Matching family tree profiles for Jacques Pinard, SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Jacques Pinard, SV/PROG
Jaacques Pinart & Hester Fouche In Netherlands, Church Marriages, 1580-1811
- Marriage: Dec 10 1687
- Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
- Groom: Jaacques Pinart
- Residence: Sint Aachten
- Occupation: Stoffenwerker
- Bride: Hester Fouche (Pinart)
- Residence: Oude Delft
- Notes: 01 Datum ondertrouw - 6-12-1687
Jacques Pinard (-1712) came to SA on 'The Voorschooten' in 1688, with his1st wife Esther Fouche, and farmed on Lustig-Aan, Drakenstein
Parents Unknown: See Discussion. We're looking for Sources.
x 10 Dec 1687 Delft, The Netherlands, Esther Foucher
- 1.Pierre Pinard 14 May 1690
- 2.Jacques Pinard b. 1692, d. c 1750
xx 1698 Martha le Fèvre b. 30 Jul 1684, do Pierre & Maria de Grave
- 3.Marthe Pinar b. b 23 Aug 1699
- 4. Marie-Madeleine Pinard b. c 1701
- 5. Abel Pinard b. 1703
- 6. Solomon Pienaar9 b. c 1705
- 7.Ester Pinard b. b 30 Oct 1706, d. a 22 Jul 1725
- 8.Jan Pienaar b. 1708
a. Jacques Pineau (Pinard), SV/PROG, *As ‘n Protestant gebore te Vilhouin, Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la Loire, France, 18.06.1666, ~18.06.1666
b.Jacques PINARD gebore 1665 was 'n Franse Hugenoot van Dreux en heelmoontlik 'n lidmaat van La Fontiane-sous-Prémont.
c. Sy woonplek in Frankryk as La Beauce, Chartes aangegee.
d. Inligting Jansie Syfert:
i. I have found this site where 3 Pinart/Pinard's abjured the Calvinistic faith on 15 Nov 1785 @ Dreux. http://huguenots-france.org/france/centre/dreux/abjurations_dreux3.htm
ii. He was living in St Aechten at the time of his ondertrouw in Delft to Esther Fouche in 1687. He must have fled there after the abjuration and would have joined the Protestant community with a letter of attestation from La Fontaine-sous-Prémont
d. In 1688 het Pienaar as timmerman na SA gekom, op die skip Voorschooten, saam met sy vrou Esther FOUCHE met wie hy op 10 Desember 1687 in die Waalsekerk in Delft getrou het. Sy was toe 21 jaar oud.
e. Bekom die plaas Lustig Aan (1692) en Hartebeeskraal in Klein Drakenstein.
f. Hulle het twee kinders gehad voordat sy oorlede is in 1697. Hy is oorlede omstreeks 1713.
g. Hy trou met sy tweede vrou Martha le FEBRE, dogter van Pierre le Fèbre, en Marie de Gravé. Sy was die eerste kind van Hugenote-ouers wat aan die Kaap gebore is. Martha was maar 14 jaar oud, toe hulle getrou het in 1698 en hulle het nog 6 kinders gehad:
1. Pierre (Pieter) ~ 14 Mei 1690 x Johanna Terrier, weduwee van Cordier
2. Jacques * 1692 x 21 Januarie 1714 Louise Cordier weduwee van Daniel Jacobs
3. Martha ~ 23 Augustus 1699, jonk oorlede
4. Marie-Madeleine 1701 x Antoine NORTJé
5. Abel 1703 x 11 Julie 1734 Anna SCHEEPERS
6. Esther gedoop 30 Oktober 1706 x Jacobus VAN DER MERWE
7. Jean (Jan) 1708 x 27 Maart 1740 Catharina BOTHA
8. Salomon 1710 x 1 September 1743 Sara OOSTHUIZEN
Aan die Kaap het hy die plaas Lustig Aan, langs Philippe Foucher se Wildenpaardenjacht, naby die Paarl, aangelê. Dié plaas word op 27 Augustus 1694 aan hom oorgedra. Die plaas Lustig Aan is in 1725 aan Louis le Riche verkoop. Hy het ook die plaas Hartebeeskraal in Klein Drakenstein gekry op 21 April 1711, die plaas het voorheen aan Matthys Michiel behoort.
Jacques Pinard is in 1712 oorlede en sy weduwee trou op 3 Desember 1713 met Estienne Terreblanque, 'n vlugteling wat etlike jare na die hoofgroep na die Kaap gekom het.
The Huguenot Heritage. The story of the Huguenots at the Cape by Lynne BRYER and Francois THERON. Chameleon Press. 1987. ISBN 0 620 11390 1.
Page 34
The Huguenot ships and their passenger lists:-
1. Voorschooten (131 feet). Sailed from Delftshaven 31 December 1687. Arrived Saldanha Bay 13 April 1688. Passengers brought to Table Bay by the cutter Jupiter.
PINARD, Jacques (23) (Normandy) [PIENAAR]
Esther FOUCHER (21), his wife
Added by Y. DROST, 4 OCT 2015
Voortrekkerstamouers 1835 - 1845 deur Jan C. VISAGIE (Afrikaans). Protea Uitgewers, Pretoria, 2011. Tweede uitgawe, derde druk 2011. ISBN 978-1-86919-372-0
Bladsy 354 - 355
Petrus Arnoldus - b2c3d4e5
Abel Jacobus - b2c3d7e2f1
Jacob Arnoldus - b2c3d7e5
Abel Jacobus - b2c3d7e5f1
Johannes Jacobus - b2c3d7e10
Schalk Jacobus - b2c5d6e1f5
Added by Y. DROST, 20 OCT 2015
Pienaar Familieregister
The "Pienaar Familieregister" (in Afrikaans) of HC (Christo) Viljoen and ZJ (Sakkie) Pienaar represents the genealogy and short family history of the descendants of Jacques Pinard (later Pienaar). Huguenot refugee from Nantes, France, and his wife Esther Foucher (Fouché).
- Jacques Pinard and Esther Foucher sails to the Cape of Good Hope on board the "Voorschoten" from Delftshaven, Netherlands on Dec 31st 1687.
- After the ship runs aground in Saldanha Bay, they complete the voyage to Table Bay with the sloop "Jupiter
- He later farms on the farm Lustig Aan in Drakenstein.
- Two children were born from this marriage.
- As widower Jacques Pinard marries Martha le Febre, with whom he has a further six children
- https://www.genza.org.za/index.php/en/herald-nw-genealogy-series/62...
Jacques Pinard, SV/PROG's Timeline
1666 |
June 18, 1666
La Fontaine-sous-Prémont, Hurepoix, Il de France, France
June 29, 1666
Nantes, Hurepoix, Il de France, France
June 29, 1666
Nantes, France
June 29, 1666
Nantes, France
June 29, 1666
Nantes, France
1686 |
Age 19
La Beauce, Chartres, France
1687 |
December 31, 1687
Age 21
Delftshaven, Netherlands
1688 |
Age 21