John Prestidge was the son of Robert Prestwich (NOT Thomas) & Martha Johnson, his second wife. John’s wife was Nancy Ann Larkin.
Daughters of American Revolution Ancestor #: A071203 red filed
Land Deeds Will
In the Pittsylvania County, Virginia; Court Records Book 4, 1777-1783 page 38, "October Court 1777" when Ann Prestage sued her husband John Prestage "denying her the Necessities of Life". She was given a "separate maintenance allowance of 10 pounds current money levy's yearly of the Goods and chattels of the said John Prestage."
Last Will and Testament of John Prestridge
Dated March 13, 1791. Presented in Probate Court of Pittsylvania County, Virginia on June 20, 1791
(Transcribed by Preston George)
In the name of God, Amen. I John Prestage being infirm and weak in body, but of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the certainty of death, do make constitute and ordain, this to be my last will and testament, and first I bequeath my soul to God who gave it and my body to the dust. Secondly, it is my wish and desire, that all my just debts be paid and satisfied then I give and bequeath unto my son John Prestage all my Smiths tools, which he has in possessing and one shilling sterling, and his heirs forever. The item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Larkin Prestage, all that certain tract of land, where I now live on and to his heirs forever. The item I give and bequeath to my two granddaughters Letty and Nancy Prestage, all my stock and household furniture, excepting my white mare, cow and calf and bed that Sarah D. P. lies on, which sd. white mare, cow and calf and bed I give and bequeath unto the said Sarah D.P. and her heirs forever. The item I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Nancy Prestage before mentioned all my wife's wearing apparel to her heirs forever and I hereby these presents appointing constitute, John Wilson and David Terry, Executors of this my last will and testament, given under my hand and seal, this thirty day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one.
John Prestage L. S.
William Walters
Savang Gardner
Sara [her mark] D P. Jun er
24 March 1791 Codicil added to the will:
Whereas Sarah Dupree and her family has labored and done service for me for which hereby I give, unto the said Sarah Duepee and her heirs now subsisting fifty acres of land lying and adjoining of Benjamin Hardys line, and from the right and title to the said Sarah Dup & her heirs forever and likewise, I desire that the said Sarah Dupe, and her children shall not be interrupted nor distressed on the place I now live on until the 25th day of Dec. 1791. this presents year this given from under my hand the date above mention, in present of
John X Prestridge
William Walters
H. Wade
Sarah {x her mark} Dupe
Susannah [X her mark] Dupe
At a court held for Pittsylvania County on the 20th day of June 1791. The with Last will and testament of John Prestage, Dec'd. and a Codicil thereto, named and proved by the Oaths of two of the Witnesses thereto & Ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of the said executors who made oath - According to Law, Certificate is Granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form of Law on Giving Surety - Whereupon they Together with William Walters & Thomas Williams their securities entered Bond as the Law directs & Acknowledge the same
1782 Census of Pittsylvania County, Virginia:
Head of Household White Black
Prestage, John 2 -
1787 State Census of Virginia p. 431:
Pittsylvania Co. - John Prestridge
1790 Census of Pittsylvania co., VA:
John Prestridge - 2 whites
Settlers of Maryland, 1751 - 1765:
Prestridge, John -- Anne Arundel Co., -- 7 a. in Good the Neighborhood Tract -- 16 Nov. 1759
Entry Record Book 1737 - 1796 Land entries in the present Virginia Counties of Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, etc.:
p. 324. 12 Mar 1767. John Prestridge, Jr. enters 400 acres of land on the Blackjack Branch at a gum (tree) on the branches of Birches Creek (also added another 800 acres in the same entry.) Although Pittsylvania Co., was formed from Halifax Co., in 1767, this area was still part of Halifax.
p. 404. 16 Mar 1771. John Prestridge of Halifax Co., received a grant/patent of 400 acres on the branches of Birches Creek.
01 Aug 1772 - John Prestridge - 400 acres on the branches of Sandy Creek.
04 Dec 1773 - Pittsylvania Co. John Prestage found a stray on his property and reported it in accordance with the laws at the time.
16 Feb 1774 - Joseph Terry enters all the vacant land between his own, Campbells, and John Prestridge's lines on the branches of Birches Creek.
31 Mar 1774 - Pittsylvania Co. Survey for John Prestage for 45 acres of land on the branches of Birches Creek.
15 April 1783 - John Prestage sold Thomas Terry 100 acres of land on Birches creek.
16 April 1787 - John Prestage sold the land to Thomas Terry.
15 Jan 1787 - 500 acres was surveyed for Jno. Prestage
29 Jan 1791 - John Prestage bought 104 acres in Pittsylvania Co.
Oath of Allegiance - 1777, sworn and subscribed the 27th day of September. This Oath was to be taken by all-male inhabitants of Virginia above 16 years of age and reads as follows:
"I do swear that I renounce and refuse all Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia, as a free and independent state, and that I will not at any time do or cause to be done any injurious to the freedom and independence thereof; as declared by Congress; and that I will discover and make known to the someone justice of the peace for the said state all treasons or traitorous conspiracies which I now or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the United States of America." signed both by john Prestridge and John Prestridge, Jr.
