Jule was an Osage man (father was white, mother was 1/2 Iowa, 1/2 French Osage Indian)
(Curator Note: according to Foster, Lance. “Surnames and Researchers.” Ioway Cultural Institute Homepage, The Ioway Cultural Institute, 2013, ioway.nativeweb.org/genealogy/surnames.htm, Brien is an Ioway name. That he is Osage comes from George Nuzum's biography of Iowa Indians.)
Called the Lost Nation, "in 1836, we signed the Platte Purchase Treaty that moved us by 1837 to this reservation in what was then Indian Country. In 1854, the Kansas-Nebraska Act created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, drawing a line across the Iowa Reservation, which is how we became known as the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska."
Born June 7, 1866 per the 1904 Jun 30 - Indian Census Rolls or June 25, 1867 per GEO. NUZUM'S BIOGRAPHY OF IOWA INDIANS OF KANSAS & NEBRASKA
Page 27
Jule Brein
Born - June 25th 1867 on Iowa Reservation, Brown Co. Kansas
Obituary of Jule Brien: “Funeral of Jule Brien.” The White Cloud Globe-Tribune, 21 Feb. 1918.
Father - Abraham Brein...a White Man
Mother - Louise Brein...1/2 Iowa Indian, 1/2 French Osage
Grandfather on fathers side -
Grandmother on fathers side -
Grandfather on mothers side - xxxx Roy, Osage Indian
Grandmother on mothers side - Pa-gra-che-nam (Head Leader)
"Enrolled at...Kickapoo Training School, Horton, Kansas, as Iowa Indian to whom a trust patent was issued upon his allotment No. to following described tract of land...
"S. 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec. 4 T.l.S.R. 18 East, containing 80 acres, very poor allotment about half covered with water, no improvements on this allotment about 47 acres under cultivation worth $1600.00.
"Jule first married Julia Green (a daughter of Joe. Tesson), an Iowa Indian woman, marriage license was procured in Richardson County., Nebraska and they were married by Probate Judge of Falls City Neb. June 14th 1893, to this union following issue, Louise Brein - (29) - Mary Brein - (29) - Thaddus Brein - (30) - Josie Brein - (30) - Jule has the following full brothers and sisters, Abe Brein (24) - Peter Brein - (31) - Lancelot Brein - (32) - Lucy Murphy, - (193) - Emma Partelow, - (227) -, Priscilla Doughterty, - (107)
"Jule attended school at the Iowa Indian Mission until he was grown and had a good education, a man of good habits sober and industrious and farmed his own allotment...
"Jule was pronounced insane by the Probate court of Brwon Co., Kans in 1901, and was sent to the insane Asyley at Ossawatomie, Kans. Julia his wife was appointed by the Probate Court of Brown Co., his lawful guardian, and acted in that capacity from 1901. untill June. 1905. when she was removed by the Probate Court of said Co and Geo. Kelley, of White Cloud, Kans was appointed his guardian and has ever since acted as guardian.
"Jule has never married but once and that was to Julia Green, with whom he lived and with no other woman from the time he married her in June 14th. 1893 untill he was pronounced insain by the Probate Court of Brown Co., Kans in 1901. Julia his wife never lived with any other man from the time she married Jule Brien, in June. 14th 1893 untill the Probate Court of Nrown Co., Kans, pronounced Jule insane in 1901.
"Jule Brien's mother Louise Brien, died Oct. 27th 1893, leaving her allotment to wit: Lot No. 1 Sec.. 32 T.L.N.R. 18 East Rich Co., Neb. 24/24 acres, Lots 1 & 7 Sec. 5 & Lot. 3 & 4, Sec 4 & N.W. 1/4 of SSW Sec. 4 T.L.S.N. 18 East Brown Co., Kans
Louis Brewin, a brother of Jules died Feb. 2 nd 1894, and left his allotment to wit: S.E. 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 Sec. 5 T.L.S.R. East
Ester Brein, a sister of Jules died Jan. 14th 1893 and left her allotment to wit: N.E> 1/4 of S.E. 1/4 Sec. 5 T.L.S.R. East Brown Co., Kans
"Jule inherited a 1/7 interest in the aforesaid 240 acres which had been allotted to them as follows 160 acres to Jules mother Louise, 40 acres to his deceased brother Lewis Brein, 40 acres to his deceased sister Ester Brein. A partition suit was brought in the Brown Co. District Court, in Nove. 1904 term of court by Emma Partelow to divide the aforesaid 240 acres the matter came for hearing an Judge W. I. Stewart heard the evidence and decided that the land was subjected to partition and appointe John Haler, A.C. Stafford and Bowersock as the three commissioners, they divided the land in Brown Co., Kansas in to 7 equal shares (the Nebraska land was not in this Courts jurisdiction and nothing was done with the 24.24 acres in Neb. The Com. set off for Jules share of the aforesaid 240 acres the N. - 15 acres out of N.W. 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec 4 T.L.S.R. 18 Brown Co., Kans, this includes the old Brein home and barn and all the improvements on said home place. this was confirmed by the court. After Jule was sent to the Asylem at Ossawatomie,
The first Kansas State Insane Asylum was established a mile north of the town of Osawatomie, near the Marais des Cygnes River.
