James Hamilton of Aikenhead

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James Hamilton of Aikenhead (b. - 1662)

Death: after 1662
Immediate Family:

Son of Robert Hamilton of Aikenhead and Mary Porterfield
Husband of Anne Porterfield; Margaret Muirhead and Name Not Known
Father of Marie Hamilton; Mary Hamilton; Lilias Hamilton; Margaret Hamilton; ? Hamilton and 2 others
Brother of Margaret Hamilton and Agnes Hamilton

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About James Hamilton of Aikenhead


Merchant in Glasgow: Burgess and Guild Brother of Glasgow

James Hamilton of Aikenhead is the son of Robert Hamilton of Aikenhead and his wife Mary Porterfield. Hamilton Memoirs

His Bonds for One Thousand Merks and Five Hundred Merks

James Hamilton of Aikenhead borrowed fifteen hundred merks from Jean Porterfield. She mentions this fact in her last will and testament which was made at Glasgow on 28 December 1658: "Item thr being adebtd & awand to me be James Hamilton of Aiknheid the soume of ane thousand merks conform to his band grantit to me thranent of the dait the sexteint day of November Jajvjc & fifty seven yeirs of the qlk soum I heirby leive in legacy to Elisabeth & Mary Porterfield dochts laull to umqle Gabriell Porterfield of Hapland the sumn of sex hundreth merks mony eqlly betwext them vix three hundreth merks to each of them Item ane hundreth merks of the forsd thousand merks I heirby leive in legacy to Jeane Wallace dochter to umqle Wm Wallace sometyme of Johnstoun Iem ane uther hundreth merks throf I leive in legact to Jeane Fergushill dochter to the lait Laird of Fergushill Item thr being anu uthr ffyve hundreth merks in the hands of the sd James Hamiltoun for the qch he hes given band to Margaret & Agnes Hamiltouns his sisters at my desyre I heirby declair that they sall have each of them the eqll half throf Item as for the rest of the forsd soume of ane thousand merks money eftir my debts ar payed & the charges of my funeral defrayed I leive the haill remenant throf to Mr George Wallace son to the sd umqle Wm Wallace". [National Records of Scotland, Commissary Records of Glasgow, reference CC9/7/32]

Evidence Published by the National Records of Scotland

1719-1825: Bundle of legal documents, sasine extracts and dispositions regarding land of Duchall and the Porterfield family. Held in safe keeping by the family lawyer, the bundle includes a disposition of the lands of Aikenhead, the owner, being James Hamilton of Aikenhead whose first wife was Anne, daughter of John Porterfield of Porterfield. National Records of Scotland, Legal Records, reference GD514/1/55


  1. John Anderson, Surgeon, Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the House of Hamilton with Genealogical Memoirs of the Several Branches of the Family (John Anderson, Jun., Edinburgh, MDCCCXXV), pp. 304-05
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