Johann George Bredenhann, SV/PROG

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Johann George Bredenhann, SV/PROG (1749 - 1795)

Birthplace: Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Death: July 1795 (41-50)
Immediate Family:

Husband of Adriana Johanna Appel
Father of Albertus Johannes Bredenhann, b1 and Georg Phillip Bredenhann, b2

Married: 02 10 1774, Stellenbosch
Managed by: Hester Maria Christina Marx
Last Updated:

About Johann George Bredenhann, SV/PROG


BREDENHAHN JOHANN GEORG (S Briedenhan and Brydenhan). - Magdeburg. So. 1769-74, loaned 8.5.1775 as farmhand to his wife, Adriana Johanna Appel. 2 sons: Albertus Johannes (29.10.1775) and Georg Philip (9.4.1779), bapt. at Stellenbosch. Since 1785 resident at Paarl as schoolmaster, 1792 mentioned as tutor to the children of Pieter Gerard v. d. Byl. + 14.7.1795 at Paarl. (GMR 1768-71; CJ 1158: 38; C 220, p. 11.) Georg Philip Bredenhahn ~ 1810 Emmerentia Jacoba Steyl. Children : Johannes Eckard Lodewyk (* 26.12.1810) , ~ 15.6.1834 Anna Carolina Petronella Volschenk; Maria Dorothea, Georg Philip (twins, * 9.7.1812) ; Maria Christina ~ 12.8.1832 Stephanus Hendrik Kuun; Philippus Albertus ~ 26.3.1837 Elisabeth Hermina Christina Louisa Volschenk ; Adriana Susanna ~31.3.1838 Willem Adriaan Nel. (Church Registers of Swellendam.)

- Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946)

BREDENHAHN JOHANN GEORG (S Briedenhan and Brydenhan). - Magdeburg. So. 1769-74, loaned 8.5.1775 as farmhand to his wife, Adriana Johanna Appel. 2 sons: Albertus Johannes (29.10.1775) and Georg Philip (9.4.1779), bapt. at Stellenbosch. Since 1785 resident at Paarl as schoolmaster, 1792 mentioned as tutor to the children of Pieter Gerard v. d. Byl. + 14.7.1795 at Paarl. (GMR 1768-71; CJ 1158: 38; C 220, p. 11.) Georg Philip Bredenhahn ~ 1810 Emmerentia Jacoba Steyl. Children : Johannes Eckard Lodewyk (* 26.12.1810) , ~ 15.6.1834 Anna Carolina Petronella Volschenk; Maria Dorothea, Georg Philip (twins, * 9.7.1812) ; Maria Christina ~ 12.8.1832 Stephanus Hendrik Kuun; Philippus Albertus ~ 26.3.1837 Elisabeth Hermina Christina Louisa Volschenk ; Adriana Susanna ~31.3.1838 Willem Adriaan Nel. (Church Registers of Swellendam.)

- Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946)

  • Name Johan George Bredenhann
  • Event Type Marriage
  • Event Date 02 Oct 1774
  • Event Place Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
  • Residence Place Magdenburg
  • Gender Male
  • Spouse's Name Adriana Johanna Appel
  • Spouse's Marital Status Single
  • Spouse's Residence Place Cabo
  • Citing this Record
  • "South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (
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Johann George Bredenhann, SV/PROG's Timeline

Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
April 9, 1779
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa
July 1795
Age 46