Updated August 2019
Colonel Gilbert Kennedy & Thomas Kennedy, of Dunure have been attributed children who were actually the children of Oliver Kennedy, 1st of Breakath:
Margaret Kennedy, John Kennedy of Craig, elder, Apothecary in Edinburgh, David Kennedy, Esq., of Ballycultra, Jane Ramsey, Mary Hamilton, Katherine Hamilton and Hugh Kennedy, of Ballycultra, Dr. of Physick were not their children.
From https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/OO... posted by Kelsey Jackson Williams 20 August 2017
I commented briefly on the questionable nature of the Dowling pedigree back when it was first brought up in 2013. Looking at it more closely, though (http://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=fr&pz=timothy+michael&...) it's clear that it's an absolute farrago of fantasy and wishful thinking. To take an example, one of the alleged children of the Gilbert Kennedy and Isabel Campbell you mention is supposed to be a certain Hugh Kennedy who married Mary Upton. This was Dr. Hugh Kennedy of Ballycultra, co. Down (see _Scottish Antiquary_ 11 [1897]: 44) but he neither had a son William nor a father Gilbert - his actual father being Oliver Kennedy, 1st of Breakath, a younger son of the Balmaclanachan family.
Note: This affects Hugh Kennedy, of Ballycultra, Dr. of Physick and also his brothers (named in each other’s wills) David Kennedy, Esq., of Ballycultra & John Kennedy of Craig, elder, Apothecary in Edinburgh
Not a daughter of Archibald Campbell, 1st of Lagvinshoch and Monzie
Ref: https://genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00322782&tree=LEO
1603 |
Ardchattan, Oban, Argyll and Bute, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1618 |
Dunure, Ayr, South Ayrshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1625 |
Scotland (United Kingdom)
1663 |
Age 60
Dunure, South Ayrshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)