Entry Record Book 1737 -1796 Land entries in the present Virginia Counties of Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, etc:
06 Aug 1792 - The state granted 104 acres on the branches of Birch Creek to John Prestage adjoining his own and Herrings land.
John Prestridge
104 Acres
6 Aug 1792
Grants 26, p. 707
Henry Lee Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia; To all to whom these presents shall come to Greeting Know ye that in consideration of the ancient composition of ten shillings sterling paid by John Prestridge into the Treasury of this Commonwealth;
There is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said John Prestridge, as certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and four acres by survey bearing date the twenty-ninth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety one, lying and being in the County of Pittsylvania on the branches of Birches Creek, and bounded as followed, to wit, Beginning at the said Prestridge's corner white oak thence along Dodsons line North fifty five degrees West one hundred and fifty poles crossing a Branch to a pine near the Road thence along Hardys line, South seventeen degrees West forty six poles to a pine South fifty four degrees West one hundred and twenty poles crossing a Branch to pointers on an old Path, thence along William Herrings line South seventy two degrees and a half, East one hundred and twenty six poles to a pine, South twenty eight degrees West thirty poles to a pine in the said Prestridge's former lines and thence along the same North fifty three and a half degrees East one hundred and sixty poles crossing two Branches to the Beginning. With its Appurtenances to Have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land; with its appurtenances to the said John Prestridge and his Heirs for ever.
In witness whereof the said Henry Lee Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand
and caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the Sixth day of August in the year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and of the Commonwealth the seventieth.
Henry Lee
Reprinted from Records of the Virginia State Library
Pittsylvania Deed 1791-1794:
p. 538 -- Dec 19, 1793 -- Sarah Dupree sold the 50 acres received from John Prestage in his will to Ezekiel Russell.
26 Oct 1797 - Larkin Prestridge from the State of Georgia, sold four hundred acres on Birch creek bequeath him by John Prestridge; gave Father John, Power of Attorney. sold the land to Washington Thompson on 28 Oct 1797 and to Nathaniel Gardner on 21 Nov 1797.
Marion Dodson Chierto - Old Survey Book 1, 1746 - 1782 - Pittsylvania County, Virginia. p. 258:
" The 31st of March 1774 -- survey for Jon Prestridge, 45 acres of land west of the boundaries of Birches Creek."
Virginia Genealogical Society, Vol. 24, British Mercantile Claims, 1775 - 1803, p. 44:
John Prestage, Jr. 1 £16.7.10, Petersburg Store. He died several years after leaving an estate sufficient for the payment of his debts. John Wilson and David Terry are his administrators.
Franklin County, Georgia -- 1797:
"Larkin Prestridge, Thoms Gorden, and wife Lette (formerly Prestidge) appointed their father John Prestridge, Jr., attorney for property from their grandfather.
Last Will & Testament: 30 March 1791, Pr: 20 June 1791
John Prestage, infirm and weak in body but sound in mind and memory. To my son John Prestage e all my smith tools now in his possession and one shilling. to my grandson Larkin Prestage all the tract of land where I now live. To my grand-daughters, Letty and Nancy Prestage, all my stock and household furniture excepting my white mare, 1 cow and calf, and the bed Sarah D. Pl lie on, which I give to S Sarah D. P. (Dupee). To my granddaughter Nancy Prestage all my wife's wearing apparel. Appoint John Wilson and David Terry executors.
John Prestage
Wit: William Walters, Silvang Gardner, Sarah D. P., Jr.
Codicil: 24 March 17 91
Whereas Sarah Dupee and her family have labored and done service for me, I give unto her and her heirs 50 acres that join Benjamin Hardy. Desire that Sarah and her children shall not be interrupted on the place I now until 25 December 1791 and that she shall have the crops made this year. (Abstracts of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, 1767-1820, Compiled by Lela C. Adams & Virginia Bassett, Copyright 1986, by Southern Historical Press, Inc. Pages 23 -25 & 28-29.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAR A 071203, Patriotic service, VA.
The lineage of the Prestwich Family
For many years, many online trees had Thomas Prestridge and Anne Lunk as John's parents. He is not listed in Thomas Prestridge's Will and no birth record for him to be the son of Thomas and Anne. Many years of research have been completed. It is concluded he was not the son of Thomas Prestridge and Anne Lunk, but the sone of Richard Prestwich and Martha Johnson. ref.-[1] All birth records, marriage records, and records have been found for this lineage and we have a little clearer history. A record was found for John Prestwich arriving in America as well as his baptism records.
To straighten out the Prestwich lineage, we started farther back on the Prestwich Family when they first show up in Prestwich Manor, Lancashire, England. We knew digging into the family records this John Prestwich we were researching may not fit into this Prestwich Family of Lancashire Manor. ref.-[2][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prestwich]
Description: Note: Don't change BD of John he is a Patriot with DAR - Records must match- back when they initially filed application, BD was approx.
1723 |
November 10, 1723
Prestwich, Lancashire, England
November 10, 1723
1752 |
Virginia, United States
1770 |
Virginia, United States
1791 |
March 1791
Age 67
Pittsylvania County, Virginia, USA
???? |
???? |