Historical records matching John de Lyon, II (lll) of Warkworth
Immediate Family
About John de Lyon, II (lll) of Warkworth
According to Visitation (Rutland, 1618-9, Durant) and/or Commoners (volume 1, "Cassan of Sheffield", page 651, "Families of St. Liz and Sheffield"), this Sir John should not be confused with Sir John Liam (the husband of one of his wife's same-named relatives). However, the resemblance is uncanny. Is that Sir John a spurious duplication of this Sir John? Further research is warranted, but might already be exhausted.
This Sir John has been reported to be Baron of Forteviot, Forgandenny and Drumgawan, but that seems to have resulted from confusion of this Sir John with a member of the Lyon family of Scotland (which contains the Lords of Glamis). Further research is warranted.
brief biography and family
Sir John de Lyons Lord of Warkworth in Northamptonshire aka John de Lyons of Begbrooke or Beckbrok born about 1289 (1299) in of, Warkworth Northhamptonshire England married Alice de St.Liz born about 1315 received a writ of military summons in 1322 (Oxfordshire) fought at Crecy and Poictiers sixth in descent from Nicholas de Lyons Died 1371
Sir John de Lyons Born about 1289 Warkworth Northhamptonshire England [Parents] Married about 1315 Alice de Saint Liz Warkworth Northhamptonshire England Died 1367
Surname has also been reported to be:
Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be 1289 at Banbury, Oxfordshire, England.
Date and place of death have also been (erroneously?) reported to be circa 1371 at Banbury, Oxfordshire, England.
- https://stirnet.com/genie/data/british/zwrk/tmp13.php#lyons2 (membership required in order to view without interruption)
content to be cleaned up
alt dates 1296-1346
- 'Full text of "Lyon memorial"
- http://www.archive.org/stream/lyonmemorial00mill/lyonmemorial00mill...
- 'Lyon memorial (1907)
- http://www.archive.org/details/lyonmemorial00mill
- http://www.archive.org/stream/lyonmemorial00mill#page/16/mode/1up/s...
- The pedigree is as follows. It is based upon the papers referred to, and upon the county histories of Balier and Bridge and the new Victorian History. Compare the names of witnesses [vol. I.] with the Derby list above.
- 1. Richard de Leuns m. Maud 2nd. Julianna, who was his widow 1206. He granted two virgates (80 A.) to his brother Matthew.
- 2. Roger de Leuns m. Hawise. His dau. Margaret m. Richard, son of Walter de Sutton; their dau. m. Sir Geoffrey Luttrel; a picture of this couple adorns a psalter made for Geoffrey, and a copy thereof is published in Fairholt's Costumes, Bohn Library.
- 3. Roger m. Joan, dau. of Adam de Napton. At her death 1278, her lands in Plympton went to their son and heir Richard, he being then 30 years.
- 4. Richard b. 1248, was living 1288 m. Lady Emma, who was his widow 1311. He had a brother, John de Lions.(J)
- 5. John de Lions m. Margery, dau. of Hugo de Oakley; she was his widow 1317; he d. 1312; she was living 1323. This is the John, son of Pagan, of the Philippe pedigree (vol. I. p. XI.); but the following extracts seem to be conclusive. [XIII.] Haec est finalis concordia facta in curia regis apud Ebor [aceum] inter Hugonem de Okele quaerentem et Joh[ann]em de Lyouns et Margeriam uxorem ejus deforc[iantes] per Adam de Harewedon de duabus p[ar]tibus manerii de Warkworth etc. et pro hac recognitione fine et concordia idem Hugo concessit pred[i]ctis Joh[ann]i et Margeriae et haeridit[ibus] remanere Ric[ard]o filio p[rae]d [i] c[t]i Joh' is et heredibus etc. remanere rectis heredibus d[i]c[t]i Johannis patris p[rae]d[i]c[t] or [urn] Joh'is et Ricardi. Ao. 31 Edw. I. [1302]. [XVII.] Unirersis S[an]c[t] ae matris eccl[es]iae filiis ad quor[um] noticiam praesentes pervener-int. Prior et fratres ordinis S[an]c[t]i Augustini de North'ton salutem. Nobili viro Johanni de Leonibus concessimus quod pro salubri statu suo et Aliciae consortis suae et eorum liberor[um]dum vixerint necnon pro animabus eor [um] et omnium progenitorum suorum etc. pro a[n]i[ma]bus Rogeri de Lions, Joh'is, Ricardi de Lions et Emmae nzoris suae, Joh'is de Lions et Margeriae uxoris suae etc. Sarae de Ocle, Will[ielm]i de Seintliz et Margeriae uxoris suae, Ao. 1330. [This John was son of John and Margaret. Note particularly the line of descent — Roger, John and Richard, John, and compare with Philippe, vol. I., p. 11.].
