public profile
Mongol king maker
Jochi /Djuchi Khan was the eldest son of Genghis Khan, second child in the family - he had one older sister Fudjin-Beghi.
[There is doubt about Jochi's paternity. See an example of the debate at "Jochi" at soc.genealogy.medieval, accessed Mar. 8, 2013.]
Jochi was born in 1182 shortly after Genghis Khan retrieved his kidnapped wife Borte from a rival steppe tribe, the Merkits. So who exactly his father was was always hotly debated among his siblings. This questionable paternity is even referenced in Jochi’s name—several Mongol scholars have noted that the word Jochi means ‘guest’ in Mongolian.
Early life
There is some question as to Jochi's true paternity. Shortly after her marriage to Genghis Khan (known as Temüjin at the time), Börte was abducted by members of the Mergid confederation. She was given to a certain Chilger Bökh, who was the brother of the Yehe Chiledu, as a spoil of war. She remained in Chilger Bökh's captivity for a few months before she was recovered by Temüjin. Shortly afterwards she gave birth to Jochi. By all accounts, Genghis Khan treated Jochi as his first son, but a doubt always remained among the Mongols whether Temüjin or Chilger Bökh was the real father of Jochi. This uncertainty about his paternity was not without consequences. Jochi’s descendants, although they formed the oldest branch of Genghis Khan’s family, were never considered for the succession in claiming their father’s heritage and there were signs of estrangement between Jochi and Genghis Khan.
Jochi had at least 14 sons[2] and two daughters:
According to Gumilev, was born in 1182. The eldest son. Borte pregnant mother returned from captivity Merkit, but Temujin recognized the child, saying that she was taken prisoner, being pregnant, but doubts gnawed life and the father and son. Gossip Jochi pursued until his death. Even brother Jaghatai in the presence of the prince's father called "successor Merkit captivity" than forced to give up its claims to the succession to the throne in favor of his younger brother Ugedei. Spouses: Ori-Fujino. Chor Becky Khanum. On his father's will was 4 thousand soldiers with a resolution to replenish the army at the expense of the conquered peoples. Got in its management of the land from the Irtysh River to the Ural Mountains and south to the Caspian and Aral seas, but since he died almost at the same time with his father, his son went to Batu ulus (in Russian chronicles was called the Golden Horde). According to others, died 2.1227 He left 40 sons.
Jochi conquiert le Khawrazm, s'y installe et obtient la direction de la Horde d'Or. La plupart de ses descendants sont les Uzbeks.
All Leaders of the Golden Horde Khanate: Orda (1226-1251),
Qun Quran (1251-c.1280),
Kochu (c.1280-1302), Buyan (Bayan) (1302-1309),
Sasibuqa (1309-1315), Ilbasan (1315-1320), Mubarak Khwaja (1320-1344), Chimtay (1344-1374), Urus (1374-1376), Toqtaqiya (1376),
Timur-Malik (1377), Toqtamish (1377-1378),
Koiruchik (1378-1399), Baraq (1423-1428), Muhammed (1428-1431), Mustafa (1431-1446),
Batu (1242-1255), Sartaq (1255-1256), Ulaghchi (1257),
Berke (1257-1266), Mengu-Timur (1266-1280), Tuda-Mengu (1280-1287), Talabuga (1287-1291), Tokhta (1291-1312), íz Beg (1313-1341), Tini Beg (1341-1342), Jani Beg (1342-1357) - Berdi Beg II? Küchük Muhammad (1435-1459), Mahmud (1459-1465), Ahmad (1465-1481), Shaykh Ahmad (1481-1498, 1499-1502), Sayid Ahmad II (1481-?),
Murtada (1481-1499)
[voir aussi https://www.podgorski.com/main/khans-golden-horde.html]
A sa mort, son pere Genghis donne la direction de la Horde d'Or a son autre fils Batu Khan qui etait l'aine de ses 7 fils.
Jochi (Mongolian: Зүчи, Züchi, Kazakh: Жошы, Chinese: 术赤, Zhoshy, Crimean Tatar: Cuçi; also spelled Jöchi and Juchi) (c. 1181 – February 1227) was the eldest son of Genghis Khan, and presumably one of the four sons by his principal wife Börte, though issues concerning his paternity followed him throughout his life. An accomplished military leader, he participated in his father's conquest of Central Asia, along with his brothers and uncles.
