Judith: "According to "Emigration Rochelaise en Nouvelle France" I find that Francois Meloche was an indigenous child sent to France. Thank you Ember for suggesting that he was a Wyandot. After much searching I found them in "Les Ecrits de Pierre Potier" edited by Robert Toupin SJ. Pierre Potier was a Jesuit missionary sent to help the Wyandots at their Mission at L'Assomption de Sandwich de Windsor. He made two censuses in 1747. It was the first for my people who lived on Bois Blanc, today called Bob-Lo Island. After the devastation caused by the rebel chief Orontoni, Father Potier convinced them to move to the mainland where they would be closer to assistance. That was how the Wyandot Anderdon Reserve came to be. Pierre Meloche, Hannonchianngiak is more properly rendered today as Ennonchiannon(k). His spouse is Jeanne Caron whose Wyandot name is Annennontak. That is an important name. It first belonged to Catherine Annennontak who married 1st Jean Durand, 2nd Jacques Couturier, 3rd Jean Lafond dit Mongrain. So without a hint of doubt I can say that Pierre Meloche, his wife Jeanne Caron and all their descendants are Wyandot.But let's not jump ahead of ourselves. The people on the 1747 census are not included in our rolls and eligible for admission. Do I hear you screaming? So am I. Since I am on the Council, I will have to talk about this at a future meeting.Ske:non (blessings)Judith Kwendaenton
WikiTree MyHeritage www.wikitree.com Collection 10109 MH:S500004
https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-10109-5809257/jeanne-mel... 4 Jeanne Meloche (born Caron)<br>Gender: Female<br>Birth: Nov 28 1709 - Lachine, , Quebec, Canada<br>Marriage: Aug 16 1729 - Lachine, , Quebec, Canada<br>Death: Aug 13 1757 - Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States<br>Father: Vital Caron<br>Mother: Marie Perthuis<br>Husband: Pierre Meloche<br>Children: Simon Pierre MelocheCatherine MelocheMarie Josephine MelochePierre MelocheTeresa MelocheMarie Catherine Peltier (born Meloche)Jean Baptiste MelocheMarie Magdalene MelocheAntoine Simon MelocheJane MelocheFrancois MelocheAntoine Jean MelocheTherese Meloche<br>Siblings: Marie CaronMarie Anne CaronAngelique CaronJean-Baptiste CaronVital CaronCatherine CaronMadeleine Caron<br>Photos: Record 10109:5809257: