Immediate Family
About Isabel de Clare, heiress of Pembroke
Isabel and WIlliam Marshall had 10 Children:
William Normandy [1190]-Fawley, Buckinghamshire 6 Apr 1231, bur 15 Apr 1231 Temple Church, London
Matilda ([before 1195]-1/7 Apr 1248)
Richard (-Kilkenny Castle 16 Apr 1234, bur Kilkenny, Church of the Franciscans)
Gilbert (-Hertford Priory 27 Jun 1241, bur New Temple Church, London)
Isabel m (contract[1404])
Walter (after 1198-Goodrich Castle 24 Nov 1245, bur Tintern Abbey[1405]
Anselm (-Chepstow [22/24] Dec 1245, bur Tintern Abbey[1420]).
Joan (-before 1242).
Eva ([1200/10]-before 1246)
Sibyl (-before 1238).
a possible death date from merges was 7 October 1220
the current listed death date comes from
From Medlands:
WILLIAM Marshal, son of JOHN FitzGilbert "the Marshal" & his second wife Sibyl de Salisbury ([1146]-Caversham 14 May 1219, bur London, Temple Church[1351]). He succeeded his brother in 1194 as Master Marshal of the king's household. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], names "Willelmus Marscallus" among those granted delay in payment "per brevis" in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire[1352]. He was invested as Earl of Pembroke 27 May 1199 by King John. The Continuator of Florence of Worcester records that King John gave "comitatum de Striguil" to "Willelmo le Marescal" the day of his coronation "VI Kal Jul" 1199[1353]. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Willielmus comes Marescallus" besieged "Kilgerran" in 1204[1354]. The Chronicle of Ralph of Coggeshall records the death in 1219 of "Willelmus Marescallus senior comes de Penbrock" and his burial "in crastino Ascensionis" in "Novum Templum de Londoniis"[1355]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 1219 of "Willielmus Marescallus senior"[1356]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Willelmus Marscallus” died in May 1219[1357]. The Annals of Waverley record the death “apud Londiniam II Id Mai” in 1219 of “Willelmus Marescallus”[1358].
m (London Aug 1189) ISABEL Ctss of Pembroke, daughter of RICHARD FitzGilbert de Clare "Strongbow" Earl of Pembroke (-1220, bur Tintern Abbey). Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 22 Mar 1222 under which “Willielmus mareschallus Angliæ, comes Penbrochiæ” founded Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, for the souls of ”bonæ memoriæ Walteri filii Ricardi filii Gilberti Strongbowe avi mei, et Willelmi Marescalli patris mei, et Ysabellæ matris meæ”[1359], although the identify of “Walteri” in this document is unclear.
Earl William & his wife had ten children:
1. WILLIAM Marshal (Normandy [1190]-Fawley, Buckinghamshire 6 Apr 1231, bur 15 Apr 1231 Temple Church, London). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Willihelmus, Richardus, Gilbertus, Walterus et Ancellimus” as sons of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that each succeeded in turn as earl of Pembroke and died without children[1360]. He was one of the 25 Barons elected to ensure the execution of the provisions of Magna Carta. In May 1216, he joined Louis de France [the future King Louis VIII] who had invaded England, but in Autumn 1216 deserted Louis, retired to Wales. In Mar 1217, he joined a revolt against Louis at Rye, and 20 May 1217 fought at the battle of Lincoln[1361]. He succeeded his father in 1219 as Earl of Pembroke, hereditary Master Marshal. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Willielmus Marescallus junior" arrived in Ireland in 1220, recording in the following passage that "Willielmus comes iuvenis filius Willielmi Marescalli comitis" returned to South Wales from Ireland in 1221 and acquired "castella Kermerdin et Aberteiui", and in a later text that he returned to Ireland in 1222, was appointed "justiciarum totius Hiberniæ" and subjugated "filios Hugonis de Lacy"[1362]. “Willielmus mareschallus Angliæ, comes Penbrochiæ” founded Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, for the souls of ”bonæ memoriæ Walteri filii Ricardi filii Gilberti Strongbowe avi mei, et Willelmi Marescalli patris mei, et Ysabellæ matris meæ”, by charter dated 22 Mar 1222[1363]. He was appointed Justiciar of Ireland 2 May 1224, invested at Dublin [20] Jun 1224, but resigned 22 Jun 1226[1364]. Matthew Paris records that he died just after the marriage of his sister Isabel to Richard Earl of Cornwall[1365]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “apud Falle juxta Merlawe…VII Id Apr” in 1231 of “Willelmus Mariscallus junior” and his burial “apud Novum Templum Lundoniæ juxta patrem suum”[1366]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death "VII Id Apr" in 1230 of "Willelmus Marescallus"[1367]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Willelmus Marescallus” died in 1231[1368]. The Annales Londonienses record the death in 1231 of "Willelmus Marescallus comes de Pembrok" and his burial "apud Novum Templum"[1369]. m firstly (contract 6 Nov 1204, 1214) ALIX de Béthune dame de Choques, daughter of BAUDOUIN de Béthune Comte d'Aumâle & his wife Hawise d'Aumâle (-[1216], bur London, St Paul's Cathedral). The 13th century Histoire des ducs de Normandie et des rois d´Angleterre records that "Bauduins li cuens d´Aubemalle…[et] Havy la contesse sa feme" had "une fille…Aalis" who married "Guillemin le frère Guillaume le mareschal le conte de Pembroc"[1370]. King John confirmed "maritagium de Willelmo filio Willelmi Marescall com de Pembroke" and "Alicia filia B. de Bettun comitis de Albamar", providing that William should marry "alteram filiam predicti comitis" if Alix died, and that Alix should marry "Ric junior filius suus" should William die, by charter dated 9 Jul 1204[1371]. m secondly (23 Apr 1224) as her first husband, ELEANOR of England, daughter of JOHN King of England & his second wife Isabelle Ctss d'Angoulême (1215-convent of the sisters of St Dominic, near Montargis 13 Apr 1275). The Annals of Dunstable record that “Willelmus Marscallus junior” married “sororem Henrici regis Angliæ” in 1225, recorded as the first event in that year[1372]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage in 1224 of “soror regis Henrici” and “juveni Marescallo”[1373]. She is recorded as "Pembrocensis comitissa" (not named), sister of Isabella, by Matthew Paris in 1236[1374]. He names her as daughter of King John in a later passage which records her second marriage with "Simon de Monteforti", specifying that she was "relictam Willelmi Marescalli comitis de Penbrochia"[1375]. She became a nun after the death of her first husband, taking a vow of perpetual celibacy. She married secondly (King’s Chapel, Palace of Westminster 7 Jan 12381330) Simon de Montfort, her vows of chastity not being considered a canonical impediment to her second marriage, her second husband obtaining Papal absolution in Rome for the marriage[1376]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage “XIX Kal Feb in parvula capella regis apud Westmonasterium” of “soror regis Angliæ uxor quondam junioris Marscalli” and “Symoni de Monteforti”[1377]. She retired once more as a nun at Montargis (a cell of the Abbey of Fontevrault) after her second husband was killed[1378].
2. MATILDA ([before 1195]-1/7 Apr 1248). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Matilda…Johanna…Isabella” as the daughters of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that Matilda married “Hugoni le Bigod comiti Norfolke et Suffolke” and secondly “Johanni de Garrene comiti de Surrey”[1379]. Her birth date is estimated from the birth of her first child in [1212/13]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Hugo Bigot comes…uxor” married “comiti Warenniæ”[1380]. m firstly (before Lent 1207) HUGH Bigod Earl of Norfolk, son of ROGER Bigod Earl of Norfolk & his wife Ida --- (-[11/18] Feb 1225). m secondly (before 13 Oct 1225) WILLIAM de Warenne Earl of Surrey, son of HAMELIN d'Anjou 5th Earl of Surrey & his wife Isabelle de Warenne (1166-London 27 May 1240, bur Lewes Priory).