Genghis Khan had divided his empire among his four surviving sons during his lifetime. Jochi was entrusted with the westernmost part of the empire, then lying between Ural (Jaiq, Djaik, Iaik, Jaiakh) and Irtysh rivers. In the Kurultai of 1229 following Genghis Khan’s death, this partition was formalized and Jochi’s family (Jochi himself had died six months before Genghis Khan) was allocated the lands in the west up to ‘as far as the hooves of Mongol horses had trodden'. Following the Mongol custom, Genghis Khan bequeathed only four thousand ‘original’ Mongol troops to each of his three elder sons and 101,000 to Tolui, his youngest son. Consequently, Jochi’s descendants extended their empire mostly with the help of auxiliary troops from the subjugated populations which happened to be Turkic. This was the chief reason why the Golden Horde acquired a Turkic identity. Jochi's inheritance was divided among his sons. His sons Orda and Batu founded the White Horde and the Blue Horde, respectively, and would later combine their territories into the Kipchak Khanate or Golden Horde. Another of Jochi’s sons, Shiban, received territories that lay north of Batu and Orda’s Ülüs.
Genghis Khan was aware of the friction between his sons (particularly between Chagatai and Jochi) and worried of possible conflict between them if he died. He therefore decided to divide his empire among his sons and make all of them Khan in their own right, while appointing one of his sons as his successor. Chagatai was considered unstable due to his temper and rash behavior, because of statements he made that he would not follow Jochi if he were to become his father's successor. Tolui, Genghis Khan's youngest son, was not to be his successor because he was the youngest and in the Mongol culture, youngest sons were not given much responsibility due to their age. If Jochi were to become successor, it was likely that Chagatai would engage in warfare with him and collapse the empire. Therefore, Genghis Khan decided to give the throne to Ögedei. Ögedei was seen by Genghis Khan as dependable in character and relatively stable and down to earth and would be a neutral candidate and might defuse the situation between his brothers.
Jochi died in 1226, during his father's lifetime. Some scholars, notably Ratchnevsky, have commented on the possibility that Jochi was secretly poisoned by an order from Genghis Khan. Rashid al-Din reports that the great Khan sent for his sons in the spring of 1223, and while his brothers heeded the order, Jochi remained in Khorasan. Juzjani suggests that the disagreement arose from a quarrel between Jochi and his brothers in the siege of Urgench. Jochi had attempted to protect Urgench from destruction, as it belonged to territory allocated to him as a fief. He concludes his story with the clearly apocryphal statement by Jochi: "Genghis Khan is mad to have massacred so many people and laid waste so many lands. I would be doing a service if I killed my father when he is hunting, made an alliance with Sultan Muhammad, brought this land to life and gave assistance and support to the Muslims." Juzjani claims that it was in response to hearing of these plans that Genghis Khan ordered his son secretly poisoned; however, as Sultan Muhammad was already dead in 1223, the accuracy of this story is questionable
Another important consideration is that Genghis' descendants intermarried frequently. For instance, the Jochids took wives from the Ilkhan dynasty of Persia, whose progenitor was Hulagu Khan. As a consequence, it is likely that many Jochids had other sons of Genghis Khan among their maternal ancestors.
Golden Horde, also called Kipchak Khanate, Russian designation for the Ulus Juchi, the western part of the Mongol empire, which flourished from the mid-13th century to the end of the 14th century. The people of the Golden Horde were a mixture of Turks and Mongols, with the latter generally constituting the aristocracy.
The ill-defined western portion of the empire of Genghis Khan formed the territorial endowment of his oldest son, Juchi. Juchi predeceased his father in 1227, but his son Batu expanded their domain in a series of brilliant campaigns that included the sacking and burning of the city of Kiev in 1240. At its peak the Golden Horde’s territory extended from the Carpathian Mountains in eastern Europe to the steppes of Siberia. On the south the Horde’s lands bordered on the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains, and the Iranian territories of the Mongol dynasty known as the Il-Khans.
Jochi had at least 14 sons and two daughters:
Orda (c. 1204-1280)
Batu (c. 1205-1255)
Berke, Khan of the Golden Horde from 1257-1267[4]
Teval (Buval). He was the grandfather of Nogai Khan.
