Johann Hansz Kotze

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Johann Hansz Kotze (1652 - 1712)

Afrikaans: Johann (Jan) Kotze, A
Also Known As: "Johann", "Jan", "Hansz", "Hans", "Hanß"
Birthplace: Königstein, Dresden Government Region, SN, Germany
Death: October 27, 1712 (60)
Kaapstad, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
Place of Burial: Kaapstad, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
Immediate Family:

Son of Joachim von Kotze and Anna Margarethe Kotze
Husband of Catharina Henneke, SM; Anna Wichmann; Hillegonda Boone, SM/PROG and Hendrina van Hoeting b1 SM
Father of Christiaan Kotze, b2; Hans Jurgen Kotze, b1; Dirk Kotze; Jan Kotze, b4; Jacob Kotze, b5 and 4 others
Brother of Christoff Kotze; David Kotze; Johannes Kotze; Kosima Kotze; Elizabeth von Kotze and 1 other

Managed by: Lindsey
Last Updated:

About Johann Hansz Kotze

"B" generation established in accordance with research done by Scott H. Kotze (Hans Jurgen Kotze - Die verlore seun), and which was published in GENESIS Edition 39 of 31 Mei 2013, p13-16. Sources used in his research were due noted. Please contact managers if this information is not correct.'



Uit navorsing gedoen deur Scott H. Kotze (Hans Jurgen Kotze - Die verlore seun. Bron: GENESIS Uitgawe 39, 31 Mei 2013):

Genealogies lyk die eerste twee geslagte Kotze’s in Suid Afrika dus as volg:


a1 Jan (Hannsz) KOTZE, *25.1. 1652, Königstein, †1712, Land van Waveren.
x (1677) Catharina HENNEKE.

b1 Hans Jurgen KOTZE (ook genoem Hans Jury of Jan Juriaan), †circa 1717.
x Kaap, 17.2.1704, Elsje (Elsie, Elsabe) VAN HOFF,16 ≈ 29.5.1689, Stellenbosch, †circa 1724.

c1 Johannes KOTZE , ≈ 13.11.1707, Kaap.

b2 Christaan KOTZE, *Königstein, †circa 1703 x Kaap, 1.12.1697, Judith Christina KLING.

c1 Johannes (Jan) KOTZE, ≈ 5.10.1698, Kaap

c2 Johannes Christiaan KOTZE , ≈ 9.5.1700, Kaap (een van hierdie twee verteenwoordig hul vader in die boedel van hul oupa Jan, 1712)

c3 Christiaan KOTZE , 10.9.1702, Kaap (jonk oorlede)


a1 Jan (Hannsz) KOTZE, *25.1.1652, Königstein, †1712, Land van Waveren xx Anna WICHMANN (geen kinders)


a1 Jan (Hannsz) KOTZE, *25.1.1652, Königstein, †1712, Land van Waveren xxx Nederland, 1 Jun/ Jan 1690, Hillegonde BOONE, *23.11.1662, Nederland, †22.8.1702, Kaap.

b3 Dirk KOTZE, 18.8.1692, Kaap x Kaap, 13.1.1726, Maria Magdalena CARSTENS, *8.11.1711, †8 Nov 1755.v (14 kinders - meeste Kotze’s in SA stam uit hierdien lyn).


a1 Jan (Hannsz) KOTZE, *25.1.1652, Königstein, †1712, Land van Waveren xxxx Kaap, 6.1.1704, Hendrina (Hendrika) VAN HOETING

b4 Jan KOTZE, ≈ 6.9.1705, Kaap

b5 Jacob KOTZE, ≈ 19.9.1706, Kaap (jonk oorlede)

b6 Hendrik KOTZE, ≈ 8.7.1708, Kaap x Helena VALENTYNSE

b7 Jan KOTZE, ≈ 1.2.1711, Kaap (jonk oorlede)

b8 Maria KOTZE, ≈ 1.2.1711, Kaap x Jacobus VAN DER MIST, xx Johan SCHAMMELPFENNIG

b9 Roelof KOTZE, ≈ 11.12.1712, Kaap (gebore na sy vader se dood, jonk oorlede).


