Immediate Family
About Johan Filipsson Aspenäs
Johan Filipsson (Aspenäs)
Johann/Jon Filipsson, born Abt. 1280.
Johan Filipsson (son of Filip, tab. 1). Appears for the first time 22.3 1272 in Gälakvist at Skara in King Valdemar Birgersson's company as dominus. Was one of the leaders of the Grand Confederation against King Magnus and was executed on 20 August 1280 together with his brother Birger, his sister's son Johan Karlsson ( Fånöätten ) and several others. Disposed with his brother Birger over Ymseborg in Bäcks sn in Vadsbo hd in Västergötland, and the brothers also owned the salmon fish in Klarälven in Kils hd in Värmland.
- Married Ingeborg Swantepolksdotter, married to Ingeborg Svantepolksdotter, who was the daughter of the East Gothic man knight Svantepolk Knutsson ( Svantepolk Knutsson's family ) and probably Bengta, daughter of Folke jarl's son Sune Folkason , then got married to the knight Tune Anundsson ( Vingätten) and died 22.2 1341.
- Knut Jonsson, 1292–1345, knight, national council, lawman, drots. (son of Johan Filipsson, tab. 2). Mentioned for the first time in 1292. Not yet a knight in 1298. Was a knight and councilor 1305, a layman in Östergötland 1310 and King Birger was killed in 1311 and another 1314. Left around the turn of the year 1314-1315. Mentioned again as a layman in Östergötland in 1315 and still in 1316, but in 1318 his brother-in-law Bo Nilsson (Natt og Dag) is the layman there. Is again murdered in 1322 and yet again in 1333, as well as the lawman in Östergötland in 1330 and again in 1345. Was formerly killed in 1334. Appears last time 25.9 1345, when he and his wife renew their will. Was dead 18.3 1347. Several of Mr. Knut's 1343 and 1345 letters issued as dating site Aspenäs in Malexanders sn in Ydre hd in Östergötl., Where at least his wife is reported to have been resident. Was 5.6 1319 married to Katarina Bengtsdotter, daughter of the East Gothic man the knight Bengt Magnusson (Folkungaättens teamman branch) and his wife Sigrid. Mrs Katarina issued a letter with Aspenäs as a date of residence another 12.3 1350, when she left her farm Rönnäs, located either in Asby snow in Ydre hd in Östergötland or in Agunnaryds snow in Sunnerbo hd in Småland.
- ? Birgitta Jonsdotter. Was 10.8 1325 long ago married to the national council knight Peter Ragvaldsson (three squares), which first appeared in the sources 1296 and lived still in 1326. Since the spouses mentioned above call the knot Knut Jonsson (table 3) »genes et cognatus», it has been assumed , that she was the sister of this one. However, it does not seem possible to exclude the possibility that Birgitta was the daughter of Johan Birgersson, who in a 1310 certified letter without specified date is said to have leased 2 herb land in Österrøre village in Västra Ryds snow in Bro hd in Uppland to Uppsala cathedral. In the same village, even the spouses of the spouses mortgaged the marshal Erengisl Näskonungsson 1322 16 herb tugland, belonging to Peter Ragvaldsson, with his consent to Uppsala cathedral, and in 1325, Peter Ragvaldsson and his wife, the knight, Knut Jonsson, authorized to announce at the Thing their removal of 1 land land in Österrøre to the same cathedral's building fund. If supported by this, it is assumed that Birgitta was the daughter of Johan Birgersson, he may have been the son of Birger Filipsson (Table 1), however, before his marriage to Ulfhild Magnusdotter. In addition to patronymics and the spouses' relationship with Knut Jonsson, the following estate holdings could speak for this. In 1279 Birger donated a Tibble estate not closer to Fogdö monastery, which, however, was not allowed to own the farm in peace. Birgitta also owned land in a Tibble, whose location is also not specified in the source. One presumption that it would be the same Tibble that Birger owned is close at hand. Birgitta was the widow of Peter Ragvaldsson 31.5 1328, when she at Nynäs in Bälinge sn in Rönö hd in Södermanland issued a letter, and was dead 1.8 1346. Owned mills in Torshälla in Södermanland, which she had exchanged for land in Närke, probably in Grimsten's hd. Probably the lion eagle weapon mentioned in the introduction on Sten Bielke's canvas Birgitta is related, since this weapon image, apart from other combinations in the drawing, is presented three times next to another, which depicts three red beam-arranged squares on a field of gold, after all, to judge her husband's weapon image.