Tuq-timur, the ancestor of late khans of the Great Horde.
Qoluyiqan. She married Törelchi, eldest son of Quduqa-beki of the Oirats.
Daughter who married the Qarluq chief of Almaliq.
Йочи-хан был старшим из его сыновей. Он [%D0%A7%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B7%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BD] дал [%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%83] большое войско и отправил, назначив в вилайет Дашт-и Кыпчака, сказал: “Пусть будет пастбищем для твоих коней”. Дал [%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%83 также] вилайет Хорезма. Когда Йочи-хан отправился в вилайет Дашт-и Кыпчака, он достиг Улуг-Тага 15, который известен. Однажды, когда он охотился в горах, ему повстречалось стадо марал-кийиков. Преследуя его и пуская стрелы, он свалился с коня, свернул себе шею и умер. http://www.vostlit.info/Texts/rus6/Chengiz-name/frametext.htm
Добился успеха в завоевании Туркестана и Западной Сибири. После этих побед его отец дал ему титул «хана кипчаков» («император Запада»), который затем перешел к его второму сыну Батыю. Если быть более точным, то Чингиз-хан подарил Жучи мир к западу от сибирской реки Иртыш «столь далеко, насколько копыто моноголского коня сможет пройти».
Отец Батыя Жучи придерживался шаманских волшебных обрядов. Он был любителем-романтиком пения и музыки, но имел, по-видимому, трудный характер. Во время кампании против султана Хорезма он настолько поругался со своим братом Ягатаем, что Хорезм был завоеван лишь тогда, когда верховное командование было передано Угедею (или Огатаю), третьему сыну Чингиз-хана, который впоследствии стал императором. Также известно, что до своей смерти Жучи находился в плохих отношениях со своим отцом и распространился слух о том, что он был отравлен по приказу Чингиз-хана, когда он отказался начать кампанию против Европы. Однако, более вероятно, что он умер естественной смертью в возрасте приблизительно 51 года, на шесть месяцев ранее смерти отца и что он не мог завоевать Европу из-за своей болезни. Он имел сорок сыновей, но история сохранила сведения лишь о четырнадцати из них. У него не было сына от старшей жены керейтской принцессы Никитмиш (сестра знаменитой жены хана Тулуя). Его старший сын Орда родился от кунгратской принцессы Отуркан-Саркат и его второй сын Батый - от Уки-Хатун, дочери Анчи Ноян, который также частично был кунгратского происхождения. После отказа Орды поставить себя во главе армии, выступающей против Европы, главная историческая миссия выпала на Батыя. Тем не менее, Орда оставил след в истории не только по причине, что в 14 веке его потомки стали ханами Золотой Орды. Во время своей жизни он рассматривался как хан западной Сибири, Казахстана и Кара-Китая (Восточного Туркестана); он помог завоевать Рязань, Коломну и Дербент и его первый родившийся сын Сертактай правил в Афганистане.
Meme profil que Jochi, Khan of the Ulus of Jochi
پسر ارشد چنگیز خان جوجی در جنگ با سلطان محمد او را شکست داد. فرماندهی و تصرف شهرهای ساحل سیحون به دست او بود.
پرش به ناوبریپرش به جستجو طبق رشیدالدین همدانی (1247–1318) ، پسر ارشد چنگیز خان ، جوچی ، نزدیک به 40 پسر داشت که 14 نفر از آنها را 14 نام می برد. هنگامی که وی درگذشت ، آنها سلطنت پدران خود را به عنوان امانت داری به ارث بردند حکومت برادرانشان ، باتو خان ، به عنوان عالی خان و اردا خان ، که اگرچه بزرگتر از این دو بود ، موافقت کرد که باتو از برتری به عنوان خان از گروه ترکان طلایی (جوچید اولوس).
اوردا ، همراه با برخی از برادران کوچکتر خود ، بر جناح شرقی (چپ / آبی) شاخه طلای ترکان طلایی حکومت می کردند در حالی که باتو و دیگران بر بال غربی (راست / سفید) آن حاکم بودند. این گروههای انبوه در تاریخ نگاری اسلاوی و پارسی به عنوان "سپید" ، "آبی" و "خاکستری " (شایانیان) شناخته می شوند. این دو بخش اصلی به نام های اولوس باتو (ناحیه) و اولوس اردا نیز شناخته می شوند.