Inligting geplaas deur MJK, 14/6/2013


Stamvader Johann KOTZE afkomstig van Königstein, Sakse *25 Januarie 1652 kom op 13 Mei 1691 in die Kaap aan. Hy vertrek egter op 13 Maart 1698 weer terug na Europa net om op 6 Mei 1701 weer terug te wees in Suid-Afrika. x Duitsland 1677 Catharina HENNEKA xx Anna WICHMANN xxx Nederland 1 Januarie 1690 Hillegonda BOONE *23 November 1662 + 22 Augustus 1702 - dogter van ds. Dirk BOONE en Belletje VAN GAALEN xxxx 6 Januarie 1704 Hendrina VAN HOETING afkomstig uit Nederland.

b1 Christiaan, X Kaapstad 1 Des 1697 Judith Kling b2 Dirk KOTZE * 18 Augustus 1692 ~ 28 Augustus 1692 + 14 September 1768 x 13 Januarie 1726 Maria Magdalena CARSTENS +8 November 1755. b3 Jan gedoop 6 Sep 1705 b4 Jacob gedoop 19 Sep 1706 b5 Hendrik gedoop c 1708, X Kaapstad 4 Maart 1736 Helena Valentynse b6 Jan gedoop 1 Feb 1711 b7 Maria gedoop 1 Feb 1711, X Paarl 31 Okt 1728 Jacobus van der Mist, XX Paarl 29 Des 1741 Johann Schammelpfenning b8 Roelof gedoop 11 Des 1712

In 1692 word daar verkaar dat Kotze se omstandighede so was dat hy nie sy eie familie kon onderhou nie en hy was toe op alimentasie geplaas.

Verwysings: Heese en Lombard GC de Wet Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting Saamgestel deur: AM van Rensburg Married to Hillegonde Boone, 1 January 1690 in Netherlands

Dirk Kotze born 28 August 1692


As far as the ancestors go:

The family appears to have been settled in the Magdeburg area of Germany since the 1200's, and being fairly prominent. The von prefix to the von Kotze surname is I think the equivalent of a knighthood of old. They seems to have been involved in trade and farming. Our branch of the family starts with some of the sons going to battle in France on the side of the Protestants. The Protestants were subdued and the Kotze warriors returned to Germany. Their descendants seems to have then moved to the Dresden area and settled in Konigstein which is close to the Chech Republic border. Both Konigstein and Dresden lies on the Elbe river which eventually passes by Magdeburg and enters the sea at Hamburg. The family appears to have had some interest in trade and this may explain their attachment to the Elbe. The Elbe being navigable from Prague to the sea. Our ancestor then seems to have moved to Amsterdam, married several times and lost his wives to illness. The family then moved from Amsterdam to the Cape settlement.

The Cemetry in the town near Gross Germersleben in Germany has a section dedicated to the Von Kotze family. A small monument in the cemetry bears the names of soldiers that died in the two German wars, and the highest ranking officers were all of the Von Kotze family.


Willie Kotzé Date: 9, January 2003 10:34 AM

FOUNDING FATHER OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN KOTZE FAMILY Hans or Johann to which he was referred moved from Germany and settled at Buyksloot near Amsterdam in the Netherlands. He was a burgher and merchant. In 1691 he and his wife Hildegonda (Hillegonda) sailed for Cape Town on the ship "Pampas" in the service of the 'Vereenigde OsteIndische Compagnie' (Dutch East India Company)> and reached Table Bay on the 13 May 1691. He was the first Kotze to enter South Africa and his arrival marked the beginning of the Kotze family there. Jan went back to Europe in 1698, settled his affairs and returned to the Cape in 1701. In August 1702 Hillegonda died. On 6 Jan 1704 Hans (hereafter recorded as Jan) married in Cape Town for the fourth time. His new wife Hendrika van Hoeting from Amsterdam. That marriage is recorded as the first marriage that took place in the new Dutch Church in Adderley Street Cape Town, known later when rebuilt as the "Groote Kerk". , ref: Laurie Kotze FT 2002

v. Konigstein, Sakse * 25.1.1652 a. 13.5.1691 † c. 1713. Op 13.3.1698 terug na Europa, maar in 6.5.1701 is hy weer in Suid-Afrika x Duitsland c. 1677 Catharina HENNEKA xx

Anna WICHMANN xxx Nederland 1.1.1690 Hillegonda BOONE * 23.11.1662 † 22.8.1702 d.v. ds. Dirk Boone en Belletje van Gaalen xxxx Kaapstad 6.1.1704 Hendrina VAN HOETING v. Nederland

Johann Kotze was a Stamvader.

