Josephine Kathleen Kassel

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Josephine Kathleen Kassel (op den Graeff) (1650 - 1690)

Also Known As: "Hannah", "Pletjes"
Birthplace: Monsheim, Großherzogtum Hessen und bei Rhein, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Death: 1690 (39-40)
Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Colonial America
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Isaac Hermann op den Graeff and Grietjen Pieters op den Graeff
Wife of Heinrich Kassel
Mother of Reverend Yelles (Julius) Cassel; Barbara Cassel; Susannah Cassel; Hupert Kassel; John 'Henry' Heinrich Cassell and 6 others
Sister of Dirck Isaacs op den Graeff, Original 13 Families of Germantown, PA; Herman Isacks op den Graeff; Margaretta Maria Kassell and Abraham Isaacs op den Graeff

Managed by: Lee Philip Kessler
Last Updated:

About Josephine Kathleen Kassel

Josephine Kathleen op den Graeff

  • Daughter of Isaac Herman op den Graeff, II and Grietjen Dohrs

Publication: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States

  • Date: Nov 26 1928

Text "..., last from (‘owes whence tho ship sailed June 20. After their arrival in America lived for a time with another brother Hupert Cassel in Montgomery Co., Pa., who had emigrated to this country between 1715..."

This Department is published
every Monday and Wednesday. are requested to direct all cowman rations to the “Genealogical Department, Boston and to accompany each separate query with a Stapp. Monday, Nov. 20.

  • (•SSO.) 1. Ancestry desired of Hobert Lovell and wife Elizabeth who •lth children. Zacheus, Ann, Jolin, James and Ellyn emigrated to America ln 163:> and settled in Weymouth.
  • 2. IA I) KJ. Wanted, names of chil- dren of Joseph Ludwig, born 1699 in Germany, who with wife and family at Broad Bay,” Me., i in 1753.
  • 3. BRADSHAW. Information wanted regarding ancestry and children of Humphry Bradshaw and wife who came to America in 1642.
  • 4. BRADSHAW. Wanted. name of wife of John Bradshaw, horn Jime 24. 1655, (son of Humphry Bradshaw) of Medford, Mass.
  • 5. BRADSHAW.. Wanted, names of i wife and children and any other data relating to John Bradshaw, horn ll. 1695. 6. BRADSHAW. Information desired of John Bradshaw, Jr., who married June
  • 4. 1740, Sarah settled in the vicinity of Still River Neck, Litchfield Co., Conn. Wanted, dates of birth and death.
  • 7. Sarah above was a daughter of family data desired. Wanted, of Stephen's wife and children. 8. HATCH, DOTY. I wish to thank A. F. S. and E. C. W. lt. and all others who have written to me or sent answer? to the Transcript. They have all heer appreciated. L. C. B. W. not gb of the colonie! day lit was a pas? was attacked bv directly in the strug It so happened nne •nger on a hoat which i party of Britishers. In tnt s which followed the redcoats were successful in getting to the of thc American boat. A rope was dangling enticingly over the edge of deck, antl tip this the British soldiers started over hand. Borton, b aning over the edge, whipped out lns knife, shouting as lie cut the rope in twain. ‘Take the rope if thee desire it, but I guess we '-till need flie boat.’ was a typical Quaker method of avoiding tmo shedding of blood aml yet coming tiff triumphant. It was the total “Ment his participation in that eventful war.” See Borton and Mason Genealogy, pages 257 and 260. Samuel Borton, Sr., was born April 27. 1743, son of Obadiah and Susannah (Butcher) Borton. Rhoda Hacker Nov. ll. 1776. Il was a minister to Evesham, N. J. Can the name of this boa tt Friends Church, someone tell nie Tho ancestry of Obadiah and Su is especially dcs ired. di (Butcher) Borton J. E. R. (7885.) of birt li vier (7881.) 1. WEST. Can CJ. S. C., who mentions a West Family Association at Stamford, Conn., tell me how I can trace thc Elijah (5) West (Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3. 2. Francis 1) born Aug. 20, 1705, wno married antl removed to vania? I am particularly interested in nn Elijah West who married in New York July 20, 1820, Amy Lewis of Pennsylvania. He had a brother named Arkansas. Elijah and Amy (Lewis) West had eight sons; one, called Arkansas (for his uncie), was born in county, New York.
  • 2. GALLUP. Who was Mary Ann’ Gallup of Maine who married James Pennington, horn Nova Scotia in 1799? Was she related to the Stonington family of that name? F. C- B. S. (7882.) 1. Thomas Francis of Swansea, (born where and when?), married at Dighton, May ll. Leah Kelly. roth died Oct. 1762. Children were Hannah, Reuben, William (born 1737), Mary, Abraham. Thomas, antl Peleg. I cannot place Thom is, born about 1705, in the Robert Francis of Wethersfield linc. 'vas a Richard
  • (1) Francis (1608-1687) freeman of Dorchester antl Cambridge, who married Alice or Alce Wilcox or Wilcoxes who Stephen, born 1645; Sarah, 1648; John, 1650; Rebecca and Ann, all born Cambridge.