رابطه بین رنگ و جهت را می توان با چهار نماد که معمولاً در آسیای شرقی استفاده می شود ، توضیح داد ، اژدهای آبی با شرق و مرتبط است ببر سفید با غرب ارتباط دارد. تحت این سیستم سنتی در شرق آسیا ، شرق با سمت چپ و غرب با سمت راست همراه است زیرا فرض می شود که ناظر رو به جنوب است. نویسندگان مختلف از "Blue Horde" و "White Horde" با تعاریف مخالف استفاده می کنند ، که می تواند منجر به سردرگمی شود و نیاز به بررسی کنوانسیونی را که نویسندگان منفرد استفاده می کنند ایجاد کرده است .Wikipedia site:abadgar-q.com
Džuči (mong. Зүчи, 1188–1227 m.) – vyriausiasis Čingischano sūnus, karvedys, dalyvavęs Vidurinės Azijos užkariavime, pirmasis Aukso Ordos (tuomet Džuči uluso) valdytojas.
Džuči gimė Čingischano ir jo pirmosios žmonos Bortė šeimoje. Tiesa, Slaptojoje mongolų imperijoje keliamos abejonės, ar iš tiesų Džuči buvęs Čingischano sūnumi. 1207 m. Čingischanas išsiuntė Džuči nukariauti į vakarus nuo Baikalo gyvenusias tautas. Šios be kovos pasidavė mongolams. Netrukus Džuči pagalba į Mongolų imperiją pateko buriatai, oiratai, Jenisiejaus kirgizai ir kt. Sibiro tautos. Už tokius nuopelnus Čingischanas paskyrė Džuči valdyti jo užkariautas žemes. Šios žemės sudarė Džuči ulusą – Aukso Ordos ištakas.
1213 m. Džuči su tėvu ir broliais dalyvavo žygyje prieš Dzin dinastiją Kinijoje. Šiame žygyje mongolai plėšė turtingus kinų miestus, išžudė daug taikių gyventojų. 1217 m. Džuči dalyvavo malšinant kirgizų sukilimą. Nuo 1219 m. kartu su Čingischanu ir broliais dalyvavo Vidutinės Azijos ir Irano užkariavime. Paskutiniais savo gyvenimo metais Džuči konfilktavo su tėvu. Tiksli mirties data nežinoma, spėjama kad tarp 1225 ir 1227 m.
Džuči palaidotas mauzoliejuje dab. Kazachstane, Karagandos srityje. 1946 m. archeologai atkasė jo palaikus.
Pasak Rašido ad Dino, Džuči turėjo 14 sūnų. Iš jų 3 vėliau tapo Džuči uluso valdytojais: Orda Chanas, Batijus ir Berkė. Sūnūs Šeibanas ir Tuka Timūras buvo karvedžiais.
Джучи е монголски военачалник, първи син на Бьорте, съпругата на Чингис хан. Малко след тяхната женитба Бьорте е отвлечена от съседното племе на меркитите. Тя е върната и малко след това ражда Джучи. Въпреки физическата невъзможност за това, Чингис хан се отнася към него като към свой роден син. До началото на 20-те години Джучи играе важна роля във военните кампании на Чингис хан. През 1207 той ръководи поход срещу племената в Южен Сибир. През 1216 командвани от него войски нанасят тежко поражение и унищожават армиите на меркитите. По време на този поход той е внезапно нападнат от армия на шаха на Хорезмия, но успява да я отблъсне. След последвалата война срещу Хорезмия, Джучи се оттегля в Южен Сибир. Въпреки че не се стига до публичен разрив, изглежда отношенията му с Чингис хан охладняват. Според някои изследователи причина за това е по-мекото отношение на Джучи към подчинените народи. В началото на 1227 Джучи умира, вероятно убит по нареждане на Чингис хан, който умира няколко месеца по-късно. Синовете на Джучи, Орда и Бату, наследяват относително маловажните северозападни райони на Монголската империя, където основават съответно Бялата орда и Синята орда. По-късно земите им са обединени от Бату в Кипчакското ханство, известно също като Златна орда.
1181 |
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Ulus, Ulus, Bartın, Turkey
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Burkhan Khaldun, Mongolia
1211 |
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