Khennia Winograd

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Khennia Winograd (Unknown)

Also Known As: "Chana"
Immediate Family:

Wife of Rabbi Samuel Schmelke Winograd

Managed by: Hatte Rubenstein Blejer
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Khennia Winograd

Revision List (The All Lithuanian Revision List Database, Jewish Gen)

  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Shmuilo (Shmuel) age 84 head of household
  • GURVITCH-VINOGRAD Khiena age 62 wife of Shmuel

His children were born in

  1. 1863 Gersh
  2. 1866 Chana Devorah
  3. 1867 Joel (Anchik)
  4. 1875 Itel
  5. 1886 Masha

I believe his first wife, Sheina Genia Frankel, died before 1887, probably in childbirth at an advanced age, because (1) a granddaughter named Sheina Genia was born in 1887; and (2) Masha was adopted by her cousin, Rocha Leah Frankel Bryman.

Rosenstein has her name as Chana Devorah, but that was the name of Shmuel Shmelke Winograd's daughter. It may be that the family mis-remembered or possibly the second wife had the same name as the daughter.

The second wife, Khienna in the records, was born in 1843. His daughter by his first wife, Chana Devorah, was born in 1866.

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Khennia Winograd's Timeline