John Budd, Jr.

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John Budd, Jr. (1625 - 1684)

Birthplace: Whitechapel, Middlesex, England
Death: November 05, 1684 (58-59)
Rye, Westchester County, Province of New York
Place of Burial: Southold, Suffolk County, New York, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Lt. John Budd of Rye and Katherine Budd
Husband of Mary Budd
Father of Hannah Hart; Lt. John Budd, Ill; Ann Horton; Capt. Joseph Budd; Sarah Conklin and 1 other
Brother of Katherine Budd; Anne Budd; Jane Horton; Sarah Budd; Joseph Budd and 7 others

Managed by: Private User
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About John Budd, Jr.

II. 1. John Budd, 'born probably in England in 1620,' married Mary _____; after his father's decease he confirmed the grants which he had made to various persons. He returned, apparently to Southold, and died Nov. 5, 1684. His brother-in-law, Joseph Horton, seems to have succeeded him in the ownership of the mill on Blind Brook.

According to the 'Indexes of Southold, L.I.,' John Budd (2) had two sons: John and Joseph; and four daughters: Mary married [first, _____ Niccols; second] Christopher Youngs; Hannah married Joanthan Hart; Sarah probably married Benjamin Conkling; and Ann married Benjamin Horton. By his will, John gave his land in Southold to his son John, and that in Westchester County to his son Joseph and daughter Hannah. A copy of his will is under documents.

This deed is one of eight 17th-century land records for the town of Rye. Dated November 11, 1661, it documents the purchase of land that is part of Rye by Englishmen then living in Connecticut from Shanorock, the local sachem, and other Native Americans living in the area. Beginning in 1660, John Budd, Peter Disbrow and others made a series of land purchases from the Native Americans that would eventually form Rye and Harrison.

John Budd II1,2 M, b. circa 1620, d. 5 November 1684

  • Father* Lieut. John Budd b. c 1600, d. b 10 Jul 1683
  • Mother* Katherine Brown d. b 10 Jul 1683

John was born circa 1620 at England.3 He was the son of Lieut. John Budd and Katherine Brown. On 24 July 1635, John immigrated on the ship "Assurance" Mr. Isack Bromwell. of London to Virginia. Before being permitted to baoard, he had to present a certificate showing his examination by the minister of Gravesend, County Essex.. Among the passengers were John Budd 15, Thomas More 19 & John More 28.son].4

John married Mary Horton, daughter of Barnabas Horton and Mary Langton, circa 1653 at the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.5 He and Mary were blessed with 6 children.6 In 1680, the family was residing at Rye, Westchester County and returned to live at Southold, Long Island.7,8 He made his will 27 October 1684 at the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.9,10,11 John departed this life on Sunday, 5 November 1684 at the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. On this date, the inventory of his estate ws taken.12 The inventory of John's estate was taken on Sunday, 5 November 1684. . Inventory: 11 oxen, 33 pounds, 14 cows, 28 pounds; 12 two-year-old cattle, 12 pound; 158 sheep. 43 pounds; 10 horses, 16 poounds; 27 pounds of Powder, 2 pound; 20 pounds of shot, 6s; 50 pounds of shot, 14s'. Inventory of property at Rye, 134 pounds. His will was probated on 12 November 1684 at court of Oyer and Terminer, in Suffolk County, New York. Family Mary Horton b. c 1637 Children Mary Budd+ b. Sep 1654, d. a 1698 John Budd III b. 16 Jan 1658 Hannah Budd b. c 1662 Joseph Budd b. c 1664, d. b 27 May 1722 Ann Budd b. 5 Jan 1667 Sarah Budd b. c 1669 Citations [S136] Adeline Horton White, Hortons In America, page 2. [S185] Edward Doubleday Harris, Ancient Long Island Epitaphs from the Towns of Southold, Shelter Island & Easthampton, New York, page 38. [S22] Norman Davis, Westchester Patriarchs, A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester Co., N.Y., page 39 - John Budd Jr., son of Lieut. John & Katherine; born: about 1620 England. [S739] Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Immigrants, "Assurance" of London, Mr. Isack Bromwell, ship master. After examination of the minister of Gravesend. [S22] Norman Davis, Westchester Patriarchs, A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester Co., N.Y., page 39 - John Budd Jr. married: ca. 1684 Mary, daughter of Barnabus Horton [b. ca. 1655] [Note: dates are in error - klm]. [S22] Norman Davis, Westchester Patriarchs, A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester Co., N.Y., page 39 - John & Mary had children: John, Joseph [born: ca. 1650-1660, Mary [m. Mr. Nichols of Long Island & m. 2nd Christopher Youngs of Southold], Hannah [m. Capt. Jonathan Hart [b. 1660's], Sarah [m. probably Benjamin Conklin], Ann [m. Benjamin Horton of Rye [1627-1690], & Jonathan. [S22] Norman Davis, Westchester Patriarchs, A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester Co., N.Y., page 39 - John Budd Jr. resided Rye. [S732] Charles B. Moore, Town of Southold, Long Island. Personal Index Prior to 1698, and Index of 1698, page 10 - John Budd - born ca. 1620; died: 5 November 1684; left London in 1635 in the same vessel as John Moore age 28 & Thomas Moore 19; married: Mary as early as 1653; eldest John: born 14 January 1658/59 & youngest Joseph, Mary or Maria born 1654 [m. Christopher Youngs of Aqueboque before 1670][d. 6 May 1735 as his widow], Hannah [m. Jonathan Hart], Sarah [brother John, guardian of her in 1685][probably m. Benjamin Conklin], Ann [m. Benjamin Horton]. ... 1683 rated for 350 pounds, nearly the largest in the town; 1678/79 bill of sale for half a sloop "Speedwell"; 1671 he & Thomas Moore sold 1/8 of the ketch "Thomas & John." [S30] New York Historical Society, Collections of the New York Historical Society Abstract of Wills, Volume 25: pages 130-131 - Abstract of the Will of John Budd dated 27 October 1684. [S22] Norman Davis, Westchester Patriarchs, A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester Co., N.Y., page 39 - John Budd Jr. will dated: 10 July 1683. [S738] New York Calendar of Wills 1626-1836: Will of John Budd - only the last part of this will is extant appointing neighbors John Tuthill & Issaack Arnold as executors. The will is proved in the court of Oyer & Terminer for Suffolk County, New York 12 Nov. 1684. [S22] Norman Davis, Westchester Patriarchs, A Genealogical Dictionary of Westchester Co., N.Y., page 39 - John Budd Jr. died: 5 November 1684 Southold.

Compiler: Kathy and Larry McCurdy, 2710 Sophiea Parkway, Okemos, MI

First Aqueboque Division. John Budd received four allotments which extended from the Sound to Peconic Bay, and were bounded West by Henry Case and East by Thomas Terry. The Wines' property is located South of Peconic Bay Blvd., on the southeastern portion of Budd's four lots with Thomas Terry's single allotment (40 rods or 660 ft, wide) on the East.

John Budd's will gave the southern part of his four allotments to his daughter Mary, the wife of Christopher Young I (1642-95).

Slave owner


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John Budd, Jr.'s Timeline

May 12, 1625
St. Mary's Church, Whitechapel, Middlesex, England
Whitechapel, Middlesex, England
June 26, 1637
Age 12
Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA
September 1654
Of Southold, Suffolk, Colony of New York, British Colonial America, Southold, Long Island
Southold, Long Island
January 14, 1659
Southold, Long Island
January 5, 1667
Southold, Long Island, Province of New York
Southold, Suffolk, New York
July 3, 1670
Southold, Suffolk County, NY, United States