Janet Hume (1534) Janet Hum (1634) Janet Home (1540) Janet Hume (1543) Janet Home (1552)
A date and place of death has not been identified for Janet Home, here treated. However, she was alive on 24 December 1543, NRS: GD40/1/182 but she died before 8 March 1551-52. NRS: GD40/1/187
5 July 1532: Mortification by Andrew Ker of Farniherst, Oxnam and Craling, with consent of John Ker, his eldest son, in favour of the altar of St. Katherine in the Corskyrk in the church of the Monastery of Jedburgh, of certain annuals from several properties in the burgh of Jedburgh and from lands of Easter Howden, Birkynsyd, Bondgait, &c.; specially for the souls of himself, his wife Janet, and his son Thomas. Witnesses, George Home of Ayton, elder and younger, Adam Kyrkco of Stewartfeild, &c. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/162
22 August 1532: Instrument of Resignation by Andrew Ker of Farnihirst of his tenement in Jedburgh on south side of Castelgait, between parish cemetery on west and high street on east, in favour of himself and Janet, his wife; to whom sasine is accordingly given. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/163
4 February 1533-34: Charter by Andrew Ker of Farnihirst to Janet Hume, his spouse, of the whole lands of the lordship of Over Craling lying in the barony of Over Craling and Hounum, for her lifetime only, reserving an acre thereof on east side of the town of Over Dated at Fernihirst. Signature and seal. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/266
23 March 1533-34: Precept of Sasine by Andrew Ker of Farniherst directing Andrew Huntar and others to give infeftment to Janet Hum in terms of Charter GD40/1/266 supra. Dated at Peebles. Signature and seal. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/268
2 December 1540: Saint Thomas Chapel: Precept of sasine by Andrew Ker, laird of Pharnihirst, in favour of Janet Home, his spouse, in liferent, of the lands of Sanct Thomas Chapel, half lands of Maxwelhaught and lie Haught thereof and half of Maxwelmill in the lordship of Maxwelfeld and sheriffdom of Roxburgh. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/3/433
5 October 1543: Charter by Robert Ker of Wodheid, son of Andrew K. of Farnyhyrst, selling to his mother Janet Hume, wife of said Andrew, an annualrent of 3 li. and 12d. from the tenement of William Smyth lying on north side of the Cawsegait of Jedburgh, between tenement of David Dawgles on west and tenement of John Clerk on east: and that for a sum which she has paid to him. Signed "Robart Ker", and seal of George Moscrop, burgess of Jedburgh, procured and appended. Dated at Jedburgh. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/181
24 December 1543: Charter by Thomas Rechertsone, burgess of Jedburgh, and Bessie Gylcryst, his spouse, in favour of Janet Hume, spouse of Andrew Ker of Farnyhirst, of an annual of 10s. from his tenement on south side of Causegait between Adam Mak's tenement on west and that of deceased James Adamson on east. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/182
8 March 1551-52: Sasine of John Ker of Pharnyhirst, son and heir of deceased Janet Home, in annual of 10s. from Thomas Rechartson's tenement on east side of the Causagait. 2. Another Sasine to same effect. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/187
16th Century: Tack by John, Abbot of Jedburgh, to Janet Home, wife of Andrew Ker of Farniherst, of two haughs called the Lamplands, and an acre of land in Halryg in the lordship of Over Craling, for the term of five years. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Kerr Family, Marquises of Lothian (Lothian Muniments), reference GD40/1/265
1494 |
Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland
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June 17, 1500
Ferniehirst Castle, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland
1504 |
Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland
1507 |
Ferniehirst, Roxburghshire, Scotland
1515 |
Roxburghshire, Scotland
1543 |
December 24, 1543
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