  • (2) (Rlchard 1) Francis of Medford, married 1688, Lydia Cooper (John); had Samuel, 1696; Ann: Joseph, 1700; Ebenezer, 1708. died 1725 and lie- died 1728. they have other children? Stephen (2) 1) married hannah daughter of widow Mary Hall married 1670, anti had hannah died young; Stephen, 1674; Hannah, died young; bannah again, He was afterwards ot Reading and Medford; 1690. Wife died April 2, and he married second, in September, 1683. Hanah Dickson Did they have any children? Can anyone furnish a clue to this family which help me tind my Thomas 1. SCHUYLER. Wanted, dates ind marriage of Philip antl wife Catharine Van Ib ns and names of their children. Na- j thaniel Schuyler, son of above, marriet! whom? All dates of birth, death and marriage desired. Marv schu !tr. daughter of Nathaniel, lied I Alonzo Merwin; their death, antl wanted. 2. MERWIN. like ancestry of Alonzo Merwin (above) back to migrant. J. F. the mi- C. G. (7886.) 1. HUNN, MORTON. Zadock Hunn, born 1743, at Newington, (’nnn., was a graduate of also taught there. He preached at Becket, served in Revolution for seven thijs, organized a church it Otis in 1799. He moved t<> Ontario County, N. A’., where ho died May 12, 1801. He is supposed to have married Alary Morton, said to have beon a daughter of Morton, and also a cousin of Governor Morton of New Mary Moron a sister of Rev. Jarnes Morton of Blandford? Zadock Hunn and Mary Morton had children: James fj., born 1781, at Becket, Mass.; M.; Zadock; Rebecca; Annie; Lorenia. Ca i someone help me by giving me tho liatos of birth, marriage and of Mary (Morton) Hunn, also dates of hirth of the children and who they married?
  • 2. HUNN, GILLET. James G. Hunn, born 1781, married Eliza at Canandaigua, N. V. Slie was born in Massachusetts. all information possible in regard to her. Dates of birth, marriage ttl James Hunn, and date of death. Tiley had a daughter. Fanny Jemima Hunn, who married Jarvis Stone, and married, second, a Brooks, and died at Fra ville. N. Y. James died 1859 or at antl in bis will lie mentions lns Fannie J. Stone. dates of birth and marriage and death of Fanny Jemima (Hunn) Stone Brooks aad Jarvis Stone. They a son, AAT ll ia rn ■nry lmm A. D. O. Francis? E. L. F. (7883.) Stratton married 1. STRATTON, IVES. Marki born 1692, died April 3, Oet. 8, 1713, Ann Hancock, I daughter of Timothy and Susannah (Ives); Hancock. Mark is believed to llave come! to New Jersey from Staten Island, tuon known as Stratton Island. I would like to know more of this family (Stratton) which settled on Staten or Stratton i Island. Who was Susannah Ives? j w
  • 2. HUNT, STRATTON. Lt. Ralph Hunt j x of Newtown, Long Island, N. Y. ead four sons, Ralph. Jr., Edward, und Samuel. These four sons removed to N. J. AVe fint! on page 284, <ctions of the State of where Ralph Hunt was of in 1719. My ancestry of Edward who was a grandson tif Lt. Ralph Hunt and brother of the (7887.) BENEDICT. Chauncey Benedict married a daughter of Hiram Lyman of Torrington, Conn., and they had a son. L. the ancestry of Chauncey Benedict, given name of wife with ancestry, namo of w ife of Harry L., also of residence. H. 1. IJ. C. (7888.) CHAPMAN. Can anyone give rno the ancestry of Chapman, tim daughter of Duvid She married Nahum sun of Jacob, Oct. 26, 1815, und had the following children: Nahn ni born Aug. 2, 1816; Huldah, Nov. 23. 1817; Lucy, Oct. 3, 1819; April 9, 1821; Alonzo, Jan. 23, 1823; Roxana, Feb. ll, 1825; Catherine, Aug. 23 1828; Daura, sedo 1833. people were in Danville, Caledonia County, AT. Nathan i born Oct. 13, 1793, in Fitzwilliam, ID, son of Jacob and ‘Historical Col- New Jersey,” first collector problem is the (Paine) Surg to Danville Huldah wus orie tif a lurg nt. He moved 1810 antl was five years family. from thore married to later. She E. A. T. daughter of Sir Andrew Rutler of Chil ton, and haif Robert Crane, of Stonham aml (‘hilton, Agnes, daughter «>f Thomas Singleton. Thoy were parents of Margery Crane who married Thomas Appleton. Is the Appleton line well established what is the proof? Also tmo (‘rane line? I would like any of the lines which enter Appleton and Crane through marriage. 2. HAUGH. In the library of the New england Su e ety a manuscript record of Reading (Mass.) Families, by AV. F. Bucknam, in which it is stated that Atherton Haugh, later of Boston. Eng., and Boston, Mass., was horn in London, Eng., and baptized at Dunstable, Eng. Can any of the Transcript correspondents aid me in placing Atherton?
  • 3. KENDALL, John (4) Kendall (John 3, Jacob .2, Franois 1) married at Pepperell, Mass., April 16. 1747, Hannah Whitman whose ancestry is Their son John (5) Kendall, born Dunstable, Feb. 6, 1749, married Molly who died at Temple, N. ID, Aug. 6, 1799, in her 48th year. John dietl there April 29, 1802. What was molly's maiden name and ancestry? Where did John (4) live antl die and had he' military service of any kind? Had John (5) Revolutionary service and where did hc live before his removal to Temple?
  • 4. PARKER. Kendall (3) Bryant (Kendall 2. Abraham 1) born March 7, 1709. at Reading, Mass.; married. Oct. 5, 1730, Mary Parker, whose ancestry is desired.