3. RICHARD (-Kilkenny Castle 16 Apr 1234, bur Kilkenny, Church of the Franciscans). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Willihelmus, Richardus, Gilbertus, Walterus et Ancellimus” as sons of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that each succeeded in turn as earl of Pembroke and died without children[1381]. On the death of their father, his older brother ceded him his lands in Normandy, whereby he became Seigneur de Longueville et d'Orbec. He succeeded as Seigneur de Dinan in 1224, de iure uxoris. "Richardus Maresschallus dominus Dinanni et Gervasia eius uxor" confirmed donations to the abbey of Beaulieu by charter dated 1224[1382]. He succeeded his brother in 1231 as Earl of Pembroke, hereditary Master Marshal. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Ricardus frater eius" succeeded as Earl of Pembroke in 1230 after the death of "Willelmus Marescallus"[1383]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 1234 of "Ricardus Marescallus" in Ireland[1384]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “in Hibernia XVII Kal Mai” in 1234 of “dominus Ricardus Mariscallus comes Penbrochiæ”[1385]. m (1222) as her third husband, GERVAISE de Vitré Vicomtesse de Dinan, widow firstly of JUHEL Seigneur de Mayenne and secondly of GEOFFROY [I] Vicomte de Rohan, daughter of ALAIN Sire de Vitré & his first wife Clémence de Fougères (-[1236/41]). "Juhellus dominus Meduanæ et Dinani…Gervasia uxor mea filia Alani de Dinan…Isabella mater mea" founded the abbey of Fontaine-Daniel by charter dated 19 May 1205[1386]. "Juhel seigneur de Mayenne" donated property to the priory of Fontaine-Daniel, for the soul of "Gervaise sa femme", by charter dated 12 Feb 1207, witnessed by "…Isabelle de Mayenne…"[1387]. "Henricus de Avalgor, filius Alani comitis…et Margarita uxor mea" renewed a donation of property to the abbey of Bon-Repos by "Gervasia domina Dinani", for the soul of "bone memorie Gaufridi vicecomitis de Rohan quondam mariti sui", by charter dated 1229[1388]. "Richardus Maresschallus dominus Dinanni et Gervasia eius uxor" confirmed donations to the abbey of Beaulieu by charter dated 1224[1389]. "Gervasia domina de Dynan" confirmed donations by "bone memorie Juhelli de Meduana quondam mariti nostri" to Saint-Aubin-des-Bois by charter dated 1235[1390]. "Gervasia domina Dynanni" donated property to Saint-Aubin-des-Bois after the death of "bone memorie Richardi Marischallis, quondam mariti mei" by charter dated 1236[1391]. Her date of death is confirmed by the charter dated 1241 under which "Droco de Melloto, Locharam et Meduane dominus" [her son-in-law] wrote to "fratri suo domino Henrico de Avalgor", naming "bone memorie domine Gervasie"[1392].