Married to Hillegonde Boone, 1 January 1690 in Netherlands

Son Dirk Kotze born 28 August 1692

1 Johann (Jan) KOTZE b 25.1.1654 arrived in Cape 13.5.1691 from Königstein, Saxony. He left the Cape 13.3.1698 returning 6.5.1701 dc.1713

The Kotzé Family in South Africa has its origins in the third marriage: Johann (Jan) Kotze * 25.1.1654 †c.1713 m. 1 January 1690 (third) Hillegonda BOONE * 23.11.1662 † 22.8.1702.

Johann arriveer in 1691 van Konigstein in Sachsen Duitsland. Landgoed Gemmersleben kom al in 1234 voor. Hy was 3 keer getroud. Eerste vrou was Catharina Henneke en hy het 1 seun by haar gehad. Sy tweede vrou was Hillegonda Boone (dogter van ds Dirk Boone) en by haar het hy ook 1 seun gehad. Sy derde vrou was Hendrina van Hoeting en by haar het hy 6 kinders gehad.

Jan arrived in Cape Town on 13 May 1691. Only a few details are known of his life. He was born in Konigstein situated on the Elbe river in Sachse, near today's border between Germany and Czeckoslavakia. Jan married his first wife when he was 25 years old. From this marriage a son, Christiaan, was born. Then Jan married again but this marriage was childless. He then settled in the Netherlands and acquired citizenship. He lived in Buiksloot north of Amsterdam. Jan married for the third time and a year later came to Cape Town, South Africa with his wife, Hildegonda, and his son, Christiaan.

In the Cape the Kotze's settled at Drakenstein. Here Jan became a beer trader and had a licence to import beer from the Netherlands and presumably Germany. A year after arriving from the Netherlands a son< dirk, was born.

In 1698 Jan traveled back to Europe where he stayed till 1701. He was in Bremen in the north of Germany to visit family and to do business. Hildegonda stayed with the children in Cape Town during this time. She died a year after Jan returned from Europe. After her death Jan married a fourth time. From this marriage 6 children were born. The youngest of these children was only a year old when Jan died.

Hans or Johann to which he was referred moved from Germany and settled at Buyksloot near Amsterdam in the Netherlands. He was a burgher and merchant. In 1691 he and his wife Hildegonda (Hillegonda) sailed for Cape Town on the ship "Pampas" in the service of the 'Vereenigde OsteIndische Compagnie' (Dutch East India Company)> and reached Table Bay on the 13 May 1691. He was the first Kotze to enter South Africa and his arrival marked the beginning of the Kotze family there. Jan went back to Europe in 1698, settled his affairs and returned to the Cape in 1701. In August 1702 Hillegonda died. On 6 Jan 1704 Hans (hereafter recorded as Jan) married in Cape Town for the fourth time. His new wife Hendrika van Hoeting from Amsterdam. That marriage is recorded as the first marriage that took place in the new Dutch Church in Adderley Street Cape Town, known later when rebuilt as the "Groote Kerk".

The First record of the Kotze family is dated the year 1234. In the century that followed, a Hermann Kotze attained the privilege of knighthood and became the owner of valuable estates inclusive of the fortified castle at Ammendorf. By the fifteenth century, his grandson, Hans Kotze, was possessed of huge tracts of land; was lord of several manors and seignories, including the castle of Gross Germersleben, near Magdeburg. This he acquired in the year 1489 and it became the chief seat of the head of the house of Kotze.

The representatives of this family occupied various positions of trust and importance, mostly in the military profession, as befitted the gentlemen of those days. We read of no less than four sons of another Hans Kotze, a descendant of the Hans above-mentioned, valiantly fighting under Conde against Alva in France and the Netherlands and eventually falling on the field of honour in 1567-8. The family is first well documented when living in Saxony.

The name of Kotze is not derived from any place or locality; and this may explain, as the "Urkunden Regesten" suggests, why the preposition "von" was not at first prefixed to the family name.

Until the early part of the 18th century, the name was written without the preposition “von” [%E2%80%9CUrkunden Regesten der Herren v Kotze”, Magdenburg, 1866; 1-2].