  • 5. DANE. THOMPSON. Philemon (3) Dane (John 2, 1) of Ipswich, Mass., marriet!. Oct. 7. 1685, Mary Thompson. is known of her ancestry? They had a l daughter. Mary, birth date unknown to J me, whose marriage I seek. Did she marry John AVitt of Lynn? I would likel to he certain of the Identity of the Mary j Jane who, on Nov. ll, 1702, married John AVitt, Jr., (Lynn Records, page 113) and regard philemon's daughter Mary, as the most likely. Can the Tran- i script correspondents aid me? R. T. j (7892.) 1. SEARS. parentage 1 nf Christian Sears, horn 1743, died on hls I farm near Pee ayee Valley in Oldham I County, Kentucky, in 1843, age name and parentage wanted, I with dates tif her birth, marriage, and j death. Christian Sears, Jan. 15, 1794, 1 purchased of Jolin Sears, Rowan Coun- i ty, N. C., 152 acres on waters of Hanby j Bought 301 acres on abbott's Creek, Nov. 8, 1798. Bought 200 acres of Mark Sheets, Sept. 12, 1797. Sells 413 j Aug. 4, 1798, antl 270 acres April 30, 1805. Issue: Mary, born Feh. 13, 7.6; Sarah Shires, Elizabeth Wright, I Jacob, David, born 1792, John, Mary Sears, born 1776, married Wright. Rowan County, N. C., 1796. 2. WRIGHT. Wanted, parentage of j Nancy Wright, born May 4, 1779, j May 24, 1797, Rowan County, N. C., Richard Gilstrap. She died April 10, I 1860, County, Ind. 3. Wanted, birth date of James Eliot, whose will was made Oct. j 4, 1799, in Orange County, N. C. and pro- bated May term, 1803. Also wife's name I and dates of birth, marriage and death, j What was their son william's birth date antl his wife deborah's birth und death dates antl parentage? William i died in N. C., as proven by indenture May 28, 1813. What was his marriage date? In 1813, Deborah and children Ellender, Jane, James, William, John, Catherine, Mary and Alfred were in Rutherford County, Tenn.
  • 4. KENNADY. like parentage of Margarett Kennady who married Atkinson, July 24, 1795, Orange! County, N. C. Z. VV. A. i. i manuil Thomas Dean who same into r Watertown, volkv from Maryland or Virginia about j Ume 2> paffe L- A. sons was Christian with all born May his wife collector. one of these the father of Edward? This Edward Hunt married what is her ancestry, dates? Their son, Esaias, was 25, 1712; died July 10, 1813; was Elizabeth Stratton. A Biblo owned by Walter E. Hunt of Haddonfield, N. J., bae Ellzabeth stratton's birth as Feb. 3, 1 754, antl her death as Oct. 15, 1794. On page 262 of the “Stratton gy,” by It. R. Stratton, 1908-18, I find i Elizabeth Stratton married Gar- wood, and she dietl Jan. 21, 1822. Will someone interested these families cor- j rect the error? Both billie and history j state she is daughter of Enoch and Arny Stratton.
  • 3. CLARKE, FISHER. G. Clarke, Sr., born 1803, married Harriet Fisher; j he died Jan. and is buried in Bap- i tist cemetery, Haddonfield, N. J. The i children were: Joel, Jr., Jarnes, Joseph, j Elizabeth, Mary, Martha and Emeline, j T wish ancestry antl all of Joel G. j (Tarke and his wife. antl where tuti Harriet (Fisher) Clarke die and where is she buried? 4 JONES, PACKER. Jones, daughter of Daniel and Mary Jones of Philadelphia, married, as his second wife, Philip Packer who was born either 1650 of 1664. This is all the 1 find. Philip Packer's first wife was unknown until recently when it was found in Quaker records that she was Ha nnb li Sessions and one son Philip who married Ann Coates. Sa rp uel Jones Packer was a snn of Philip and Rebecca (Jones) Packer; other children: Daniel, who no children; Rhoda who George Hammitt. Whom did Samuel Jones Parker marry? I should like all data on this line if possible. The children nf Samuel Jones Parker were: marriet! Caldwell'. Parthena, William Lopen; Susan; Sarah, married Sims: Ruth, married Jarnes I j P rov f l Rhoda, married Nt Borton; Daniel, John; Eleanor (see Bor- Genealogy, pages 257 and 260). 5. BORTON. I like ancestry aml history of Samuel Borton, a Quaker, who was on board a ship that was raptured hy the British during llie Revolution. I from Lafayette Even ing Call.” 1902, I believe Mareh 18; “Mrs. Fox tells an interesting anecdote of tilis vigorous ancestor of hers, ‘speaking of her grandfather. Samuel Borton.’ Reing a member of the Society of Friends when the war of the Revolution broke out. lio (7889.) 1. CASE. DUNN. Absalom Case served as a Revolutionary soldier from County, N. Y., July, 1776, to July, 1779. lle was born in Middletown, Conn., June 16, 1759, died Plymouth, (7893^ 1. DEAN. Information wanted of tuc 1793, settled near Ky. bati two .sets of children; first wife named ’’Bety” second, Diana Henry, son of tirst wife, was married, had children when he came with his father to Kentucky. This Henry married Miss Johnson of Maryland, daughter of Wil- Johnson of Maryland, and Sarah Brock, daughter of General Brock. Any information of Thomas Dean and son Henry Dean is desired. 2. NICHOLS. Information is wanted of James Bruce Nichols. The Nichols family were Puritans and originally fron) Maryland. In Kentucky Court of Appeals Deeds, James Bruce Nichols is listed from both Alexandria and Fairfax, Va. He came into Kentucky about 1798 or 1799. Henry Nichols, an uncle, came with him to Nelson County, Kentucky. In 1800 James Bruce married in Nelson County, Kentucky, Margaret Randolph, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Bland) Randolph, who came from Virginia, near Richmond in 1798 or 1799. Any information will be appreciated. A. R. D. (7894.) 1. BURNAP. I wish ancestry and history of Deacon John Burnap who was born in Lebanon, Conn., and in 1771 settled in Norwich, Vt., with wife Susanna and six children. is ancestry of Susanna? Deacon Jolin died November, 1804,
  • 2. FARRINGTON. Deacon Elijah Burnap, sun of above, same to Norwich, Vt., Orange Co., N. Y s <»n of ('apt. John, Jr., and Mary (Thompson) Wisner. Sho was born about 174 D daughter of whom?
