Karl Johan Johansson Wiklund

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Karl Johan Johansson Wiklund (1893 - 1912)

Birthplace: Monå Gästgifvars, Munsala, Finland
Death: April 15, 1912 (18)
TITANIC at sea (Died in the sinking. Body Not Recovered)
Immediate Family:

Son of Johan Karlsson Wiklund and Kristina Sofia Johansdotter Wiklund
Brother of Helmi Elisabet Karlsdotter Wiklund

Occupation: General Labourer
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Karl Johan Johansson Wiklund

Attention! A lot of misleading information about Karl Johans background exists in various "Titanic" databases and websites, including in the information below. Karl Johans real ancestry is clearly traceable in the Munsala parish records, available online (for SSHY members). PLEASE do not change his information or ancestry based on other second-hand sources!

Note for instance that victims Karl Johan Wiklund and Jakob Alfred Wiklund were NOT brothers even though they shared the same surname and came from the same Munsala village!

Munsala - syntyneet, 1892-1904 (MKO65-70) > Sivu 676, 677 5: sivu ???: 1893 juli augusti; SSHY: https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=285... / Viitattu 26.12.2020

Munsala - rippikirja, 1901-1910 (MKO203-213) > Sivu 253 232: sivu ???: Monå by, Nr. 2. Gästgifvars; SSHY: https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=285... / Viitattu 3.12.2020

Munsala - kuolleet, 1912-1924 (MKO130-131) > Sivu 2 2: sivu ???: 1912 mars april; SSHY: https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=285... / Viitattu 3.12.2020

Please respect the following

Encyclopedia Titanica - https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/copyright-and-permissions.html "Simply because the information is displayed on this web site does not mean it is in the public domain or free to copy, publish or distribute. Much of the material on this site is subject to applicable laws of copyright. You are more than welcome to link to any page on Encyclopedia Titanica but please do not copy pages or images" .

See Encyclopedia Titanica (2018) Karl Johan Wiklund (ref: #1300, last updated: 6th March 2018, accessed 23rd September 2023 09:46:26 AM)
URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-victim/karl-johan-wik...

Titanic Passenger Summary
Name: Mr Karl Johan Wiklund
Titanic Victim
Born: Saturday 12th August 1893 in Munsala, Vaasa, Finland
Age: 18 years 8 months and 3 days (Male)
Nationality: Finnish
Last Residence: in Nikolaistad, Vaasa, Finland
Occupation: General Labourer
3rd Class Passengers
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 3101266, £6 9s 11d
Destination: Montréal, Québéc, Canada
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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Karl Johan Johansson Wiklund's Timeline

August 12, 1893
Monå Gästgifvars, Munsala, Finland
April 15, 1912
Age 18
TITANIC at sea