public profile
Katherine Demetri Cassavetes has several birth dates. Her death certificate lists her birthdate as June 23, 1913. We have another date that was provided by George Paxinos Bodill: June 24, 1906. This date is from the bio. of John Cassavetes.
Effie Kangis provided this bit of information:
"Katherine was able to speak so many languages.
Her father was born in the Ottoman Empire where different cultures lived side by side and picked up one another's languages and customs.
It was the same for the Greek Egyptians who could speak fluently several languages."
1906 |
June 24, 1906
New York, NY, United States
1929 |
December 9, 1929
New York New York County (Manhattan) New York, USA, Ελλάς
1983 |
March 29, 1983
Age 76
Los Angeles, CA, United States