  • 3. SMI TH. John Smith, Sr., was in New England a- early a- 1635. did ho settle tirst? In Watertown, Mass., 1636-
  • 7; w lsabella. He died Oct. 12. 1639, age 60.
  • 4. LITTLEFIELD. Susanna Little- wno married Joseph Ames, Aas the daughter of whom? Please give- dates and C. .VJ. A. S. ANSWERS 5354. 3. E A K L E. March 28, 1927. I am a descendant of a Sarah Earle, who married Stephen Manchester, 1714, in Rhode Island. I think slie was daughter oi a Ralph Earle. Stephen Manchester and wife. Sarah Earle, moved to Dutchess County, N. Y., ami they had a son, Elias, born 1725, who married Hannah Seabra or Seeber or Seabury (whith?). Elias was killed at Fort Edwards in French and English War, 1758. Any records relative to these ancestors I would appreciate. L. H. J. 5364. 6. DAVIS. H. C. K., March 28, 1927. ID C K. speaks of John Merry of Montgomery County, N. Y., who married Clarinda Davis. Ile was born 1785, died 184 4. He was son of Benjamin Merry. Where was Jolin born or where did his parents live? Was Hannah Merry, who married Mathew Millard, Pittsfield, Mass., any kin to Benjamin? L. H. J. 5892. MONTGOMERY. VV. K. J. “The Genealogical History of Montgomery and Weir Descendants,” by D. B. Montgomery, was published in 1903 by J. P. Cox of Indiana. H. B. W. 6385. STORM. R. AV. C., Oct. 29. 1928. I only have one R- bert Storm in my records. Do not know the name of his wife, but he had a daughter, Susan, born before 1783. He was a son of Gregoris who was born April, 1724, and grandson of Thomas Storm (1697-1769) and Some Van descendants might have record of Robert and his wife, or some of the Storm family around N. Y. K. K. A. 7056. 1. ASHLEY, BROOKINS. AV. AV. D. June 9, 1928; A. AV. D., June 19, 1928. Answers by W. AV. D. and A. AV. D. have given me data that I very much desired. Can anyone complete an for me by giving the birth date of Drusilla Holt, the date of her marriage to Noah Ashley and tho year in which each died? Also, the years in which John Ashley and his wife Desire Thacher died? Drusilla holt's father was Steven Holt, born 1750 at Wallingford, Conn., removed with his parents to (Whitestone) town, N. Y., and married. J. F. C. G. 7277. KINNE. F. A. C., June ll, 1928. Manuel (5) Kinne (Jeremiah 4, Thomas
  • 3. 2, Henry 1) horn Nov. 10, 1740, married, first, on May 22, 1765, Martha Galley; second, in 1797, Oct. 7, Lucy Park, and. according to some notes, was married, third, on Nov. 19, 1809, to Zipporah Partridge, and fourth, on Jan. 5, 1812, to Edith Curtis. I do not have names of children. Perhaps C. O. T. can furnish further data. F. C. B. S. 7401. PENNOYER. E. L. F., Oct. 31, 1928. Tht correspondent desires ancestry of Lydia Knapp, who married Thomas I fn noyer. According tu Connecticut Genealogies, page 1786, Nicholas Knapp came to Massachusetts with about 1630. He settled in Watertown. He died in April, 1670. Ile married first Eleanor who Aug. 16, 1658. Their •children Ruth, Hannah, mentioned in page 55, antl also were Jonathan, Sarah, Moses and Lydia. He is “History of in Ravage, and in 7451. 1. BRYANT, F. F. P. 18. 1928. In reply to P. B. N., antl others interested in the marriage of Elizabeth Bryant and Burwell: Tht record from which I quoted Aug. 29, 1928, is entitled Record of Charles Snow and Frederick Snow Kellogg, compiled by their Aunt Fanny and Uncle George.” A copy was placed by the widow of Dr. B. Snow with the New England Society, Boston, Mass, Airs. Snow writes; “I believe this has to be asked for, as not heing hound, it is kept under loek and key.” One (loose leaf) copy is in the Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. Ono bound copy with Sons of the Revolution, Los Angeles, Cal. One bound ropy in the Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N. A’. As Dr. Snow was directly descended from Benedict Burwell, and Elizabeth Bryant, antl was for years acquainted with their granddaughter, his mother's sister, this is a matter of family history. Nancy” was a household word, or name, in my brother's family, whose wife was Dr. snow's sister, and spoken of as a remarkably bright antl intelligent old from what this record tells, knowledge of these lines to F. K. I lady. Aside J I have no impart. Luzerne County, Pa., June 21. 1828. Married Sarah Elizabeth Dunn. Wanted, date of his marriage, and ancestry of himself and his wife. 2. WASHINGTON. DUNNING. avant ed, names of cousins George Washington. A family tradition is that Mary Elizabeth Dunning was named for her grandmother, wife tif John Dunning tif Delhi, N. A’., and that said grandmother, was own cousin of George I Wanted, her surname and family connections, tintes, etc. M. F. J. AV. v- v (7890.) LEE. Can any of your readers inform rne of the present living de- I or near relatives, of Consul I Dee, consul to Bordeaux, France, in the Jefferson, Madison and Monroe administrations, second auditor of thol Treasury, dietl in Roxbury in 1840? Mar- ried Mrs. Mo Luan. lris son was William Barlow Det- antl his grandson I >r. William Lee, residents of Washington. I). C. J. G. H. M. 7646. 2. ELDREDGE. .FISH. J. E. R., Sept. 19. 1728. (4) Eldredge horn Groton, Conn., Oet. 6. 1715, married James (3) Packer, born Groton, Nov. 2, with his father as a lad fifteen years old; 1710, dietl about 1760, son of James born in Lebanon, Conn., January, 1756; 1 (2) and his first wife Abigail Avery, son be married in September, 1783, Naomi, of John (1) and lns second wife, Rebecca Farrington. He dietl at his residence in Norwick, Sept. 8, 1819. Hls wife Naomi survived her husband twenty years, removing to Cornish, N. ID, where she died June 26, 1839, aged The ancestry of Naomi Farrington desired. Is there Revolutionary service on her line?