Om Johan Filipsson (svenska)
Johan Filipsson (Aspenäs)
- https://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Presentation.aspx?id=18893
- http://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Presentation.aspx?id=18895
- http://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Aspen%C3%A4s%C3%A4tten
- http://www.genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00280194&tree=LEO
- http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Filipsson_(Aspen%C3%A4s%C3%A4tten)
Johan Filipsson. Född 1240. Död 1280. f Filip Knutsson Folkunga. Född 1220. Död Avrättad för uppror mot kungen 1251. Kungason, .fm Cecilia Knutsdotter. Född 1220. Död 1280.
Riddare, upprorsledare. Född i Aspenäs, Malexander (E). Död 1280-08-20 i Norrbro (AB). Johan Filipsson avrättades genom halshuggning i augusti 1280 i ett torn vid Norrbro. (Källa: Erikskrönikan) . 41 f., PHT 67 s. 1 ff. samt ÄSF 1 s. 154".
Avrättad 1280. Han var en av ledarna för stormannakonfederationen mot konung Magnus och blev därför avrättad. Uppträder första gången 22/3 1272 i Gälakvist i Skara i konung Valdemar Birgerssons sällskap som dominus. Disponerade tillsammans med sin bror Birger över Ymseborg i Bäcks sn i Vadsbro hd i Västergötland och bröderna ägde även laxfisken i klarälven i Kils hd i Värmland.
- Judith de Flandre. Toste Godwinsson. Född 1020. Död 1070.
- Skule Tostesson. Född 1052 i England/. Död 1110. Gudrun Näfstensdotter.
- Åsulf Skulesson. Född 1100. Död 1150. Ragnhild Skoftesdotter.
- Gutorm Åsulfsson. Född 1130. Död 1180. Sigrid THORKELSDATTER Abt 1150
- Bård Gutormsson. Född 1160. Död 1210. Ragnhild Erlingsdotter.
- Skule Bårdsson. Född 1180. Död 1240. Hertig i Norge. Ragnhild Nicolaidotter
- Ingrid Skulesdotter. Född 1200. Död 1260. Knut Håkansson. Jarl i Norge.
- Filip Knutsson Folkunga. Född 1220. Död Avrättad för uppror mot kungen 1251. Kungason, . Cecilia Knutsdotter. Född 1220. Död 1280.
- Johan Filipsson. Född 1240. Död 1280. Ingeborg SVANTEPOLKSDOTTER b: Abt 1250
Johan Filipsson, svensk tronkrävare, halhuggen 1280 20/8.
Vedi madre Cecilia Knutsdotter Galen. (.....Carlo Magno).
Fam. ID nr 13411 eller 128921 Riddare, upprorsmakare
SDHK-nr: 1208
Utfärdat: 12820518, Skara Innehåll: Kung Magnus av Sverige kungör att han till nunnorna i Gudhem skänkt en del av laxfisket i floden ”wllærørh”(1, vilket bröderna Johannes och Birger Filipssöner en gång ägt men som sedermera indragits till kronan, varefter kungen med pengar till brödernas barn löst in det. Därvid gav kungen även nunnorna full besittningsrätt och fri förfoganderätt över nämnda fiske. Närvarande var biskoparna B(rynolf) i Skara, H(enrik) i Linköping och A(nund) i Strängnäs, kungens bror Bengt, lagmannen Bengt, Magnus Jonsson, Svantepolk, Magnus Ragvaldsson och Håkan Tunesson, vilka samman med utfärdaren har beseglat, samt flera andra stormän i riket.
Johan Filipsson Aspenäs's Timeline
1212 |
1264 |
Uppland, Sweden
1280 |
August 20, 1280
Age 68
Stockholm, Sweden
1282 |
???? | |||
???? |