Immediate Family
About King Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, of Kvenland
This Kari is the same as King of Kvenland Kari "Wind" Fornjotsson.
content to clean up
Konge etter faren i Nord Skandinavia (Kvenland, Finland og Gotland)
Legendary figure in Finland.
His legend comes out of the "Orkneyinga Saga":
"Fornjot had three sons; one was named Hler, whom we call Ægir, the second Logi, the third Kari; he was the father of Frost, the father of Snow the old" (quoted from http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/ice/is3/is302.htm)
Birth date is a complete guess.
Fornjót's son Kári is mentioned in Skáldskaparmál as a term for wind. In the Hversu and Orkneyinga saga accounts Kári appears to be the heir to his father's kingdoms, as in the Hversu account Kári's descendants emerge not only as rulers of Finland and Kvenland, but also Sweden, and then through Viking and Varangian conquests many other nations as well.
Konge etter faren i Nord Skandinavia (Kvenland, Finland og Gotland)
Legendary figure in Finland.
His legend comes out of the "Orkneyinga Saga":
"Fornjot had three sons; one was named Hler, whom we call Ægir, the second Logi, the third Kari; he was the father of Frost, the father of Snow the old" (quoted from http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/ice/is3/is302.htm)
Birth date is a complete guess. -------------------- Fornjót's son Kári is mentioned in Skáldskaparmál as a term for wind. In the Hversu and Orkneyinga saga accounts Kári appears to be the heir to his father's kingdoms, as in the Hversu account Kári's descendants emerge not only as rulers of Finland and Kvenland, but also Sweden, and then through Viking and Varangian conquests many other nations as well.
Om Kong Kåre "Vindgufs" Fornjotson, av Kvenland (Norsk)
Kåre Fornjotsson konge etter faren i Nord Skandinavia (Kvenland, Finland og Gotland)
I Orknøyingenes saga fra 1200-tallet er Snø den gamle en sønn av Froste sønn av Kåre (Kári, «vindgufs»), sønn av Fornjot (Fornjótr). Kåre var bror til Le (Æge) og Loge, også naturguddommer som rådde henholdsvis for vinden, havet og ilden.
I teksten Hvordan Norge ble bygd (norrønt: Hversu Nóregr byggðist), som er bevart i Flateybok, er Snø sønn av Jokul (Jǫkull, «is», «istapp»), sønn av nevnte Kåre, sønn av Fornjot. Teksten nevner også i forbifarten, når den forteller om Snøs fjerne etterkommer Halvdan den gamle (norrønt: Hálfdanr gamli), at Snø ble 300 år gammel.
King Kari ''Wind'' Fornjotsson, of Kvenland's Timeline
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189 |
Kvenland, Scandinavie
240 |
Age 51
Kvenland, Scandinavie
1975 |
July 28, 1975
Age 51
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