Immediate Family
About King Algaut Gautreksson of Götaland
Algaute Gautreksson (Algautur Gautreksson)
In English: Algaut Gautreksson
A Geatish king who ruled West Götaland according to the Heimskringla. Snorri Sturluson relates that he was burnt to death by his son-in-law, the Swedish king Ingjald ill-ruler. (Source: Wikipedia)
Snorre Sturlason nevner både Gaut (Gaute) og Gautrek i sin Ynglingesaga hvor «Gaut, som Gautland har fått navn etter» [9], og Snorres utgave kalles Gauts sønn for «Gautrek den milde». Snorre forteller at Gautrek er far til Algaut som igjen er far til Gauthild som ble gift med Ingjald Illråde, sønn av Anund Yngvarsson, konge i Svitjod, også kalt Braut-Anund.
Dette vil plassere Gautrek tidlig på 600-tallet, omtrentlig samtidig med Anunds far Yngvar eller muligens med Yngvars far Øystein som var, i henhold til Snorre, samtidig med den danske konge Rolf Krake. Og sistnevnte Rolf Krake er en av de konger som Ref besøker i sagaen. En annen konge som får besøk av Ref er «Ella av England». Den historiske engelske småkongen Ælla av Deira kunne godt være en samtidig med den legendariske Rolf Krake i Danmark. Imidlertid i den seksjonen som omhandler Starkad er kongene i Sverige brødrene Eirik og Alrek, noe som vil plassere Gautrek en generasjon tidligere om man tar hensyn til den kongerekke som Snorre oppgir i Ynglingesagaen.
Imidlertid, i den legendariske sagaen Saga om Bose og Herraud (Bósa saga ok Herrauds) er Gautrek oppgitt å være halvbror av Ring som er en samtidig med den historiske kong Harald Hildetann av Danmark, noe som selvsagt kompliserer kronologien igjen.
Algaut (or Algöt) was a Geatish king who ruled West Götaland according to the Heimskringla. Snorri Sturluson relates that he was burnt to death by his son-in-law, the Swedish king Ingjald ill-ruler.
Snorri Sturluson introduces Gauti and Gautrek in his Ynglinga saga where Gauti "after whom Gautland (Götaland) is named" is mentioned as the father of Gautrek the Generous the father of King Algaut the father of Gauthild who married Ingjald the son of King Önund of Sweden. This should make Gautrek live in the early 7th century, approximately contemporary with Önund's father Yngvar or possibly Yngvar's father Eystein in whose days, according to Snorri, the Danish king Hrólf Kraki died. And indeed Hrólf Kraki is one of the kings whom Ref visits in the saga. Another king visited by Ref is Ælle of England and the historical King Ælle of Deira could well be contemporary to the legendary Hrólf Kraki of Denmark. However in the section concerning Starkad, the kings of Sweden are the brothers Alrek and Eirík which, if one trusts the order of kings in the Ynglinga saga, would put Gautrek generations earlier.
However in Bósa saga ok Herrauds (The saga of Herraud and Bósi), Gautrek's supposed half-brother Hring is a contemporary of King Harald Wartooth.
Algaut (or Algöt) was a Geatish king who ruled West Götaland according to the Heimskringla. Snorri Sturluson relates that he was burnt to death by his son-in-law, the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler.
Geatish kings (Rex Getarum/Gothorum), ruling over the provinces of Götaland (Gautland/Geatland), appears in several sources for early Swedish history. Today, most of them are not considered historical.
This list follows the generally accepted identification between the names Götar (modern Swedish), Gautar (Old Norse) and Geatas (Old English), which is based both on tradition, literary sources and on etymology. However, unlike some translations[1] it does not identify this tribe with the Goths. Both Old Norse and Old English records clearly separates the Geats from the Goths, although still depicts them as closely related to each other.
From the Middle Ages until 1974, the king of Sweden, claimed the title king of the Geats as "king of Sweden and Geats/Goths" or "Rex Sweorum et Gothorum". The Danish monarchs used the similar title "King of the Goths" from 1362 until 1972.
Roi du Gautland
King Algaut Gautreksson of Götaland's Timeline
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Värmland, Sweden
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Västergötland, Sweden
Age 25
Uppsala, Sweden
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Uppsala, Sweden