” and “Addelidis comitissa supradicti Engueranni et supradicte Adelidis filia…Judita comitissa domine supradicte filia”[210]. The Vita et Passio Waldevi Comitis records that “Waldevus” married “rex Willelmus…neptem suam Juettam filiam comitis Lamberti de Lens, sororem…Stephani comitis de Albemarlia”[211]. A manuscript records that “Juditha comitissa…uxor Waldevi comitis Huntingdon, et neptis Gulielmi Conquestoris” founded Elstow priory[212]. Her marriage is recorded by Orderic Vitalis who calls her the king's "consobrina"[213]. Orderic Vitalis says Waltheof's marriage with Judith was arranged by King William "to strengthen the bonds of friendship" with her future husband[214]. She deposed against her husband when he was accused of involvement in the conspiracy of the Earls of Norfolk and Hereford in 1075[215]. m (1070) WALTHEOF Earl of Huntingdon, son of SIWARD Earl of Northumbria & his wife Ælfled of Northumbria (-executed St Giles's Hill, Winchester 31 May 1076, bur Crowland Abbey).
The Early Seton Family:
As their own distinctive crescents show, Seier de Seton (I) and his brother Walter sprang from a second son of the house of Boulogne. Known in their Flemish homeland as Seier and Walter de Lens, they were sons of Count Eustace I ’s second son, Count Lambert de Lens, whose daughter by a second marriage (to the sister of William the Conqueror) was the Countess Judith, mother of Scotland’s Queen Maud.
Count Lambert died when the boys were too young to administer to the important estate of Lens, and thus they followed the Flemish military contingent into England with their half-sister's husband, Duke William of Normandy, in his quest for the English crown and settled there in the north following William's success. Count Lambert himself was the second son of his father, Eustace I of Boulogne, and brother of Eustace II, and they were lineally descended in both Eustace I’s mother and father from King Charles I, Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor and the first
•http://www2.thesetonfamily.com:8080/history/The_Early_Setons.htm •https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_II,_Count_of_Lens •https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_II_de_Lens •http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORTHERN%20FRANCE.htm#Lambertdied1054 •http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/continent/bb/bzvar01.php#boulo (membership required to view without interruption) •http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p343.htm#i8099 •http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm
Birth: 1022 Lens Departement du Pas-de-Calais Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France Death: 1054 Lille Departement du Nord Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
He was a French nobleman and the son of Eustace I, Count of Bologne and of Maud de Leuven (daughter of Lambert I of Leuven). c. 1053 he married Adelaide of Normandy, Countess of Aumale, daughter of Robert I, Duke of Normandy and sister of William the Conqueror. Adelaide was the widow of Enguerrand II, Count of Ponthieu who died in 1053. c. 1054 Lambert and Adelaide had a daughter, Judith of Lens, although Lambert would scarcely have seen her; he was killed at the battle of Lille in 1054. Lambert was supporting Baldwin V, Count of Flanders against Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor when he was killed in battle. His widow, Adelaide, married thirdly, Odo, Count of Champagne.
Family links:
Eustace I, Count of Boulogne (1004 - 1049)
Adelaide of Normandy (1030 - 1090)*
Judith of Lens (1054 - ____)*
Eustace II, Count of Boulogne (1020 - 1087)*
Lambert II, Count of Lens (1022 - 1054)
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Unknown
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Mademoiselle Record added: Jan 03, 2014 Find A Grave Memorial# 122697974 http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=122697974
About Lambert II, comte de Lens (Français)
--------------------------- Lambert II de Lens († 1054), comte de Lens, est un noble boulonnais, second fils d'Eustache Ier, comte de Boulogne et de Mahaut de Louvain.
En 1053, des troubles agitèrent le duché de Normandie, en effet, Guillaume, comte d'Arques se révolta contre son neveu, le duc de Normandie, futur Guillaume le Conquérant. En raison des alliances familiales, la noblesse flamande se retrouva impliquée dans ce conflit : Baudouin V de Flandre, beau-père du duc de Normandie, se rangea de son côté, tandis qu'Enguerrand II de Ponthieu, beau-frère des deux Guillaume, choisit le camp du comte d'Arques, suivit par son cousin Eustache II, le frère de Lambert. Lambert, lui resta fidèle à son suzerain, le comte de Flandre.
La révolte, tourna court, Enguerrand de Ponthieu fut tué en octobre 1053 à Saint-Aubin-sur-Scie et Guillaume d'Arques, assiégé, parvint à s'enfuir et à se réfugier à Boulogne.
En récompense de sa fidélité, Lambert fut marié à Adélaïde de Normandie, veuve d'Enguerrand et demi-sœur du duc Guillaume, et devint ainsi comte d'Aumale.
Lambert resta cependant au service de Baudouin V, et participa pour le compte de ce dernier à une bataille livrée à Lille contre l'empereur Henri III. Il fut tué au cours de l'affrontement. Adélaïde conserva Aumale, et Lens revint au frère aîné de Lambert, Eustache II.
Famille et descendance De son mariage avec Adélaïde de Normandie, il eut :
* Judith, mariée en 1070 à Waltheof, comte d'Huntingdon.
Lambert II, count of Lens's Timeline
1025 |
Lens, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1054 |
Lens, Artois, Flemish region, Holy Roman Empire (now Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France)
Age 29
Phalempin, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Age 29
1937 |
September 3, 1937
Age 29
September 3, 1937
Age 29
September 3, 1937
Age 29
1939 |
February 1, 1939
Age 29
February 1, 1939
Age 29
February 1, 1939
Age 29