"Julia remained in the old Brein home place and stay there and kept Jules four children, in the spring of 1905 Julia went to South Dakota and procured one of those (N,-CCKodata divorces from Jule, and in May 1905 married Antoine Robidoux, a Sac Indian, by law marriage license was procured in Doniphan Co. Kans and they and they were married by Probate Judge Curtis, (Julia having separated from her first man William Green after the allotment there is considerable doubt if she is not yet the legal wife of Wiliam Green, she and he having separated after the Iowa allotment and neither having procured a divorce from each other, the U S Supreme Court has re-ciently decided that all those South Dakota divorces were null and void and of no effect in law or equity. If is very doubtful if Jules marriage to Julia Green is legal she not having any divorce from her first man William Green, and having separated from him after the Iowa Allotment - Jue Brein's four children by Julia will inherit all of Jules property at his death.
"Joe Vetter, a half brother to Jules mother died May 20th. 1897 and Jule inherits a 1/42 of his 80 acres allotment, this allotment of Joe Vetters has been divided by the Distroict Court of Brwon Co. and Jul has had set off to him 1-765/945 acres out of W. 1/2 of E E.1/2 of N/12 of N W 1/4 Sec. 7. T.L.S.R. 18 East Brwon Co., Kans this is the 6th share running East commencing at the East side of Josie Vetters share out of Joe's allotment."
SOURCE: George Nuzum's Biography of Iowa Indians of Kansas and Nebraska, 1906
(NOTE: This is a transcript that includes the errors in the typed document. Prejudices of the biographer, George Nuzum, may sometimes be evidenced. Some material may be disputed by families.)
At some point after his marriage in 1893 probably before 1901, Jule was thrown from the back of a wild horse and injured his spine. This led to a bout of spinal meningitis (an infection of the membranes and fluid around the brain and spinal cord), which later led to insanity. He was pronounced insane by the Probate Court of Brown Co., Kans in 1901. Jule was removed to the Topeka State Hospital where he spent some time before being removed to the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians in South Dakota (why?).
Topeka State Hospital. Built in 1872, demolished in 2010
Jule was admitted to the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians on February 3, 1911, and diagnosed as an Alcoholic with pseudoparesis (pseudoparesis is a condition where a person has weak active muscle function despite normal innervation. It's characterized by loss of active range of motion with almost free passive range of motion, and no neurological deficits, most commonly in the context of the shoulder, aka massive rotator cuff tear.) But again, the lack of a true medical doctor at Canton has led to what appears to be an incorrect diagnosis, as it was already determined in Kansas to be spinal meningitis with some form of insanity.
Per Carla Joinson in Vanished in Hiawatha, Jule Brien died on February 5, 1918, and was buried at Canton Asylum Cemetery, on February 8 according to the obit in the White Cloud Globe-Tribune. The (extensive) family was not notified "in a timely manner" and could not be present. Brien was later disinterred on February 13, 1918, and taken to Nebraska. The LL Culp letter of February 17, 1934, does NOT show Jule buried in the Hiawatha cemetery which seems to confirm his disinterment.
Research Notes
-Jule Brien was an allotment holder
Ioway Cultural Institute: Genealogy: Ioway Genealogical Sources
Iowa Reservation (KS-NE) Landowners in 1892
List of Landowners in 1892 on Iowa Reservation, Kansas, and Nebraska [Transcribed from 1892 Map of the Iowa Reservation, and with translations of native names, by Lance M. Foster, 1999]
-Separated from Julia before 1905 before her marriage to Antone Roubidoux (Julia appears to have effectively abandoned Jule by traveling to South Dakota for a divorce later determined to be null and void.
-census reports 1903+ @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...... from the Kickapoo Agency report Jule and Julia and family as Iowa Indians of the Kansas Nebraska Iowa Tribe
Recommended Reading
1. Marlin, Pam Hawley. “Osawatomie State Hospital 1863 - 1906 & 2019.” Past Prologue, 2019, dmarlin.com/pastprologue/blog/osawatomie-state-hospital/.
2. Kansas State Insane Asylums, Topeka and Osawatomie, David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
1892 - ALLOTMENTS -- IOWAY NATION of KANSAS & NEBRASKA (With FamilySearch ID #s) @ https://www.familysearch.org/photos/artifacts/117006352
107- Jule Brien (1867) 26yrs.LVXB-J5W
1893 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-12X6 : 8 June 2021), Jule Brien, 1893.
1900 Jun 14 - "United States Census, 1900", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MST4-DGG : Thu Oct 05 01:38:44 UTC 2023), Entry for Jule Brien and Julia Brien, 1900, pg. 485/822, line 28, census of the Iowa Tribe, Sac Fox and Iowa Indian Reservation, Brown County, Kansas
Wife: Julia Brien
Daughter: Mary E Brien
Stepson: Jefferson Green
Daughter: Louisa E Brien
Son: Thaddus J Brien
Stepson: Ralph M Green
1904 Jun 30 - Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, roll 210); 1903 Census of the Iowa Tribe of Kickapoo Indians, Kickapoo Agency, Kansas, Record Group 75, pg.33/471, line 100 ; National Archives Building, National Archives and Record Services, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 1965 (M age 38 = b. 1866) @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...
1905 Jun 30 - Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, Office of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, (National Archives Microfilm Publication M595, roll 210); 1903 Census of the Iowa Indians, Kickapoo Agency, Horton Kansas, Record Group 75, pg.47/471, line 103 ; National Archives Building, National Archives and Record Services, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 1965 @ https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll210unit/mode/1up?view=t...
1906 - George Nuzum's Biography of Iowa Indians of Kansas and Nebraska, 1906,
22 - Brein, Abraham LVFS-K25
23 - Brein, Louise (Roy) LVFS-2MM
24 - Brein Jr., Abraham KDSC-7QS
25 - Brein, Bell K841-7DW
26 - Brein, Walter R. K87L-WRF
26 - Brein, George L.GQPN-DNT
27 - Brein, Jule LVXB-J5W
28 - Brein, Julia (Tesson) LVXB-VFG
29 - Brein, Mary L2LK-HDS
29 - Brien, Louisa LV6B-STV
30 - Brein, Thaddus L2L2-124
30 - Brein, Josie LRKG-JF7
31 - Brein, Peter G4PQ-P6M
32 - Brein, Lancelot G4VR-PF1
1908 Oct 13 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-BP9X : 22 August 2022), Jule Brien in entry for Emil or Emile Bouvier, 1908, marriage of daughter Louisa at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
no image
1919 Apr 30 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", , FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-B3FY : 8 June 2021), Jule Brien in entry for Thaddeus Jule Brien, 1919, marriage of son Thaddeus Jule Brien at Richardson, Nebraska, United States
1933 Sep 30 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-BWRL : 8 June 2021), Jule Brien in entry for Raymond Lewis, 1933, 2nd marriage of daughter Josie Brien Ashworth at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
1943 Mar 23 - "Nebraska Marriages, 1855-1995", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2Z2-YPCH : 8 June 2021), Jule Brien in entry for Walter Clarence Smith, 1943, 2nd marriage of daughter Josephine Brien Lewis at Falls City, Richardson, Nebraska, United States
1984 Jan 20 - "United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007", database, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6KWQ-XQ5K : 10 February 2023), Jule Brien in entry for Louise Emma Bouvier, .
no image
1867 |
June 25, 1867
Ioway Reservation of Kansas and Nebraska, Brown County, KS, United States
1894 |
August 26, 1894
White Cloud, Doniphan County, KS, United States
1895 |
December 6, 1895
Doniphan County, KS, United States
1899 |
January 31, 1899
1900 |
July 28, 1900
1918 |
February 5, 1918
Age 50
Canton Asylum for Insane Indians, Canton, Lincoln County, SD, United States