Historical records matching Katherine Ruthven
Immediate Family
About Katherine Ruthven
Katherine Rutven is the daughter of William, Lord Ruthven, and Janet Halyburton. The Scots Peerage IV: 260
A date and place of death has not been identified for Katherine Ruthven, lady Glenorchy. She was alive in February 1584 NRS: GD112/37/1 but died in or before 1587. NRS: GD112/23/2
15 June 1551: Instrument of resignation by John Hammyltoun of Orbestoun, procurator for Colin Campbell of Glenurquhar, in hands of James, duke of Chattellarault, earl of Arran, lord Hammyltoun, tutor of Mary, queen of Scots, and protector of the realm, and governor, of lands and barony of Fynlarg, (specified), for new infeftment in favour of said Colin and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, 15 June 1551. Notary: Thomas Sinclare, clerk, St Andrews diocese. Witnesses: Mr Robert Auchmowtie, Mr John Borthuik and Mr Michael Nasmytht, and Neil Layng, notary. Done in hospice of the said governor in place of the friars of the Holy Trinity near burgh of Peblis, [Holy Cross]. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/2/71
6 May 1555: Copy contract between Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and James Campbell of Laweris, whereby said James assigns to said Colin and Katherine Ruthven, and their heirs, tack to him and subtenants, by prior and convent of Charterhouse near Perth, of 20 merks worth of lands of Hairthollonich with mill thereof, and 8 merks worth of lands of Craig, in lordship of Dischirre and Twoider, sheriffdom of Perth, for length of time said tack is yet to run, provided that said Colin and his heirs keep said James and his heirs skaithless anent right and kindness of said tacks and lands contained therein at hands of heirs of deceased John Campbell of Glenurquhay, and said James binds himself to take a leal and true part with said Colin, etc. Witnesses: Mr Henry Kynross, George Crychttone, John Montreif, John Campbell of Murthlie, Alexander Menzies of Rannoch and Malcolm Robertsone of Corquhan. Containing note in hand of Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchy, bt, that this contract is registered in the official's books of Lothian, 7 May 1555. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/65/1
1 February 1561-62: Instrument narrating contract, 1 February 1561/2, between Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and John Scrymgeour of Glastir, constable of Dunde, whereby said John is to infeft said Colin and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, in liferent, and Colin Campbell, their son, of Ardbaith, in fee, in £5 land of old extent of Edinkip in lordship of Balquhidder, sheriffdom of Perth, in return for 700 merks scots. Notary: Walter Ramsay, notary, St Andrews diocese.Witnesses to contract: Patrick Eviot of Balhoussy, John Cambell, fiar of Lawaris, Hew Hering of Haltoune, Robert Menzes of Comry, Angus Leith in Dunde. Witnesses to instrument: Patrick Eviot, John Cambell, Hew Hering, Robert Menzes and Angus Campbell. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/116
22 February 1561-62: Copy precept of sasine by Archibald, earl of Argyll, in favour of Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and Catherine Ruthven, his spouse, of £20 land of old extent in Balquhiddir called Glenampill Ednambill with mill, Achyveve, Balleveir, Ballivoyllin, Cascheblair, Catrone, Letter and Lie Port with island called Ellen Vragran and fishing of Locherne, 22 February 1562/3. Witnesses: Colin Campbell of Bowquhane, kt., John Campbell of Skipinche, Mr John Karswell, rector of Kilmertyne, Donald Campbell, 'his' brother, and Andrew Quhyt, notary. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/2/65/1
23 September 1562: Instrument of resignation by Andrew Quhit of Wester Callocht, in hands of Katherine Ruthven, lady of Glenurquhay, of 4 roods of lands of Wester Callocht, in lordship of Discher and Toyer. Notary: John Johnesone, priest, Dunblane diocese.Witnesses: George Graham of Inchebraky, Patrick Robertson of Tullycovane, John Menzies, James Menzies, his brother, Robert Menzies of Comry, George Grahame, sir Adam Georgeson (Georgii), parson of Inchebreky. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/121
