Jeanne de la Batte SM/PROG

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Jeanne Nel (de la Batte), SM/PROG (1666 - 1738)

French: Jeanne Néel (de la Batte), SM/PROG
Also Known As: "Johanna la Baate 1712 (Jannetis la Bat - as per daughter Hester's Baptism Record)", "Nel"
Birthplace: Saumur, Anjou, France
Death: June 17, 1738
Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
Place of Burial: South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jacques Labat and Susanne Vyette de la Batte
Wife of Guillaume Néel, SV/PROG
Mother of David Néel; Jeanne Néel, SM/PROG; Isia Néel; Cornelia van Jaarsveld; Willem Nel and 6 others
Sister of Nicolaas Labat; Jacques Labat; Bernabe Labat; Catherine Labat and Paul Labat

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Jeanne de la Batte SM/PROG

Three of her daughters have matching Mt-DNA, Cornelia, Jeanne and Jùdith, all belonging to haplogroup J2a1a1.

Haplogroup J is relatively evenly distributed across all Europe. The only population in which it is absent are the Saami from Lapland. J2a1 : found mostly in western, central and northern Europe, particularly around the Alps and Scandinavia

   J2a1a : found in across western, central and northern Europe, Lithuania and Ukraine / found in Bell Beaker Czechia
       J2a1a1 : found in across western, central and northern Europe
           J2a1a1a : found in across western, central and northern Europe
               J2a1a1a1 : found in Sweden and Finland
               J2a1a1a2 : found in Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Scandinavia, and Lithuania

The highest frequencies of mtDNA J in Europe are found in Cornwall (20%), Wales (15%), Iceland (14%), Denmark (13.5%), Sardinia (13%), Scotland (12.5%), England (11.5%), Switzerland (11.5%), the Netherlands (11%) and Romania (11%). In the Middle East, it is most common in Saudi Arabia (21%), followed by Kuwait (16%), Yemen (15%), Kurdistan (15%), south-west Iran (14%), Iraq (13%), and the United Arab Emirates (12%). Local peaks are also observed among some Caucasian ethnic groups, such as the North Ossetians (16%) and the Dargins (11%).

Birth 1663 Samour, Anjou, France

Source: Photocopies of manual Pedigree Records & Family Group Records

Publication: Rec 9 May 1996; Library 011-836-3787 (W); 011-615-1437 (H) 188 Highland Road, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2094 ABBR Photocopies of manual Pedigree Records & Family Group Records ABBR Basson, Marius. May 1996

Note: Erasmus Register gives Saumeer, France

Christening 1663 Rouen, Normandy, France

Alt Christening 1663 Samour On The Loire River.

Marriage 3 May 1685 ‎(Age 22)‎ Guillaume NEL - ‎[View Family ‎(F146)‎‎] Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Shared Note: Alt Marriage: Jeanne de la BATTE Location: France

Birth of a child

  1. 1 1688 ‎(Age 25)‎ Rouen, Normandy, France

Daughter: Johanna NEL (I1920)

Arriveer before 1690 ‎(Age 27)‎ as Hugenoot Cape Town, Cape, South Africa

Birth of a child

  1. 2 1694 ‎(Age 31)‎ Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa

Daughter: Cornelia NEL (I694)

None Guillaume NEL - ‎[View Family ‎(F146)‎‎]

Globally unique Identifier AD556D08EA814D72853D12194A09A50389FC

Death about 1696 ‎(Age 33)‎ Cape, South Africa

Birth of a child

  1. 3 1704 ‎(8 years after death)‎ Cape, South Africa

Son: Pieter Willem NEL (I1043)

Birth of a child

  1. 4 1706 ‎(10 years after death)‎ Stellenbosch, Cape, South Africa

Daughter: Hester NEL (I348)

Place of death:
Church of Fransch Hoek 1744
Franschhoek as town 1881.

Last Change 16 February 2009 - 22:55

View Details for ...

Parents Family (F97)




Jacques LA BAT








1663 - 1696

Immediate Family (F146)



Guillaume NIEL

Guillaume NIEL


Guillaume NEL

1663 - 1738




o Elisabeth PIETERSE

Johanna NEL

1688 -





Cornelia NEL

1694 - 1755



Altijn Gerritsz VAN DEVENTER

o Johanna NEL

Pieter Willem NEL

1704 -




o Jan Hendrik VENTER

Hester NEL

1706 - 1785

pictures and description of Saumur, Jeanne's birthplace

Saumur is a picturesque city dominated by one of the most famous castles in France. The castle, like many of the great châteaux of the Loire Valley, is built with the same tuffeau limestone that underlies the vineyards of the region. Excavations left from building castles and palaces left hundreds of miles of underground tunnels that now serve as cellars for Fines Bulles®, the Chenin Blanc based sparkling wines of the Loire. Saumur also produces Saumur-Champigny, one of the Loire Valley's great Cabernet Franc red wines.