- http://www.archive.org/stream/lyonmemorial00mill#page/17/mode/1up/s...
- ' 6. John de Lions(*) m. Alice, dau. of Wm. de St. Liz; m. 2nd. Elizabeth Hastings, living 1346; m. 3rd. Lora Latimer. He d. 1383. A second son was Richard de Lions. There were two daughters: Margerie, who m. Egidius St. John, and Agnes, both mentioned 1322. [XX,XXXII.].§ In 1311 he received his grandmother's dower of Severford. [XVII.] Sciant quod ego Joh'es de Liouns dedi Joh'i fllio meo capitale messuagium de Swerford parva etc. cum reversione terrarum et ten [en]tor[um] quae d[omin]a Emma mater mea de me tenet nomine dotis etc. et si contingat p[rae]d[i]c[t]um Joh'em sine herede de corpore suo obire remanerent Ricardo fratri suo. Testibus Thomas de Liouns de Dunstowe et aliis.
- ' In 1319 he gave the manor of Beckbroke to his wife Alice; and in 1346 he gave to the prior and convent of Chacomb lands in Harpole and Plympton which he inherited from Adam de Napton; in 1337 he gave lands in Grimsbury to St. Leonard's Hospital in Banbury and later the hospital received lands in Banbury and Overthorp. His will was dated Saturday after the Feast of Conception of the B. V. M. 1383: To be buried in Chacomb Convent church; masses for the souls of Elizabeth Hastings and Lora Latimer his former wives: bequests to religious bodies. Proved Dec. 19, 1383. [Lincoln Wills].
- ' His brother, Richard of Great Oakley, m. Margerie. He had a son Richard: [XXV.] A toutz ceaux I're verrounts ou orrounts. Richard de Lions de Warkworth et Richard son fitz etc. nouz estre tenuz k sire [Sir] John de Lyons, Seignr de Warkworth etc. Donne Ao, 35 Edw. III. (1361).
- ' In 1330 Richard was summoned to show cause of his claim in Oakley. Replied that Hugo de Ocle died seized of the manor etc., leaving daughters, one Margery, his heirs; and that Margery conveyed her share to Richard de Lions and his heirs. In 1347 Richard accounts for one fee (800 A.) in Oakley, on levying aid for Knighting the King's son. In 1361 Richard died; his moiety descending to Isabella, Cecilia and Christina, his sisters and heirs [this was probably Richard the son (see also the Battle Abbey)]. In 1418 Cecilia Ragonel died possessed of one-third of the manor, descending to her daughter and heirs. She m. 1st. Hamelin de Mathan of Mulesey, Co. Surrey, who d. 1381, her dau. Elizabeth being three years old. Her dau. Margaret, wife of John Mitchell, died 1454 [Escheats 1381 and 1454— Clutterbuck's Hertford, Manning's Surrey and the Battle Abbey]. He has been confused with Richard, the vintner of Essex. Alice, sister and coheir of Richard, living 1403, m. Nicholas Lovett of Rushton in 1361. A Richard, with Claricia his wife and William his son, confirmed a grant of Waleran de Sulgrave [probably father of Claricia] to the convent— no date.
- ' (*)Baker thinks there were two generations of Johns in No. 6.
- ' (§)Document No. XX (omitted in Vol. I.). "Be it known that I, Margery, who was wife of Lord John de Lions, lord of Warkworth, have given to Margery and Agnes, my daughters, for the course of their lives, etc., and after their death, to Richard my son. etc." Anno 1322.
- (2)
- http://www.archive.org/stream/lyonmemorial00mill#page/18/mode/1up
- 7. John m. 1370 Margaret St. John; he d. 1385. [XXVI.] Ceste indenture faite a Aldrington peutre dame Isabelle Seynt Johan d'un parte et Johan de Lyouns fitz et heir monsr. John de Lyouns, Seign'r. de Warkworth de I'autre parte testimoyne cest assauoir que le dit John de Lyouns espousera Mai'gerie Seint Johan fille au dit Isabelle etc. pour que marriage la dit dame Isabelle in-feoffera le dit Johan de Lyouns de son manoir de Middleton Cheynduyt en le comte de North'ton a terme de vie la dit Isabelle etc. Ao. 44 Edw. III. (1370). His sister m. 1st. Nicholas Chetwood; he died 1369; she m. 2nd. 1370 Richard Wydville [compare the account of Essex above]. The Chetwood family succeeded to the Lyon estates 1392, inasmuch as John died without issue 1385.
- His monument, said to be one of the most beautiful in England, is in Warkworth church. He wears on his head a bascinet, to which is attached a camail of mail. Over the body is a cyclas laced on the right side; under this a haketon with sleeves, and under this a gambeson. Legs and feet are in chausses of mail; spurs have plain wheel rowels left almost in block. Knees are protected by genouilleres decorated with ball flowers and quatrefoils: elbows by guards and lion-faced discs; hands by gauntlets of plate and leather, with close-fitting cuffs strapped round the wrist. The head, supported by angels, rests on his helm for battle and jousting, surmounted by the crest, a talbot's head issuing from a ducal coronet. The feet press with admirable spontaneity on a lion. The shield is charged with the lion rampant of De Lions. The sword is suspended by an elaborate baudric worn obliquely, whose ends are fastened in a double locket placed a few inches below the top of scabbard. The end of scabbard is protected by a bouterolle, and the pommel ornamented with a human face. An ornate misericorde is slung by a loop from the baudric. Every detail has received the sculptor's most careful attention.
- Two other monuments are there; said to be of Sir John and Margery. He is represented cross-legged, in a hauberk which covers his head, and extends to the wrists, leaving the hands, which are elevated, bare. Every trace of mail is worn away, except a small portion above the knee at the opening of the tunic, which falls back, and reaches nearly to the heels. A plain horizontal belt, and a transverse one from which depends a sword at left side; on the left side is a heater shield. The head, bound with a plain fillet, is supported by two mutilated angels, and rests on a double cushion; the feet rest on a lion.
- The other figure has a veil headdress confined around the head by a plain fillet, and falling to the shoulders. A wimple just covers the chin; an open mantle fastened by a cordon crossing below the arms, which are raised in devotion. The head rests on a cushion; on each side is a mutilated angel.
- The last Sir John is the one who has been mistaken for John of Glamis. The John de Lyons, who 1334 was summoned to attend the King with horses and arms at Roxburgh [Rot. Scot., I. 306], and in 1343 had charters for lands in Perth and Aberdeen, who obtained the reversion of Glamis, and whose son was Grand Chamberlain of Scotland, was a descendant of Richard of Northampton — King David had possessions there — and may have been a cousin of the last Sir John.
- Much more might be said of Northampton Lyons, but space forbids. The Oxford Hist. Soc. vol. 24 gives a long account of the various rectors of Begbroke, of whom the first whose name is known was appointed by Roger de Lyons in 1231. [see also Rennet's Parochial Hist, of Oxford]. Nicholas de Lyons was Rector 1303, and many of his family entered the church, here and in other counties. The Lyon family presented to this rectory for 117 years, except 1294, when Roger de Lens was patron. The name is probably connected wltH that of Matilda de Lens, who held one knight's fee (800 A.) from Ralph de Saley tempo Edw. L [Lens is phonetic for Lyons, as in the Derby records, and there was therefore no "except.]"
- http://www.archive.org/stream/lyonmemorial00mill#page/20/mode/1up
- The History of Banbury quotes an odd writ of 1330. "Sir John de Lyons, summoned by quo warranto to show his claim of view of frankpledge and weyf in the manor of Warkworth, pleaded proscription, but acknowledged that neither he nor his ancestors had a pillory for offenders against the assize of bread, and that they punished offenders against the assize of beer by amerciament, and not by tumbril, till the third offense. The view was taken into the King's hands, and restored again for one-half mark."
- 5. John de Lions m. Margery, dau. of Hugo de Oakley; she was his widow 1317; he d. 1312; she was living 1323. This is the John, son of Pagan, of the Philippe pedigree (vol. I. p. XI.); but the following extracts seem to be conclusive. [XIII.] Haec est finalis concordia facta in curia regis apud Ebor [aceum] inter Hugonem de Okele quaerentem et Joh[ann]em de Lyouns et Margeriam uxorem ejus deforc[iantes] per Adam de Harewedon de duabus p[ar]tibus manerii de Warkworth etc. et pro hac recognitione fine et concordia idem Hugo concessit pred[i]ctis Joh[ann]i et Margeriae et haeridit[ibus] remanere Ric[ard]o filio p[rae]d [i] c[t]i Joh' is et heredibus etc. remanere rectis heredibus d[i]c[t]i Johannis patris p[rae]d[i]c[t] or [urn] Joh'is et Ricardi. Ao. 31 Edw. I. [1302]. [XVII.] Unirersis S[an]c[t] ae matris eccl[es]iae filiis ad quor[um] noticiam praesentes pervener-int. Prior et fratres ordinis S[an]c[t]i Augustini de North'ton salutem. Nobili viro Johanni de Leonibus concessimus quod pro salubri statu suo et Aliciae consortis suae et eorum liberor[um]dum vixerint necnon pro animabus eor [um] et omnium progenitorum suorum etc. pro a[n]i[ma]bus Rogeri de Lions, Joh'is, Ricardi de Lions et Emmae nzoris suae, Joh'is de Lions et Margeriae uxoris suae etc. Sarae de Ocle, Will[ielm]i de Seintliz et Margeriae uxoris suae, Ao. 1330. [This John was son of John and Margaret. Note particularly the line of descent — Roger, John and Richard, John, and compare with Philippe, vol. I., p. 11.].
- 4. Richard b. 1248, was living 1288 m. Lady Emma, who was his widow 1311. He had a brother, John de Lions.(J)
- 3. Roger m. Joan, dau. of Adam de Napton. At her death 1278, her lands in Plympton went to their son and heir Richard, he being then 30 years.
- 2. Roger de Leuns m. Hawise. His dau. Margaret m. Richard, son of Walter de Sutton; their dau. m. Sir Geoffrey Luttrel; a picture of this couple adorns a psalter made for Geoffrey, and a copy thereof is published in Fairholt's Costumes, Bohn Library.
- _______________________
- http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p593.htm#i...
- 'Sir John Lyons
- M, d. 1371
- Father Sir John Lyons d. 1312
- Mother Margaret Oakley
- ' Sir John Lyons married Alice de St. Liz, daughter of William de St. Liz. Sir John Lyons died in 1371.
- 'Family Alice de St. Liz b. c 1300
- Child
- ◦Elizabeth Lyons+
- __________________
- http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/WOODVILLE.htm#Richard De WYDEVILLE (Sheriff of Northampton)1
- Richard De WYDEVILLE (Sheriff of Northampton)
- Born: ABT 1310, Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
- Died: AFT Jul 1378
- Notes: the first member of the Wydevill family of Grafton (Regis), Northants, to achieve more than local prominence. He was in possession of the family estates in 1345. He was joint collector of that county's share in the 30,000 sacks of wool granted to the King as a subsidy in 1347; in 1354, a commissioner to enforce the Statute of Labourers, and of oyer and terminer, &c., in Northants, Bucks and Beds, 1358-62; 1360-62, acting Sheriff, 1362-68 and 1370-71 High Sheriff, of Northants; 1361-70, escheator in Northants; Knight of the shire in seven parliaments between 1362 and 1377; surveyor of the works at Moorend castle (Potterspury) in 1363 and later. He married, 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau. of 'Sir John Lyons of Warkworth', heir of her brother John Lyons and widow of Sir Nicholas Chetwode. He appears to have been living in Jul 1378. [Complete Peerage XI:15-6.
- Father: John De WYDVILLE
- Mother: ¿?
- Married 1: ¿?
- Married 2: Elizabeth LYONS '(dau. of Sir John Lyons of Warkworth and Alice De St. Liz)'
- Children:
- 1. John De WYDEVILLE (Sir)
- _________________
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL2.htm#...
- RICHARD de Wydeville of Grafton, Northamptonshire ([1310]-[after Jul 1378]). m firstly ---. The name of Richard´s family is not known. m secondly as her second husband, ELIZABETH Lyons, widow of Sir NICHOLAS Chetwode, daughter of 'Sir JOHN Lyons of Warkworth & his wife ---'. Richard & his first wife had one child:
- ____________________
ID: I47543 Name: John Lyons of Warkworth Surname: Lyons Given Name: John Suffix: of Warkworth Prefix: Sir Sex: M Birth: ABT 1296 in Warkworth, Banbury, Northamptonshire, England Death: 1346 _UID: 1C50433BF7D26449BB0D06E05F1F4C7C54D0 1 2 Change Date: 30 Apr 2012 at 01:00:00
Father: John de Lyons b: 1268 in Warkworth, Banbury, Northamptonshire, England Mother: Margery de Oakley b: ABT 1269 in Great Oakley, Northamptonshire, England
Marriage 1 Alice de St Liz b: 1300 in Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, England
Married: ABT 1315 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England
Has Children Elizabeth Lyons b: 1324 in Warkworth, Banbury, Northamptonshire, England
Has Children John Lyons Lord of Warkworth b: ABT 1316 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England
Marriage 2 Elizabeth
Married: ABT 1348 in Warkworth, Northumberland, England
Title: The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant Author: Editor: G.E. Cokayne, with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden Publication: St. Catherine Press, 29 Great Queen St, Kingsway, W.C. 1959 Page: XI:16 Title: The Visitations of Northamptonshire made in 1564 and 1618-19 Author: Edited by Walter C Metcalfe F.S.A. Publication: Harleian Society, London , 1887 Page: p.32
John de Lyon, II (lll) of Warkworth's Timeline
1289 |
Warkworth, Banbury, Northhamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1320 |
Glamis, Angushire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1324 |
Warkworth, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1371 |
Age 82
Warkworth, Banbury, Northamptonshire, England
???? |
Chacombe Convent Church, Chacombe Parish, near Banbury, Northamptonshire , England (United Kingdom)