The Jewish Chronicle - Feb 9 1900
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The R«v. J.; A. i». CHUMACEIRO, Amsterdam.
I FROM A CORRESPONDENT. | , AMSTERDAM, WEDNESDAY. . A shock has been given to the ancient Portuguese community in this city, by the sudden death yesterday morning of tbe Rev. Jacob Aron Mendes Cbumaceiro, Rabbi of the community. The sad event took
place at the Beth Hamedrash, where Rabbi Chumaceiro was engaged in com- mons! work. The deceased Rabbi was born in Amsterdam on the Jlth March,
1833, and was a son of the late Chief Rabbi of the Portuguese congregation at Curaeoa. He studied in this city at tbe Portuguese Jewish Seminary " Ets Haitn." and in 1862 he received the grade of More*. In 1866 he succeeded the late Rev. R. liontesinos ss teacher at the Free School for Religious instruction, and when that scbool was given up in 1870 he was appointed Headmaster of the Jewish School, In 1861 he received the nost of preacher to h s community, and till 1867, he was an acting Rabbi. Subsequently he became % member of the Beth Din, of which he was, in rotation, Chairman for a third of the.year. He succeeded the Rev. D. L. Cardozo. Junr., as member of the
Committee of Pekidim of the Holy Laod (tbe b6dy which manager the dUtriba- tion of the Chaluka). For many years Rabbi Chumaceiro was member of Com- mittee, and later Chairman of the Rabhioical College, and aluo on the Board of
Examiners for teacher* of religion. For a few years be acted as Rabbi of the I Portugueae Congregation at Jne .Hague, and Jn_1^8, ._Ainng_ji ;_brief_j
interregnum, he discharged * the duties of Chief Rabbi of the Ash- kenaaim community in i hi* city. He was Chairman of the Committee
for the Maintenance of the S<ck and of the Widows of Members of the Mid- rash, and for a short time President of the Burial Society Mat*ebat Aben,
member of the Committee of the Society Hesed Vretnet, of the Society (a non- Jewish one) for Combating the Abuse of Spirituous Drinks, and of the
Literary Society, n
Nut en Bet chaving. He had been Librarian of the Portu- guese Seminary, and was a contributor to the editorial columns of the
Jfieuw ItraeliUsch Weekblad, which is published by the well-known booksellfHr, J. L. Joachimstal. On tbe occasion of the comiDg of age of Queen Wilbelmina, as reported at the time in the JEWISH CHRONICLE, he was appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau. Tbe funeral takes place to-morrow (Thursday) in the Portuguese Cemetery at Onderkerk, on the AmsteE In his will the d* ceased gave instructions that the funeral should be conducted with .the- utmost simplicity, and that no exceptional honours should be paid to his remains.
1833 |
March 11, 1833
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
1900 |
February 8, 1900
Age 66
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands