Johann Jacob Schrack, Sr.

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Johann Jacob Schrack, Sr. (1679 - 1742)

Also Known As: "John Shrake"
Birthplace: Siglingen, Württemberg, Germany
Death: February 22, 1742 (62)
Providence township, Trappe, Montgomery County/Philadelphia County, PA
Place of Burial: Augustus Lutheran Church, Trappe PA
Immediate Family:

Son of Sebastian Schrack and Catharina Catharina Schrack
Husband of Eva Rosina Schrack
Father of Johannes Joseph Schrack, Jr.; Philip L. Schrack; Anna Eva Barbara Cressman; Anna Maria Sabina Kuhn; Hannah Schrack and 5 others
Brother of Gary Schrack; Johannes Schrack; Anna Catharina Schrack; Thomas Schrack; Maria Sibylla Schrack and 3 others

Occupation: Statesman and Lutheran Minister, Innkeeper
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Johann Jacob Schrack, Sr.

Intrumental in bringing the Rev. H.M.M. to the Province of Pennsylvania. (see timeline)

The Schracks ran an Inn in Montgomery Co that was often referred to as "the trap", hence the village acquired the name "Trappe." The location is now known as Collegeville. The Schracks had very close connections with the family of Henry Melchoir Muhlenberg, father of the Lutheran Church in America, whose principal congregation, the Augustus Lutheran Congregation, was nearby. In fact, Johann Jacob Schrack was responsible ( ~• or intrumental in) for bringing Muhlenberg to America in 1742.

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Johann Jacob Schrack, Sr.'s Timeline

October 16, 1679
Siglingen, Württemberg, Germany
October 9, 1712
Siglingen, Neudenau, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
January 21, 1714
Palantinate, Germany
May 1, 1716
Palantinate, Germany
October 1717
Age 37
At Sea En Route
April 17, 1722
Trappe, Upper Providence, Montgomery County/Philadelphia County, PA, United States
April 8, 1724
Montgomery Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, British Colonial America