23 September 1562: Charter a me by Andrew Quhite, burgess of Perth, to Catherine Ruthven, spouse of Sir Colin Campbell of Glenurquhaie, in liferent, and to said Sir Colin and his heirs, in fee, of 4 merkland of old extent of Wester Balloch alias Balleualstoun, in lordship of Deschoir and Toyer, sheriffdom of Perth. Witnesses: Alexander Ruthven, brother of Patrick, lord Ruthven, Patrick Robertsoun of Williamtoun, James Ruthven, (faded) Bane McNab, sir John ?Sympsoun and sir William Ramsay, notaries. Signed by granter; seal damaged on tag. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/844
22 February 1562-63: Precept of sasine by Archibald, earl of Argyll, in favour of Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and Catherine Ruthven, his spouse, in annualrent of 200 merks scots over lands and barony of Lochow in special warrandice for grant above, no. 3, 22 February 1562/3.Witnesses: Colin Campbell of Bowquhane, kt., John Campbell of Skipinche, Mr John Karswell, rector of Kilmertyne, Donald Campbell, 'his' brother, and Andrew Quhyt, notary. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/2/65/1
27 October 1564: Precept under quarter seal for sasine in favour of Colin Campbell of Glenurquhaie and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, of lands of Dalgardie, Tullich, Teray, Correcarmyk 'absque pastura seu intromissione cum Mamlorne alias Bamakane,' lands of Terartoure, Kiltery, Clocherane, Ardtollony, Eddergole, with mill, Auchlokhethe, Ramony, Skeag, Duncane Reochstoun, Croftnacabir, and Petmake, all in lordship of Dischir and Toyer, in sheriffdom of Perth. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/845
13 November 1564: Instrument of sasine following on precept under quarter seal, 27 October 1564, in favour of Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, in lands of Dalgardy, Tullochy, Teray, Corrycunnyik, and others in lordship of Deschour and Toyer, in sheriffdom of Perth. Notary: Andrew Quhit, layman, Dunkeld diocese. Witnesses: Rannulph Mak Ranald of Cappycht, Mr John Cunynghame in Lie Canagait, Andrew Murray, John McAvyre, Oliver Murray, Dougal Campbell, John McQudoir and Thomas Quhit. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/153
10 November 1567: With consent of Malcolm McGillemychaell, her spouse, to Colin Campbell of Glenurchay and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, of 8 merkland of old extent of Kyngart in stewartry of Straththeryne, sheriffdom of Perth. Notary: William Ramsay, clerk, Dunblane diocese. Witnesses to grant by Jonet McGregor: James Stewart in Ly Port, James Ruthvene, John McEvoyre, sir Malcolm McGilleqhuennell, Thomas Qhuyt, Andrew Qhuyt, notary, Baillie in that part; Malcolm McCondoqhy VcRobert. Witnesses to instrument: Malcolm McCoil Vckay, John Bayn McEcouper, Ewan McGillevracht and William Ramsay, notaries National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/163
6 February 1572-73: Charter by George Balfour, prior of carthusian house called Vallis virtutis formerly situated near burgh of Perth, and convent thereof, to Colin Campbell of Glenurquhard and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, in liferent, and to Duncan Campbell, their son and apparent heir, in fee, of 3 merkland of Kirktoun of Killin, 20s land of Badnacarrie, 20s land of Craignevin, 6 merkland of Kinyaldy with island called Ilanrane, 2 merkland of Qucharne, 2 merkland of Artnagald Eister, 1 merkland of Artnagald Wester, 20s land of Soy, 3 merkland of Incheschewin, lands of Artollony with fishing on Lochtay, lands of Ballacraig, with office of bailie, in lordship of Glendochard, sheriffdom of Perth, 6 February 1572/3. Seal of convent, poor impression, on tag. Signed by granter, James Sym and Andrew Blythtman. Witnesses: Mr George Boswall, chirurgian, Alexander Anderson, Andrew Brydy, burgesses of Perth, William Dundas and Mr George Quhyt. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/2/45/1