4. GILBERT (-Hertford Priory 27 Jun 1241, bur New Temple Church, London). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Willihelmus, Richardus, Gilbertus, Walterus et Ancellimus” as sons of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that each succeeded in turn as earl of Pembroke and died without children[1393]. He succeeded his brother in 1234 as Earl of Pembroke, hereditary Master Marshal. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Gilbertus frater suus" succeeded on the death of "Ricardus Marescallus" in 1234[1394]. He died after falling from his horse during a tournament[1395]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death "IV Kal Jul" in 1242 of "Gilbertus Marescallus apud War in quodam tornamiento"[1396]. The Annales Londonienses record the death "V Kal Jul" in 1241 of "Gilbertus Marescallus comes Panbrok…extra villam Hertford, toto corpore confractus in quodam hastiludio"[1397]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “circa festum apostolorum Petri et Pauli…in tornamento apud Ware” in 1241 of “G. Marescallus” and his burial “apud Novum Templum Londoniæ”[1398]. m (Berwick 1 Aug 1235[1399]%29 MARJORY of Scotland, daughter of WILLIAM "the Lion" King of Scotland (-17 Nov 1244, bur London, Church of the Preaching Friars). The Annales Cambriæ record that "Gilbertus Marescallus" married "sororem regis Scotiæ" in 1235[1400]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage “circa Assumptionis beatæ Virginis” in 1235 of “Margata soror regis Scotiæ” and “G. Marscallo”[1401]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Gilebertus Marscallus” married “Margaretam, sororem regis Scotiæ” in 1235, her dowry being 10,000 marcs[1402]. Matthew Paris records her death, when he names her "Margareta soror regis Scotiæ…relicta Gileberti comitis Marescalli"[1403]. Earl Gilbert had one illegitimate daughter by an unknown mistress:
a) ISABEL . m (contract[1404]) RHYS ap Maelgwn, son of MAELGWN ap Maelgwn "Fychan" Lord of Cardigan Is Ayron & his wife Angharad of Wales (-1255).
5. WALTER (after 1198-Goodrich Castle 24 Nov 1245, bur Tintern Abbey[1405]). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Willihelmus, Richardus, Gilbertus, Walterus et Ancellimus” as sons of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that each succeeded in turn as earl of Pembroke and died without children[1406]. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Walterus Marscallus" was granted land belonging "ad honorem de Cayrmardyn" by "Gilberto fratre suo" in 1240[1407]. He succeeded his brother in 1241 as Earl of Pembroke, hereditary Master Marshal. The Annales Cambriæ record that "Walterus frater eius" succeeded in 1242 on the death of "Gilbertus Marescallus"[1408]. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 1246 of "comes Walterus Marescallus apud castrum Godrici"[1409]. The Annales Londonienses record the death in 1245 "apud Londoniam" of "Walterus comes Marescallus"[1410]. m (6 Jan 1242) as her second husband, MARGARET de Quincy, widow of JOHN de Lacy Earl of Lincoln, daughter of ROBERT de Quincy & his wife Hawise of Chester (before 1208-Hampstead Mar 1266, bur Clerkenwell, Church of the Hospitallers). The Annales Londonienses name "Margaretam…comitissa Lincolniæ" as the daughter of "Hawisia…de Roberto de Quency"[1411]. A manuscript narrating the descent of Hugh Earl of Chester to Alice Ctss of Lincoln records that “Johanni de Laci constabulario Cestriæ” married “Roberto de Quincy…filiam Margaretam comitissam Lincolniæ”[1412]. A manuscript history of the Lacy family records that “Johannes de Lacy primus comes Lincolniæ” married “Margaretam filiam Roberti Quincy comitis Wintoniæ nepotem Ranulphi comitis Cestriæ” after the death of his first wife[1413]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage “circa Epiphaniam Domini” in 1241 of “Walterus Marescallus comes” and “comitissam Lincolniæ…Margeriam, uxorem quondam Johannis comitis Lincolniæ”[1414]. A charter dated 28 Jun 1248 records that "Margaret late Countess of Lincoln…recovered her dower out of the lands in Ireland of W[alter] Marshall late Earl of Pembroke her husband" and that the dower was "taken out of the portions of the inheritance which accrued to William de Vescy and Agnes his wife, Reginald de Moun and Isabel his wife, Matilda de Kyme, Francis de Boun and Sibil his wife, William de Vallibus and Alienor his wife, John de Moun and Joan his wife, Agatha de Ferrers in the king´s custody, and Roger de Mortimer and Matilda his wife"[1415]. A charter dated 26 May 1250 records the restoration of property, granted to "Margaret Countess of Lincoln", to "William de Vescy and Agnes his wife, Reginald de Moun and Isabel his wife, William de Fortibus and Matilda his wife, Francis de Boun and Sibil his wife, William de Vallibus and Alienor his wife, John de Moun and Joan his wife, Agatha de Ferrers in the king´s custody, Roger de Mortimer and Matilda his wife, and William de Cantilupe and Eva his wife"[1416]. She married thirdly (before 7 Jun 1252) Richard de Wiltshire. "Margery countess of Lincoln and Pembroke and Richard de Wilteshir and their heirs" were granted "a yearly fair at their manor of Chelebiry" dated 7 Jun 1252[1417]. The Annals of Worcester record the death in 1266 of “Margareta comitissa Lincolniæ”[1418]. The Annals of Winchester record the death “apud Hamstede” in 1266 of “Margareta comitissa Lyncollniæ”[1419].