  • 3. .'3. was Almedia Williams of N. H., who married Jan. 12, 1820, Du. J Burnap, son of above Deacon She was living in Plainfield, N. H., 1870 when the John Burnap and was published. David Burnap was born in Norwich, Vt., April 5, 1801.
  • 4. NICHOLS. Alvares Burnap came to 1726. Minnesota 1854, from Cornish Flats, and (3) Wells. (4) was daughter of Capt. Daniel (3) Eldredge, horn Mareh 20, 1690, June 26, 1711, Abigail (3) Fish born 1691, daughter of Samuel (2) Fish (born 1656, baptized Stonington, Conn., Mareh 13, 1680, died Feb. 27, 1733, aged 77) Sarah (2) Stark, born 1660, died Dec. ll, 1722, aged 62, daughter of Aaron and Sarah, son of John (1) Fish and his wife, who was probably a of Samuel Ireland. Danlel (3) was son of Oapt. Daniel (2) Eldredge, born Kingston, R. I., died Aug. 13, 1726, and his wife, Mary who was probably a Phillips, married 1687, died also about He was son of Samual (1) Eldredge Elizabath. Samuel (1) died 1697, COATS OF ARMS AMI OMI MINIATI lalah Kotun 4. .’isa St MW (G); (7891.) 1. APPLETON. CRANE. I j recently discovered a line to Samuel and Judith (Everard) Appleton of Ipswich,; MasS. The Appleton line, as I have it. j is as follows: Appleton, died aprill 9. 1481; of Parva, Suffolk, j Eng.; married Margaret, daughter tif J Richard willm g. They lied Thomas Ap- I Crane (see low) antl died 1507-8. Their son Robert Appleton, married Marj), .antil tif Thomas Mounteney, of Essex, and tl Aug. 27, 1526 j They had William Appleton, married I Rose, daughter of Robert Sexton, of Dav- j by Agnes, sister <>f Sir Thomas j I Jermyn of Rushbrook. william's will was! May 2. 1530. They bati 1 1 1766 Appleton, who married Mary, of i 1 Edward Isaacks of Well Court, county I Kent, by Margery, daughter of J of Thomas dietl about j I 1603, and was x the father of Samuel (1) j Appleton the emigrant. I I Crane ancestry is given as follows; I Sir Thomas. Knight, married sister of Sir Fulk tic who hold lands 01 Suffolk, about 1250. Their soli Sir Thomas married Petronilla j Hinesley; their son, married aj of Sir John Millington; John,! son of last named, of Nor- j folk, Allce, daughter of Sir Kd- I mund Berry, Knt., and hail: Simon, also of married Margery, daughter of Henry Smallwood antl had William. of Stonham and Creating, Suffolk: flourished 1382-1429; married, second, a N. IL, son of above David. He was born j aged abo i. F. M. S. Plainfield, N. H., April 24, 1831, and died Chatfield, Minn., 1882. He Diana! 7676. 1. WELLS, PERCIVAL. H. V. Nichols of Orion, Minn., Nov. ll, 1856, B.. Ort. 31, 1928. IT. W. B. has evidently formerly uf Fenner, Madison County, heen collecting material on the Wells N. Y. She was born Aug. 12, 1837, at j family for years. I write here all I have N. Y. Can someone give nu thu Nichols ancestry with r. I data? J. E. R. I on my husband's family and T hope H. W. B. or G. A. G. may he able to supply 1 me with sufficient additional information to allow me to complete the line, j I notice the name Chauncey Wells in this column antl 1 have the name in- j scribed in a very ohl hook: Chauncey 1 Wells, from his uncie, A. Mathews, Vienna, Oneida county, N. Y., 1832.” I havo no trace of aforesaid Chauncey f Joseph and Susanna ()ur earliest goes baek to (7895.) 1. AMES. II. D. who answered query 4304, 10, Hayden, L. 1’. 1)., May 14, 1928, pleas© give me sorne help, in iny line. Elijah Ames, born Jan. 7, 1743, at Bridgewater, Mass, j (son Littlefield Ames) married May 30, 1769, Elizabeth (Betty) Johnson, daughter of Major Isaae and Mary Willis johnson Where dld Elijah and Elizabeth die? and when? They had a daughter, Annis, born Poultney, Vt., a son Willard, born in 1787 (where?) were the names of their other children with dates of birth for all and they married? Willard married Amy F. Ferris, Aug. 13, nt Potsdam, N. Y., She was born 1, 1780-1, at Nine Partners, near N. Y. (family record). Slic was daughter of She claimed that her father's nanu was and he was drowned when she was a very winall child. I Arad Wells, a millwright and later a farmer, who had brothers named James antl Edward. He was unusually well educated antl an outstanding man. He livoti in New York, llc married Rosamond Mathews prior to 1815. Ho lived nt Vienna, N. Y.. in 1832. and later moved to Chautauqua, N. Y., where Rosamond died He then fallowed his children to Racine, Wis. The children of Arad and were: 1, William Henry Harrison Wells, born Vienna, Oneida county, N. Y., in Dee. 20, 1815. Married Sarah Railey at Plainfield, 111., prior to 1843. He wasi a millwright. Was a going to California; Civil War veteran. Chil- found one James Ferris who was drowned, j dren: Mary, Sarah, Francea, Permella, Tri wife Charity (Thomas) Ferris, in New York S. A. II. Book. Tilis Charity Ferris dietl ln 1809, the wills of this date are not in print, would it be possible for W. II. D. to took this up and report to the Transcript? In tho above line there are three lines to Francis Cook of Mayflower. 2. James Wisner was born about 1765. Wanted, the date of lns enlistment, be was a lieutenant in his Uncle Henry's Company in 1786, born in 2, Ezra. 3, Alonzo. 4, Amanda, marriot!