The name Kotze(e) appears to be a contraction or abbreviation of KOTSASSE, that is “a small brother”.

The original signification of the word "Kotze" is a woollen covering such as a blanket or an overcoat or covering mantle. Hence the shield of the family coat of arms contains the full figure of a man, dressed in a long black woollen coat.

The coat of arms bears a man with arms outstretched (in silver) in official attire. On the helmet carries a sitting Greyhound. The motto is “Fortiter en Fideliter”.

A member of this family, Jan Kotze of Königstein, Saxony, settled at Buyksloot near Amsterdam, where he was a burgher and merchant. He is the Founding Father of the Kotzee family in South Africa.

He was married four times, variously to: § Catharina Henneke (1677) § Anna Wichman § Hillegonda Boone (1690) § Henrina van Hoeting, 16 January 1704

On the 1st January, 1690 he married Hildegonda Boone (b 23 November 1662 d 22 August 1702), daughter of Dirk Boone, minister of the Church at Rotterdam, and of Beletje van Galen, sister to the famous Dutch admiral, Jan van Galen, who destroyed an English squadron in 1653 off Livorno. Some time after this marriage, Jan Kotze left with his wife for the Cape in the ship "Pampas", and reached Table Bay on the 13th May, 1691. In the following year their son Dirk was born.

Jan Kotze went back to Europe in 1698, settled his affairs and returned to the Cape in 1701. In August of the following year his wife died, and in January, 1704, he remarried, his second wife being Hendrika van Hoeting. Out of this marriage two sons, Hendrik and Jan, were born.

This second marriage of Jan Kotze in January, 1704, is recorded as the first marriage that took place in the newly built and first Dutch Church in Adderley Street, Cape Town, to become known later when re-built simply as “Die Groote Kerk”.

Johann Kotze van Konigstein, Sachse kom in Suid Afrika aan 13/5/1691. Keer terug na Europa op 13.3.1698, maar keer terug na Suid Afrika op 6/5/1701 x Duitsland c 1677 met Catharina HENNEKA xx Anna WICHMANN xxx 1/1/1690 Hillegonda BOONE *23.11.1662 +22.8.1702 d.v. ds Dirk Boone en Belletje van Gaalen xxxx Kaapstad 6.1.1704 Hendrina VAN HOETING van Nederland


Johann KOTZE Stamvader Johann KOTZE afkomstig van Königstein, Sakse *25 Januarie 1652 kom op 13 Mei 1691 in die Kaap aan. Hy vertrek egter op 13 Maart 1698 weer terug na Europa net om op 6 Mei 1701 weer terug te wees in Suid-Afrika. x Duitsland 1677 Catharina HENNEKA xx Anna WICHMANN xxx Nederland 1 Januarie 1690 Hillegonda BOONE *23 November 1662 + 22 Augustus 1702 - dogter van ds. Dirk BOONE en Belletje VAN GAALEN xxxx 6 Januarie 1704 Hendrina VAN HOETING afkomstig uit Nederland. b1 Christiaan, X Kaapstad 1 Des 1697 Judith Kling b2 Dirk KOTZE * 18 Augustus 1692 ~ 28 Augustus 1692 + 14 September 1768 x 13 Januarie 1726 Maria Magdalena CARSTENS +8 November 1755. b3 Jan gedoop 6 Sep 1705 b4 Jacob gedoop 19 Sep 1706 b5 Hendrik gedoop c 1708, X Kaapstad 4 Maart 1736 Helena Valentynse b6 Jan gedoop 1 Feb 1711 b7 Maria gedoop 1 Feb 1711, X Paarl 31 Okt 1728 Jacobus van der Mist, XX Paarl 29 Des 1741 Johann Schammelpfenning b8 Roelof gedoop 11 Des 1712 In 1692 word daar verkaar dat Kotze se omstandighede so was dat hy nie sy eie familie kon onderhou nie en hy was toe op alimentasie geplaas. Verwysings: Heese en Lombard GC de Wet Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting Saamgestel deur: AM van Rensburg

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Johann Hansz Kotze's Timeline

January 25, 1652
Königstein, Dresden Government Region, SN, Germany

Born 25 Jan 1652 in Königstein, Germany

Königstein, Sakse, Duitsland (Germany)
August 18, 1692
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Kaapstad, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
Kaapstad, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika