Isabelle de Levingtoune (1478) Isabellam de Levingtoune (1480) Elizabeth Lady Ruvane (1491) Isobelle Levingtoun (1506) Isobelle Levingstoun (1509)
Accotding to A. Francis Steuart, writing in his account of Ruthven, Earl of Gowrie, published in 1907, Isabel Levington, here treated, is the daughter of Levington of Saltcoats. She is said to have been married first to Walter Lindsay of Beaufort, and second to Sir William Ruthven of that Ilk, afterwards William, first Lord Ruthven. Following her death, Lord Ruthven married Christian Forbes, daughter of William, third Lord Forbes. The Scots Peerage IV: 258
Isabel Levington was alive on 14 June 1509 RMS,1424-1513: 3358 but she died before 24 August 1521, the date upon which her husband, William, Lord Ruthven, gave certain lands to William Ruthven, junior, his son by his second wife Christian Forbes. RMS, 1513-1546: 209
Isabel Levington married Walter Lindsay of Beaufort. He died before 10 March 1478. RMS: 1422
Isabel Levington married William, Lord Ruthven. RMS: 1422
10 March 1478: Charter by which William, Lord Ruthven, confirms that he has given the liferent of certain land at Ruthven in the sheriffdom of Perth to Isabelle de Levingtoune, wife of the deceased Walter Lindsay. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1422 on p. 293
12 July 1480: Charter by which James III, King of Scots, confirms that he has given the barony of Ruthven in the sheriffdom of Perth, Cowgask in the earldom of Strathern and sheriffdom of Parth, and the baronies of Ballernoch and Newtone in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh, to William of Ruthven, son of William of Ruthven of that Ilk and Isabellam de Levingtoune, wife of the deceased Walter of Lindsay of Bewforte, which lands his father previously resigned in his favour. The lands were to be held by William junior and his lawful heirs, whom failing by his brother John of Ruthven and his heirs, whom failing by their father's own nearest heirs. Ibidem, charter number 1445 on p. 300
26 October 1491: Instrument of sasine in favour of John Baty (Bati), burgess of Edinburgh of annualrent of 30s scots from land of deceased William Carkettle (Carkettil), on north side of high street of Edinburgh, between land of deceased bishop of Dunkeld on the east and land of William, Lord St John, on the west, and of annualrent of 2 merks from land of John Tuedy on north side of the high street between land of Lord St John on east and land of deceased Alexander Bonkill on the west, following on resignation of Elizabeth Levington with consent of Elizabeth, Lady Ruthven (Ruvane), her daughter, and Sir David Lindsay (Lindesay) of Bewfurd, kt, her son. [Witnesses.. Henry Thomson, merchant; Thomas Cadell (Cattale); Peter March, notary; John Carswell and David Neill (Neile), sergeants. Notary: Henry Strathacin. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Henderson Family of Fordell, reference GD172/83
Please note that Isabella Levington, Lady Ruthven, has been misidentified as Elizabeth Levington in the NRS abstract of this charter. Please also note that Sir David Lindsay of Bewfurd is the son of Isabella Levington, afterwards the wife of William, Lord Ruthven.
1 July 1493: Charter by which Henry, Lord Sinclair, confirms that he has given the lands of Cousland in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh to William, Lord Ruthven, and his wife Isobelle [Levington]. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 2166 on p. 457
3 July 1495: Letter from James IV to Alexander Melville, Richard McDowall, Adam Nesbit, William Drummond and John Drummond, sheriff in that part, ordering the distraint of the lands and goods of Isobel Lady Ruthven, spouse of William Lord Ruthven to the avail of a cross of gold with a ruby and a diamond with four pearls, worth one hundred merks; the money owed by her to John Lord Drummond and Elizabeth his spouse. Given at Glasgow under the signet. Endorsed 24 May 1498 by John Lord Drummond that he had gone to the lands of Finnath belonging to William Lord Drummond and obtained the animals listed which were then delivered to Elizabeth Lady Drummond. [xerox copy with transcription]. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Drummond Family, Earls of Perth (Drummond Castle Papers), reference GD160/528/4
9 July 1506: Charter by which David Bruce of Clackmannan confirms that he has sold nine bovates of land at Rait in the sheriffdom of Perth to William Lord Ruthven, and his wife Isobelle. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 2973 on p. 632
6 August 1506: Ibidem, charter number 2986 on pp. 634-5
2 June 1509: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms possession of the lands of Torsoppy and others in the sheriffdom of Perth to Sir William Ruthven of that Ilk, son of William Lord Ruthven. The lands in question had previously been resigned by William, Lord Ruthven, and his wife Isobella, who reserved their own liferent. Ibidem, charter number 3349 on p. 716
14 June 1509: Ibidem, charter number 3358 on p. 718
24 August 1521: Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1513-1546 charter number 209 on p. 46
7 March 1502: . . . . . William Lord Ruthven, and to Henry Levington, attorney, and in name of a noble Lady, Isabella, spouse of the said Lord . . . . . Protocol Boouk of John Foular: charter number CCXI on pp. 187-88
23 March [1502]: . . . . . Henry Levington, attorney, and in name of a noble lady, Isobella Lady Ruthven, daughter and heir of the late Elizabeth Levington, her mother . . . . . Protocol Book of John Foular: charter number CCXIX on pp. 194-95
1478 |
July 12, 1478
Ruthven Castle, Ruthven, Perthshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1509 |
June 14, 1509
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