Not the same as Johannes "John " Jacob Welty
When Johan Jacob Welty was born on 14 December 1710, in Edenkoben, Südliche Weinstraße, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, his father, HANS Hanß Velta Wälti Welty, was 44 and his mother, Johanna Catharina Durchdeibach, was 31.
Last Changed: 7 February 2023
Excellent analysis of a possible aspect of "three brothers" myth, which has also come down to our family. What I can share was cast in concrete, in the form of a spiral notebook (now in my possession), written before 1927. It was copied from several older records. In this notebook, a correlation is made between the marriage of John Jacob Welty to Christina Broff (1757) and the fact of Frederick the Great making war in Europe and impressing soldiers (1756). What was happening in Europe would be of little concern to colonists already in Pennsylvania, but of great concern to those facing press gangs and seeking escape. Thus, we have believed John Jacob Welty (aged about twenty to thirty years) came to North America in 1756-1757. The legend, if it is one, would have been told to my great-grandfather, possibly as early as 1860. I am still not satisfied that the "John" Welty identified as a son of Peter is the same as the "John Jacob" Welty who founded the family later of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Further, you may have the "three brothers" on the wrong generation. A brother (not an uncle) of John Jacob was said, in this same notebook record, to have settled near Gettysburg. The third brother "went to Ohio in the early founding of the state" and could explain a few of the surname there.
There were MANY Jacob Weltys and many Johannes Weltys and this information mixes them all together. Johan Jakob Welte (as baptized in the Reformed Church of Edenkoben) was known as Jacob throughout his life. Johannes is translated as "John" and is an entirely different name and different people. He died about 1773 in East Nantmeal Township, Chester County, PA after which his family, wife and 6 children, went to live on the land of his brother George Wolfgang Welte, in Dover Township, York County, PA. His brother (DNA proven) was Philip Jacob Welte, who also settled in Dover Twp, York County, PA and arrived on ship "Royal Union" in 1750. His father was Hans Jacob Welte (or Johan Jacob Welty, since Hans and Johan are both used interchangeably as honorary name "John"). Grandfather was Johan George Welte, born in Switzerland and moved to Bischweiller, Alsace prior to move to Edenkoben.
Johan Jacob born 1710 was married with several children when he and brother George came to America on the "Ketty" in 1752. Second wife was Maria Christina Braff (or Broff, or Bruss, or similar) with 6 more children, Anna Elizabeth, Johannes (known as John), Maria Christina (m. Messerle), Johan Heinreich (known as Henry), Frederick (moved to Maryland) and Margaretha (married Rummell to OHio).
1710 |
December 14, 1710
Edenkoben, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
December 21, 1710
Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany
1760 |
April 21, 1760
Dover, Kent, Delaware, United States
1762 |
May 16, 1762
Cumberland Township, Adams , Pennsylvania, United States
Cumberland Township, Adams, Pennsylvania, United States
1764 |
November 4, 1764
Northhampton County, PA, United States
Pennsylvania, United States
1767 |
June 25, 1767
York, Pennsylvania, British Colonial America
1768 |
Pennsylvania, United States