King Guthroth/Gudrød Halfdansson I

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King of Vestfold, Norway Gudrod Halfdansson (King in Vestfold) (Halfdansson I) (738 - 810)

Norwegian: King Guthroth/ Gudrød Halvdansson I
Also Known As: ""The Generous", ""The Magnificent""
Birthplace: Vestfold, Norway
Death: 810 (71-72)
On Behalf, Vestfold, Norway
Place of Burial: Vestfold, Norway
Immediate Family:

Son of Halfdan Olafsson «Whiteshanks» Kvitbein and Åsa (Aasa) Eysteinsdotter
Father of Ólafur Guðröðarson; King Olaf Gudrodsen and N.N.
Brother of Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson

Occupation: King of Vestfold, Kung av Vestfold, konungur í Raumaríkis
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About King Guthroth/Gudrød Halfdansson I


Very easily confused with Gudrød "Veidekonge"/"Hunterking", son of Halvdan Eysteinsson "The meek"/"Milde", who was the grandson of this guy's brother.

Gudrød Halvdansson

FATHER:Halvdan Kvitbein (Olavsson)

MOTHER: Åsa Øysteinsdotter

BROTHER: Øystein Halvdansson (Eysteinn Hálfdansson)

Source: Snorre's "Ynglingesoga", paragraph 44:

"Halvdan Kvitbein var en mektig konge; han var gift med Åsa, datter til opplandskongen Øystein Hardråde, som rådde på Hedmark. Halvdan og Åsa hadde to sønner, Øystein og Gudrød."

The easily confused Gudrød, son of Halfdan son of Øystein, is in paragraph 48.

Sources that confuse the two

A classical example of confusing the two Gudrøds:

"Ancestral Roots..." (Baltimore, 1992) 243a-15: "Gudrod, 'the Magnificent,' also called 'the Hunting-King', s. Halfdan 'White-Leg' and Asa ..., King of Vermaland, Vestfold, and Vingulmark, murdered 810-827 at instigation of (2) wife Asa in revenge for forcibly abducting her and killing ca. 800 her father and brother; m. (1) Alfhilde, dau. Afrim, ruler of Vingulmark; m. (2) Asa, dau. Harald, 'Red-Beard', King of Agdir. Asa believed bur. in Oseberg ship, richest Scandinavian archeological find."

Ruled in Norway and Denmark. Probably "Godfrey the Proud" of the Franks who opposed the Emperor Charlemagne.

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King Guthroth/Gudrød Halfdansson I's Timeline

Vestfold, Norway
Vestfold, Norway
Vestfold, Norway
Age 72
On Behalf, Vestfold, Norway
Age 72
On Behalf, Vestfold, Norway
King, of, Vestfold, Roumarlike