6. ANSELM (-Chepstow [22/24] Dec 1245, bur Tintern Abbey[1420]). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Willihelmus, Richardus, Gilbertus, Walterus et Ancellimus” as sons of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that each succeeded in turn as earl of Pembroke and died without children[1421]. He succeeded his brother in 1245 as Earl of Pembroke, hereditary Master Marshal. The Annales Cambriæ record the death in 1246 of "Anselmus Marescallus apud Striguil" and his burial "apud Tinternam"[1422]. m as her first husband, MATILDA de Bohun, daughter of HUMPHREY de Bohun Earl of Hereford and Essex & his wife Matilda de Mandeville (-Groby, Lincolnshire 20 Oct 1252, bur Brackley). A charter dated 19 Jan 1246 mandates the grant to "Matilda who was the wife of Anselm Marshall…[of] 60 librates of land in Ireland, for her maintenance until the king shall cause her dower to be assigned to her out of Anselm´s lands"[1423]. She married secondly ([Jan 1246/5 Jun 1250]) as his second wife, Roger de Quincy Earl of Winchester.
7. JOAN (-before 1242). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Matilda…Johanna…Isabella” as the daughters of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”[1424]. The same source records in a later passage that "secunda filia…Willihelmi Marescalli…Johanna" married "Warino de Montecaniso" by whom she was mother of "Johannem de Montecaniso" who died childless and "Johannam sororem eius" who married "domino Willihelmo de Valentia"[1425]. m as his first wife, WARIN de Munchensy, son of WILLIAM de Munchensy & his wife Aveline de Clare (-[20 Jul 1255]).
8. ISABEL (Pembroke Castle 9 Oct 1200-Berkhamstead Castle, Hertfordshire 15 or 17 Jan 1240, bur Beaulieu Abbey, Hampshire). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Matilda…Johanna…Isabella” as the daughters of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”[1426]. The same source records in a later passage that "tertia filia…Willihelmi Marescalli…Isabella" married "domino Gilberto de Clare comiti Gloverniæ"[1427]. The Chronica de Fundatoribus et Fundatione of Tewkesbury Abbey records the marriage of “Gilberto…Gloucestriæ et Hertfordiæ comes” and “domina Isabella filia Willielmi Marescalli senioris, comitis de Pembroke”[1428]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage “die sancti Dionisii” in 1214 of “Isabel filia W Marescalli” and “comiti Glocestriæ et Herefordiæ Gileberto de Clare”[1429]. Her second marriage is recorded by Matthew Paris, who names her "Ysabellam comitissam Gloverniæ" as sister of William Marshall Earl of Pembroke[1430]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage “III Kal Apr…apud Falle juxta Merlawe” in 1231 of “Ysabel comitissa Gloucestriæ” and “Ricardo comiti Cornubiæ, fratri Henrici regis Angliæ”[1431]. Her (second) marriage is recorded by Matthew Paris, who names her "Ysabellam comitissam Gloverniæ" sister of William Marshall Earl of Pembroke, specifying that the marriage took place in April[1432]. The Annales Cambriæ record the marriage in 1231 of "Ricardus comes Cornubiæ" and "Isabellam cometissam Gloucestriæ"[1433]. The Annales Londonienses record the marriage in 1231 of "Ricardus frater regis" and "Isabellam comitissam Gloverniæ, relictam Gileberti de Clare"[1434]. The Annales Londonienses record the death in 1240 of "comitissa Gloverniæ uxor comitis Ricardi" in childbirth[1435]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “XVI Kal Feb…apud Berkhamstede” in 1239 of “Isabella comitissa Gloucestriæ et