  • 5, Alary married Henry. 6. Freemon. Early New York history mentions G. Wells coming from Connecticut, an early settler in Oneida county, N. Y. He was a teacher. One son, John, horn 1821, graduated from Union college.
  • 2. mathew's This aforementioned Rosamund Mathews was a well educated woman. She had a sister. Chloe. I have no data about her. But I find in “Early History of county,” page 432, reference to Aaron Mathews, who had a daughter Rose and sons Aaron and Lyman, who the first sawmill in The same Aaron Mathews was commissioner of schools in V lf nna county, in 1798. Othor Mathews men of same generation were Levi, Abner and Alvaro and (Jeorge. A seems to have been a favorite letter. Our little hook's inscription and the fact that Rosamund's children were named Alonzo, load me to believe I have the right line. Could anyone help me to go farther? K. B. S. 7798. 1. PEPPER. E. Y. S., Oct. 29, 1928. The Pepper record are very scarce, but perhaps the following from niy notes may set you on the right trail. If so, I should be glad to know llie result. Robert (1) Pepper of Roxbury, Mass., married Johnson March 14, 1643. Freeman May 10, 1643. Wife died Jan. 5. 1684. His will July 4. 1684 mentions sons Isaac and Jacob, daughters Elizabeth Everett, Mary Everett, Sarah Mason, and Bethia, sole child of Joseph who was killed ln Sudbury fight by the Indians, 1676. He died July 7. 1684, Called “The aged Christian” on the church records. Children: Elizabeth, baptized March 3. 1644, died in few days; born May 25, baptized June 1, 1645, married May 13, 1662; John Everett of Dedham. She was alive July 4, 1684: John, born April 3 and baptized April ll, 1647, married Bethia Fisher of Dedham, who died same year; he March 18, 1670; Joseph, born March 18, 1649, married Mary he killed ln Sudbury fight, April, 1676; Mary, born April 27, 1651, married Oct. 28, 1669, Samuel Everett of Dedham; she was alive July 4. 1684; Benjamin, born May 15,, 1653, died young; Robert, born April 21, baptized April 29, 1655; reported killed in fight, but returned from captivity; Sarah, born April 28, 1657, married John Mason of Roston; Isaac, born April 26, baptized May 1, 1659, married, Oct. 7, 1685, Apphia Freeman; Jacob, born July 28, baptized Aug. 4, 1661, married. Feb 10, 1685, Elizabeth Paine. Isaac (2) Pepper (Robert 1), born April 26, baptized May 1, 1659, at Roxbury, married, Oct. 7, 1685, Apphia, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Southworth) Freeman of Eastham. Ile was a prominent citizen in Eastham after his marriage. Children: Apphia, born Feb. 24, 1687, married Timothy Cole, Jr., Nov. 2, 1709. Mary, born Aug. 7, 1690, married William Freeman Oct. 16, 1711. (Recorded at hirth as Mary, at marriage as Mercy, on headstone as Mercy.) Isaac, born July I 29, 1693, married Ellzabeth Freeman Feh. 21, 1716-17. born Feb. 15, 1695, married Marv Snow July 26, 1732. born July ll, 1698, married Rpbert Young, Jr., April 17, 1717. Joseph, born Nov. 1, 1700, died May 1, 1703. Solomon, born Jan. 15, 1703, married Phebe Paine Oct. 15, 1724. Joseph, born Feb. 24, ^1704- 5, married Rebecca Higgins Sopt. 30, 1725. Joseph (3) Pepper (Isaac 2, Robert 1), j who married Rebecca Higgins, had a daughter, Sarah, born May 17, 1746. My notes do nct give her marriage. I have i no other Sarah Pepper who would seem 1 to fit your Stephen Smith. Someone fa- j millar with this Smith branch could i probably verify it, as she ls probably the j one you are seeking. Above notes from Savage, town records, probate, headstones, Bodge. 1 V Cape Codder 7798. 5. WELLES. E. Y. S.. Oct. 29, j 1928. The Mary (1) Welles who died at Wethersfield, Conn., Aug. 30, 1659, and who married there, John Robbins, was a sister of Governor Thomas Welles (1). Roth were children of Robert Welles of Stourton in County Warwick, i England. Robert, who married an Alico I /Was snn of Thomas Welles and his j first wife, Elizabeth j For further details see the elaborate j article by C. E. B. M. in New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. I 80, page 299. F. M. S. 1 7807. 1. SHELDON. O. A. S.. Oct. 31, 1928. According to savage's j Genealogical Dictionary of New Eng- land, Isaac Sheldon was at Wind- sor. Conn., in 1652, and John Shel- don at Providence, R. I., in 1682. Savage mentions no as having settled from the first in Virginia. The Sheldon Magazine; or, A Genealogical List of the in America, 1855, apparently attempts completeness, j Among possibly other Sheldon immi- j grants there ls mentioned in it John Sheldon of Kingston, R. I., who died 1706. Savage regards Sheldon and Shelden as alternative spellings but makes Shelton a different name altogether. A glance through the indices of the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography and the William and Mary College Quarterly, Indicates that Shelton is a very common name ln Virginia, while Sheldon (Shelden) is very uncommon. In the New England Historical antl Genealogical Register, Vol. 80 (1926) pages 378-401, there is an important genealogical article on the English antecedents Isaac Sheldon of Windsor, Conn. H. D. G.