27 May 1573: Instrument of resignation and sasine by Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and Duncan Campbell, fiar thereof, his apparent heir, with consent of Katherine Ruthven, spouse of said Colin, to Archibald McGilleCoule, servitor of said Colin, in 20s land of Tullycht Eister, of old extent, in Arthollonycht, on the south side of Loch Tay, in sheriffdom of Perth, in exchange for 2 merkland of lands of Braklie in barony of Glenurquhay, sheriffdom of Argyll. Notary: John Davidsoune, clerk, St Andrews diocese. Witnesses: Ewan McGregour, tutor of Glenschray, Colin Campbell of Arbaytht, David Murray, brother german of Patrick Murray of Ochtirtyre, John and Donald McClaren, Malcolm McRobert in Artollonycht, and John Campbell of Smythtstoun. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/202
5 May 1574: Instrument of sasine propriis manibus by Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay of lands and barony of Finlarig in bailiery of Descheor and Toyer, sheriffdom of Perth, to Duncan Campbell, his son and apparent heir, reserving liferent of said Colin and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse. Notary: Gavin Hammiltoun. Witnesses: John McAwyre in Innirlagane Moir, Charles Makean VcTarlich in Innerdoquhart, Alexander Maknab of Bowane, John Bane Maknab in Aucharne, John Roy MakInstalker in Cranduycht and Finlay MakInstalker, his brother. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/1/206
26 May 1574: Charter by Alexander Earl of Glencairn to Margaret Campbell, daughter of Colin Campbell of Glenorchy, whereby in implement of a contract entered into between the Earl, Dame Jean Cunningham his wife, William Master of Glencairn and Janet Gordon his wife, and James Cunningham son and apparent heir of the said William Master of Glencairn on the one part, and the said Colin Campbell of Glenorchy, Katharine Ruthven his wife, Duncan Campbell fiar of Glenorchy and the said Margaret Campbell daughter of the said Colin Campbell and Katharine Ruthven, dated at Edinburgh 24 May 1574, the Earl dispones to the said Margaret Campbell and her heirs the lands and baronies of Finlayston and Ranfurlie Cunningham with the manor places etc. Witnesses Hugh Cunningham of Waterston, Andrew Cunningham, son of the Earl, Gavin Hamilton and John Smollet. At Edinburgh. National Records of Scotland, Earls of Glencairn, reference GD39/1/72
15 April 1575: Summons of Declarator by King James VI to charge Colin Campbell now of Glenorquhay, heir and successor of deceased Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorquhay kt his grandfather, Katherine Ruthwen his spous, and Duncan Campbell their son, to compear and answer at the instance of James Menzeis of That Ilk, heir of deceased Sir Robert Menzeis of That Ilk kt his grandfather, to whom a renunciation has been made for the lands of Cranmycht, alienated by said Robert to said Duncan under reversion on payment of five hundred merks and a letter of tack of said lands for five years, for deferring to resign said lands to said James. National Records of Scotland, The John MacGregor Collection, reference GD50/186/8/13
9 November 1575: Extract discharge by Robert Scott, writer, and Elizabeth Scott, his spouse, to Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay, and Katherine Ruthwen, his spouse of 500 merks scots, due in bond, 8 January 1574/5. Witnesses: Mr Peter Kinloch, William Montgomery and James Williamsoun, notary, granter's servitors. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/23/1
8 December 1575: Procuration by James Menzeis of That Ilk heir to deceased Sir Robert Menzeis of That Ilk his grandfather in and to a letter of reversion made by deceased Duncan Campbell of Glenorquhay kt to said Sir Robert for the redemption of the lands of Crandycht, appointing John Menzeis person of Weym, Willaim Cragy, Patrick Roy, Gilbert Robertson [blank] his procurators to warn Colyn Campbell of Glenroquhay, heir of deceased Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorquhay his grandfather, Catarine Ruthwen his spous and Duncan Campbell their son to compear in the parish kirk of Dow on 5th February nextcoming to receive five hundred merks in a letter of reversion made by said Sir Robert for the redemption from said Sir Duncan for all and whole the lands of Crannycht, and to receive a letter of tack of said lands to said Colin and Duncan for five years and twelve merks. Witnesses : John Lyndesay, George Menzeis, David Menzeis, David Menzeis, Gilbert Robertsone, John Menzeis person of Weym, John Davidsonne notar. National Records of Scotland, The John MacGregor Collection, reference GD50/186/8/21
