John James Edward Astill

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John James Edward Astill (1912 - 1985)

Also Known As: "Jack"
Birthplace: New Zealand
Death: October 31, 1985 (72)
Te Aroha, Waikato, New Zealand
Immediate Family:

Son of Walter Normanby Astill and Jean Jane Campbell Astill
Husband of Rosetta Astill
Father of Maurice John Astill; Private and Private
Brother of Horace Walter Normanby Astill; Ian Astill and Leopold Alexander Astill

Occupation: Farmer
Managed by: Valerie Anne Astill
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Immediate Family

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John James Edward Astill's Timeline

November 9, 1912
New Zealand
November 16, 1941
Lower Hutt, New Zealand
October 31, 1985
Age 72
Te Aroha, Waikato, New Zealand