  • 4. CASSELL. Jullus or Yellis Kassell came from Germany, to Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1686, on the ship antl settled at Germantown. Pa., with a group of about thirty follow Mennonites. He was a Mennonite minister; horn 1618; died about 1681. Julius had a son Johannes (John) born 1639; died April 17, 1691; a weaver, residing at Germantown. John had children: Arnold, Peter, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, also probably Henry, or Heinrich. A branch of the family went to Maryland, at or near Froderick, Jacob boing an ancestor of this group, having eleven children. jacob's brothers, Abraham and Martin, went early to Kentucky. References: Cassell Family History, published at Norristown, Pa., by Morgan R. Wills; also, Cassell Family, by Daniel K. Cassel, Germantown, Pa., 1896. Rov. N. W. Bates, Sullivan, Ohio, is gathering Cassell data. Who can give more information? N. W. B. Oct. 16. 1727, Illes or Yelles, and Johannes Kassel arrived at Philadelphia, Pa., on the ship Friendship, of Bristol, John Davies, master, from Rotterdam, last from (‘owes whence tho ship sailed June 20. After their arrival in America lived for a time with another brother Hupert Cassel in Montgomery Co., Pa., who had emigrated to this country between 1715 and 1720. Yelles, Johannes .and Hupert Cassel were sons of villis Kassel, a Mennonite Germany, in 1665, who was born prior to 1618 and died after 1681. He did not come to America. Yelles Cassel, Jr., became a noted preacher among the Mennonites in Skip- pack. Johannes settled in Lancaster, Pa., and Hupert, a weaver by trade, had a farm of 150 A. at which was constantly occupied by his descendants until 1855. villis Kassel, Sr., had a brother who with his wife Mary and children; Arnold. Mary and Sarah, came from by the way of London in the ship Jefferies, and landed at Philadelphia on Nov. 20. 1686. Johannes Kassel died April 17, 1691. The above notes are from a History of the Mennonites by D. K. Cassel. Thc books gives a little more information about some of the children and grandchildren of these various Cassels, which I will send if you want it. Ij. C. B. W. 5. Abraham Pietersen van the v immigrant ancestor, was horn in the city of Haarlem, Holland, where he was baptized Nov. ll, 1607; he married, Haarlem, Dec. 9. 1629, Tryntje Melchiors, born in Groningen. It is probable that they came to America soon afterwards ns no baptismal records of children are found in Haarlem between 1630 apd 1635 they are known to have Veen ln New Amsterdam in 1636. Abraham van lived on Broadway, where he carried on the occupation ln Roxbury about Charles Edwin (8), 1642. born Nine children: July 22, 1823; (Vf miller and trading in died Sept. 13, 1826. Martha Hutchins, cattle and lands. The date of his death horn Feb. 5, 1825; died Aug. 25, 1900, at is not known. Children: (Matthew), born about 1631, married Helena Roberts. bern about 1632, married, first, Thomas Jansen second. Evert Jansen Wendell. Isaac, born about 1635, married, April 5, 1659, New Amsterdam. Jans. Pieter, baptized March 23, 1642, married, Oct. 10, 1666, New Amsterdam, Hester Melchior, baptized March 6, 1644, married, about 1668, Rutgers. From this ancestral stock come most if not all of those in America bearing the names of van Dusen, van Deusen, van and van Duzer. ‘‘The Van Family,” by Captain Albert Harrison van Deusen. “Van Deusens of Van Deusen Manor, Great Barrington, Mass.,” by Louis Hasbrouck Sahler. and Descendants of John and Cornelius Van Deusen,” by E. J. Darling. E. J. D. 7808. 4. HOWLAND. L. H. J., Oct. 31, 1928. Lydia Howland was the first wife of Jeremiah Thomas. She died July 6, 1717, in her year, and was the first person buried in the cemetery at Green. One of, their daughfers was Lydia, born March 26 1694, who married George Hacket Jan. 13, The first church records say that Lydia Howland was a daughter of Isaac Howland and of John of the Mayflower. W. G. B. M. NOTES Grinnell, Iowa, married at Bath, March 4, 1846, Jonathan, son of Deacon and Mary (Weeks) Child. Hannah Loraine, born July 5, 1827; died Aug. 17, 1830. Freeman, born May ll, 1829; died Aug. 16, 1830. Child, born Oct. 10. 1830; died Oct. 6, 1906; married, first, Jennie C. Weeks; died 1.879; married, second, C. Chaffee; ten children. Eliza Child, born Doc. 1, 1832: died Oct. 3, 1853; unmarried. Leonard, born Jan. 2, 1833; died June 25, 1900; married, first, Louisa Ann Wilson, died 1881; second, 1883, Nellie Maria Tufts; three children. Freeman, born April 13, 1837; died Nov. 20, 1837. Chloe Child (8), born June 3, 1839; died June 3, 1846. 147. Phineas (7) (Leonard 6 and Child) was born in Stafford, Vt., Jan. 13, 1807; died there Sept. 19, 1887; married same place Aug. 19, 1834. Mahala, daughter of Freeman and Elizabeth (Chandler) Walker; his wife was a first cousin, born March 26, died Aug. 17, 1888. Three children: Leonard (8), born May 31, 1836; died July 1, 1841. Harriet born June 2, 1838; died Dec. 16, 1858. Susan Mahala, born June 17, died in Barre, Vt., Oct. 13, 1924; married ln Bath, N. H., Nov. ll, 1867, Perley, son of Oramel and Ellzabeth (Robbins) Chandler; he was born in Chelsea, Vt., May 26, 1836; died at Barre Feb. 27, 1900. Both were members of Congregational Church. Occupation, jeweler. Three children. 148. Lucius (7) (Leonard 6 and Chloe Child) was born in Strafford, Feb. 1, 1809; died there June 30, 1873; married, Jan. 9, 1837, Henrietta, daughter of Hezekiah and Philena (Pierpont) Davenport; she Note 2295. WALKER. Part was born at Fair Haven, Vt., Jan. 4, 145. Rev. Charles (7) (Leonard 6, Phin- died at Strafford, March 24, 1899. eas 5, Nathaniel 4, John 3, John 2, Sam- f Mrs. walker's descent follows: Hennel 1) was lidin in Woodstock Feb. 1, J rietta (6), Hezekiah (5), and Philena (Pier- 1791 died Bir N. Y., Nov. 28, pont); Samuel (4) and Mary (Street); Dea- /0 J T (Woodward): (Selleck): John (1) and Abigail (Pierson), who were Immigrants from England to New Haven in 1639. Four children: Aldace Atwood (8), born June 30, 1839; died Oct. 29, 1861, unmarried. Alice Henrletta, born Feb. 10, 1841; died April 12, 1845, Minerva, born Oct. 23, 1843; married, Feb. 14, 1864. Fitzhugh Ithamar Dibbell. Two children. Lucius Pierpont, born march 29, 1848; died at Louisville, Ky., April 12, 1872. Ran away from home to enlist in Civil War. Enlisted ln a company of the Second Connecticut Heavy Artillery. Was made clerk of his company. Enlisted under false name of Charles Franklin Morse. 149. Rov. Aldace (7) Walker Leonard 6 and Chloe (Child) was born in Strafford, Rutland, Vt., July 24, 1878; married in Lebanon. N. Il April 30, 1841. Mary Ann, daughter of Abel and Lydia (Challis) Baker; she was horn in Lebanon, N. H., March 9, 1813; died in Northampton, Mass., June 18, 1899. Mrs. Walker's line of descendants follows: Mary Ann (7); Abel (6) and Lydia (Challis); Gideon (5) and Rhoda (Crocker); Gideon (4) and Miriam (Rogers); Joshua (3) and Marian (Hurlburt); Joshua (2) and Hannah (Tongue); Alexander (1) and Elizabeth Raker who were immigrants from England in 1640. Three children: Aldace Freeman, (X) horn May ll, 1842; died April 12. 1901; married Sept. 9, 1874 Mary Katherlne Shaw, four children. Leonard Bake, horn Oet. 5, 1845; died Aug. 15, 1846. Mary Manning, born Nov. 18, 1851; unmarried; died Feb. 5, 1925. E. W. F. (To be continued.) 1870’ marrie 1 in Concord, N. H., Sept. 22, con (3) and Lydia (V 1823, of Stephen and John (2) and Martha Gould Hannah (Eastman) Ambrose: she was born ln Concord Jan. 15, 1799, died in, Pittsford, Vt. Dec. 3, 1883. Mrs. walker's father was a merchant of Concord, N. H. Her ancestral line follows: Lucretia (7), Stephen (6), Robert (5), John (4), Nathaniel (3), Henry, Jr. (2). Henry (1) Ambrose, who came from England to Hampton, Mass., in 1639. Six children: Charles Ambrose (8), born Sept, ll, 1824; died Aug. 12, 1833. Anna Ambrose, born Aug. 6, 1826; married, Aug. 15. 1856, Rev. George Nye, D


  • Genealogical History of the Kolb, Kulp or Culp family and its Branches in America, with Biographical Sketches of their Descendants from the Earliest Available Record from 1707 to the Present Time. Cassel, Daniel Kolb. Norristown, PA. (1895). .440 KUL P FAMILY. . Dillman Kolb Barbara Cassel, daughter 4 3547 2 m. a , of Hupert Cassel, of Hillto w n Bucks , county, Pa., in 1 777.
  • RUPP, ISRAEL DANIEL. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776, with a Statement of the Names of Ships, Whence They Sailed, and the Date of Their Arrival at Philadelphia, Chronologically Arranged, Together with the Necessary Historical and Other Notes, also, an Appendix Containing Lists of More Than One Thousand German and French Names in New York prior to 1712. Leipzig [Germa
  • History of the Mennonites: Historically and Biographically Arranged, By Daniel Kolb Cassel -
  • Winter 1974, Selection of Articles - Historic Germantown -
  • De Graeff, by Wikipedia -
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Josephine Kathleen Kassel's Timeline

Monsheim, Großherzogtum Hessen und bei Rhein, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Kriegsheim, Monsheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Kriesheim, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
Kriesheim, Herzogtum Baden, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Age 40
Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Colonial America