11 December 1575: Notarial instrument of premonition narrating that Gilbert Robertsonne alias McGibbon as procurator for James Menzeis of That Ilk premonished Colyn Campbell of Glenorquhay, Catrine Ruthwen his spouse and Duncan Campbell their son, to appear in the parish church of Dull on 5th February nextcoming, and receive from said James five hundred merks for the redemption from deeased Sir Duncan of the lands of Crannycht, contained in a letter of reversion by said sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorquhay grandfather of said Colyn to said deceased Sir Robert. Witnesses : William Cragye, Robert McNair at Weym, and Patrick Robertsonne alias Roy there. Written by John Davidsonne clerk of the diocese of Saint Andrews public notar. National Records of Scotland, The John MacGregor Collection, reference GD50/186/8/22
1 March 1579-80: Precept granted by the Lords of Council in the action raised by James Menzeis of That Ilk against John Campbell son and heir of deceased John Campbell of Murthlie, Colene Campbell of Glenvequhart, and Duncan Campbell apparent heir of Catherene Ruthwen Lady Glenvequhart, pretended tenents of the lands of Auchmoir, stating that said lands were lawfully redeemed, and therefore said pretended occupiers should remove from them. National Records of Scotland, The John MacGregor Collection, reference GD50/186/8/59
29 July 1582: Tack of teinds by John, earl of Athole, lord Balvany, with consent of George Drummond of Blair, to Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, of parsonage and vicarage of kirk of Inchadin, for 9 years. Witnesses: George Drummond, apparent and fiar of Blair, Thomas Creichtoun, granter's servitor, and Neil Leslie, also his servitor. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/51/59
30 July 1582: Discharge by John, earl of Athole, principal tacksman of kirk of Inchadin, to Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay, his cousin, and Catherine Ruthven, his spouse, of 260 merks scots in payment of teinds of said kirk, crop and year 1581. Witnesses: George Drummond, fiar of Blair, Thomas Creichtoun and Neil Leslie, granter's servitors. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/51/59
17 September 1582: Procuration by John, Earl of Atholl, Lord Balway, given to William Bauronian, for an action regarding Colin Campbell of Glenorquhay and Katherine Ruthwen his spouse. National Records of Scotland, The John MacGregor Collection, reference GD50/186/8/77
30 August 1583: Receipt by John, earl of Atholl, to Katherine Ruthwen, subtackswoman of kirk of Inschadin, of sevenscore and one pounds 6s 8d scots with £32 to the readers, viz., £16 to reader of Fortirgill and £16 to the reader of Inchadin, for their stipend, for all duties of said kirk, terms of martinmas and candlemas 1582, and midsummer and St John's terms 1583. Witnesses: John Drummond, Thomas Vychtoun, Edward Paton. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/51/59
February 1583-84: Discharge by John McLawrene, chamberlain depute of Kinclaven, to Catherine Ruthven, lady of Glenurquhay, feuar of lands of Deschore and Toyer, of 3 acquittances, 1579-81, by deceased Sir William Murray of Tullybardin, kt, HM Comptroller, to deceased Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay, chamberlain of Deschore and Toyer, together with said Colin's compt made at Edinburgh by Gavin Hamiltoun, in name of said Colin. 28 February 1579/80. Witnesses: Allan Baxter and Tarlocht McAne. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/37/1
1587: Discharge and assignation by Anna Campbell, lawful daughter to deceased Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay and deceased Katherine Ruthven, his spouse, and John Campbell, fiar of Ardkinglass, her spouse, granting to Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, her brother, all claim to bairn's part or legacy. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments), reference GD112/23/2
Katherine Ruthven was born and brought up at Ruthven Castle, a little west of Perth. After the Ruthven family made the mistake of imprisoning the 16 year old James VI there in 1582, the King had leading members of the family killed or tried for treason, and the even the name of the castle was changed, to Huntingtower Castle. But all that lay far in the future during Katherine's childhood.