Loire 3-2-1

The Loire is the longest river in France, the last wild river in Europe, and has been designated a World Heritage area by UNESCO. For much of its 630 miles - from the mountains of central France to the coast of Brittany - the Loire is vineyard country. Total wine production makes up the third largest AOC (appellation d'origine contrôlée) viticultural area in France. It is France’s second largest region for sparkling wine and the leading region for white wine production. (Look for more Loire Valley "factoids" through the website.)

reference to their daughter, jeanne's birth on deSchelde in 1688

Gebore 1663. Arriveer as hugenoot by die Kaap vóór 1690 vanaf Saumur, Anjou in Frankryk. X in Franryk of volgens ‘n ander bron in Amsterdam, Nederland op 3 Mei 1685 met Guillaume Neél (Nel) en hulle had sewe seuns en vier dogters. sterf in Suid-Afrika.

Saumur, Anjouxx

Saumur, baie bekend vir sy wynlandgoede, is ‘n dorp langs die Loire rivier ongeveer 300 km suid-wes van Parys. Samur is tuiste van die École Nationale d'Équitation (National School of Horsemanship) bekend vir sy jaarlikse perde skoue. Die Skool van Saumur is die naam wat gebruik is vir ‘n besondere vorm van Gereformeerde Teologie wat deur Moses Amyraut gedosseer is aan die Universiteit van Saumur in die 17de eeu.

Saumur, Anjou by die Loire rivier 1

Bekendes uit Saumur, Anjou sluit in Anna Lefèvre (1654 – 1720), beter bekend gedurende haar leeftyd as Madame Dacier, skolier en vertaler van klassieke werke en Coco Chanel (1883 – 1971)

KAB MOOC 7/1/66 Ref 3

Fanconi Anemia

Guillaume Nel & Jeanne de la Batte


Ships Carrying Huguenots to South Africa
Ships Passenger List for Huguenot Ship De Schelde to South Africa 1688 De Schelde left for Cape February 19, 1688, 140 feet long, arrived Table Bay June 5, 1688, no deaths nor any sickness on board, put in at St. Jago for repairs June 22-30, 1688

- 23 Huguenots - no list

   Abraham Beluse (Bleuset,Bluse) of Calais, Picardie
   Cecilia Datis du Preez, Courtrai, Flandres
   Hercule Des Prez of Courtrai Flandres
   Elizabeth Des Pres - 18
   Hercule Des Pres Jr. - 16
   Marie-Jeanne Des Prez - 13
   Francois-Jean Des Prez - 11
   Jacqueline Des Prez - 9
   Philippe Des Prez - 7
   Suzanne De Vos
   Antoine Gros, Dauphine
   Pierre Jacob of Calais
   Suzanne Jacob - 17
   Daniel Jacob - 15
   Sara Jacob - 11
   Marie Le Fevre
   Guillaume Nel
   Jean Nel - 1
   Jeanne Nel - 1/2
   Charles Prevost
   Abraham Prevost - 17
   Anne Prevost - 6
   Elisabeth Prevost - 5
   Jacob Prevost (born at Table Bay)
   Daniel Terrier 

24 persons

Source:Coertzen, Pieter - "The Huguenots of South Africa 1688-1988", Tafelberg Publishers Limited, Cape Town, 1988

Contributor June 19, 1999 Sonia Tkachuk van Heerden

Place of birth: Saumur, Anjou, Maine-et-Loire, France

Inschrijvingsdatum: 14-04-1685 naam bruidegom: Neel, Guljam naam bruid: [la] Bate, Jannetje bronverwijzing: DTB 513, p. 379 opmerkingen: Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK. Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand) Ondertrouwregister: NL-SAA-26498309

Source: MyHeritage Family Trees [online database]. Lehi, UT, USA: MyHeritage (USA) Inc.

Family tree: Forster-Jones Web Site, managed by Emma-Lee Forster-Jones


Citation: Jeanne Neel (born De La Batte) Birth: 1663 - Saumur Anjou France Death: 1737 - Blaauwklippen, District Cape Town, South Africa Parents: Jacques De La Batte, Susanne De La Batte (born Laurent) Husband: Guilluame Neel Partner: <Private> Partner: <Private> Partner: <Private> Children: David Nel, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Jean Neel, Unknown, Unknown, Jeanne (Johanna) Peil (born Peil [nel (Niel)]), Unknown, Unknown, Cornelia Van Jaarsveld (born [nel (Niel)(Neel)), Esaais Nel, Unknown, Unknown, Esaias Nel (Niel), Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Judith Odendaal (born Odendaal [odendaal [nel (Niel)]]), Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Adriaan Nel (Niel), Adriaan Nel/niel/neel, Unknown, Willem (Guilaume) (Guillaume) (Néel) Nel (Niel), Unknown, Unknown, Pieter Willem Nel (Niel), Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Hester Venter (born Venter [nel (Niel)]), Unknown, Elias Nel (Niel), Unknown, Unknown, Jsia Nel, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Pieter (Néel) Nel

Documents uploaded under Media.

Source : FamilySearch

view all 20

Jeanne de la Batte SM/PROG's Timeline

Saumur, Anjou, France
April 14, 1666
Saumur, Anjou, France
March 7, 1686
Amsterdam, Province of Holland, Netherlands
May 4, 1687
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Province of Holland, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 3, 1690
Any valid primary source for date of birth ?, Cape of Good Hope, ZA 🇿🇦 (South Africa)
Age 23
from Soumur to South Africa
Age 23
from Soumur to South Africa
Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika