James Hamilton of Aikenhead

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James Hamilton of Aikenhead (b. - 1740)

Death: August 1740
Immediate Family:

Son of James Hamilton of Aikenhead and Margaret Muirhead
Husband of Mary Govan
Father of James Hamilton of Aikenhead; John Hamilton, Merchant in Glasgow; Alexander Hamilton; Mary Hamilton and Lilias Hamilton
Brother of Mary Hamilton; Lilias Hamilton; Margaret Hamilton; N. N. Hamilton and Alexander Hamilton
Half brother of Marie Hamilton

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About James Hamilton of Aikenhead


Merchant in Glasgow: Burgess and Guild Brother of Glasgow

James Hamilton of Aikenhead was enrolled as a burgess and guild brother of Glasgow on 23 May 1721. He was enrolled in right of him being the eldest son of his deceased father, who was also a burgess and guild brother of Glasgow. Glasgow Burgesses, 1573-1750, p. 356

Evidence Published by the National Records of Scotland


5 April 1692: Disposition by Alexander Porterfield of that Ilk, as heir to deceased John Porterfield of that Ilk, his grandfather, with consent of John, Earl of Glencairn, and them both, with consent of Sir John Maxwell of Netherpollock, Kt., Bart., Sir Archibald Stewart of Blackhall, Kt., Bart., Archibald Crawfurd of Auchenanes, James Hamilton of Aikenhead, James Stewart of Lumloch, Alexander Porterfield of Fullwood, Alexander Porterfield, indweller in Paisley, Annabel Stewart, relict of William Porterfield of that Ilk, curators to said Alexander Porterfield, in favour of Mr John Cochrane of Ferguslie, of annual rent of £260 furth of lands and barony of Finlayston, formerly wadset by the deceased William, Earl of Glencairn. National Records of Scotland, Earls of Glencairn, reference GD39/5/167


2 October 1718. Report by Hugh Montgomerie of Hartfield, James Hamilton of Aikenhead, Mungo Graham of Gorthie, and Mr John Gray, minister at Glasgow, a quorum of committee appointed by Commission for visiting the College of Glasgow to enquire into the ancient and present state of the University. National Records of Scotland, Legal, Estate and Miscellaneous Montrose Papers, reference GD220/6/1746

Evidence from the Records of the Merchants House of Glasgow

17 September 1711: View of the Merchants House of Glasgow etc. (Glasgow, 1866), pp. 597-601

Evidence from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow

5 October 1741: The magistrates and town council have suscrived a precept of clare constat for infefting of Margaretr, Grizell, Mary, Agnes and Janet Peadies, daughters and only children procreat betwixt the deceast James Peadie of Ruchill, late provost, and unquhill Margarett Govan, spouses, one of the two daughters of the deceast John Govan of Hoganfield for the one half, and James Hamilton, eldest lawful son to the deceast James Hamilton of Aikenhead and the deceast Mary Govan, his spouse, the other two daughters of the said deceast John Govan, their grandfather, on the mother's side, in the lands of Hoganfield, lying within the lordship of Provan, holding feu of the town, for the yearly payment of the feu farm and other duties used and wont, . . . . . for which they have payed to William Weir, collector of the feu duties of the Provan , the double of the said feu duty. Glasgow Records VI: p. 100

Printed Evidence

Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow etc. Vol. VI. A.D. 1739-59. Edited by Robert Renwick, Depute Town-Clerk (Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, MCMXI.), 635 pp. including index


  1. John Anderson, Surgeon, Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the House of Hamilton with Genealogical Memoirs of the Several Branches of the Family (John Anderson, Jun., Edinburgh, MDCCCXXV), pp. 304-05
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