GODRED “Crovan/white-handed” (-before [1098]). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Godredus cognomento Crovan filius Haraldi Nigrio de Ysland” and records that he conquered Man in 1076, reigned 16 years and died “in insula…Yle”[1275]. King of Man. The date of his death is indicated by the reference to his son Lagman which is dated to 1098 (see below). [From a chronological point of view, it is possible that he was the same person as GODFRID King of Dublin, whose death is recorded in the Annals of Ulster in 1095 "Gofraidh Meranach king of the foreigners"[1276]. If this is correct, he was the son of Imar King of Dublin.] m ---. The name of Godred’s wife is not known. Godred & his wife had three children:
i) LAGMAN (-Jerusalem 1111 or after). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Lagmannum, Haraldum et Olavum” as the three sons of “Godredus Crovan”, recording that Lagman succeeded his father and reigned seven years, before abdicating and leaving for Jerusalem where he died[1277]. King of Man. Morkinskinna records that Magnus III King of Norway captured “Logmadr, the son of King Gudrødr [who] ruled over the northern islands”, dated to 1098 from the context[1278].
ii) HARALD. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Lagmannum, Haraldum et Olavum” as the three sons of “Godredus Crovan”, recording that Harald rebelled against his brother who blinded and emasculated him[1279]. m ---. The name of Harald’s wife is not known.
iii) OLAV of Man, son of ([1080]-murdered 29 Jun 1153). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Lagmannum, Haraldum et Olavum” as the three sons of “Godredus Crovan” [1288]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that “Murecardum O’Brien regem Hibernie” sent “Dompnaldum filium Tade” to island as regent for Olav after the death of Lagman, dating the event to 1111[1289]. King of Man. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that the regent ruled for three years with great tyranny until he was expelled to the Ireland by the people of Man[1290]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that Olav was recalled from exile at the court of Henry I King of England in 1114 and ruled for forty years[1291]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that King Olav in 1134 gave land in the Isle of Man to Yvo Abbot of Furness on which to build the abbey of Rushen[1292]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that “tres filii Haraldi fratris Olavi” who had been brought up in Dublin demanded part of the kingdom of the Isles from their paternal uncle King Olav and that one of them “Reginald” murdered his uncle, dating the murder to 29 Jun 1153 in a later passage[1293].
1062 |
1110 |
Age 48