Hertfordiæ, Cornubiæ et Pictaviæ” and her burial “apud Bellum Locum Cisterciensis ordinis”[1436]. Matthew Paris records that she died of jaundice contracted in childbirth[1437]. m firstly (9 Oct 1214 or 1217) GILBERT de Clare Earl of Gloucester and Hereford, son of RICHARD de Clare 3rd Earl of Hertford & his wife Amicie of Gloucester ([1180]-Penros, Brittany 25 Oct 1230, bur Tewkesbury). m secondly (Fawley, Buckinghamshire 13 or 30 Mar 1231) as his first wife, RICHARD Earl of Cornwall, son of JOHN King of England & his second wife Isabelle Ctss d'Angoulême (Winchester Castle 5 Jan 1209-Berkhamstead Castle, Herts 2 Apr 1272, bur Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire).
9. SIBYL (-before 1238). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that "quarta filia…Willihelmi Marescalli…Sibilla" married "Willielmo de Ferrers comiti Derbiæ"[1438]. m (before 14 May 1219) as his first wife, WILLIAM de Ferrers, son of WILLIAM de Ferrers Earl of Derby & his wife Agnes de Chester (-May 1254, bur Merevale Abbey). He succeeded his father in 1247 as Earl of Derby.
10. EVA ([1200/10]-before 1246). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that "quinta filia…Willihelmi Marescalli…Eva" married "Willielmo de Brewes"[1439]. If it is correct that Eva was her parents´ fifth daughter, she would have been born after [1200]. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey names “Willielmus de Brews quartus” married “Evam filiam domini Willielmi Mareschalli”[1440]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by a letter from "L. princeps" to "domino W. Marescallo comiti Penbrochiæ" assuring him that he still wishes the proposed marriage between "neptem vestram et filium nostrum David" to take place[1441]. King Henry III granted "in villa de Haya" to "Eve de Braose" dated 6 Jun 1232[1442]. m WILLIAM de Briouse Lord of Abergavenny, son of REYNALD de Briouse & his first wife Grace de Briwere (-hanged 2 May 1230).
"Isabel de Clare, suo jure Countess of Pembroke and Striguil (1172 – 1220), was a Cambro-Norman-Irish noblewoman and one of the wealthiest heiresses in Wales and Ireland. She was the wife of William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke, who served four successive kings as Lord Marshal of England. Her marriage had been arranged by King Richard I."
Citations / Sources:
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 68. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.
[S2] Peter W. Hammond, editor, The Complete Peerage or a History of the House of Lords and All its Members From the Earliest Times, Volume XIV: Addenda & Corrigenda (Stroud, Gloucestershire, U.K.: Sutton Publishing, 1998), page 6. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage, Volume XIV.
[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 682. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume X, page 364. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
[S452] #21 The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct, or Dormant (1910), Cokayne, George Edward (main author) and Vicary Gibbs (added author), (New edition. 13 volumes in 14. London: St. Catherine Press,1910-), vol. 3 p. 431; vol. 4 p. 197; vol. 4 appndx. H chart III; vol. 14 p. 6 [ABERGAVENNY].
[S266] #379 [7th edition, 1992] Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, Who Came to America Before 1700 (7th edition, 1992), Weis, Frederick Lewis, (7th edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, c1992), FHL book 974 D2w 1992., p. 69 line 66:27.
[S673] #1079 A History of Monmouthshire from the Coming of the Normans into Wales down to the Present Time (1904-1993), Bradney, Sir Joseph Alfred, (Publications of the South Wales Record Society, number 8. Five volumes in 13. London: Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1904-1993), FHL book 942.43 H2b., vol. 4 p. 4, 5*.
[S271] Stokvis, Stokvis, A. M. H. J., (7 vols. reprint 1966. N. V. Boekhandel & Antiquariaat. B. M. israel.), FHL 929.7 St67m., vol. 2 p. 271*.
[S2434] #2105 Heraldic Visitations of Wales and Part of the Marches Between the Years 1586 and 1613 by Lewys Dwnn (1846), Dwnn, Lewys; transcribed and edited with notes by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, (2 volumes. Llandovery: William Rees, 1846), FHL book 942.9 D23d; FHL microfilm 176,668., vol. 2 p. 55.
[S2411] #11915 British Genealogy (filmed 1950), Evans, Alcwyn Caryni, (Books A to H. National Library of Wales MSS 12359-12360D. Manuscript filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950), FHL microfilms 104,355 and 104,390 item 2., book 5 p. E69.
[S138] MS. 6614E - Davies of Cringell (MFU #11617), (National Library of Wales manuscript number 6614E. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950.), FHL microfilm 104381 item 8., no page numbers.
[S2416] #12627 Genealogy of Shropshire [by Joseph Morris] (filmed 1966), Morris, Joseph, (10 volumes. Manuscript filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1966), vol. 1-2 FHL microfilm 504,551; vol.3-4 FHL microf., vol. 6 p. 2943.
[S673] #1079 A History of Monmouthshire from the Coming of the Normans into Wales down to the Present Time (1904-1993), Bradney, Sir Joseph Alfred, (Publications of the South Wales Record Society, number 8. Five volumes in 13. London: Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1904-1993), FHL book 942.43 H2b., vol. 2 p. 259.
[S271] Stokvis, Stokvis, A. M. H. J., (7 vols. reprint 1966. N. V. Boekhandel & Antiquariaat. B. M. israel.), FHL 929.7 St67m., vol. 2 p. 271.
The House of Le Plessis – Richelieu 13./14th Century
Guillaume I., um 1200, Seigneur du Plessis, des Breux et de La Vervolière.
1.Pierre I., Seigneur du Plessis etc.
1. Guillaume II., Seigneur du Plessis etc.
1. Pierre II., † um 1331, Seigneur du Plessis etc.
1.Guillaume III., † 1373, Seigneur du Plessis etc; ∞ Charlotte, Tochter von Jean de La Celle.
1. Pierre III., Seigneur du Plessis, des Breux, de La Carrelière, de Forges et de Thou, † 1401; ∞ Ragonde Vigier.
2.Sauvage, † 1409, Seigneur de La Vervolière, de La Valinière et de Favardines ∞ 10. Juli 1388 Isabeau, Dame de Belarbe, † 1401, Tochter von Jean Le Groing, Seigneur de La Mothe-au-Groing
4.Jeanne ∞ Guillaume de Maignac, Seigneur du Solier
5.Catherine, Dame de Rives ∞ Huguet de Puygiraut2.Pierre
3.Eustache ∞ Ithier de Torsac
4. Alips ∞ Philippe de La Châtre2.Jean
1.Pierre I. ∞ Jeanne, Tochter von Goulu de Mausson
1.Jean ∞ Philippe Barbine
1. Pierre II.
2. Jean, † 1263, de iure uxoris 7. Earl of Warwick ∞ I Chrétienne, Tochter von Hugues Stanford; ∞ Margaret de Newburg, Countess of Warwick, Tochter von Henry de Beaumont, 5. Earl of Warwick (Haus Beaumont)
- In her own right, Isabel was Countess of Pembroke and Striguil.
- Joan was the 4th Countess of Pembroke.
Primary sources needed. FMG MedLands does not list her as a daughter of Richard deClare 3rd Earl of Hertford.