KONRAD, son of UDO Graf im Lahngau [Konradiner] & his wife Judith [Welf] im Linzgau] ([845/60]-killed in battle near Fritzlar 27 Feb 906, bur Weilburg Martinskirche). Regino names "Chuonradus senior [et] frater eius Gebehardus", specifying that Konrad resided in Hessen at Friedeslar[69]. His birth date range estimated from other estimated birth date ranges of members of the family and the known dates of Konrad's own career. Regino specifies that the dukedom of "Boppo dux Thuringorum" was given to "Chuonrado" in 892 and soon after to "Burchardo comitis"[70].
1. BURKHARD (-killed in battle Thuringia 3 Aug 908). Regino specifies that the dukedom of "Boppo dux Thuringorum" was given to "Chuonrado" in 892 and soon after to "Burchardo comitis"[71]. "Hludowicus…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster St Gallen by charter dated 24 Jun 903 in which among "fidelium nostrum" was listed "Purchart marchio Thuringionum"[72]. The Annales Alammanici record that "Burchardus dux Turingorum et Rudolfus episcopus Eginoque" were killed by the Hungarians in Saxony in 908[73]. m ---. The name of Burkhard's wife is not known. Burkhard & his wife had two children:
a) BURKHARD . Widukind names "Burghardum quoque Bardonem", specifying "quorum alter gener regis erat", when recording that Duke Heinrich drove them from Thuringia in 913[74]. “Burchardus comes” donated property to Bonn St Cassius, for the souls of “meæ...parentumque meorum atque...fratris mei Kunradi Francorum...regis”, at the request of “Waldolfi prepositi”, by charter dated to [911/18][75]. m ---[in der Wetterau], daughter of KONRAD Graf in der Wetterau [Konradiner] & his wife Glismod ---.
b) BARDO . Widukind names "Burghardum quoque Bardonem" specifying "quorum alter gener regis erat", when recording that Duke Heinrich drove them from Thuringia in 913[76]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/THURINGIA.htm#BurchardMdauKonrad
Conrad, Duke of Thuringia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conrad (died 27 February 906), called the Old or the Elder, was the Duke of Thuringia from 892 until his death. He was the namesake of the Conradiner family and son of Udo of Neustria. His mother (probably) was a daughter of Conrad I of Logenahe (832-860).
e) [JUDITH]. The identity of Udo's wife is not known with certainty. According to Jackman[1788], she may have been the daughter of Konrad Graf im Linz- und Argengau, whom he speculates was named Judith. King Arnulf in a charter dated 19 May 891 names "Chonradi…comitis et nepotis nostri"[1789]. The speculation is that the relationship may have been through Konrad's mother who, if identified as the daughter of Graf Konrad, was the niece of King Arnulf's paternal grandmother Queen Hemma. m UDO Graf im Lahngau, son of GEBHARD Graf im Niederlahngau [Konradiner] & his wife ---. 860/879.]
840 |
Argengau, Germany
845 |
Hessen at Friedeslar, Niederlahngau, Ostenfrankenreich
860 |
wohl Lahngau, Alemannien, Ostfrankenreich
863 |
888 |
Age 48
Niederlahngau, Germany
???? | |||
???? |