In 1551 Katherine married Colin Campbell, 6th Laird of Glenorchy, and moved to live at Finlarig Castle, at the west end of Loch Tay near today's village of Killin. Katherine played an important role in managing the Campbell estates in this part of Scotland and over time became well known in the court of Mary, Queen of Scots, frequently exchanged letters with William Maitland, who played a leading role in the royal household. She was also an active supporter of the Protestant Reformation, which in Scotland came to a head in 1560.
Colin and Katherine had eight children who survived into adulthood, and Katherine was active in arranging suitable matches for them. The Campbell Lairds of Glenorchy were elevated to become the Earls of Breadalbane and Holland in 1635, with one of Katherine's great-grandsons becoming the 1st Earl.
Undiscovered Scotland: Katherine Ruthven, Lady Glenorchy
The Clan Ruthven is a Lowland Scottish clan.
The family traces its descent from Thor, who settled in Scotland during the reign of David I of Scotland. Thor was, by tradition son of Sweyn the Viking chief, who was the founder of the Clan Ruthven. The name Ruthven comes from the lands north of Loch Rannoch in Perthshire. In Gaelic these lands are called Ruadhainn. This name may be further related to its Viking roots, since there is an island on an inland fiord in Norway, called 'Roedven' (inland from the town of "Molde). The island has a stave church from around 1200 and the area has long had links to Scotland. The name of the island derives from the main farm on the island and refers to a river outlet from a ravine or gorge. The local pronunciation of the name of the island approximates with the Scottish pronunciation of "Ruthven" ("Rivven").
@R1203558009@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=156242177&pi...
Life Sketch
"Katherine Ruthven, Lady Glenorchy, lived from 1530 to 1584. She was a noblewoman who supported the Scottish Reformation. The wider picture in Scotland at the time is set out in our Historical Timeline.
Katherine Ruthven was born and brought up at Ruthven Castle, a little west of Perth. After the Ruthven family made the mistake of imprisoning the 16 year old James VI there in 1582, the King had leading members of the family killed or tried for treason, and the even the name of the castle was changed, to Huntingtower Castle. But all that lay far in the future during Katherine's childhood.
In 1551 Katherine married Colin Campbell, 6th Laird of Glenorchy, and moved to live at Finlarig Castle, at the west end of Loch Tay near today's village of Killin. Katherine played an important role in managing the Campbell estates in this part of Scotland and over time became well known in the court of Mary, Queen of Scots, frequently exchanged letters with William Maitland, who played a leading role in the royal household. She was also an active supporter of the Protestant Reformation, which in Scotland came to a head in 1560."
Katherine Ruthven's Timeline
1550 |
August 7, 1550
Lochgilphead, Argyll and Bute, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1555 |
Scotland, United Kingdom
1556 |
Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland
Glenorcay, Argyllshire, Scotland
1559 |
Monzie Estate, Perthshire, Scotland
1560 |
Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland
1562 |
February 22, 1562
Scotland, United Kingdom
1563 |
Of, Glenorchy, Argyllshire, Scotland
1569 |
Probably, Glenurchy, Argyllshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)