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Judeth Meyers (Myers) (1788 - 1825)

Birthplace: Surrey, England (United Kingdom)
Death: June 18, 1825 (36-37)
Pittwater, Sorell, Tasmania, Australia (Drowned.)
Place of Burial: Sorrell, Tasmania, Australia
Immediate Family:

Wife of Frederick Wilhelm Meyers
Mother of Frederick George Meyers; Benjamin "James" Meyers; Thomas Meyers; Charles Meyers and {unnamed} Meyers

Convict ship to Australia: Morley, 12 September 1820
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Judeth Meyers

Acknowledgements to the Hall Family Tree via for the following information:

  • 1820: Larceny
  • 22 Sept 1820 • Women's Factory Parramatta NSW - Convicted at Surrey Assizes 23 March 1920- disembarked "Morley" with her 3 children - Frederick 8, Charles 6, girl 3
  • 1821: Heavy postage charge made on prisoner, Judith Myers, for nine letters received in six months from her husband at the Derwent (Reel 6052; 4/1751 pp.64-5)
  • 1821: To Hobart where she finished sentence
  • 1825: Drowned, buried at Sorrell naomiatt 01-04-12, 04:03 Frederick MEYERS, b. 5th June, 1785, Bremen, son of Herman Meyer, married around 1810-1812 London to Judeth UNKNOWN b.1788 London d.1825 in Pittwater. First child born London, 1812. FATAL ACCIDENT
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Judeth Meyers's Timeline

Surrey, England (United Kingdom)
London, England (United Kingdom)
November 5, 1814
London, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
London, Greater London, England (United Kingdom)
June 18, 1825
Age 37
Pittwater, Sorell, Tasmania, Australia
June 18, 1825
Age 37
Sorrell, Tasmania, Australia